Package nukescripts :: Module frame
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Source Code for Module nukescripts.frame

 1  # Copyright (c) 2009 The Foundry Visionmongers Ltd.  All Rights Reserved. 
 3  import nuke 
5 -def goto_frame():
6 f = nuke.frame() 7 p = nuke.Panel("Goto Frame") 8 p.addSingleLineInput("Frame:", f) 9 result = 10 if result == 1: 11 nuke.frame(int(nuke.expression(p.value("Frame:"))))
12 13 14 import re
15 -def replaceHashes(filename):
16 '''replaceHashes(filename) -> string 17 Replace any sequences of 1 or more hash marks (#) with a printf-style %0nd specifier.''' 18 def _hashRepl(matchobj): 19 return "%%0%dd" % len(
20 _pat = re.compile(r'(\#+)') 21 return re.sub(_pat, _hashRepl, filename) 22