Package nukescripts :: Module nodes
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Source Code for Module nukescripts.nodes

 1  # Copyright (c) 2009 The Foundry Visionmongers Ltd.  All Rights Reserved. 
 3  import nuke 
6 -def color_nodes():
7 """Set all selected nodes to be the same colour as the first selected node.""" 8 n = nuke.selectedNode() 9 if n is None: 10 nuke.message("No node selected") 11 return 12 13 c = n.knob("tile_color") 14 c = nuke.getColor(c.value()) 15 n.knob("tile_color").setValue(c) 16 17 # get other nodes: 18 n = nuke.selectedNodes() 19 for i in n: 20 i.knob("tile_color").setValue(c) 21 nuke.modified(True)
22 23
24 -def node_delete(popupOnError = False):
25 d = nuke.dependentNodes(nuke.EXPRESSIONS | nuke.HIDDEN_INPUTS, nuke.selectedNodes(), False) 26 l = "" 27 for i in d: 28 if i.Class() != "Viewer": 29 l = l + i.fullName() + ", " 30 l = l[0:len(l)-2] 31 if len(l) > 0: 32 if not nuke.ask("The nodes you are deleting are used by expressions in:\n" + l + "\nAre you sure you want to delete?"): 33 return 34 nuke.nodeDelete(popupOnError)