Package nukescripts :: Module renderdialog :: Class DialogState
[hide private]
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Class DialogState

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Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self) source code
get(self, knob, defaultValue=None)
Return the given knob's stored last state value.
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save(self, knob)
Store the knob's current value as the 'last state' for the next time the dialog is opened.
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setKnob(self, knob, defaultValue=None)
Convenience method for setting a value straight on a knob.
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saveValue(self, id, value)
Stores the value with the given id.
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getValue(self, id, defaultValue=None)
Recalls the value.
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Method Details [hide private]

get(self, knob, defaultValue=None)

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Return the given knob's stored last state value. If none exists, defaultValue is returned. Values are stored in a dict referenced by knob name, so names must be unique!

save(self, knob)

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Store the knob's current value as the 'last state' for the next time the dialog is opened. Values are stored in a dict referenced by knob name, so names must be unique!

getValue(self, id, defaultValue=None)

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Recalls the value. If it was not set before, it will return the defaultValue.