Package nukescripts :: Module version
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Module version

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Functions [hide private]
version_get(string, prefix, suffix=None)
Extract version information from filenames used by DD (and Weta, apparently) These are _v# or /v# or .v# where v is a prefix string, in our case we use "v" for render version and "c" for camera track version.
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version_set(string, prefix, oldintval, newintval)
Changes version information from filenames used by DD (and Weta, apparently) These are _v# or /v# or .v# where v is a prefix string, in our case we use "v" for render version and "c" for camera track version.
source code
All new version_up that uses the version_get/set functions.
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All new version_down that uses the version_get/set functions.
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Like version_up, but only goes up to the highest numbered version that exists.
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Variables [hide private]
  __NODES_FOR_VERSION = ('Read', 'Write', 'Precomp', 'DeepRead',...
  __package__ = 'nukescripts'
Function Details [hide private]

version_get(string, prefix, suffix=None)

source code 

Extract version information from filenames used by DD (and Weta, apparently) These are _v# or /v# or .v# where v is a prefix string, in our case we use "v" for render version and "c" for camera track version. See the and plugins for usage.

version_set(string, prefix, oldintval, newintval)

source code 

Changes version information from filenames used by DD (and Weta, apparently) These are _v# or /v# or .v# where v is a prefix string, in our case we use "v" for render version and "c" for camera track version. See the and plugins for usage.


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All new version_up that uses the version_get/set functions. This script takes the render version up one in selected iread/writes.


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All new version_down that uses the version_get/set functions. This script takes the render version up one in selected iread/writes.


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Like version_up, but only goes up to the highest numbered version that exists.

Works on all selected Read nodes, or all Read nodes if nothing is selected.

Does not modify Write nodes.

Variables Details [hide private]


('Read', 'Write', 'Precomp', 'DeepRead', 'DeepWrite', 'LiveGroup')