Package nukescripts :: Module script
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Module script

source code

Classes [hide private]
Helper class for storing the new version information
Dialog which gives the user options for resolving version conflicts
Functions [hide private]
script_command(default_cmd) source code
Helper function for finding the max version of a paticular script in it's current directory.
source code
set_fileknob_version(knob, version)
Sets version of the filename knob to the passed in version.
source code
Sets the version number in the file path of the 'timeline' write node
source code
Increments the versioning in the script name and the path of the timeline write nodes, then saves the new version.
source code
script_and_write_nodes_version_up() source code
get_script_data() source code
script_data() source code
script_directory() source code
Variables [hide private]
  kCommandField = 'Command:'
  last_cmd = ''
  __package__ = 'nukescripts'
Function Details [hide private]


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Helper function for finding the max version of a paticular script in it's current directory. Note that a file in the current directory will count towards the current version set if the string before the v number for that file is the same as the string before the v numebr of the current version.

set_fileknob_version(knob, version)

source code 

Sets version of the filename knob to the passed in version. Throws with ValueError if fileKnob has no version.