"""Functions used by the ApplyMaterial node"""
import nuke_internal as nuke
import nukescripts.panels
[docs]class ObjectNameChooserDialog(nukescripts.panels.PythonPanel):
"""A dialog box with a SceneView_Knob for choosing from a tree of names.
The easiest way to use this is via the chooseObjectName function from this
module, e.g.:
chooseObjectName(["/root/foo", "/root/bar", "/root/bar/baz"])
This will create and display the dialog as a modal popup and give you the
selected name, or None if cancel was pressed.
def __init__(self, names):
nukescripts.panels.PythonPanel.__init__( self, "Object Name Chooser", "uk.co.thefoundry.ObjectNameChooserDialog" )
self.sceneView = nuke.SceneView_Knob("sceneView", "object name", names)
self.setMinimumSize( 420, 50 )
[docs] def selectedName(self):
"""Get the name selected in the SceneView_Knob."""
return self.sceneView.getHighlightedItem()
[docs]def chooseObjectName(amfNode):
"""Given an ApplyMaterial node, show a modal ObjectNameChooserDialog
for it then set the filter_name knob to whatever name was selected in the
if amfNode.Class() != "ApplyMaterial":
raise Exception("%s is not an ApplyMaterial node" % amfNode.name())
geoList = amfNode['geo_select'].getGeometry()
names = [_getName(geo) for geo in geoList]
dlg = ObjectNameChooserDialog(names)
result = dlg.showModalDialog()
if result:
name = dlg.selectedName()
name = _workaroundForBug36107(name, names) # Work around for Bug 36107 - SceneView_Knob trims leading '/' from strings. Remove this when that bug is fixed.
def _getName(geo):
"""Given a GeoInfo object, return the value of its 'name' attribute. If there is no such attribute, return None."""
attrCtx = geo.attribContext('name', 3, 7) # 3 = per-object attribute, 7 = std::string type
if attrCtx is None:
attrCtx = geo.attribContext('name', 3, 6) # 3 = per-object attribute, 6 = c-string (char*) type
if attrCtx is not None:
attr = attrCtx.attribute
if attr is not None and len(attr) > 0:
return attr[0]
return None
def _workaroundForBug36107(name, names):
if name is not None and name not in names:
fixedName = '/' + name
if fixedName in names:
return fixedName
return name