#include <MaterialOpI.h>
Classes | |
class | MaterialContext |
Public Types | |
Public Member Functions | |
virtual Op * | getOp () |
Return the Op this interface is attached to. Should return 'this'. | |
virtual void | setOverrideOp (Op *) |
virtual void | clearOverrideOp () |
Disable any assigned override Op. | |
virtual Op * | getOverrideOp () const |
Return the override Op used for shader property value updating. | |
virtual usg::TokenArray | getAppliedApiSchemas () const |
Returns a list of API's this output shader must implement. | |
virtual const char * | getOutputSchema () const |
virtual int32_t | getOutputType () const |
bool | isCoShader () const |
Convenience to check output type. | |
bool | isSurfaceShader () const |
bool | isLightShader () const |
bool | isVolumeShader () const |
virtual std::string | getShaderNodeName (const usg::Token &target_renderer=usg::Token()) |
virtual int32_t | connectionTypeForNodeInput (int32_t node_input) const |
virtual usg::ShaderDesc * | createShaderGraph (int32_t output_type, const MaterialContext &rtx, usg::ShaderDescGroup &shader_group) |
virtual usg::ShaderDesc * | createShaderGraphFromOp (Op *input_op, const MaterialContext &rtx, usg::ShaderDescGroup &shader_group) |
virtual void | updateShaderGraphOverrides (int32_t output_type, const MaterialContext &rtx, usg::ShaderDescGroup &shader_group) |
virtual void | updateShaderGraphFromOp (Op *input_op, const MaterialContext &rtx, usg::ShaderDescGroup &shader_group) |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static std::string | getNodeInstanceSuffix (DD::Image::Op *op) |
static std::string | buildName (const std::string &node_name, const char *schema_name) |
Convenience function builds a standard shader name with '<node_name>_<schema_name>'. | |
static std::string | buildName (const usg::Token &target_renderer, const std::string &node_name, const char *schema_name) |
Convenience function builds a standard shader name with '<target_renderer>_<node_name>_<schema_name>'. | |
static int32_t | getShaderTypeFromOp (Op *op) |
static std::string | getShaderNodeNameFromOp (const usg::Token &target_renderer, Op *op) |
static const char * | inputShaderTypeName (int32_t op_type) |
static usg::ShaderDesc * | createOpInterfaceShaderDesc (int32_t op_type, Op *op) |
static usg::ShaderDesc * | createOpInterfaceShaderDesc (Op *op) |
static std::string | buildAssetPath (Op *input_op) |
static bool | parseAssetPath (const std::string &path, std::string &nodePath, OutputContext &outputContext, Hash &opHash) |
static Op * | retrieveOpFromAssetPath (const std::string &path) |
Protected Member Functions | |
virtual bool | overrideShaderDescInput (const char *knob_name, const MaterialContext &rtx, usg::ShaderDesc &shader_desc, const char *target_property_name, usg::Value::Type target_property_type_hint=usg::Value::Type::InvalidType) |
virtual bool | overrideShaderDescInput (const Channel &chan, const MaterialContext &rtx, usg::ShaderDesc &shader_desc, const char *target_property_name) |
virtual bool | overrideShaderDescInput (const Channel *chan_array, uint32_t num_channels, const MaterialContext &rtx, usg::ShaderDesc &shader_desc, const char *target_property_name) |
virtual bool | overrideShaderDescInput (const ChannelSet &channels, const MaterialContext &rtx, usg::ShaderDesc &shader_desc, const char *target_property_name) |
Interface class for abstracting Ops which create shaders.
These Ops are typically containers for shader parameters which are translated into actual shader implementations, usually by loading a translator plugin.
Note that the word 'material' in the class name is used generically here. Attaching the interface to an Op simply provides a mechanism to create shaders, it does not imply that the Op creates an entire 'Material' in the USD sense of the word.
anonymous enum |
anonymous enum |
inlinevirtual |
Return the Op this interface is attached to. Should return 'this'.
Reimplemented in DD::Image::ShaderOp, and DD::Image::CoShaderMaterialInterface.
Referenced by DD::Image::LightMaterialOpI::defineLightPrim(), and DD::Image::LightMaterialOpI::getShaderNodeName().
inlinevirtual |
Assign an optional override Op used for shader property value updating which may have a different time or view than the base Op the MaterialOpI is bound to.
Subclasses can return this override Op in getOp() so Knob sampling is performed on the override rather than the base Op.
Referenced by DD::Image::GeomOpEngine::importShaderOp().
inlinevirtual |
Return a Schema name to use when building the output shader. Must implement.
Referenced by DD::Image::LightMaterialOpI::defineLightPrim().
inlinevirtual |
Return the type of the output Schema, used to determine Op interconnection compatibility. Must implement.
Referenced by DD::Image::GeomOpEngine::importShaderOp().
virtual |
Get a unique name for the output shader node(s) this shader interface produces. If this material outputs multiple shader nodes then this name should be used as the base for them.
These names are ultimately used to name the output ShaderPrims added to the stage and to find the same ShaderPrims later on when updating property values. So, they need to be uniquely named underneath the MaterialPrim with the assumption they will all live in a single 'pool' of shaders - ie there's no additional prim hierarchy structure underneath the MaterialPrim.)
The default name returned is the Op's node_name() with the schema name appended on the end. Since Nuke Node names are quaranteed to be unique this is a reliable way to identify the shader without resorting to something like UUIDs or hashing the Node pointer. For example the Nuke Node named 'Project3D5' will return the shader node name 'Project3D5_Project3DTexture' as 'Project3DTexture' is the output schema name for the Project3DShaderOp plugin.
If 'target_renderer' is not empty it is prepended to the name with an underscore '_' separator. So 'glslfx' target renderer will produce 'glslfx_Project3D5_Project3DTexture'.
Nested shader graph groups are not supported and all shader node names are assumed to be within the same group namespace - ie all the node names must be unique.
Note that these are node names not paths, so the names should not include any pathing characters like '/' or '.', and underscores '_' are recommended as a separator for compound names.
Reimplemented in DD::Image::LightMaterialOpI.
References DD::Image::Op::nodeName().
inlinevirtual |
Return the preferred input type enum for the Node input number. This is really only a hint as a subclass is allowed to perform whatever connection logic it wants.
Currently the ShaderOp class respects this setting for the test_input() method, so if a subclass returns INPUT_TYPE_IOP then test_input() will return false for that input if the connection Op is not an Iop.
Base class returns INPUT_TYPE_OP, any connection type is ok.
inlinevirtual |
Allocate a series of ShaderDescs this Op and its input graph produces, and return the output connection point.
Each created ShaderDesc must be assigned a unique prim name inside the group that can be reliably retrieved in updateShaderGraphOverrides() when the shader overrides may get changed. To be reliably retrievable the shader names are usually tied to a Nuke Node name which is reliably unique. For example if there are multiple chained MergeShader nodes then the name of each shader in the group will typcially contain the name of the Nuke node for this reason. The getShaderNodeName() method will build a unique shader name for you based on the Op/Node this interface is attached to.
If you need to build an absolute prim path for the ShaderDesc use the ShaderDescGroup's 'material_prim_path' as the parent path.
Calling object takes ownership of all created allocations.
Reimplemented in DD::Image::CoShaderMaterialInterface.
Referenced by DD::Image::ShaderOp::createCoShaderInterfaceGraph(), createShaderGraphFromOp(), DD::Image::GeomOpEngine::importLightOp(), and DD::Image::GeomOpEngine::importShaderOp().
virtual |
Same as createShaderGraph() but automatically handles input Op as a MaterialOpI or a built-in interface shader.
By default if the input Op is not a MaterialOpI any created shader is added to the ShaderDescGroup with a default name but no output assignment is made.
If a ShaderDesc with the same name already exists the shader is not created or added. This commonly happens when a texture source is shared between several shaders.
References createShaderGraph(), DD::Image::Op::nodeName(), DD::Image::MaterialOpI::MaterialContext::target, DD::Image::MaterialOpI::MaterialContext::time, and DD::Image::Op::varyingOutputHash().
inlinevirtual |
Update the ShaderDescs this Op and its input graph produces.
To be updated properly the ShaderDescs in the ShaderDescGroup must have reliably reproducable names that tie the shader to a specific Nuke Node. For example if there are multiple chained MergeShader nodes then the name of each shader in the group will typcially contain the name of the Nuke node for this reason.
Subclasses implementing this method should look up the ShaderDesc it produces by name in the ShaderDescGroup using the ShaderDescGroup::getShaderNode() method, then assign the property overrides, also calling updateShaderGraphOverrides() on any MaterialOpI inputs.
Default implementation does nothing.
Reimplemented in DD::Image::CoShaderMaterialInterface.
Referenced by DD::Image::LightMaterialOpI::defineLightPrim(), DD::Image::GeomOpEngine::importLightOp(), DD::Image::GeomOpEngine::importShaderOp(), and DD::Image::ShaderOp::updateCoShaderInterfaceGraphOverrides().
virtual |
Same as updateShaderGraphOverrides() but automatically handles input Op as a MaterialOpI or a built-in interface shader.
References DD::Image::Op::nodeName(), DD::Image::MaterialOpI::MaterialContext::target, DD::Image::MaterialOpI::MaterialContext::time, and DD::Image::Op::varyingOutputHash().
static |
Convenience function builds a suffix depending on if the op's node has clones. Return empty string if the node has no clones or else '_inst<instance index>'.
Referenced by DD::Image::GeomOpEngine::importShaderOp().
static |
Return the type of the appropriate schema interface to use for the the provided Op. Returns INPUT_TYPE_NONE if no schema is appropriate.
These base Op types are currently supported: Op: INPUT_TYPE_OP ( generic Op* access ) Iop: INPUT_TYPE_IOP ( Iop* usually for texture access ) AxisOp: INPUT_TYPE_AXISOP, ( AxisOp* ) CameraOp: INPUT_TYPE_CAMERAOP ( CameraOp* ) LightOp: INPUT_TYPE_LIGHTOP ( LightOp* )
Shader Ops (INPUT_TYPE_MATERIALOP) are handled by testing for the presence of a MaterialOpI interface on the Op.
References DD::Image::ShaderOp::asMaterialOp(), DD::Image::Op::axisOp(), DD::Image::Op::cameraOp(), DD::Image::Op::iop(), DD::Image::Iop::isBlackIop(), and DD::Image::Op::lightOp().
static |
Build or return the unique shader node name to use for the input Op.
If the Op is a MaterialOpI then MaterialOpI::getShaderNodeName() is returned, otherwise a name is built from the input Op's node name plus the schema type that the Op creates.
If 'target_renderer' is not empty it is prepended to the name with an underscore '_' separator.
References DD::Image::Op::nodeName().
static |
Returns the built-in shader Schema name for input 'op_type'.
The built-in Op interface ShaderSchemas are: 'NukeOpInterface' INPUT_TYPE_OP ( generic Op* access ) 'NukeIopInterface' INPUT_TYPE_IOP ( Iop* usually for texture access ) 'NukeAxisOpInterface' INPUT_TYPE_AXISOP, ( AxisOp* ) 'NukeCameraOpInterface' INPUT_TYPE_CAMERAOP ( CameraOp* ) 'NukeLightOpInterface' INPUT_TYPE_LIGHTOP ( LightOp* )
static |
Create an Op interface ShaderDesc from the provided interface type, setting its referencing properties from the Op.
The Op's absolute Node path (its Op::node_name()) and OutputContext are used for this as those uniquely identify an allocated Op. These properties are then used to reaquire the Op* when consumers like Hydra or SlrShaders need to evaluate values from the Op via the shader interface.
static |
Create an Op interface ShaderDesc from the provided Op, setting its referencing properties.
The ShaderSchema name to create is retrieved via inputShaderTypeName() using the Op* type and passed to the createOpInterfaceShaderDesc(op_type, op) method.
static |
Creates a path representing the op, typically put into a shader 'file' input property.
The path includes the node path and instance(clone), OutputContext(frame, view, proxy info,) and op hash and follows this syntax: /NkRoot/<node-path>:<frame-num>:<view-name>:<proxy-info>:0x<op-hash>.<opclass-ext>
<opclass-ext> is specialized to the Op type - ie Iop, AxisOp, CameraOp, LightOp, or just Op, depending on the shader plugin that needs to be created by the USD plugin system.
<frame-num> is a Nuke script frame index (not a time) and can be floating point allowing access to fractional frame samples.
Note that this path is FAKE and only used as a way to communicate the Op pointer through the USD system. NodeI::findOp() is used to retrieve the correct matching Op instance, so this is why the node path + instance, view, frame, proxy-info and hash are provided to uniquely identify a specific Op*.
Also note the path MUST be an absolute path (starting with '/') otherwise USD will fail to parse the path correctly!
If a ShaderSchema declares an AssetPath input (see NukeIopInterface schema for an example) that path is resolved by USD by checking for a matching plugin that's been registered to handle the extension (ex. '.nkiop' for NukeIopInterface.)
References DD::Image::Op::hash(), DD::Image::Op::nodeFullPath(), and DD::Image::Op::outputContext().
static |
Parses a Node path string to extract its node name, output context, and hash.
The syntax matching presumes the path was created via buildAssetPath(), and must be an absolute path starting with '/NkRoot/', although it can contain a leading URI token like 'nkop:' or 'raw:' which will be ignored.
Returns false on any failure.
References DD::Image::end(), and DD::Image::ProxyContext::set().
static |
Uses parseAssetPath() to extract the Op path info then calls Op::retrieveOp() to get the Op*. Return null on failure, either due to parsing or an Op* retrieval problem.
References DD::Image::Op::hash().
protectedvirtual |
Copy the value from a local Op Knob to the ShaderDesc which will assign or clear local input overrides. If Knob::not_default() is false the override is applied, otherwise the override is cleared.
'target_property_type_hint' is used to indicate the preferred output value type from Knobs that support them, such as Enumeration_knob which can either return the integer index or the string of the current selection, and Boolean_knob which can return either a boolean or int type. This is not done automatically so that Ops can better manage the conversion of knob values to shader overrides. For example pass in usg::Value::Type::String for an Enumeration_knob's string value and usg::Value::Type::Int for a Boolean_knob's integer value. Or if the Op has a Double_knob and it's writing to a shader float then pass usg::Value::Type::Float.
If greater control is required, such as splitting an 4-component AColor_knob into separate color & opacity destinations, a plugin should directly call the ShaderDesc::overrideInput() & ShaderDesc::clearInputOverride() methods.
These are virtual to allow subclasses to manage custom translation of property names, etc.
Returns true if the override was applied successfully.
Reimplemented in DD::Image::LightMaterialOpI.
References DD::Image::MaterialOpI::MaterialContext::frame, DD::Image::Knob::getAuthoring(), DD::Image::Authoring::getMode(), DD::Image::Knob::isAnimated(), DD::Image::Op::knob(), DD::Image::Op::nodeName(), DD::Image::Knob::not_default(), DD::Image::root_real_fps, DD::Image::MaterialOpI::MaterialContext::time, and DD::Image::MaterialOpI::MaterialContext::view.
Referenced by DD::Image::LightMaterialOpI::overrideShaderDescInput().
protectedvirtual |
Specialization for Channel-source override which is translated/aliased to an int32_t.
Reimplemented in DD::Image::LightMaterialOpI.
protectedvirtual |
Specialization for ChannelArray-source override which is translated/aliased to an int32_t array.
Reimplemented in DD::Image::LightMaterialOpI.
protectedvirtual |
Specialization for ChannelSet-source override which is translated/aliased to an int32_t array.
Reimplemented in DD::Image::LightMaterialOpI.
References DD::Image::ChannelSet::all(), and DD::Image::ChannelSet::size().
©2025 The Foundry Visionmongers, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. |