- class nuke.curvelib.AnimControlPoint
An animated control point.
These are used directly by Stroke objects to store the control point locations. Shape objects use a collection of up to 6 of them to represent each control point (see the ShapeControlPoint class for details).
It is advisable to call changed() on the ‘curves’ knob after making modifications to curves. This forces the knob to re-cache the state of its curves.
The ‘view’ argument to the object’s methods can be omitted and the default view ‘main’ will be used.
Adds a new key to the control point's timeline.
Evaluates the animated control point's position at the specific time.
Get the list of times at which this control point has a key.
Gets the specified flag.
Get the position of this control point at a particular time.
Returns the AnimCurve object containing the time line for the control point.
Get the time of a particular key for this control point.
Resets the control point back to an initial empty state.
Set or clear the specified flag.
Sets the control point's 'constant' position (the position used when there are no keys - see AnimCurve for further info).
Set the point's AnimCurve object (its time line).
Sets an individual dimension (index) of a key to a specific value.
The dimensionality, or number of components, for this control point (usually 3 - x, y and pressure).
The hash value for this control point.
The name of the control point (if any).
- addControlPoint(controlPoint) None
- addKey(time, controlPointOrDim, view) None
- addPositionKey(time, positionOrDim, view) None
Adds a new key to the control point’s timeline. positionOrDim can either be a vector or a single scalar that specifies which component (xyzw) to add a key for.
- dim
The dimensionality, or number of components, for this control point (usually 3 - x, y and pressure).
- evaluate(time, view) ControlPoint
Evaluates the animated control point’s position at the specific time.
- getControlPointKeyTimes(view) list of floats
Get the list of times at which this control point has a key. The view parameter is optional.
- getFlag(flag) bool
Gets the specified flag. The parameter should be one of the FlagType constants.
- getPosition(time, view) CVec3
Get the position of this control point at a particular time. The time parameter is a float specifying which time to calculate the position for; the view parameter is the optional view name.
- getPositionAnimCurve(index, view) AnimCurve
Returns the AnimCurve object containing the time line for the control point.
- getPositionKeyTime(index, keyIndex, view) float
Get the time of a particular key for this control point. index is 0 for the X coordinate, 1 for Y or 2 for Z. keyIndex is the index of the relevant key. The view parameter is optional.
- hash
The hash value for this control point.
- name
The name of the control point (if any).
- removeAllKeys(view) None
- removeKey(time, view) None
- removePositionKey(time, view) None
- reset() None
Resets the control point back to an initial empty state.
- setFlag(flag, value) None
Set or clear the specified flag. The flag parameter should be one of the FlagType constants and value should be True or False.
- setPosition(position, view) None
Sets the control point’s ‘constant’ position (the position used when there are no keys - see AnimCurve for further info). Calling this method when the control point has keys will have no effect.
- setPositionAnimCurve(index, animCurve, view) None
Set the point’s AnimCurve object (its time line).
- setPositionKey(time, index, value, id, view) None
Sets an individual dimension (index) of a key to a specific value. The key to modify is identified by hash (id). The method fails if there is no key at the specified time.