"""The Python interface for RotoPaint
Use help('_rotopaint') to get detailed help on the classes exposed here.
from .curveknob import *
import _rotopaint
from _nuke import Hash
def _convert(fromScript, toScript, overwrite):
import nuke
nuke.scriptSaveAs(toScript, overwrite)
def _convertDir(fromDir, toDir, matchPattern, overwrite):
import os
import re
if fromDir == toDir:
raise RuntimeError("Source and destination directories are the same")
if not os.path.isdir(fromDir):
raise RuntimeError("Source not a directory")
if not os.path.isdir(toDir):
raise RuntimeError("Destination not a directory")
if not os.access(toDir, os.W_OK):
raise RuntimeError("Destination directory is not writable")
pattern = re.compile(matchPattern)
for f in os.listdir(fromDir):
if (re.match(pattern, f)):
fromScript = os.path.join(fromDir, f)
toScript = os.path.join(toDir, f)
print("Converting %s to %s" % (fromScript, toScript))
_convert(fromScript, toScript, overwrite)
[docs]def convertToNuke6(fromScript, toScript, overwrite = False):
"""Convert a script containing NUKE 7 roto in one containing the old format."""
import os
# This environment variable makes NUKE write out the old Roto format.
os.environ["NUKE_CURVE_LONG_FORMAT"] = "1"
_convert(fromScript, toScript, overwrite)
# Pop it from the environment so we don't affect other scripts
[docs]def convertToNuke7(fromScript, toScript, overwrite = False):
"""Convert a script containing NUKE 6 roto in one containing the new format."""
import os
# This environment variable makes NUKE write out the old Roto format so make
# sure it's disabled.
if "NUKE_CURVE_LONG_FORMAT" in os.environ:
_convert(fromScript, toScript, overwrite)
[docs]def convertDirectoryToNuke6(fromDir, toDir, matchPattern =".*\\.nk", overwrite = False):
"""Convert a directory containing NUKE 7 roto scripts in one containing the old format.
Note that the pattern is a regular expression."""
import os
# This environment variable makes NUKE write out the old Roto format.
os.environ["NUKE_CURVE_LONG_FORMAT"] = "1"
_convertDir(fromDir, toDir, matchPattern, overwrite)
# Pop it from the environment so we don't affect other scripts
[docs]def convertDirectoryToNuke7(fromDir, toDir, matchPattern=".*\\.nk", overwrite = False):
"""Convert a directory containing NUKE 6 roto scripts in one containing the new format.
Note that the pattern is a regular expression."""
import os
# This environment variable makes NUKE write out the old Roto format so make
# sure it's disabled.
if "NUKE_CURVE_LONG_FORMAT" in os.environ:
_convertDir(fromDir, toDir, matchPattern, overwrite)