Nuke binary plugins 15.0.6
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DD::Image::Matrix4 Class Reference

A 4x4 transformation matrix. More...

#include <Matrix4.h>

Public Types

enum  TransformOrder {
  eSRT , eSTR , eRST , eRTS ,
  eTSR , eTRS
enum  RotationOrder {
  eXYZ , eXZY , eYXZ , eYZX ,
  eZXY , eZYX

Public Member Functions

float * operator[] (int i)
const float * operator[] (int i) const
const float * array () const
 Matrix4 (const float array[DD_IMAGE_MATRXI4_SIZE])
 Matrix4 (float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f, float g, float h, float i, float j, float k, float l, float m, float n, float o, float p)
void set (float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f, float g, float h, float i, float j, float k, float l, float m, float n, float o, float p)
Matrix4 operator* (const Matrix4 &) const
Matrix4operator*= (const Matrix4 &)
Matrix4 operator+ (const Matrix4 &) const
Matrix4operator+= (const Matrix4 &)
Matrix4 operator- (const Matrix4 &) const
Matrix4operator-= (const Matrix4 &)
Matrix4 operator* (float) const
Matrix4operator*= (float)
Matrix4 operator/ (float d) const
Matrix4operator/= (float d)
Vector4 operator* (const Vector4 &v) const
Vector4 transform (const Vector4 &v) const
Vector3 transform (const Vector3 &v) const
Vector2 transform (const Vector2 &v) const
Vector3 vtransform (const Vector3 &v) const
Vector3 ntransform (const Vector3 &v) const
Vector4 transform (const Vector3 &v, float w) const
bool operator!= (const Matrix4 &b) const
bool operator== (const Matrix4 &b) const
float determinant (void) const
Matrix4 inverse (float det) const
Matrix4 inverse () const
bool isIdentity () const
void makeIdentity ()
void scaling (float)
void scaling (float, float, float)
void scaling (const Vector3 &v)
void translation (float, float, float=0.0f)
void translation (const Vector3 &v)
void rotationX (float)
void rotationY (float)
void rotationZ (float)
void rotation (float a)
void rotation (float a, float x, float y, float z)
void rotation (float a, const Vector3 &v)
void projection (float lens, float minz, float maxz, bool persp=true)
void transpose ()
void scale (float)
void scale (float, float, float=1)
void scale (const Vector3 &v)
void translate (float, float, float=0.0f)
void translate (const Vector3 &v)
void rotateX (float)
void rotateY (float)
void rotateZ (float)
void rotate (float a)
void rotate (float a, float x, float y, float z)
void rotate (float a, const Vector4 &v)
void rotate (RotationOrder order, const Vector3 &rot)
void skew (float a)
void skewXY (float x, float y)
void skewYX (float x, float y)
void skewVec (const Vector3 &skew)
Vector3 x_axis () const
Vector3 y_axis () const
Vector3 z_axis () const
Vector3 translation () const
void setXAxis (const Vector3 &axis)
void setYAxis (const Vector3 &axis)
void setZAxis (const Vector3 &axis)
Vector3 scale () const
void scaleOnly ()
void rotationOnly ()
void translationOnly ()
void scaleAndRotationOnly ()
void rotationsXYZ (float &rx, float &ry, float &rz) const
void rotationsXZY (float &rx, float &ry, float &rz) const
void rotationsYXZ (float &rx, float &ry, float &rz) const
void rotationsYZX (float &rx, float &ry, float &rz) const
void rotationsZXY (float &rx, float &ry, float &rz) const
void rotationsZYX (float &rx, float &ry, float &rz) const
void getRotations (RotationOrder order, float &rx, float &ry, float &rz) const
bool extractAndRemoveScalingAndShear (DD::Image::Vector3 &scaleOut, DD::Image::Vector3 &shearOut)
bool decompose (DD::Image::Vector3 &rotationOut, DD::Image::Vector3 &translationOut, DD::Image::Vector3 &scaleOut, DD::Image::Vector3 &shearOut, const DD::Image::Matrix4::RotationOrder rOrder) const
void mapUnitSquareToQuad (float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3)
 Corner pinning: map 0,0,1,1 square to the four corners (anticlockwise from bottom left)
void mapQuadToUnitSquare (float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3)
void append (Hash &) const
bool isValid () const
void set (TransformOrder tOrder, RotationOrder rOrder, const Vector3 &pivot, const Vector3 &translation, const Vector3 &rotation, const Vector3 &vScale, const Vector3 &vSkew)

Static Public Member Functions

static const Matrix4identity ()

Public Attributes

float a00
float a10
float a20
float a30
float a01
float a11
float a21
float a31
float a02
float a12
float a22
float a32
float a03
float a13
float a23
float a33

Detailed Description

A 4x4 transformation matrix.

Used to represent perspective transforms. Also because this is the only form OpenGL accepts, this is often used for affine transforms that could in fact be stored in a Matrix3.

The data is stored packed together in OpenGL order, which is transposed from the way used in most modern graphics literature. This affects how the array() and [] operator work, these are all equal:

  • matrix.a12
  • matrix[2][1]
  • matrix.array()[1+4*2]

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Matrix4()

DD::Image::Matrix4::Matrix4 ( float  a,
float  b,
float  c,
float  d,
float  e,
float  f,
float  g,
float  h,
float  i,
float  j,
float  k,
float  l,
float  m,
float  n,
float  o,
float  p 

Initialize with a00=a, a01=b, a02=c, etc, ie the arguments are given as rows.

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator[]() [1/2]

float * DD::Image::Matrix4::operator[] ( int  i)

Return a pointer to the column number i.

◆ operator[]() [2/2]

const float * DD::Image::Matrix4::operator[] ( int  i) const

Return a pointer to the column number i.

◆ array()

const float * DD::Image::Matrix4::array ( ) const

◆ operator*() [1/2]

Matrix4 Matrix4::operator* ( const Matrix4 B) const

Does matrix multiplication.

◆ operator*=() [1/2]

Matrix4 & Matrix4::operator*= ( const Matrix4 B)

Does matrix multiplication.

◆ operator+()

Matrix4 Matrix4::operator+ ( const Matrix4 B) const

Add each matching locations.

◆ operator+=()

Matrix4 & Matrix4::operator+= ( const Matrix4 B)

Add each matching locations.

◆ operator-()

Matrix4 Matrix4::operator- ( const Matrix4 B) const

Subtract each matching locations.

◆ operator-=()

Matrix4 & Matrix4::operator-= ( const Matrix4 B)

Subtract each matching locations.

◆ operator*() [2/2]

Matrix4 Matrix4::operator* ( float  f) const

Multiplies every location by f. For transforms this is not a scale, because it scales the W parameter as well, producing no change.

◆ operator*=() [2/2]

Matrix4 & Matrix4::operator*= ( float  f)

Multiplies every location by f. For transforms this is not a scale, because it scales the W parameter as well, producing no change.

◆ transform() [1/4]

◆ transform() [2/4]

Vector3 DD::Image::Matrix4::transform ( const Vector3 v) const

Same as the xyz of transform(v,1). This will transform a point in space but only if this is not a perspective matrix, meaning the last row is 0,0,0,1.

◆ transform() [3/4]

Vector2 DD::Image::Matrix4::transform ( const Vector2 v) const

Will transform a Vector2 assuming z = 0.0

◆ vtransform()

Vector3 DD::Image::Matrix4::vtransform ( const Vector3 v) const

Same as the xyz of transform(v,0). This will transform a vector in space but only if this is not a perspective matrix, meaning the last row is 0,0,0,1.

Referenced by DD::Image::Box3::transform().

◆ ntransform()

Vector3 DD::Image::Matrix4::ntransform ( const Vector3 v) const

Same as transpose().transform(v,0). If this is the inverse of a transform matrix, this will transform normals.

Referenced by DD::Image::Primitive::draw_normal(), and DD::Image::GeoOp::evaluate_transform().

◆ transform() [4/4]

Vector4 DD::Image::Matrix4::transform ( const Vector3 v,
float  w 
) const

Same as this*Vector4(v.x,v.y,v.z,w). Useful for doing transforms when w is stored in a different location than the xyz.

◆ operator!=()

bool DD::Image::Matrix4::operator!= ( const Matrix4 b) const

Returns true if any of all 16 locations are different.

◆ operator==()

bool DD::Image::Matrix4::operator== ( const Matrix4 b) const

Returns true if all 16 locations are equal.

◆ determinant()

float DD::Image::Matrix4::determinant ( void  ) const

Return the determinant. Non-zero means the transformation can be inverted.

Referenced by DD::Image::CameraOp::draw_handle().

◆ inverse() [1/2]

Matrix4 Matrix4::inverse ( float  det) const

Returns the inverse of this matrix where det is the precomputed determinant. This is useful if you already computed the determinant in order to see if you can invert the matrix.

Referenced by DD::Image::CameraOp::draw_handle(), DD::Image::GeoOp::evaluate_transform(), and DD::Image::MatrixArray::matrix().

◆ inverse() [2/2]

Matrix4 DD::Image::Matrix4::inverse ( ) const

Returns the inverse of this matrix. If determinant() is zero this will replace all the items with +/- infinity or zero.

References inverse().

Referenced by inverse().

◆ makeIdentity()

◆ scaling() [1/3]

void Matrix4::scaling ( float  x)

Replace the contents with a uniform scale by x.

Referenced by DD::Image::Render::projection_matrix(), and scaleOnly().

◆ scaling() [2/3]

void Matrix4::scaling ( float  x,
float  y,
float  z 

Replace the contents with a scale by x,y,z.

◆ scaling() [3/3]

void DD::Image::Matrix4::scaling ( const Vector3 v)

Replace the contents with a scale by the x,y,z of the vector

References scaling().

Referenced by scaling().

◆ translation() [1/3]

void Matrix4::translation ( float  x,
float  y,
float  z = 0.0f 

Replace the contents with a translation by x,y,z.

◆ translation() [2/3]

Matrix4 & DD::Image::Matrix4::translation ( const Vector3 v)

Replace the contents with a translation by the x,y,z of the vector

Translate the transformation by the x,y,z of the vector.

References translation().

Referenced by translation().

◆ rotationX()

void Matrix4::rotationX ( float  angle)

Replace the contents with a rotation by angle (in radians) around the X axis.

Referenced by rotateX().

◆ rotationY()

void Matrix4::rotationY ( float  angle)

Replace the contents with a rotation by angle (in radians) around the Y axis.

Referenced by rotateY().

◆ rotationZ()

void Matrix4::rotationZ ( float  angle)

Replace the contents with a rotation by angle (in radians) around the Z axis.

Referenced by rotateZ().

◆ rotation() [1/3]

Matrix4 & DD::Image::Matrix4::rotation ( float  angle)

Same as rotationZ(angle).

Referenced by rotate().

◆ rotation() [2/3]

void Matrix4::rotation ( float  a,
float  x,
float  y,
float  z 

Replace the contents with a rotation by angle (in radians) around the vector x,y,z.

◆ rotation() [3/3]

void DD::Image::Matrix4::rotation ( float  angle,
const Vector3 v 

Replace the contents with a rotation by angle (in radians) around the vector.

References rotation().

Referenced by rotation().

◆ projection()

void Matrix4::projection ( float  lens,
float  minz,
float  maxz,
bool  persp = true 

Replace the contents with a camera projection. The camera is sitting at 0,0,0 and pointing along the Z axis, and the ratio of it's focal length to the width of the film is lens.

The area that will appear on the film is transformed to be in a square with X and Y ranging from -1 to 1. The plane Z==minz is transformed to be at Z==-1 and the plane Z==maxz is transformed to Z==1.

Referenced by DD::Image::Render::projection_matrix().

◆ transpose()

void Matrix4::transpose ( )

Replace the contents with the transposition (reflect through diagonal)

Referenced by DD::Image::TQuaternion< ValueType >::matrix(), DD::Image::Matrix3x4ToArray(), and DD::Image::Matrix4ToArray().

◆ scale() [1/4]

◆ scale() [2/4]

void Matrix4::scale ( float  x,
float  y,
float  z = 1 

Scale the transformation by x,y,z.

◆ scale() [3/4]

void DD::Image::Matrix4::scale ( const Vector3 v)

Scale the transformation by the x,y,z of the vector

References scale().

Referenced by scale().

◆ translate()

void Matrix4::translate ( float  x,
float  y,
float  z = 0.0f 

◆ rotateX()

void Matrix4::rotateX ( float  a)

Rotate the transformation by a radians about the X axis.

References rotationX().

Referenced by DD::Image::Transform::rotateX().

◆ rotateY()

void Matrix4::rotateY ( float  a)

Rotate the transformation by a radians about the Y axis.

References rotationY().

Referenced by DD::Image::Transform::rotateY().

◆ rotateZ()

void Matrix4::rotateZ ( float  a)

Rotate the transformation by a radians about the Z axis.

References rotationZ().

Referenced by DD::Image::Transform::rotateZ().

◆ rotate() [1/3]

void DD::Image::Matrix4::rotate ( float  a)

Same as rotateZ(a).

◆ rotate() [2/3]

void Matrix4::rotate ( float  a,
float  x,
float  y,
float  z 

Rotate the transformation by a radians about the vector x,y,z.

References rotation().

◆ rotate() [3/3]

void DD::Image::Matrix4::rotate ( float  a,
const Vector4 v 

Rotate the transformation by a radians about the vector.

References rotate().

Referenced by rotate().

◆ skew()

void Matrix4::skew ( float  a)

Skew the transformation by a (X positions have a*Y added to them).

◆ x_axis()

Vector3 DD::Image::Matrix4::x_axis ( ) const

Return the transformation of a 1 unit vector in x, if this is not a persxpective matrix (ie bottom row must be 0,0,0,1).

◆ y_axis()

Vector3 DD::Image::Matrix4::y_axis ( ) const

Return the transformation of a 1 unit vector in y, if this is not a persxpective matrix (ie bottom row must be 0,0,0,1).

◆ z_axis()

Vector3 DD::Image::Matrix4::z_axis ( ) const

Return the transformation of a 1 unit vector in z, if this is not a persxpective matrix (ie bottom row must be 0,0,0,1).

Referenced by DD::Image::SpriteGenerator::getSprite(), DD::Image::MBParticleSpriteGenerator::getSprite(), and DD::Image::ParticlesSprite::tessellateSprite().

◆ translation() [3/3]

Vector3 DD::Image::Matrix4::translation ( ) const

Return the transformation of the point 0,0,0, if this is not a perspective matrix (ie bottom row is 0,0,0,1).

◆ scale() [4/4]

Vector3 Matrix4::scale ( ) const

Return the scale of a transformation matrix.

Referenced by rotationOnly(), and scaleOnly().

◆ scaleOnly()

void Matrix4::scaleOnly ( )

Modify the transformation matrix to represent the scale component only.

References scale(), and scaling().

◆ rotationOnly()

void Matrix4::rotationOnly ( )

Modify the transformation matrix to represent the rotation component only.

References scale(), and scaleAndRotationOnly().

◆ translationOnly()

void Matrix4::translationOnly ( )

Modify the transformation matrix to represent the translation component only.

◆ scaleAndRotationOnly()

void Matrix4::scaleAndRotationOnly ( )

Modify the transformation matrix to represent the scale and rotation component only.

Referenced by rotationOnly().

◆ rotationsXYZ()

void Matrix4::rotationsXYZ ( float &  rx,
float &  ry,
float &  rz 
) const

Given a matrix which is assumed to be the multiplication of any number of rotation matricies (no translations, please) calculate the equivalent rotations around the X, Y and Z axis. You can then recreate this transformation by doing rotatez(x), rotatex(y), rotatey(z).

References getRotations().

◆ rotationsXZY()

void Matrix4::rotationsXZY ( float &  rx,
float &  ry,
float &  rz 
) const

Given a matrix which is assumed to be the multiplication of any number of rotation matricies (no translations, please) calculate the equivalent rotations around the X, Y and Z axis. You can then recreate this transformation by doing rotatez(x), rotatex(z), rotatey(y).

References getRotations().

◆ rotationsYXZ()

void Matrix4::rotationsYXZ ( float &  rx,
float &  ry,
float &  rz 
) const

Given a matrix which is assumed to be the multiplication of any number of rotation matricies (no translations, please) calculate the equivalent rotations around the X, Y and Z axis. You can then recreate this transformation by doing rotatez(y), rotatex(x), rotatey(z).

References getRotations().

◆ rotationsYZX()

void Matrix4::rotationsYZX ( float &  rx,
float &  ry,
float &  rz 
) const

Given a matrix which is assumed to be the multiplication of any number of rotation matricies (no translations, please) calculate the equivalent rotations around the X, Y and Z axis. You can then recreate this transformation by doing rotatez(y), rotatex(z), rotatey(x).

References getRotations().

◆ rotationsZXY()

void Matrix4::rotationsZXY ( float &  rx,
float &  ry,
float &  rz 
) const

Given a matrix which is assumed to be the multiplication of any number of rotation matricies (no translations, please) calculate the equivalent rotations around the X, Y and Z axis. You can then recreate this transformation by doing rotatez(z), rotatex(x), rotatey(y).

References getRotations().

◆ rotationsZYX()

void Matrix4::rotationsZYX ( float &  rx,
float &  ry,
float &  rz 
) const

Given a matrix which is assumed to be the multiplication of any number of rotation matricies (no translations, please) calculate the equivalent rotations around the X, Y and Z axis. You can then recreate this transformation by doing rotatez(z), rotatex(y), rotatey(x).

References getRotations().

◆ getRotations()

void Matrix4::getRotations ( RotationOrder  order,
float &  rx,
float &  ry,
float &  rz 
) const

Given a matrix which is assumed to be the multiplication of any number of rotation matricies (no translations, please) calculate the equivalent rotations around the X, Y and Z axis. You can then recreate this transformation by concatenating individual rotations in the order specified by the RotationOrder parameter

References DD::Image::Vector3::normalize().

Referenced by decompose(), rotationsXYZ(), rotationsXZY(), rotationsYXZ(), rotationsYZX(), rotationsZXY(), and rotationsZYX().

◆ extractAndRemoveScalingAndShear()

bool Matrix4::extractAndRemoveScalingAndShear ( DD::Image::Vector3 scaleOut,
DD::Image::Vector3 shearOut 

Get and remove scale and rotation from the matrix.

References DD::Image::Vector3::dot(), and DD::Image::Vector3::length().

Referenced by decompose().

◆ decompose()

bool Matrix4::decompose ( DD::Image::Vector3 rotationOut,
DD::Image::Vector3 translationOut,
DD::Image::Vector3 scaleOut,
DD::Image::Vector3 shearOut,
const DD::Image::Matrix4::RotationOrder  rOrder 
) const

Decompose the matrix into its individual transform components. Returned rotation values are based on the rotation order provided.

References extractAndRemoveScalingAndShear(), and getRotations().

◆ mapUnitSquareToQuad()

void Matrix4::mapUnitSquareToQuad ( float  x0,
float  y0,
float  x1,
float  y1,
float  x2,
float  y2,
float  x3,
float  y3 

Corner pinning: map 0,0,1,1 square to the four corners (anticlockwise from bottom left)

map 0,0,1,1 square to the four corners (anticlockwise from bottom left)

References makeIdentity().

Referenced by mapQuadToUnitSquare().

◆ mapQuadToUnitSquare()

void Matrix4::mapQuadToUnitSquare ( float  x0,
float  y0,
float  x1,
float  y1,
float  x2,
float  y2,
float  x3,
float  y3 

Corner pinning: map the four corners (anticlockwise from bottom left) to 0,0,1,1 square

References mapUnitSquareToQuad().

◆ append()

void Matrix4::append ( Hash hash) const

◆ isValid()

bool DD::Image::Matrix4::isValid ( ) const

Return whether all of the components are valid numbers.

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