Package nukescripts :: Module renderdialog :: Class ExecuteDialog
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class ExecuteDialog

source code

PythonPanel --+

Instance Methods [hide private]
_titleString(self) source code
_idString(self) source code
Add knobs that must appear before the render knobs.
source code
Add knobs that must appear after the render knobs.
source code
_getDefaultViews(self) source code
Add knobs for view selection.
source code
addKnob(self, knob)
Add the knob and make sure it cannot be animated.
source code
__init__(self, dialogState, groupContext, nodeSelection=[], exceptOnError=True) source code
knobChanged(self, knob) source code
_setFrameRangeFromSource(self, source) source code
_frameRangeFromViewer(self, viewer)
"Set the framerange knob to have the framerange from the given viewer.
source code
_selectedViews(self) source code
addToPane(self) source code
run(self) source code