Package nukescripts :: Module toolsets
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Source Code for Module nukescripts.toolsets

  1  import os 
  2  import nuke 
  3  import nukescripts 
5 -class CreateToolsetsPanel(nukescripts.PythonPanel):
6 - def __init__(self):
7 nukescripts.PythonPanel.__init__( self, 'Create ToolSet', '') 8 9 # CREATE KNOBS 10 # Loop through and find all user folders 11 self.userFolders = [] 12 for d in nuke.pluginPath(): 13 if os.path.isdir(d): 14 if ".nuke" in d: 15 dircontents = os.listdir(d) 16 if "ToolSets" in dircontents: 17 fullPath = os.path.join(d, "ToolSets") 18 self.buildFolderList(fullPath, '') 19 20 self.menuItemChoice = nuke.CascadingEnumeration_Knob('menuItemChoice','ToolSets menu', ['root'] + self.userFolders) 21 self.menuItemChoice.setTooltip("The menu location that the ToolSet will appear in. Specify 'root' to place the ToolSet in the main ToolSets menu.") 22 self.menuPath = nuke.String_Knob('itemName', 'Menu item:') 23 self.menuPath.setFlag(0x00001000) 24 self.menuPath.setTooltip("ToolSet name. Use the '/' character to create a new submenu for this ToolSet, eg to create a ToolSet named 'Basic3D' and place it in a new submenu '3D', type '3D/Basic3D'. Once created the 3D menu will appear in the ToolSet menu.") 25 self.okButton = nuke.PyScript_Knob ('create', 'Create') 26 #self.okButton.setToolTip("Create a ToolSet from the currently selected nodes with the given name") 27 self.okButton.setFlag(0x00001000) 28 self.cancelButton = nuke.PyScript_Knob ('cancel', 'Cancel') 29 30 # ADD KNOBS 31 self.addKnob(self.menuItemChoice) 32 self.addKnob(self.menuPath) 33 self.addKnob(self.okButton) 34 self.addKnob(self.cancelButton)
37 - def buildFolderList(self, fullPath, menuPath):
38 filecontents = sorted(os.listdir(fullPath), key=str.lower) 39 for group in filecontents: 40 if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(fullPath, group)): 41 self.userFolders.append(menuPath + group) 42 self.buildFolderList(fullPath + '/' + group, menuPath + group + '/')
44 - def createPreset(self):
45 if nuke.createToolset(str(self.menuPath.value())): 46 self.finishModalDialog( True )
48 - def getPresetPath(self):
49 if str(self.menuItemChoice.value()) == "root": 50 self.menuPath.setValue("") 51 else: 52 self.menuPath.setValue(self.menuItemChoice.value() + "/")
54 - def knobChanged( self, knob ):
55 if knob == self.okButton: 56 self.createPreset() 57 elif knob == self.cancelButton: 58 self.finishModalDialog( False ) 59 elif knob == self.menuItemChoice: 60 self.getPresetPath()
64 -def addToolsetsPanel():
65 res = False 66 if nuke.nodesSelected() == True: 67 res = CreateToolsetsPanel().showModalDialog() 68 # now force a rebuild of the menu 69 refreshToolsetsMenu() 70 else: 71 nuke.message("No nodes are selected") 72 return res
74 -def deleteToolset(rootPath, fileName):
75 if nuke.ask('Are you sure you want to delete ToolSet %s?' %fileName): 76 os.remove(fileName) 77 # if this was the last file in this directory, the folder will need to be deleted. 78 # Walk the directory tree from the root and recursively delete empty directories 79 checkForEmptyToolsetDirectories(rootPath) 80 # now force a rebuild of the menu 81 refreshToolsetsMenu()
83 -def checkForEmptyToolsetDirectories(currPath):
84 removed = True 85 while removed == True: 86 removed = False 87 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(currPath): 88 if files == [] and dirs == []: 89 os.rmdir(root) 90 removed = True
92 -def refreshToolsetsMenu():
93 toolbar ="Nodes") 94 m = toolbar.findItem("ToolSets") 95 if m != None: 96 m.clearMenu() 97 createToolsetsMenu(toolbar) 98
99 -def createToolsetsMenu(toolbar):
100 m = toolbar.addMenu("ToolSets", "ToolbarToolsets.png") 101 m.addCommand("Create", "nukescripts.toolsets.addToolsetsPanel()", "", icon="ToolsetCreate.png") 102 m.addCommand("-", "", "") 103 if buildToolsetsMenu(m, False): 104 m.addCommand("-", "", "") 105 n = m.addMenu("Delete", "ToolsetDelete.png") 106 buildToolsetsMenu(n, True)
108 -def buildToolsetsMenu(m, delete):
109 ret = False 110 for d in nuke.pluginPath(): 111 if delete and d.find(".nuke") == -1: 112 continue 113 if os.path.isdir(d): 114 dircontents = os.listdir(d) 115 if "ToolSets" in dircontents: 116 fullPath = "/".join([d, "ToolSets"]) 117 if createToolsetFiles(m, fullPath, fullPath, delete): 118 m.addCommand("-", "", "") 119 ret = True 120 return ret
122 -def createToolsetFiles(m, rootPath, fullPath, delete):
123 filecontents = sorted(os.listdir(fullPath), key=str.lower) 124 # First list all directories 125 retval = False 126 if filecontents != []: 127 for group in filecontents: 128 if os.path.isdir("/".join([fullPath, group])): 129 n = m.addMenu(group) 130 retval = createToolsetFiles(n, rootPath, "/".join([fullPath, group]), delete) 131 # if we are deleting, and the sub directory is now empty, delete the directory also 132 if delete and os.listdir(fullPath)==[]: 133 os.rmdir(fullPath) 134 # Now list individual files 135 for group in filecontents: 136 fullFileName = "/".join([fullPath, group]) 137 if not os.path.isdir(fullFileName): 138 extPos = group.find(".nk") 139 if extPos != -1 and extPos == len(group) - 3: 140 group = group.replace('.nk', '') 141 if delete: 142 m.addCommand(group, 'nukescripts.toolsets.deleteToolset("%s", "%s")' % (rootPath, fullFileName), "") 143 retval = True 144 else: 145 m.addCommand(group, 'nuke.loadToolset("%s")' % fullFileName, "") 146 retval = True 147 return retval