Package nukescripts :: Module trackerlinkingdialog
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Source Code for Module nukescripts.trackerlinkingdialog

  1  import nuke 
  2  import nukescripts 
  4  ############################################################################## 
  5  # A quick-n-dirty storage of "last values" for knobs that we want to appear 
  6  # with the value they were assigned the last time the dialog was open during 
  7  # this GUI session. 
  9  _gLastState = {} 
11 -def _getLastState( knob, defaultValue=None ):
12 """Return the given knob's stored last state value. 13 If none exists, defaultValue is returned. 14 Values are stored in a dict referenced by knob name, so names must be unique!""" 15 global _gLastState 16 if _gLastState.has_key( ): 17 return _gLastState[] 18 else: 19 return defaultValue
21 -def _setLastState( knob ):
22 """Store the knob's current value as the 'last state' for the next time the dialog is opened. 23 Values are stored in a dict referenced by knob name, so names must be unique!""" 24 global _gLastState 25 _gLastState[] = knob.value()
26 27 28 ############################################################################## 29 # LinkToTrack Panel 30 # This panel offers the user a selection of Tracker nodes in the project and 31 # returns an expression referencing either the Tracker's 'translate' knob or 32 # computing the average value of the selected track points on the node. 33
34 -class LinkToTrackPanel( nukescripts.PythonPanel ):
35 - def __init__( self, groupContext ):
36 nukescripts.PythonPanel.__init__( self, "Link to Tracker", "" ) 37 38 # Show a list of trackers in the project. 39 trackers = [] 40 with nuke.toNode(groupContext): 41 for n in nuke.allNodes(): 42 if n.linkableKnobs(nuke.KnobType.eXYKnob): 43 trackers.append( ) 44 self._tracker = nuke.Enumeration_Knob( "trackers", "tracker node", trackers ) 45 self._tracker.setTooltip( "The Tracker node to link to." ) 46 self._tracker.setValue( _getLastState( self._tracker, trackers[0] ) ) 47 self.addKnob( self._tracker ) 48 49 # Choice of linking to the translate on the tracker or to track point positions. 50 self._link_to = nuke.Enumeration_Knob( "link_to", "link to", ["position", "translate", "translate as offset"] ) 51 self._link_to.setValue( _getLastState( self._link_to, 'translate' ) ) 52 self._link_to.setTooltip( "Choose whether to link to the translation computed in the Tracker's Transform tab or to a specific track point position. If multiple track points are chosen they will be averaged." ) 53 self.addKnob( self._link_to ) 54 self._link_to.setFlag( nuke.ENDLINE ) 55 56 # Display check boxes for selection of which track points should be linked. 57 # If more than one is selected the expression is set to average them. 58 # Tracker nodes are currently limited to 4 points. If that changes we will need 59 # to be smarter here and create the right number of booleans for the currently 60 # selected node (and update when the node selection is changed). 61 self._track_points = [] 62 for t in xrange(1,5): 63 knobname = 'track'+str(t) 64 point = nuke.Boolean_Knob( knobname, knobname ) 65 # By default the first point is enabled but not the rest, 66 # unless there is previous session state to restore. 67 point.setValue( _getLastState( point, (t==1) ) ) 68 point.setTooltip( "Use this track point when linking to 'position'." ) 69 self._track_points.append( point ) 70 self.addKnob( point ) 71 72 self._updatePointsEnabled() 73 74 # Show the expression that's going to set in case user wants to tweak or 75 # copy it before closing the dialog. 76 self._expression = nuke.EvalString_Knob( "expression" ) 77 self._expression.setTooltip( "This is the expression that will be applied. You can edit it before closing the dialog but changing settings on this panel will rebuild it, losing your changes." ) 78 self.addKnob( self._expression ) 79 self._updateExpression()
80 81
82 - def _updateExpression(self):
83 """Update the expression to reflect the current settings.""" 84 if self._link_to.value() == 'translate': 85 self._expression.setValue( self._tracker.value() + ".translate" ) 86 elif self._link_to.value() == 'translate as offset': 87 self._expression.setValue( "curve + " + self._tracker.value() + ".translate" ) 88 else: 89 pointCount = 0 90 expr = " + ".join([self._tracker.value() + "." + for point in self._track_points if point.value()]) 91 pointCount = sum( (1 for point in self._track_points if point.value()) ) 92 if pointCount > 1: 93 expr = "(" + expr + ")/" + str(pointCount) 94 self._expression.setValue( expr )
95 96
97 - def _updatePointsEnabled(self):
98 """Enable the track point bools when linking to position; disable otherwise.""" 99 use_points = ( self._link_to.value() == 'position' ) 100 for point in self._track_points: 101 point.setEnabled( use_points )
102 103
104 - def getExpression(self):
105 """Return the expression field value.""" 106 return self._expression.value()
107 108
109 - def knobChanged( self, knob ):
110 _setLastState( knob ) 111 112 # If expression changes, don't try to update and possibly trash it. 113 if knob == self._expression: 114 return 115 116 self._updateExpression() 117 if knob == self._link_to: 118 self._updatePointsEnabled() 119 elif knob == self._tracker: 120 global _gLastTracker 121 _gLastTracker = knob.value()
123 - def addToPane( self ):
125 126 127
128 -def trackerlinkingdialog(groupContext):
129 d = LinkToTrackPanel(groupContext) 130 if d.showModalDialog() == True: 131 return d.getExpression() 132