Package nukescripts :: Module framecycler
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Source Code for Module nukescripts.framecycler

  1  # Copyright (c) 2010 The Foundry Visionmongers Ltd.  All Rights Reserved. 
  2  import platform 
  3  import sys 
  4  import os.path 
  5  import re 
  6  import thread 
  7  import nuke 
  8  import subprocess 
  9  import nukescripts 
 10  import flipbooking 
 12  # An example implementation for a flipbook application using framecycler. 
13 -class FramecyclerFlipbook(flipbooking.FlipbookApplication):
14 # Discover the location of FC on construction
15 - def __init__(self):
16 self._fcPath = "" 17 try: 18 self._fcPath = os.environ["FC_PATH"] 19 except: 20 try: 21 self._fcPath = os.path.join(os.environ["FC_HOME"], "bin", "framecycler") 22 except: 23 self._fcPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(nuke.EXE_PATH), "FrameCycler") 24 if nuke.env['WIN32']: 25 self._fcPath = os.path.join(self._fcPath+"Windows", "bin", "framecycler") 26 elif not nuke.env['WIN32'] and not nuke.env['MACOS']: 27 self._fcPath = os.path.join(self._fcPath+self.linux_version(), "bin", "framecycler") 28 else: 29 self._fcPath = os.path.join(self._fcPath + "OSX", "bin", "FrameCycler") 30 if nuke.env['WIN32']: 31 self._fcPath = self._fcPath + ".exe" 32 self._fcPath = os.path.normpath(self._fcPath)
33 34 ############################################################## 35 # Interface implementation 36 ##############################################################
37 - def name(self):
38 return "FrameCycler"
40 - def path(self):
41 return self._fcPath
43 - def cacheDir(self):
44 return os.environ["FC_DISK_CACHE"]
46 - def run(self, filename, frameRanges, views, options):
47 (filename, subs) = re.subn("(%[0-9]*)d", "#", filename) 48 (filename, subs) = re.subn("%V", views[0], filename) 49 (filename, subs) = re.subn("%v", views[0][0], filename) 50 51 os.path.normpath(filename) 52 53 args = [] 54 if nuke.env['WIN32']: 55 args.append( "\"" + self.path() + "\"" ) 56 filename = filename.replace("/", "\\") 57 filename = "\"" + filename + "\"" 58 else: 59 args.append( self.path() ) 60 61 lut = options.get("lut", "") 62 if lut != "": 63 lutPath = flipbooking.getLUTPath(, lut) 64 if lutPath != "" and os.path.exists(lutPath): 65 args.append("-calibration") 66 args.append("\"" + lutPath + "\"") 67 68 roi = options.get("roi", None) 69 if roi != None and not (roi["x"] == 0.0 and roi["y"] == 0.0 and roi["w"] == 0.0 and roi["h"] == 0.0): 70 args.append("-c"+str(max(0, int(roi["x"])))) 71 args.append(str(max(0, int(roi["y"])))) 72 args.append(str(int(roi["w"]))) 73 args.append(str(int(roi["h"]))) 74 75 scaleW = 100 76 scaleH = 100 77 78 pixelAspect = options.get("pixelAspect", 1) 79 if pixelAspect != 1: 80 scaleW *= pixelAspect 81 82 if scaleW != 100 or scaleH != 100: 83 args.append("-r"+str(scaleW)+"%") 84 args.append(str(scaleH) + "%") 85 86 if len(views) > 1: 87 args.append("-stereo") 88 89 # I didn't find any python call that return the maximum argument size for command line. 90 # I hope that 1000 is enough. 91 maximun_cmd_args_size = 1000 92 93 # audio to be added this may be empty or not 94 self._audio = "" 95 audio = options.get("audio", "") 96 if audio != "": 97 self._audio = "\"-s" + audio + "\"" 98 99 for frameRange in frameRanges: 100 args += self.sequence( frameRange, filename, maximun_cmd_args_size ) 101 102 103 nuke.IrToken() 104 os.spawnv(os.P_NOWAITO, self.path(), args)
106 - def capabilities(self):
107 return { 108 'proxyScale': False, 109 'crop': True, 110 'canPreLaunch': False, 111 'supportsArbitraryChannels': False, 112 'maximumViews' : 2, 113 'fileTypes' : ["exr", "mov", "tif", "tiff", "tga", "cin", "avi", "raw", "bmp", "gif", "jpg", "jpeg", "yuv", "pic", "rla", "dpx", "r3d", "png", "sgi", "rgb"] 114 }
115 116 ############################################################## 117 # FrameCycler specific functions 118 ############################################################## 119
120 - def run_app(self, app, in_args):
121 args = [app] 122 for a in in_args: 123 args.append(a) 124 try: 125 p = subprocess.Popen(args=args, executable=app, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE) 126 output, errors = p.communicate() 127 return output 128 except: 129 return ""
131 - def linux_version(self):
132 default_path = "CentOS5" 133 output = self.run_app("/usr/bin/lsb_release", ["-a"]) 134 if len(output) == 0: 135 output = self.run_app("/usr/local/bin/lsb_release", ["-a"]) 136 if len(output) == 0: 137 output = self.run_app("/bin/lsb_release", ["-a"]) 138 if len(output) == 0: 139 return default_path 140 try: 141 if output.find('CentOS') >= 0: 142 match ='Release:\s*[\d.]+', output) 143 if match != None: 144 substring = 145 versionMatch ='[\d.]+', substring) 146 versionString = 147 if (float(versionString)) < 5.0: 148 return "CentOS4.4" 149 except: 150 pass 151 return default_path
153 - def _sequenceStr(self, fname, start, end):
154 return ["Q[", fname, "%d-%d" % (start, end), self._audio, "]Q"]
156 - def sequence(self, frange, filename, cmd_args_size):
157 sequence = [] 158 if frange.increment() == 1: 159 sequence += self._sequenceStr(filename, frange.first(), frange.last()) 160 else: 161 for i in xrange(min(frange.frames(), cmd_args_size)): 162 sequence += self._sequenceStr(filename, 163 frange.getFrame(i), frange.getFrame(i)) 164 return sequence
165 166 167 # Example call to register a flipbook app. 168 fc = FramecyclerFlipbook() 169 flipbooking.register(fc) 170 # Get the fc install folder so we can register the Nuke specific LUTS, just need 171 # to remove the last two components from the path. 172 fcBinPath = os.path.split(fc.path())[0] 173 fcBasePath = os.path.split(fcBinPath)[0] 174 flipbooking.registerLUTPath('FrameCycler', 'linear-sRGB', os.path.join(fcBasePath, 'LUTs', 'NukeLinearTosRGB.ilut')) 175 flipbooking.registerLUTPath('FrameCycler', 'linear-rec709', os.path.join(fcBasePath, 'LUTs', 'NukeLinearToRec709.ilut')) 176 flipbooking.registerLUTPath('FrameCycler', 'Cineon-sRGB', os.path.join(fcBasePath, 'LUTs', 'NukeCineonTosRGB.cube')) 177