O_OcclusionDetector Controls


Open the O_OcclusionDetector controls. O_OcclusionDetector renders using the Local GPU specified, if available, rather than the CPU. The GPU may significantly improve processing performance.

If there is no suitable GPU, or the required NVIDIA CUDA drivers are unavailable, O_OcclusionDetector defaults to using the CPU. You can select a different GPU Device, if available, by opening Nuke's Preferences and selecting an alternative card from the GPU Device dropdown.

Note:  Selecting a different GPU requires you to restart Nuke before the change takes effect.

Views to Use

From the views that exist in your project settings, select the two views you want to use to generate an occlusion mask. These views are mapped for the left and right eye.

Gradient Threshold

The gradient measures the change in depth from horizontal disparity. You can use the Gradient Threshold control to define where occlusions occur at depth changes. The lower the gradient threshold, the greater the number of occluded regions.

The occlusion mask with the
default Gradient Threshold.

The occlusion mask with a
low Gradient Threshold set.

Consistency Threshold

The Consistency Threshold control allows you to set occlusions where the left and right disparities are not consistent. A low Consistency Threshold value, detects more inconsistencies.

The occlusion mask with a low
Consistency Threshold set.

The occlusion mask with a high
Consistency Threshold set.

Dilate Occlusions

You can use the Dilate Occlusions control to expand the occluded regions by a specified number of pixels. The maximum you can dilate the occlusions by is 20 pixels.

Occlusion Dilate = 1.

Occlusion Dilate = 15.