发行说明Modo 11.2v1
7 November 2017
• Mac OS 10.10.x,10.11.x和10.12.x(仅64位)
• Windows 7 Windows 8, Windows 10(仅64位)
• Linux 64位操作系统(CentOS / RHEL 7+)
• Intel处理器,Core i3或更高版本
• 1 GB可用硬盘空间(用于Modo安装)。
• 6 GB的可用硬盘空间(用于完整内容)。
• 至少4 GB RAM
• 以1920 x 1080像素分辨率显示
• 互联网连接,用于产品激活和在线视频访问
• 的Advanced视口模式需要至少具有1 GB图形内存的NVIDIA或AMD图形卡以及支持OpenGL 3.2或更高版本的驱动程序。
注意: 此信息是我们对普通用户的最佳建议。要求因用法而异,并且各个用户的要求可能与此处列出的要求不同。
• 2.5+ GHz四核处理器
• 250+ GB磁盘空间可用于缓存和临时文件,最好使用SSD
• 16 GB RAM和额外的虚拟内存*
• 以1920 x 1080像素分辨率显示
• 具有最新驱动程序的NVIDIA或AMD显卡
• 2+ GB图形内存
• OpenGL 4.4或更高版本的支持
经测试的工作站硬件 |
苹果 |
• MacBook Pro 2017 • MacBook Pro(2015年中) • MacBook Pro 2014 • Mac Pro(2013年末) • MacBook Pro10,1 • MacPro4,1 • MacPro5,1 • iMac13,2 |
了戴尔 |
• 戴尔T1700 • 戴尔T3610 • 戴尔T3620 • 戴尔T5810 • 戴尔T7610 • 戴尔T7910 • 戴尔Precision 3520 • 戴尔精密机架7910 • 戴尔Precision 5510 • 戴尔Precision 5520 • 戴尔Precision 7710 • 戴尔Precision 7720 • 戴尔M2800 • 戴尔M6800 • 戴尔XPS 15 9560 |
生命值 |
• 惠普Z800 • 惠普Z640 • 惠普Z620 • 惠普Z600 • 惠普Z440 |
经过测试的GPU硬件 |
AMD Prosumer显卡 |
• Radeon™HD 1900 XT • Radeon™HD 2400 XT • Radeon™HD 2600 Pro • Radeon™HD 3870 |
AMD企业图形卡 |
• FirePro™D700 • FirePro™W4170 • FirePro™W5000 • FirePro™W8000 • FirePro™W2100 • FirePro™W5100 • FirePro™W4100 • FirePro™W7100 • FirePro™W8100 • FirePro™W9100 • Radeon Pro 560 • Radeon Pro WX7100 • Radeon Pro WX5100 • Radeon Pro WX4100 • Radeon R9 M370X |
NVIDIA Prosumer显卡 |
• 英伟达GT 750M • Geforce GTX 680 • Geforce GTX Titan • 英伟达GT 650M • Geforce GTX 1080 Ti • Geforce GTX 1080 |
NVIDIA企业图形卡 |
• Quadro®K6000 • Quadro®K5200 • Quadro®K5000 • Quadro®K4200 • Quadro®K4000 • Quadro®K2200 • Quadro®K2000 • Quadro®K1200 • Quadro®K600 • Quadro®K620 • Quadro®M5000 • Quadro®M4000 • Quadro®P4000 • Quadro®M620 |
NVIDIA Quadro显卡: |
• P400 • P600 • P1000 • P4000 • P5000 |
Alembic I / O改进
Alembic I / O首选项现在包括一个Export Replicas As选项,该选项使您可以指定要导出的数据类型。您可以选择是否将Alembic副本导出为Geometry, Particles , 或两者Particles and Geometry。
的Camera View属性已更新为包括Enable前景和背景图像选项。禁用此选项后,图像不会显示在渲染中,而是保留在场景中。
一个新的选择Show Camera Framing Region已添加,以切换3D视口中相机取景区域的可见性。
Modo分享网站预设和一些Modo套件现在存储在共享站点上的云中,以便于访问。这些预设经过组织和分类,可以快速进行视觉浏览。您可以选择要使用的预设并将其下载到本地驱动器。只需双击所需的预设或套件即可。 Cloud Asset文件夹并将其安装到本地系统上。
的Polygon Bevel该工具有许多新选项可以改善您的工作流程。添加了以下选项:
• Square Corner -在边界多边形的每个尖角处添加四边形。什么时候Group Polygons启用后,将在连接到选定多边形的角顶点处创建四边形。
• Offset Even -使插入面部的距离均匀。默认情况下启用此选项。禁用此选项时,源顶点到新源顶点之间的边长与设置的边长相同Inset值。
• Edge Rail -此选项适用于Group Polygons选项。启用此选项后,将沿着连接到轮廓源顶点的内部边缘从源顶点创建新顶点。如果有多个内部边缘,则选择与轮廓边缘最垂直的边缘。
• Thicken - 添加源多边形的翻转副本以增加操作的厚度。
的Edge Bevel工具已更新,可以改善使用多面多边形时的工作流程。添加了以下选项:
• Mitering Offset -与Edge Shape调成Round和Mitering Offset启用此选项后,将在网格的外边缘旁边创建额外的共面多边形,以平滑连接多边形上的伪像。
• Maintain Co-Planar Edges -修正了从粗糙形状中细化多面多边形时的共面边缘错误。启用此选项后,未选择的共面边缘会与下一个未选择的锐边合并,从而创建平坦的表面。
为了改善在重网格中捕捉几何体时的工作流程,我们更新了“几何捕捉”工具以包括一个名为Only Selected。启用后,几何形状捕捉将从前景的选定多边形中找到要捕捉的元素。
文件I / O更新
FBX 2017 / FBX 2018插件
Autodesk FBX 2017和Autodesk FBX 2018导入和导出支持已添加。
的Channel Haul工具已更新,可以在3D视口中自动显示用户频道。
一个新的Edge Weighting选项已添加到Fusion Item属性,可通过在内部向源网格中添加边缘循环来模拟Catmull-Clark边缘加权。
一个新的Draft Unions选项已添加到Fusion Item属性以改善模型工作时的性能。现在,您可以自动自适应地拆分Fusion Item进入活性和不活跃部分。
一个新的Mesh Mode选项已添加到Fusion Item属性以提高性能。您可以为3D视口显示和输出指定网格类型。添加了以下选项:
• Draft - Best Performance -建议进行完整的性能优化。不建议将此选项用于输出(条纹和曲面不统一)。
• Airtight Draft -设置为最小的气密性。条带和曲面是统一的,但不对网格进行进一步的优化或优化。此选项可能比其他气密网格模式要快一些。
• Airtight Final -使用属性产生最佳的拓扑输出。条和表面是统一的。紧密间隔的顶点将合并。成对的三边形在可能的情况下转换为四边形。没有创建选择集,零件或材料组。
• Airtight Final w/Parts -使用与以下相同的网格拓扑属性Airtight Final并创建多边形选择集,零件和材料组。
• Airtight Final Item Parts -创建与Airtight Final模式。喜欢Airtight Final w/Parts,此选项将创建多边形选择集,零件和材料组。
Modo现在提供了两个新的程序MeshFusion Assemblies,它使您可以使用简单的几何以及熟悉的直接建模工作流和工具。以下程序集已添加到此版本:
• ElboPipe -创建由直线段和相对短的弯头组成的管道(在弯头处具有可选的肘关节几何形状)。使用Pen Extrude网格操作以创建您的ElboPipe曲线。您可以将路径创建为折线,以在几何体周围创建弯头。结果,将在折线的每个顶点处自动添加几何。
• RibTrim -自动创建框架,肋骨和瓷砖结构。该程序集创建了可以用作融合的边缘循环块的模式修剪要么网格角色和关系。使用程序将块对齐到选定的几何紫外线变换和/或程序变形器-您可以通过创建具有任意多边形排列的平面来创建和编辑作为简单2D网格的图案。
Fusion Pie菜单和拖放
改进了在处理变形的索具角色时编辑重量值的工作流程。加权工具的性能速度, Adjust Weights选项,现在仅当您更改点的子集(例如较大字符上的手臂或手指)时才更新缓存的元素。使用较小的选择集时,性能提升非常重要。
新的偏好, Default Foreground Color已添加,可让您在工作时更改前景色的默认绘制颜色Paint布局。默认值为White。
的Slice, Axis Slice , Axis Drill , Solid Drill , Boolean和Curve Slice现在支持网格操作Select by Previous Operation。
的表现Text工具已得到改进。的Make UVs现在默认情况下禁用该选项。
一个新的Set Polygon Type作为程序网格操作添加了工具,使您可以在设计工作流程中的任何时候转换多边形类型。您可以将多边形转换为Faces, Subdivision表面或Catmull-Clark多边形。
为了改善您的工作流程,我们添加了Flip Polygons工具,使您可以快速反转多边形的法线。
一种新的程序网格操作, Select by Polygon Tag已添加,可让您根据多边形标签选择多边形,例如Material , Part , 要么Selection Set。
使用3D视口的镜面反射和反射显示响应得到了改善Index of Refraction。
Modo现在包含一个新的着色器模型,称为Principled,这是根据Walt Disney Animation Studios的Brent Burley的论文得出的。
Modo现在允许您创建和共享包含来自您的嵌入式URL的资产Preset Browser。
的3D Viewport属性已更新为包括新的Morphed Mesh Drawing选项。添加了以下选项:
• Vector -从基础网格的顶点到变形网格的相应顶点绘制线段。
• Vector Color -指定矢量线的颜色。
• Vector Opacity -指定矢量线的不透明度值。
除此之外Vertex Map工具有一个新选项, Enable Morphs (Current Viewport),在3D视口中显示动画变形的结果。
我们的许多变化Modo Bridge已制作插件来改善Game Engine用户的工作流程。虚幻引擎和虚幻引擎之间的工作流程更加一致Modo已实现,可让您无缝地在多个场景中工作。的Push界面得到简化,进度条得到了改善Modo桥插件和虚幻客户端。此外,我们添加了以下“应用程序”首选项:
• Search Subfolder -切换是否搜索子文件夹以找到要推送到虚幻编辑器的资产。
• Actor Identification -定义如何在虚幻客户端中找到相同的参与者。
• Asset Naming -定义如何在虚幻编辑器中命名资产。
一个新的推送选项, Reset Mesh Asset,已添加到Modo Bridge插入。 Modo现在可以区分网格物体和网格资产之间的区别。虚幻的网格物体角色总是Modo实例项和虚幻网格物体资产始终是Modo网格项。
一个新的UV视口选项, Show Flipped已添加,以显示UV岛的方向。
一个新的Select Unmapped Polygons已添加工具来帮助您查找给定UV贴图中没有UV的多边形。
一个新的Show UV Distortion已添加选项以切换显示3D模型上UV变形的叠加色显示。
的Select Overlapped Polygons工具已重命名Select Error UVs并添加了以下选项:
• Stacked -选择位于UV空间中相同位置的相同UV多边形。
• Crossing UDIM Borders -检测越过UDIM边界的UV。
• Zero Area -在UV空间中选择缩小的多边形。它们被缩小到面积为零的线或点。
的Create UV Map网格操作现在有一个Create New Map下方的复选框UV Map文本字段,以允许使用指定的名称创建新的UV贴图。
现在,您可以在UV viewport并在UV Editor在使用涂料选择和套索选择物品选择模式。
的Texel Density该版本的工具已更新,包括以下选项:
• 世界空间-在计算3D尺寸时考虑项目变换。缩放的项目可以使它们的纹理像素密度与未缩放或不同缩放的项目匹配。
• Sample Texel Density -从选定的UV岛创建目标密度样本。
• Apply Individually -缩放每个选定的UV岛,使其平均纹理像素密度与目标匹配。
• Apply Overall -缩放所有选定的UV岛,使其总体平均纹理密度与目标相匹配。
• Normalize UVs -缩放所有选定的UV岛,以使其纹理素密度与其总平均值相同。
为了改善使用UV Maps的工作流程, Modo现在包含其他UV对齐工具。这些工具使您可以轻松地重新定位UV Islands。
为了改善使用UV Maps的工作流程, Modo现在包含Island Stacker工具。
为了在处理UV贴图时改善您的工作流程,我们改进了UV Viewport。现在,它显示一个百分比值,该百分比值表示均匀的UV空间和UV覆盖区域中的几何形状。
现在,您可以快速确定当前正在使用的渲染通道。的3D Information Overlays现在在3D视口的右下角,显示所选对象的名称Pass Groups项目和选定的Passes项目。
GL Playblast
3D视口Advanced风格得到了改善。Modo现在支持组蒙版纹理层Advanced视口样式。显示输出结果看起来与Render Preview输出结果。
现在,您可以设置投影映射的类型Front Culling中的选项Channels标签。提供以下选项:
• Project Through -将纹理图像沿着负方向投影到网格的背面Z方向,并镜像显示为与正面图像相同。
• Cull Backfacing -仅将纹理图像投影在网格的前面。
• Flip Backfacing -沿着网格物体投影并翻转网格背面的纹理图像U和V指示。它看起来是颠倒的。
• Flip U Backfacing -将纹理图像投影到网格的背面,并沿U方向,并且方向与正面相同。
• Flip V Backfacing -将纹理图像投影到网格的背面,并沿V方向,并且方向与正面相同。
新的3D视口Selected Item Drawing选项已添加。您现在可以选择None以填充色查看场景中的选定项目,并以线框形式查看未选定的项目。
• 未报告内容: MeshFusion组件现在可以通过Cloud Assets的部分Preset Browser不再是已安装内置内容的一部分。
• 未报告文件输出: 的Sketchfab套件不是内置的Modo。
• 未报告融合: 融合派菜单(Cmd/Ctrl+F)需要更新。已删除过时和/或不常用的命令,以支持五个基本的Fusion编辑命令: Trim, Un-Trim , Apply Primary , Apply Subtraction和Apply Intersection。
• 未报告MeshFusion: 多重融合模式和重合的表面导致了问题Modo。
• 未报告模型: 的Tack工具造成Modo偶尔崩溃。
• 未报告索具: 没有删除来自矩阵构造修改器的不必要的钳位,并导致原始矩阵产生错误的旋转。
• ID 25552 - Presets: Applying Material presets did not place them in the correct order in the Shader Tree.
• ID 38906 - Painting: Rotating Text stuck at 28.6479 degrees.
• ID 41359 - Schematic: Dragging and dropping Lights into Schematic viewport from the Shader Tree did not work as expected.
• ID 44773 - UV: Using Cmd/Ctrl+Shift with UV move tool didn't work the same for all meshes.
• ID 46738 - Painting: The Line paint tool created a dot in the center of a plane if you drew a line off the edge of the workplane.
• ID 47600 - UV: The UV patch movement performance was slow. Crossing UDIM borders and Select Overlapped Polygons options were added to improve the performance.
• ID 49789 - Schematic: Dragging and dropping Cameras into Schematic viewport from the Shader Tree did not work as expected.
• ID 50149 - Shader Tree: Items were sometimes incorrectly unparented from the Render item.
• ID 52011 - Render: Modo's default tangent basis handles mirrored UVs incorrectly.
• ID 52038 - Procedurals: Disabling either a Vertex Bevel or Edge Bevel item in the Mesh Ops List caused problems.
• ID 52350 - Procedurals: The Cube radius didn't update in a particular scene.
• ID 52585 - Procedurals: Dragging and dropping procedural items from one scene to another didn't work.
• ID 53228 - Model: When moving items across scenes, the items sometimes repositioned.
• ID 54076 - UI: A corrupted Vertex Map was created when copying and pasting a Vertex Map onto itself.
• ID 54131 - Shader Tree: Orphaned Material Tags were listed in the Assign Material Tag dialog.
• ID 54203 - File Output: Exporting selected layers didn't set frame ranges correctly.
• ID 54204 - Paint: The Image Ink option frequently failed to switch when changing image.
• ID 54351 - Model: Edge Bevel produced inconsistent results.
• ID 54456 - GL: The GL Count was incorrect. It did not account for wireframe meshes in independent mode and inactive meshes.
• ID 54491 - Rigging: Placing Weight Containers in a Deform folder or removing them was confusing and inconsistent.
• ID 54531 - Content: Built-in Select by Part and Select Polygons by Point Count selection operator aliases didn't work correctly.
• ID 54648 - Schematic: In a scene with multiple workspaces, the dropdown menu for choosing a workspace showed a tick next to the wrong menu item.
• ID 54668 - Preview: Driving render region channels from other nodes worked in the final render, but not in Preview.
• ID 54729 - Render: Colors applied to a Variation Texture layer changed when an unrelated item was made invisible or set to not render.
• ID 54957- Schematic: The Schematic workspace selected wrong workspaces when using the menus selected, copied, and moved.
• ID 54848 - GL: Independent drawing caused incorrect wireframe colors in shaded modes.
• ID 54908 - Render: Displacement of terrains caused dark shadow transparencies.
• ID 55015 - Model: Changing the Bevel tool's +/- attributes caused random changes.
• ID 55063 - UI: Pressing R, while Game Navigation, did not reset the speed to the default value.
• ID 55065 - UI: Pressing Y, while Game Navigation, did not work.
• ID 55138 - Scripting: Undoing a script using removeItems caused Modo to crash.
• ID 55255 - UI: Changing the proficiency levels from Less to More in the Bevel Tool properties caused Modo to crash.
• ID 55262 - Render: Displacement combined with Normal Maps rendered incorrectly.
• ID 55266 - GL: Locator drawing was slower in Modo 11.0 and Modo 11.1.
• ID 55307 - UV: Loading images from the Images tab into the UV window was significantly slower than in Modo 801.
• ID 55331 - Schematic: Selecting a workspace from the dropdown menu did not work as expected.
• ID 55363 - Model: Instances of locator-type items selected instances of transform items, instead of duplicates.
• ID 55368 - Deformers: Altering the bevel on top of a normalized mesh caused Modo to crash.
• ID 55379 - Procedurals: The Merge Vertices option of the Array tool didn't reliably merge vertices, even when they overlapped.
• ID 55410 - Undo: After undoing a polygon selection and then using the procedural tool handles caused unexpected results.
• ID 55439 - File Input: When importing from a triangulated Alembic mesh, Modo meshes with Alembic streaming deformers or Alembic streaming meshes, produced small holes/missing polygons in the mesh.
• ID 55482 - File Input: If two scenes used an image edited in external application, the Image Update Alert went into an endless loop.
• ID 55527 - Shader Tree: Enabling the Change Type option on a Substance Plug-in Material caused Modo to crash.
• ID 55545 - MeshFusion: The Intersect Trim operation broke the Fusion Item when opening a scene and updating strips.
• ID 55564 - UV: The UV distortion map and UV vertex map were not accessible. Modo now has a Show UV Distortion and a Select Unmapped Polygons option.
• ID 55575 - UI: When hovering the cursor on a palette, for example the 3D Viewport Properties palette, the cursor flashes until the palette is moved.
• ID 55582 - UV: Using the tear-off modifier Shift+Ctrl keys when moving UVs with the transform tool caused unexpected behavior.
• ID 55582 - UV: The UV Box Transform tool did not support tear-off (on/off) with Shift+Ctrl modifier keys and disallowed mode changes during mouse dragging.
• ID 55597 - Model: The Axis DrillEdge Selection Set option did not work as expected.
• ID 55646 - Preview: Editing the Camera in Preview when one of its channels was locked, did not work as expected.
• ID 55678 - GL: Geometry boundaries drew incorrectly with multiple scenes open.
• ID 55700 - File Output: Replicators exported as Alembic did not export as animated.
• ID 55737 - Procedurals: Changing the Replicator Point Source to a Particle Generator in a specific scene caused Modo to crash.
• ID 55740 - Procedurals: The Bevel Mesh Operation with a falloff and inset didn't function as expected.
• ID 55746 - GL: Drawing a material selection rollover on a procedural mesh when Enable Deformers is disabled, caused Modo to crash.
• ID 55771 - Preset Browser: Tooltips showed invalid on LXO scenes and LXT templates.
• ID 55773 - Model: The UV move Ctrl+Shift modifier keys didn't work the same for all meshes.
• ID 55785 - Model: Pen Tool - The Show Angles option only worked in the Perspective, Front, and Back views.
• ID 55812 - Shader Tree: Moving multiple layers, placed them incorrectly.
• ID 55842 - Model: Enabling the Tack tool, Copy Geometry and Make Bridge options caused Modo to crash.
• ID 55857 - Model: The Center Selected option didn't center to the origin when multiple mesh layers were selected.
• ID 55859 - Schematic: Dragging and dropping Texture Locators into the Schematic viewport from the Shader Tree did not work.
• ID 55864 - UI: Setting the High Res Mesh option to (none) on a Mesh item sometimes caused Modo to crash.
• ID 55867 - Presets: Dragging and dropping a preset material into a Material Group did not work as expected.
• ID 55870 - Deformers: Caching deformers in a scene caused Modo to crash due to excessive memory use.
• ID 55882 - Preset Browser: Opening the 3D Viewport's Viewport Textures menu and pinning it caused Modo to crash.
• ID 55884 - GL: Viewport Textures overrides did not save or load correctly with 3D Viewport presets.
• ID 55885 - GL: Viewport Textures overrides allowed a Matcap image to be deleted and then caused Modo to crash on next Matcap load.
• ID 55886 - Model: Using the Bridge tool with the guide curve constructed from first vertices caused Modo to crash.
• ID 55887 - Topology: The Topology Pen tool didn't remove edges created when using the Split mode.
• ID 55891 - UV: The Show UDIM Number option did not work as expected.
• ID 55896 - Deformers: Editing the target curve of a Bezier Effector did not work as expected.
• ID 55897 - Sculpt: Specular and Shadow did not display as expected in the 3D Viewport Default mode when a displacement layer was added to a mesh.
• ID 55901 - Preview: Preview rendered images with the wrong colorspace for non-EXR images.
• ID 55907 - Procedurals: Changing segments in a Polygon Bevel mesh operation with a curve connected to a Path Generator caused Modo to crash.
• ID 55909 - Modo Bridge: The Vertex Color Map did not correctly transfer from the Unreal Engine to Modo.
• ID 55913 - Procedurals: The Vertex Merge tool took significantly longer to process in Modo 11 than Modo 10.
• ID 55914 - File Input: FBX didn't round-trip vertex colors.
• ID 55925 - Preview: Aborting render.preview command left Modo in an unusable state.
• ID 55926 - Preview: Using modo_cl with the render.preview command caused unexpected results.
• ID 55927 - Preview: Rendering, using the render.preview command in modo_cl, did not provide a status on the render time left. Executing the following commands: log.subEnablepreview true, log.toConsole true, and optionally log.toConsoleRolling true enabled an output message.
• ID 55930 - File Input: Opening or importing some DXF files caused Modo to crash.
• ID 55934 - Model: Using the Modeling Select Between modifier keys with multiple active meshes caused Modo to crash.
• ID 55937 - UI: The Texture Locator horizontal wrap slider could not be dragged.
• ID 55939 - Model: Using the Loop Slice tool, with specific edges selected in a particular scene, caused Modo to crash.
• ID 55943 - Model: Changing the Soft Selection Falloff to respect symmetry state caused bad deformation.
• ID 55946 - GL: After importing CAD files, the Advanced 3D Viewport displayed red meshes. To address this problem, the maximum number of requested materials and texture instance layers was increased to 32k. In addition, a new OpenGL preference to set the maximum number of requested layers for compatibility and when working on large scenes has been added. Due to OpenGL limitations, this does not address the issue on Mac OS.
• ID 55947 - UV: UV Distortion did not display relative UV sizes for all polygons in a mesh layer.
• ID 55948 - Model: The Loop Slice tool performed incorrectly when a profile was used.
• ID 55949 - Item List: Dragging and dropping items between specific scenes caused Modo to crash.
• ID 55950 - Shader Tree: Dragging a Preset from the Library to the Shader Tree did not work in some scenes.
• ID 55969 - Shader Tree: Dragging and dropping an image to the Environment didn't work.
• ID 55970 - Presets: Material presets dragged from the Preset Browser and dropped between existing Material Groups in the Shader Tree were placed incorrectly.
• ID 55977 - File Output: Deformation on a prototype mesh for a Replicator didn't export to Alembic.
• ID 55979 - Replicators: When you hide a Replicator in ItemsList, it was visible in the 3D Viewport.
• ID 55984 - UI: Right-clicking in the 3D Viewport, when components were selected, brought up the incorrect context menu.
• ID 55989 - UI: Right-clicking on the Assemblies tab, while in Setup layout, caused Modo to crash.
• ID 56003 - Preview: Rendering a movie file format using Preview viewport with the Render Animation enabled didn't work.
• ID 56015 - Fur: The Variation > Random Twist setting for Replicators didn't work correctly with a Fur material.
• ID 56023 - Procedurals: The Select by Previous Operation with Thicken enabled displayed the incorrect selected name.
• ID 56041 - GL: Switching between two layouts that have RayGL enabled caused Modo to crash.
• ID 56052 - File Output: Replicator hierarchy didn't export to FBX.
• ID 56053 - File Output: Exporting to the Unreal Engine after removing Ptags caused Modo to crash.
• ID 56054 - Model: The Topology Pen tool ignored the morph state.
• ID 56062 - UV: The Box Transform tool did not support symmetry.
• ID 56073 - Shader Tree: The context menu shader selection did not work as expected in some scenes.
• ID 56078 - Shader Tree: Dropping a Material Group in a folder into the Shader Tree failed.
• ID 56083 - Shader Tree: Deleting empty Shader tree folders was not possible.
• ID 56087 - Procedurals: Loading scenes with a Create UVs mesh operation caused Modo to crash.
• ID 56090 - Procedurals: Freezing B-Splines left control vertices.
• ID 56091 - Procedurals: Adjusting a Toroid mesh operation in a particular scene with Replicators caused Modo to crash.
• ID 56094 - Preview (Windows Only) : Saving a rendering to a PNG file format from Preview displayed black in Windows Explorer.
• ID 56095 - Particles: The Curve Particle Generator tool generated incorrect particle IDs.
• ID 56103 - UI: Mouse drags on mini-sliders were inadvertently dropped, stopping the slider adjustment.
• ID 56141 - Model: There is no progress bar or the ability to abort when trying to detriangulate high poly meshes.
• ID 56163 - UV: Using the UV Texture Editor on scenes with extremely large UV maps caused Modo to crash.
• ID 56167 - Procedurals: The Slice tool and Axis Slice tool didn't perform correctly with Deformers.
• ID 56197 - Shader Tree: Texture Replicators sometimes appear stretched on some axes.
• ID 56201 - Model: Clearing a polygon selection set in the statistics panel incorrectly deleted the set. The Clear menu item was removed from the context menu.
• ID 56221 - Model: The Mirror tool Mirror Generator > Axis option switched back to X when set to Z.
• ID 56230 - Paint: Paint brush preview did not resize when Auto Scale was enabled.
• ID 56237 - File Output: The COLLADA Export Absolute Path option did not work as expected.
• ID 56260 - Render: Baking an Occlusion layer after making any alterations to the Vertex Normal Map caused Modo to crash.
• ID 56290 - Render: Baking diffuse color to a Vertex Map didn't work.
• ID 56294 - Scripting: Using aliases with the scene.open command caused Modo to crash.
• ID 56307 - Fusion: MeshFusion failed randomly when drilling small holes.
• ID 56312 - Model: Vertex Map > Apply Map broke opened edges.
• ID 56371 - UV: Using the Mirror UVs tool with UV Symmetrize activated did not find the position of the Center of the mirroring operation.
• ID 56397 - Render: When rendering a scene file with all render outputs disabled, the error message did not provide useful details.
• ID 56407 - Shader Tree: Items under the Shader TreeLights folder couldn't be re-ordered.
• ID 56418- Fusion: MeshFusion multi-piece trim produced unexpected results.
• ID 56447 - Audio: Loading a missing audio clip and then displaying the waveform caused Modo to crash.
• ID 56449 and 56450 - Fusion: Trim meshes, consisting of two disconnected pieces, were incorrectly displayed in the output mesh.
• ID 56459 - Procedurals: Deformers failed to work when mesh operations above them were disabled.
• ID 56478 - Render Window: The Render window did not remember if you changed the configuration of the pane size.
• ID 56501 - Render: Using the Vertex Shader Baking function, with the Bake Type set to Selected Render Output, resulted in a black bake.
• ID 56506 - UI: The Unreal Bridge icon took up too much room in the interface. A better tooltip was added.
• ID 56525 -紫外线: 的UV Box Transform工具有时不会从右上角缩放。
• ID 56533 - Model: When the scene didn't not have a mesh layer, the Arc and Solid Sketch tools could still be used.
• ID 56558 - Preview: Editing the Shader Tree with some Mesh Light setups caused Modo to crash.
• ID 56617 - GL: Editing geometry in a quad model view with the perspective view set to Advanced caused Modo to crash.
• ID 56667 - Fusion: Fusion failed due to a bad input mesh (such as a twisting self-intersecting mesh) and sometimes caused Modo to crash.
• ID 56669 - Shader Tree: The Auto Create Item Masks Preference incorrectly added the masks above the Base Shader.
• ID 56677 - GL: Windows 10/NVidia GTX: Very poor performance in some cases. The bug is fixed by adding an NVidia driver profile which disables Threaded Optimization on Windows.
• ID 56689 - Mesh Types: Setting a Proxy's preview mesh to a static mesh in the Proxy caused Modo to crash.
• ID 56690 - Model: Resetting the Curve tool with a curve active caused Modo to crash.
• ID 56695 - Fusion: Successive application of the Extend Edge tool on a MeshFusion source mesh caused Modo to crash.
• ID 56708 - Procedurals: Polygon Bevel random selection seed value changed with animation frames.
• ID 56709 - Fusion: Fusion strips flared out when present on a Catmull-Clark subdivision surface and the Boundary Rule was not set to Smooth All. This caused the strips to terminate on corner quads.
• ID 56714 - UV: The Orient Pieces command using the Vertically option did nothing.
• ID 56723 - Model: Sketchfab's Auto Freeze function did not freeze the displacement into the mesh.
• ID 56724 - Headless: Launching modo_cl command caused random crashes in Modo.
• ID 56725 - GL: Drawing nested replicators with the 3D Viewport option Drawing and ControlReplicator set to All caused Modo to crash.
• ID 56753 - Scripting: A script execution from a PySide custom view, when used consecutively on multiple scenes, caused Modo to crash.
• ID 56767 - Sculpt: Reducing Catmull Clark Subdivision Level removed any multiresolution sculpting already performed on the mesh.
• ID 56811 - Replicators: Nested replicators did not draw correctly in the 3D Viewport.
• ID 56818 - Replicators: Setting two replicators to use each other as prototypes caused Modo to crash.
• ID 56872 - UV: It was impossible to turn off Select Through option for UV Box Transform tool.
• ID 56879 - UV: In the UVEdit layout, using the Rotate tool did not work or display any tool properties in the Mesh Ops List.
• ID 56892 - Preview: Preview: Crash Preview rendering a specific scene at Final Render Quality with Preview Auto Save enabled.
• ID 56958 - UI: Mac: Empty edit fields are not reverted to their default names/values when committed.
特定于的已知问题和解决方法Modo 11.2
• ID 56706 - Unity and Unreal materials are not displayed correctly when first loaded.
• ID 55594 -正交视图中缺少线框。
As a workaround: Change Line Antialiasing from Full to either Off or System.
• ID 50810 - Anisotropic texture filtering is lower quality than in the Default viewport.
• ID 46995 - Ambient Occlusion display in the Advanced viewport is affected by selected item wireframes.
您可以禁用Show Selection在里面Visibility选项或禁用活动网格层上的线框图。
• ID 53661 - Selecting actions does not always select the correct one. This is caused by copying actions.
• ID 36452 - Assemblies exported from the Item List context menu result in poor visual layout of nodes on import.
• ID 50671 - Baking displacement maps can cause UV seams to be visible, and the baked displacement map to show quilting effects and other render artifacts.
• ID 49437 - The Bake Channel Swizzling option can’t bake to texture alpha.
• ID 49244 - (Windows only): With Perform Color Correction on, setting a default scene to a scene with a mesh that has a position channel crashes Modo at launch.
解决方法是使用System > Reset Preferences重置为默认值或移动/删除默认场景。
• RGBA纹理只能在Advanced视口。在里面Default在视口中,当在Shader Tree。
• ID 56726 - Deformed Instances that are off-screen are incorrectly drawn at the origin.
• ID 55470 - Freezing a mesh with normalized deformers and a Mesh Op caused Modo to crash.
文件和图像I / O
• ID 56862 -- Modo对于SolidWorks套件: Modo导入相同文件时崩溃SolidWorks合二为一Modo会议。此错误仅影响使用工具包的导入,不影响直接导入(File > Import)。
• ID 55439 - Alembic imported convex polygons with at least two close to co-linear edges may not draw correctly in GL (appearing as missing triangles).
解决方法:使用新的Alembic Streaming选项导入。设置Polymesh streaming options至Alembic Streaming Meshes (polys only, force all)。或者,在Shader Tree并启用Surface Normal > Double-sided,然后更改Smoothing角度180。
• ID 50198 - Alembic scenes don't export some surface items, including static meshes and procedural shatter items.
• ID 49728 - Exporting selected layers (from the Item List context menu) to .fbx doesn't export instances, unless the original mesh is also exported.
要解决此问题,请设置.fbx偏爱Export Selection和使用Export As…。
• ID 47036 - Color management in .svg images is not currently supported. This is a side-effect of a bug fix where the largest allowable image size (64k x 64k) was always used when color correction was enabled.
• ID 46962 - Rendering .svg images used as stencil maps for displacement or for layer masking can be very slow.
• ID 35731 - Fur length textures can’t be edited with the Stretch tool.
• ID 49514 - Mac OS X only: Running modo_cl before running the UI Modo application breaks code signing.
• ID 55816 - Wireframes are washed out on transparent surfaces in the Advanced viewport.
• ID 55746 - Moving the mouse over a procedural mesh, when Animation > Enable Deformers is off, may cause Modo to crash.
• ID 55594 - Wireframe overlay is missing in orthographic views if Line Antialiasing is set to Full in the Advanced viewport.
解决方法是,使用Line Antialiasing > System要么Off选项。
• ID 55500 - Setting the Advanced viewport Effects > Material option to Basic displays Unreal materials as white.
• ID 55145 - Default viewport lights are not casting shadows in the Advanced Viewport.
• ID 54456 - GL count is incorrect in certain circumstances, including when meshes are displayed in wireframe mode or when displaying replicas.
• Windows仅:使用Raptr可能会导致GL驱动程序崩溃Modo。
• ID 51741 - Mac OS X only: Modo sometimes becomes unresponsive when using the combination of a click-drag in a tree view (for example, when toggling the visibility of two successive items in the Shader Tree), followed immediately by a two-finger scroll gesture on some devices, including laptop trackpads and the Magic Mouse.
• ID 35856 - Linux only: Plugging in a Wacom tablet while Modo is running can cause undesired movement. This cannot be fixed, due to a limitation of the hardware driver.
• ID 53209 - Group creation (Ctrl + G) places the new group folder at a random position in the Item List, if the items are not selected in a top down sequence.
解决方法是,选择要从顶部到底部分组的项目Item List分组之前(Ctrl + G)。
• ID Bug 56973 - If a Trim Fusion role is assigned to an object and then it is dragged and dropped onto a Primary, the drop menu does not contain the Trim boolean options.
解决方法是使用“融合按钮”(“工具”面板- Set Mesh Role & Apply部分)或饼图菜单(Apply SubtractionApply Intersection or )最初向每个Fusion Item添加Trim时(Trips可以贡献多个Fusion Item)。如果最初使用这些方法之一应用,则将支持所有后续拖放选项。
• ID Bug 55857 - Using the Model layout Toolbox Basic subtab Center Selected option on a polygon selection, with multiple mesh layers selected, doesn’t center to the origin.
• ID 55842 - Using the Tack tool, with Align, Copy Geometry, and Make Bridge options enabled may cause Modo to crash.
• ID 32728 - Zooming out with a Space Navigator alters the Work Plane position.
• ID 48325 - Scenes with image sequences rendered with Full Frames use the wrong image sequence number on slave machines.
解决方法是使用File > Consolidate Scene,然后使用共享的网络文件夹渲染场景(Preferences下的选项Rendering > Network Rendering)。
• ID 36986 - Slaves render hidden meshes. Since mesh hide state is not stored in the scene, when that scene is transferred to the slaves, the state is lost. The master respects the hidden state, however.
解决方法是,如果要避免渲染,请切换项目的可见性或渲染或打开System > Preferences > Rendering并禁用Use Network Render Nodes。
• ID 30318 - Network Rendering doesn’t support Realflow particles.
• ID 25636 - Frame passes are not supported.
• 几个错误-虽然显然可以Modo 902,在某些情况下,网络渲染未实现为支持烘焙。更改为Modo在10系列中,显然已经破坏了某些艺术家的作品,因此该功能已被禁用。
作为解决方法, Modo 10实现了使用烘焙项目和外部渲染控制器进行网络烘焙的功能。有关更多信息,请参见SDK Wiki。
• ID 50642 - Nodal shading does not support UDIMs.
• ID 41682 - Textures are not always updating in Preview/Render when painting on an image map.
• ID 44551 - Surface Particle Generators may not update with changes to a Density Gradient Input set to Slope.
解决方法是选择Distance to Locator或其他任何设置Density Gradient Input下拉菜单,然后将其更改回Slope。
• ID 34925 - Re-opening scenes saved with large particle caches can cause problems.
为避免此类问题,请在关闭前删除缓存Modo,或将粒子导出到.csv缓存文件或Realflow .bin文件。您可以通过将这些节点之一附加到Schematic视口,然后单击Cache Simulation。
• ID 55882 - Pinning the Viewport Textures preset browser crashes Modo on restart.
解决方法是运行Modo在Safe Mode然后选择System > Reset Preferences或手动删除主配置文件。
• ID Bug 55867 - Dragging and dropping a preset material into a material group places the preset above the Base Material, not in the group.
• ID 55901 - Preview is rendering images with the wrong color space for non EXR images.
• ID 55646 - The Camera can’t be edited in Preview if any of its channels are locked.
• 如果高多边形网格不可见,则预览烘焙输出将不正确。
• ID 56908 - Merge Meshes can corrupt UVs created in Mesh Ops.
• ID 56318 - Procedural duplication of Mesh Ops in a Deform folder creates errant Mesh Ops list.
• ID 56317- Duplication of Procedurals does not work with the Select By Previous Operation tool.
解决方法是,手动编辑副本的Select By Previous Operation网格操作。
• ID 54738 -任何作为“合并网格物体”源的项目(例如,网格物体项目,过程项目或“融合”项目)的重复项,所有重复项(重复项或实例)都将作为源添加到“合并网格物体操作”列表中。
解决方法是,在Mesh Ops列出使用X合并网格源中每个列表旁边的图标。
• ID 52149 - Curve Extrude mesh operation: The Path Segment Generator's Align to Normal option doesn't work when using a Bezier with zero-length tangents.
解决方法是,在挤出前旋转多边形以使其指向+ Z,或确保没有零长度的切线。
• ID 49767 - Scenes, which contain a UV constraint modifier driving texture properties, may fail to load after saving, due to a modifier dependency loop.
• ID 46512 - When rigged, Rock items and other procedurals do not display correctly in GL. This is a limitation of the feature and will not be fixed.
• ID 49473 - Projections are incorrect if the projecting camera is set to Vertical film fit mode and the width is less than the height.
• ID 43771 - Camera projections from non-render cameras show distortion in GL and baking.
• ID 44492 - If a scene that already contains references is referenced, the shading of the original references may not persist.
• ID 41119 - Reloading a reference after replacing it with the same file can cause Modo to crash.
• ID 56874 -使用凹凸纹理时的多边形伪像,使用新纹理时更明显Per-Ray Fresnel特色Modo 11.2v1。
As a workaround: The effect can be reduced by increasing the size of the bump texture, reducing the bump amplitude, or enabling AA on the bump texture.
• ID 56620 -- Modo尝试还原参考替代后关闭包含参考场景的场景时发生崩溃。
As a workaround: First close and reopen the scene before attempting to revert the reference.
• ID 56585 -的Render Current View命令,与Preview运行,可能会导致错误。
• ID Bug 55787 - The Scratches procedural texture may produce NaNs in the Preview viewport and Render Display.
• ID Bug 55663 - Motion Blur applied on a curve in a Mesh Operation no longer works.
• ID Bug 55262 - Displacement combined with normal maps renders incorrectly.
解决方法是,启用Displacement as Bump中的选项Render Item Settings或使用Preview。
• ID 53411 - Mesh lights or any direct light too close to a surface can produce fireflies (hot pixels) in some cases.
解决方法是,使用Maximum Radiance高于1 W / srm2减少偏见。
• ID 53184 - Value presets created for material Subsurface Scattering samples in Modo 10.1 or earlier now show on the render item instead.
• ID 52730 - The Vertex Illumination Bake command doesn't work as expected, when the mesh has transform channels.
• ID 52011 - Tangent Basis handles Mirror UVs incorrectly.
• ID 55059 - Binding can’t be used multiple times in Setup mode.
• ID 27244 - Duplicating joints in a bound mesh retains influences from the original joint chain.
• ID 55859 - Dragging and dropping a Texture Locator, Camera, or Light from the Shader Tree into Schematic viewport doesn’t work.
解决方法是,选择项目,然后单击Add Selected中的按钮Schematic视口。
• ID 53458 - Right-clicking or running a script in the Script Editor can lock up input to Modo.
• ID 55138 - Modo crashes when undoing a script which uses removeItems.
• ID 55897 - Specular and shadows in the Default viewport stops showing when sculpting on a displacement image.
解决方法是使用其他视口模式,例如Advanced要么Reflection,或套用Matcap着色器Shader Tree。
• ID 37858 - In the Shader Tree, choosing a group from Add Layer > Image Map > (use clip browser) fails.
要变通解决此问题,请在Clip Browser,选择单个图像而不是组,然后使用纹理层的Properties标签。
• ID 30947 - Layer masking displacement does not work unless you drag and drop the masking layer onto the displacement layer.
• ID 55887 - In Remove mode, the Topology Pen doesn’t remove edges created by the Split mode but instead removes the underlying polygon.
• ID 50701 - Unreal material Ambient Occlusion does not bake correctly in Modo.
• ID 50700 - There is no way to visualize the Unreal SubSurface Color effect in Modo.
• ID 50451 - On some graphics cards, Unity material may cause flickering in the Advanced viewport when used with bump maps and shadows.
• ID 55759 - Transforming objects can cause the Items Properties panel to flicker.
• ID 55702 - Mac OS X only: Saving layouts on certain multi-display configurations caused Modo to crash.
• ID 55571 - Resizing the dopesheet in Zen crashes Modo 11.1, but not in Modo 11.0.
• ID 55185 -视口图标按钮中的文本在Advanced某些Mac OS / AMD配置上的视口。
As a workaround: Upgrade Mac OS to 10.12 or 10.13.
• ID 44496 - Mac OS X only: Disabling Affect System Color Dialog in Preferences > Rendering > Color Management, and using the system color picker caused colors to darken with each use of the color picker.
这是由于OS X问题所致,它要求将显示器设置和颜色选择器中的颜色配置文件都设置为sRGB IEC61966-2.1。
• ID 44896 - Dragging and dropping an image from disk into the Clips list doesn’t work.
• ID 43162 (Windows only) -Setting a custom text size affects Modo's text drawing.
解决方法是,通过右键单击兼容性设置进入兼容性设置。 Modo快捷方式或可执行文件,然后关闭应用程序的字体缩放。
• ID 56967 -如果在UV和3D视口中都启用了UV变形,则在3D视图中编辑网格将使UV变为黑色。
As a workaround: Toggle the UV texture visibility or avoid enabling Show Distortion on in both views.
• ID 55891 - Show UDIM does not display the UDIM number in the UV viewport.
解决方法是,启用Auto Spans选项。
• ID 55582 - The Tear-off modifier keys (Shift+ Ctrl) are live in the UV Transform tool, meaning the Tear-off state changes during the drag if the keys aren’t held down.
• ID 55564 - The UV Distortion and UV Vertex maps are no longer accessible. This is due to bugs and crashes with these ‘internal’ maps being visible to users. Modo 11.2 will introduce features to replace prior uses of these maps.
• ID 53988 -SDK: 的item.channel查询未正确读取评估的字符串。
• ID 55473 -SDK: 加载两次的参考场景未在中返回几何CLxSurfaceVisitor.Sample()。
• ID 55749 -SDK: 如果未设置键,则查看插件的Alpha通道的图形Modo坠毁。
• ID 56467 -SDK:有时会导致在命令的启用功能中读取项目图Modo如果场景发生变化,则会崩溃。
• ID 56697 -SDK: Rendercache坠毁Modo关闭场景时。
为什么这没有帮助? (检查所有适用)