
The NetworkMaterialCreate node has been designed to contain your material network. The node features a left-to-right workflow and a new shading node design, which enables you to work more efficiently, making building and editing materials as quick and simple as possible. It holds the function of one or more NetworkMaterial nodes as well as the NetworkMaterialInterfaceControls node.

Control (UI)

Default Value




Defines the scene graph location where the material locations are created. The parameter options are available in either the scene graph widget or drop-down menu to the right of the parameter.

For more information, refer to the Scene Graph Location Widget Type.

Add NetworkMaterial/

Add Namespace


Click to add a new NetworkMaterial location or Namespace.

  • Add NetworkMaterial - Add a new NetworkMaterial location, accessible from within this NetworkMaterialCreate node.

    Added a new NetworkMaterial called NetworkMaterial1

  • Add Namespace - Add a new namespace to the Scene Graph under which NetworkMaterial locations can be grouped.

    Added a new Namespace called namespace

Note:  To learn more about multi-NetworkMaterial workflows in a NetworkMaterialCreate node, see Multiple NetworkMaterials with NetworkMaterialCreate.

Material Scenegraph


Add, remove and organize NetworkMaterials and Namespaces.

  • Name - To change the name of a NetworkMaterial or Namespace, you can double-click, or select the NetworkMaterial or Namespace and press Enter on the keyboard. You can then type a new name.
  • Renderers - View the number of renderers connected to each NetworkMaterial.
  • Terminals - View the number of terminals connected to each NetworkMaterial.
  • Interactive - When checked, you can drag objects in the Viewer and Katana retains the information from the Viewer.
  • Color - Set the color of a NetworkMaterial which is then applied to the terminal sidebar within the NetworkMaterialCreate node.

Use the middle-mouse button to click and drag NetworkMaterials and Namespaces to organize them.

Middle-mouse drag NetworkMaterial1
to place it under the namespace

Note:  You can place NetworkMaterials and Namespaces underneath other Namespaces but not underneath other NetworkMaterials.

Node Parameters

Control (UI)

Default Value




Promoted parameters within the NetworkMaterialCreate node appear here. This section remains empty if no parameters have been promoted.

Note:  For more information on how to promote parameters, see The Node Parameters and Interface Controls documentation.

Interface Controls

Control (UI)

Default Value


Add Node button


Click to add a new Interface Control and open its parameters.



Filter the list of Interface Controls by name or type. Type in the text field to start filtering. A list of matching controls are displayed.

Click the Select All Matching button to display the parameters for all matching Interface Controls.


Disable Parameter Display


Toggles the display of the parameters.

Fit to Width


Adjusts the width of the Interface Control list so the full length of the control names are visible.

Fit to Height


Adjusts the height of the Interface Control list so all controls are visible.

Note:  The following parameters are only visible once an Interface Control has been created and is selected.



The state of the parameter or page for the control to affect.

  • visibility - Depending on the condition, displays or hides the parameter or page specified in the targetName parameter.
  • lock - Depending on the condition, locks or unlocks the parameter or page specified in the targetName parameter, making any edits impossible if locked.



Select whether to apply the condition on either:

  • parameter - The operation affects a single parameter.
  • page - The operation affects a page containing one or more parameters.



Specifies the name of the chosen parameter or page.

Note:  The name must be identical to the one displayed in the NetworkMaterial node's Material Interface.


operator tree

Selects how to set up the condition:

  • operator tree - Allows you to set up conditions using an operator tree.
  • conditional state expression - Allows you to set up conditions using one or several expressions.

When definitionStyle: operator tree




Select which expression operator to use in the operator tree:

  • and - The resulting expression is satisfied only if all of the child expressions are satisfied.
  • or - The resulting expression is satisfied if at least one of the child expressions is satisfied.




Select an op:

  • contains - Evaluates if the condition is true by testing if the parameter or page values contain the values set in the expression.
  • doesNotContain - Evaluates if the condition is true by testing if the parameter or page values do not contain the values set in the expression.
  • endsWith - Evaluates if the condition is true by testing if the parameter or page values end with the values set in the expression.
  • equalTo - Evaluates if the condition is true by testing if the parameter or page values are equal to the values set in the expression.
  • greaterThan - Evaluates if the condition is true by testing if the parameter or page values are greater than the values set in the expression.
  • greaterThanOrEqualTo - Evaluates if the condition is true by testing if the parameter or page values are greater than or equal to the values set in the expression.
  • in - Evaluates if the condition is true by testing if the parameter or page values are in the values (separated by a pipe with no spaces) set in the expression.
  • lessThan - Evaluates if the condition is true by testing if the parameter or page values are less than the values set in the expression.
  • lessThanOrEqualTo - Evaluates if the condition is true by testing if the parameter or page values are less than or equal to the values set in the expression.
  • notEqualTo - Evaluates if the condition is true by testing if the parameter or page values are not equal to the values set in the expression.
  • notIn - Evaluates if the condition is true by testing if the parameter or page values are not in the values (separated by a pipe with no spaces) set in the expression.
  • numChildrenEqualTo - Evaluates if the condition is true by testing if the number of children in the target group parameter is equal to the number of children specified in the parameter or page.
  • numChildrenGreaterThanOrEqualTo - Evaluates if the condition is true by testing if the number of children in the target group parameter is greater than or equal to the number of children specified in the parameter or page.
  • regex - Evaluates if the condition is true by testing if the parameter or page values match the values set in the regular expression.
  • and - Specifies if you want to compare the parameter or page values to another set of values. It uses all the expressions to evaluate the condition.
  • or - Specifies if you want to compare the parameter or page values to another set of values. It uses only one of the expressions to evaluate the condition.

Note:  The following parameters are only visible once an operator has been selected from the Add menu.



The chosen op from the Add menu.



Specifies the path of the parameter or page to evaluate.



Specifies the values to compare the parameter or page values with, in order to evaluate if the condition is true.

Material Interface

Control (UI)

Default Value




A list displaying all promoted parameters, organized in the same way as they were grouped when promoted.



The path to each different parameter.

Note:  For more information on the uses of the Material Interface, see The Node Parameters and Interface Controls documentation.