File Browser Command¶
This article provides C++ source code for spawning a file browser from a command.
File dialogs are documented in depth, here: [ File Dialogs]
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* Implement a simple command for spawning a file browser.
* Usage: "file.browse"
#include <lx_plugin.hpp>
#include <lxu_command.hpp>
#include <lx_value.hpp>
#include <lx_command.hpp>
#define SERVER_NAME "file.browse"
#define ARG_FILENAME "filename"
#define ARGi_FILENAME 0
* Disambiguate everything with a namespace. This isn't necessary,
* but it's good practice and allows generic names to be used for
* things like the Command class.
namespace FileBrowse_Cmd
* Implement the command class. This inherits from CLxBasicCommand,
* which is a wrapper class that does a lot of the heavy lifting
* when implementing a command.
class Command : public CLxBasicCommand
static void initialize ()
CLxGenericPolymorph *srv;
srv = new CLxPolymorph <Command>;
srv->AddInterface (new CLxIfc_Command <Command>);
srv->AddInterface (new CLxIfc_Attributes <Command>);
srv->AddInterface (new CLxIfc_AttributesUI <Command>);
srv->AddInterface (new CLxIfc_StaticDesc <Command>);
lx::AddServer (SERVER_NAME, srv);
Command ();
int basic_CmdFlags () LXx_OVERRIDE;
bool basic_Enable (CLxUser_Message &msg) LXx_OVERRIDE;
void cmd_Interact () LXx_OVERRIDE;
void cmd_Execute (unsigned int flags) LXx_OVERRIDE;
static LXtTagInfoDesc descInfo[];
Command::Command ()
* The constructor is a good place to add arguments and
* set flags for those arguments. This command will have
* a single argument for the filename. The flags will mark
* the argument as optional. This will prevent modo from
* launching a dialog to ask for a filename string and
* instead allow the command to handle the missing argument
* value by spawning a file dialog.
int Command::basic_CmdFlags ()
* The flags define if this should be an undoable command
* or not. If the command changes the state of the scene,
* then it should implement both the MODEL and UNDO flags.
bool Command::basic_Enable (CLxUser_Message &msg)
* In practice, a command usually has an enabled state and
* a disabled state. This function allows you to return True
* or False to enable/disable the command. A message interface
* is provided to allow you to pass detailed information about
* the enable state back to the user. This command is always
* enabled.
return true;
void Command::cmd_Interact ()
* When the command is executed, this function is first called.
* It's the ideal place to open a file dialog and ask for user
* interaction. The resulting path can then be passed to the
* commands execute method using the filename argument.
* No scene or state altering code should be performed here.
CLxUser_CommandService cmd_svc;
CLxUser_Command command;
CLxUser_ValueArray val_array;
LXtObjectID obj = NULL;
std::string filename = "";
unsigned n = 0;
* Check if the filename argument is set, if it is, return early.
if (dyna_IsSet (ARGi_FILENAME))
* Fire the commands to open the file dialog.
cmd_svc.ExecuteArgString (-1, LXiCTAG_NULL, "dialog.setup fileOpen");
cmd_svc.ExecuteArgString (-1, LXiCTAG_NULL, "dialog.title {Browse For Files...}");
cmd_svc.ExecuteArgString (-1, LXiCTAG_NULL, "dialog.fileTypeCustom movie {Quicktime Movie} {*.mov;*.mp4} mov");
cmd_svc.ExecuteArgString (-1, LXiCTAG_NULL, "");
* Spawn a command that can be queried for the result.
if (LXx_FAIL (cmd_svc.NewCommand (command, "dialog.result")))
* Query the first argument on the dialog.result command
* and store the results in a value array.
if (LXx_FAIL (cmd_svc.QueryIndex (command, 0, val_array)))
* Get the number of elements in the array. There should
* only be one. If there are none, return early.
n = val_array.Count ();
if (!n)
* Read the string from the value array and set the filename
* argument to the value of the string.
val_array.String (0, filename);
attr_SetString (ARGi_FILENAME, filename.c_str());
void Command::cmd_Execute (unsigned int flags)
* As the name suggests, this is where the command is executed.
* In this command, we won't actually do anything, other than
* read the filename argument into a string.
std::string filename_arg = "";
if (dyna_IsSet (ARGi_FILENAME))
attr_GetString (ARGi_FILENAME, filename_arg);
void initialize ()
Command :: initialize ();
LXtTagInfoDesc Command::descInfo[] = {
{ 0 }
}; // End Namespace.
* Initialize the servers.
void initialize ()
FileBrowse_Cmd :: initialize ();