Working with User Tracks

User Tracks are placed manually, rather then being automatically seeded by CameraTracker, and can be used to improve or even replace auto tracking data. They can also be used to link unmatched reference frames together when tracking stills.

You can create User Tracks before tracking and solving to lock the camera to a particular part of the shot or afterwards to help improve the results.

This section covers the following topics:

Adding and positioning User Tracks in the Viewer. See Adding and Positioning User Tracks.

Track User Tracks in several different ways. See User Tracking Methods.

Using User Tracks to improve auto-tracking data. See Tracking Assists.

Tracking a scene manually using only User Tracks. See Tracking a Scene Manually.

Using User Tracks to link reference frames when tracking stills. See Linking Still Reference Frames.

Assigning User Tracks as 3D survey points in order to tie your sequence to a known 3D world, such as those created using stills. See Assigning 3D Survey Points.