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Projecting Textures with the Project3D Node
The Project3D node projects an input image through a camera onto the 3D object.
To Use the Project3D Node
Select 3D > Shader > Project3D to insert a Project3D node after the image you want to project. Connect a Camera node to the Project3D node’s cam input. |
Insert a 3D geometry node (a Sphere for example) after the Project3D node. |
Attach a Viewer to the 3D geometry node to see your changes. |
In the node’s controls, use the display dropdown menu to select how you want to view your object in the Viewer while making changes to it. |
From the project on dropdown menu, select to project the image on either the front facing, back facing, or both polygons. |
To extend the input image at its edges with black, check crop. To extend the image with the edge colors, uncheck crop. |
If you want to use ray casting to test the projection and find out which parts of it are occluded, you can use the occlusion mode dropdown. Select: |
• none - to disable occlusion testing.
• self - to tell Project3D that only the geometry connected to it can cause occlusion.
• world - to tell Project3D that other objects in the scene can cause occlusion.