Package nukescripts :: Module renderdialog :: Class FlipbookDialog
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class FlipbookDialog

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PythonPanel --+        
  ExecuteDialog --+    
       RenderDialog --+

Instance Methods [hide private]
_titleString(self) source code
_idString(self) source code
__init__(self, dialogState, groupContext, node, takeNodeSettings) source code
Add knobs that must appear before the render knobs.
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Add knobs that must appear after the render knobs.
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_getDefaultViews(self) source code
Add knobs for view selection.
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_selectedFlipbook(self) source code
_lutFromViewer(self, viewerName="") source code
_isViewerSettingKnob(self, knob) source code
_setKnobAndStore(self, knob, val) source code
knobChanged(self, knob) source code
Delete all the files in the range to be rendered.
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_getIntermediateFileType(self) source code
Get the path for the temporary files.
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_requireIntermediateNode(self) source code
Create a write node to render out the current node so that output may be used for flipbooking.
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_getLUT(self) source code
_getAudio(self) source code
_getOptions(self, nodeToFlipbook) source code
run(self) source code

Inherited from RenderDialog: isBackgrounded

Inherited from RenderDialog (private): _getBackgroundLimits

Inherited from ExecuteDialog: addKnob, addToPane

Method Details [hide private]


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Overrides: ExecuteDialog._titleString


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Overrides: ExecuteDialog._idString

__init__(self, dialogState, groupContext, node, takeNodeSettings)

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Overrides: ExecuteDialog.__init__


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Add knobs that must appear before the render knobs.

Overrides: ExecuteDialog._addPreKnobs
(inherited documentation)


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Add knobs that must appear after the render knobs.

Overrides: ExecuteDialog._addPostKnobs
(inherited documentation)


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Overrides: ExecuteDialog._getDefaultViews


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Add knobs for view selection.

Overrides: ExecuteDialog._addViewKnob
(inherited documentation)

knobChanged(self, knob)

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Overrides: ExecuteDialog.knobChanged


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Get the path for the temporary files. May be filled in using printf syntax.


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