DD::Image::ComplexLightOp Class Reference

Inherits DD::Image::LightOp.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ComplexLightOp (Node *node)
double hfov () const
 Horizontal field of view.
int lightType () const
bool is_delta_light () const
 This light has a delta distribution (a cone in 3D).
void get_L_vector (LightContext &ltx, const Vector3 &P, const Vector3 &N, Vector3 &L, float &D) const
 Calculate a normalized direction vector L and distance D to surface point P.
void get_color (LightContext &ltx, const Vector3 &P, const Vector3 &N, const Vector3 &L, float D, Pixel &out)
 Returns the amount of light stiking the current surface point from the light.
void shade_GL (ViewerContext *ctx, int light_num)
 This will set the OpenGL lighting settings.
void draw_handle (ViewerContext *ctx)
 Draws the light handle.
void _validate (bool for_real)
 This will validate the light node.
void knobs (Knob_Callback f)

Protected Attributes

double _coneAngleNotClamp
double _conePenumbraAngleNotClamp
double _coneFalloffNotClamp
float _coneAngle
float _conePenumbraAngle
float _coneFalloff
float _coneOuterCos
float _iconeCos
float _coneInnerCos
int _lightType
double _intensityScale

Detailed Description

Light source base class that provides either a point source with falloff (as per LightOp), but also adds the options of a directional light and a spotlight

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