DD::Image Namespace Reference


namespace  Application
 Contains information about the application that is using DDImage.
namespace  HashFile
 Includes functions to generate and check a hash for a given file.


class  Attribute
 General Attribute class. More...
class  AxisOp
 AxisOp is the base class for all the 3D objects. It simply contains a transform matrix. More...
class  Black
class  BlockAllocator
class  Blur
class  Box
 Describes a rectangle with integer boundaries. More...
class  Box3
 3D Box More...
class  CameraOp
class  ChannelMap
class  ChannelSet
class  ColorLookup
class  ComplexLightOp
struct  ConvolveArray
class  Convolve
class  DeepAccumPixelOp
class  DeepFilterOp
class  DeepInfo
class  DeepOp
class  DeepPixel
class  DeepPlane
class  DeepOutPixel
class  DeepOutputPlane
class  DeepReader
class  DeepSample
 helper class representing a small float vector, one for each channel in a set More...
class  DeepSampleVector
class  DeepWriterOwner
class  DeepWriter
class  DepthMapRender
 Depth map rendering for a shadow buffer. More...
class  License
class  Description
class  DownRez
class  DrawIop
class  EngineContext
class  Enumeration_KnobI
class  Executable
 Class to wrap up node graph execution. More...
class  Execute
class  File_KnobI
struct  FileFrameRange
struct  FileHandle
class  FileOp
class  FileRead
class  FileReader
class  FileSet
class  FileWriter
class  Filter
class  Format
 Describes the size and shape of an image. More...
class  FrameRangeControls
 Class used to standardise frame range controls throughout NUKE. More...
class  GeneralInfo
 Base class for defining a time bounded region. More...
class  AttribContext
struct  GeoInfoRenderState
class  GeoInfo
 Contains a list of points and geometric primitives. More...
class  GeometryList
class  GeoOp
class  GeoReader
class  GeoDescription
class  GeoWriter
class  GPUContext
class  Hash
class  HConvolve
class  HeapAllocator
class  Histogram_Data
class  IllumShader
 This subclass of Material provides some convienence functions so that it is easier to write a lighting surface shader. More...
class  ImageCacheReadI
 Holder of temporary data to read files from cache:. More...
class  ImageCacheWriteI
 Holder of temporary data to write files to cache:. More...
class  Image_Cache
class  ImagePlane
class  ImagePlaneDescriptor
class  InterestRatchet
class  Interest
class  IopInfoOwner
 IopInfo holder. More...
class  Iop
 Iop is the base class for all the image operators. More...
class  IopInfo
class  Knob
class  KnobChangeGroup
struct  IRange
class  LightContext
class  LightOp
 LightOp defines a 3D light. More...
class  LinkableKnobInfo
class  LinkableI
struct  CurveDescription
class  LookupCurves
class  LUT
class  Linear
class  Material
class  SolidShader
 Default solid vertex shader. More...
class  Matrix3
 A 3x3 transformation matrix. More...
class  Matrix4
 A 4x4 transformation matrix. More...
class  MatrixArray
class  Memory
class  MemoryHolder
class  Mesh
class  ModifyGeo
class  MultiArray_KnobI
class  NoIop
class  NukeWrapper
class  NullGeo
class  PreValidateContext
class  Op
 Base class of all the things that can be created by Nuke nodes. More...
class  OpMessage
 This class encapsulates a text message to the user produced by an op. More...
class  OpMessageHandler
 This component of an op handles its messages to the user. More...
class  OpMessageObserver
class  OpTimer
class  OpTree
class  OpTreeHandler
 This component of an op handles the manipulations of its trees: adding to, removing from, checking statuses, etc. More...
class  OrderedMap
class  OutputContext
class  ParticleNodeState
class  ParticleNodeStateFactory
class  Random
 A random number generator for the use of ParticleOps. More...
class  ParticleOp
 Particle operator. More...
class  ParticleRender
class  Particles
class  ParticlesSprite
class  MBParticleSpriteGenerator
class  Pixel
class  PixelIop
class  Plane
class  Point
class  Polygon
class  PolyMesh
 PolyMesh is a connected series of polygons comprising a contiguous surface. More...
class  PositionVector_KnobI
 The interface for position vector knobs. More...
class  Primitive
class  PrimitiveContext
class  RandomBoxes
 Vector of boxes with member functions. More...
class  Box2f
struct  QuadtreeNode
class  Quadtree
class  Quaternion
 A implementation of a way of representing rotations that avoid a lot of the problems that the standard rotation about the axis methods have. More...
struct  Ray
class  PrimitiveTestCache
class  BasicGrid
class  RegularGrid
class  ReadFileKnobOwner
class  Read
class  Reader
class  DataInfo
 Class that provides information about component types. More...
class  GenericImagePlaneDescriptor
class  GenericImagePlane
 Class to wrap up an image plane of arbitrary type. This is used by the readers to return image data with the minimal amount of conversion needed. More...
class  BaseHandle
class  Handle
 Standard handle, which allocates via DD Images memory pool. More...
class  PlanarReadInfo
 Information about a generic image plane, as opposed to a scan line, and how it can be read and decoded. More...
class  ReadGeo
class  RefCountedFloatBuffer
class  RefCountedObject
class  RefCountedPtr
class  Render
 Base class for rendering a 3D scene to an image. More...
class  RenderScene
 3D image renderer parent class More...
class  Row
class  rPoint
class  rPrimitive
 This is the base class of anything renderable! We use this class to handle renderable objects that can have simple geometry such as triangles, spheres, etc. More...
class  rTriangle
class  Scene
class  SceneView_KnobI
class  ShapeKnob
class  ShutterControls
class  SmallBlockDefinition
class  SourceGeo
class  Text_KnobI
class  Lock
class  SignalLock
class  ReadWriteLock
class  RecursiveLock
class  ReadGuard
class  WriteGuard
class  TryWriteGuard
class  BaseLockGuard
class  Guard
class  SpinGuard
class  Thread
class  Tile
class  ToBuffer
 Takes the output of an image tree and put it into an 8-bit buffer. More...
class  Transform
class  TransformGeo
 Operator that transforms geometric points. More...
class  TransformJack_ClientI
class  TransformReceiverI
class  Triangle
class  UpRez
class  ValueStuffI
 Container for values. More...
class  VConvolve
class  Vector2
class  Vector3
class  Vector4
class  Version
class  VArray
class  VertexContext
class  ViewerCache
 Image cache for the viewer. More...
struct  Draw_Handle_Callback
class  Menu
class  ViewerContext
class  ViewFrustum
class  Write
class  WriteGeo
class  Writer
struct  ObjectCell


typedef Knob_Closure & Knob_Callback
typedef RefCountedPtr< AttributeAttributePtr
typedef bool(* FilenameValidateCallback )(const std::string &filename)
typedef void(* callback_change_knobs )(void *v, Knob_Callback f)
typedef int FrameRange [2]
typedef RefCountedPtr< PointList > PointListPtr
typedef RefCountedPtr
< PrimitiveList > 
typedef unsigned GeometryMask
typedef std::vector
< AttribContext
typedef std::vector< float > VertexSelection
typedef std::vector< float > FaceSelection
typedef std::map
< DD::Image::Hash,
Image_Cache_Entry > 
typedef void(* TimeoutHandler )(void *)
typedef unsigned long long Flags
typedef unsigned int ParticleChannelSet
typedef Read ReaderOwner
typedef RefCountedPtr< BaseHandleHandlePtr
typedef SignalLock SlowSignalLock
typedef void(* DrawHandleCallbackFunc )(void *, ViewerContext *)
typedef RefCountedPtr< ObjectGrid > ObjectGridPtr
typedef bool(* plugin_interpret_callback )(const char *name)


enum  AttribType {
enum  Channel {
  Chan_Black, Chan_Red, Chan_Green, Chan_Blue,
  Chan_Alpha, Chan_Z, Chan_U, Chan_V,
  Chan_Backward_U, Chan_Backward_V, Chan_Stereo_Disp_Left_X, Chan_Stereo_Disp_Left_Y,
  Chan_Stereo_Disp_Right_X, Chan_Stereo_Disp_Right_Y, Chan_Mask, Chan_RotoPaint_Mask,
  Chan_DeepFront, Chan_DeepBack, Chan_Mask_PlanarTrack, Chan_Mask_SplineWarp,
enum  ChannelSetInit {
  Mask_None, Mask_Red, Mask_Green, Mask_Blue,
  Mask_Alpha, Mask_Z, Mask_DeepBack, Mask_DeepFront,
  Mask_Deep, Mask_U, Mask_V, Mask_Backward_U,
  Mask_Backward_V, Mask_Stereo_Disp_Left_X, Mask_Stereo_Disp_Left_Y, Mask_Stereo_Disp_Right_X,
  Mask_Stereo_Disp_Right_Y, Mask_RGB, Mask_RGBA, Mask_UV,
  Mask_MoVecForward, Mask_MoVecBackward, Mask_MoVec, Mask_Stereo_Disp_Left,
  Mask_Stereo_Disp_Right, Mask_Stereo_Disp, Mask_Mask, Mask_RotoPaint_Mask,
  Mask_PlanarTrack, Mask_SplineWarp, Mask_Builtin, Mask_All
enum  {
  Chan_Px, Chan_Py, Chan_Pz, Chan_Pw,
  Chan_UVx, Chan_UVy, Chan_UVz, Chan_UVw,
  Chan_Nx, Chan_Ny, Chan_Nz, Chan_PLx,
  Chan_PLy, Chan_PLz, Chan_PWx, Chan_PWy,
  Chan_PWz, Chan_MBx, Chan_MBy, Chan_MBz,
  Chan_VELx, Chan_VELy, Chan_VELz, Chan_P_,
  Chan_UV_, Chan_N_, Chan_PL_, Chan_PW_,
  Chan_MB_, Chan_VEL_
enum  ChannelSet3DInit {
  Mask_Px, Mask_Py, Mask_Pz, Mask_Pw,
  Mask_UVx, Mask_UVy, Mask_UVz, Mask_UVw,
  Mask_Nx, Mask_Ny, Mask_Nz, Mask_PLx,
  Mask_PLy, Mask_PLz, Mask_PWx, Mask_PWy,
  Mask_PWz, Mask_MBx, Mask_MBy, Mask_MBz,
  Mask_VELx, Mask_VELy, Mask_VELz, Mask_CF_,
  Mask_P_, Mask_UV_, Mask_N_, Mask_PL_,
  Mask_PW_, Mask_MB_, Mask_VEL_
enum  GroupType {
  Group_None, Group_Primitives, Group_Vertices, Group_Points,
  Group_Object, Group_Matrix, Group_Attributes, Group_Last
enum  {
  Mask_No_Geometry, Mask_Primitives, Mask_Vertices, Mask_Points,
  Mask_Geometry, Mask_Object, Mask_Matrix, Mask_Attributes,
enum  Display3DMode {
enum  {
  XY, XZ, YZ, YX,
  ZX, ZY
enum  FileKnob_Type {
  Normal_File, Read_File_Proxy, Write_File_Proxy, Geo_File,
  Write_File_Normal, Script_File, Read_File_Cached, Read_File_NoProxy,
enum  {
enum  LookupCurvesType {
  eLookupCurvesTypeTime, eLookupCurvesTypePlot, eLookupCurvesTypeRGBLut, eLookupCurvesTypeYLut,
  eLookupCurvesTypeALut, eLookupCurvesTypeHue1, eLookupCurvesTypeHue2
enum  {
enum  {
enum  MeshSubdivisionMethod {
enum  ViewerWorldCoordinate { eViewerWorldCoordinateYUp, eViewerWorldCoordinateZUp, eViewerWorldCoordinateCount }
enum  FrameAdvance { eFrameAdvanceConstant, eFrameAdvanceStep, eFrameAdvanceRandom }
enum  PrimitiveType {
  eUnknownPrimitive, eTriangle, ePolygon, eMesh,
  ePoint, eParticles, eParticlesSprite, ePolyMesh,
enum  ColorCurveEnum {
  eColorCurveLinear, eColorCurveLog, eColorCurveSRGB, eColorCurveRec709,
 Enum to label standard lookup curves applied to colours.
enum  DataTypeEnum {
  eDataTypeNone, eDataTypeUInt8, eDataTypeUInt16, eDataTypeUInt32,
  eDataTypeFloat16, eDataTypeFloat32
 Enumeration for data types that DataInfo supports.
enum  RippleType {
  eRippleOff, eRippleAll, eRippleFromStart, eRippleToEnd,
enum  MotionVectorType { eDisableMotionVector, eClassicMotionVector, eVelocityMotionVector, eDistanceMotionVector }
 Scene motion vector types. More...
enum  StoreType {
  DoublePtr, FloatPtr, StringPtr, IntPtr,
  UnsignedIntPtr, BoolPtr, ConvolveArrayPtr, ChannelSetPtr,
  ChannelPtr, FormatPairPtr, MatrixPtr, LookupCurvesPtr,
  IntSetPtr, IntIntMapPtr, IntPairPtr, StringVecVecPtr,
  StlStringPtr, Custom
enum  DrawHandleType {
  eDrawHandleAlways, eDrawHandleVertexSelection, eDrawHandleEdgeSelection, eDrawHandleFaceSelection,
  eDrawHandleObjectSelection, eDrawHandleNodeSelection
enum  ViewerMode {
enum  ViewerEvent {
enum  SelectionMode3D { eSelect3DNode, eSelect3DVertex, eSelect3DFace, eSelect3DObject }
enum  Select3DAction { eSelectReplace, eSelectAdd, eSelectRemove, eSelectDrag }
enum  {
enum  {
  LeftButton, MiddleButton, RightButton, SpaceKey,
  BackSpaceKey, TabKey, ClearKey, ReturnKey,
  PauseKey, ScrollLockKey, EscapeKey, HomeKey,
  LeftKey, UpKey, RightKey, DownKey,
  PageUpKey, PageDownKey, EndKey, PrintKey,
  InsertKey, MenuKey, HelpKey, NumLockKey,
  KeypadEnter, F0Key, F1Key, F2Key,
  F3Key, F4Key, F5Key, F6Key,
  F7Key, F8Key, F9Key, F10Key,
  F11Key, F12Key, LastFunctionKey, LeftShiftKey,
  RightShiftKey, LeftControlKey, RightControlKey, CapsLockKey,
  LeftMetaKey, RightMetaKey, LeftAltKey, RightAltKey,
enum  {
enum  { eUnknown, ePen, eCursor, eEraser }
enum  FrustumPlane {
  eNear, eFar, eLeft, eRight,
  eTop, eBottom, eMax
 Frustum planes enumerations.
enum  FrustumVisibility { eNotVisible, eFullVisible, ePartialVisible }
 Frustum visibility result. More...
enum  SampleType { eFront, eBack, eBoth }
enum  ShowMessagesOption { eSMO_DoNotShowMessages, eSMO_ShowMessages }
enum  {
  eNoDomain, eSphereDomain, eBoxDomain, eHalfSpaceDomain,
  eCylinderDomain, eMaxDomain


 mFnCreateGlobalSTLAllocator (STL3DAllocator, Allocators::g3DAllocator)
void SetValueProvider (Knob_Callback f, ArrayKnobI::ValueProvider *valueProvider)
 mFnCreateInstanceSTLAllocator (STLBlockAllcoator, BlockAllocator)
 Create STL allocator class using macro.
void incr (Channel &c)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, Channel)
Channel getChannel (const char *name, bool sort=true)
Channel findChannel (const char *name)
const char * getName (Channel)
const char * getLayerName (Channel)
unsigned colourIndex (Channel, const char *layer=0)
Channel brother (Channel, unsigned index)
ChannelSetInit operator| (ChannelSetInit a, ChannelSetInit b)
ChannelSetInit operator& (ChannelSetInit a, ChannelSetInit b)
ChannelSetInit operator& (ChannelSetInit a, Channel b)
bool intersect (const ChannelSet &m, const ChannelSet &c)
bool intersect (const ChannelSet &m, ChannelSetInit c)
bool intersect (const ChannelSet &m, Channel z)
bool turn_off (const ChannelSet &c, const ChannelSet &m)
bool turn_off (ChannelSetInit c, const ChannelSet &m)
bool turn_off (Channel c, const ChannelSet &m)
ChannelSetInit depth2mask (int d)
void mask2array (Channel *array, unsigned n, ChannelMask mask, const char *layer)
ChannelSet array2mask (const Channel *array, int n)
Channel mask (Channel c)
const Versionversion ()
const VersionapplicationVersion ()
double scriptVersion ()
void CombineOverlappingSamples (const ChannelMap &channels, const DeepPixel &deepPixel, DeepSampleVector &pixels)
void CombineOverlappingSamples (const ChannelMap &channels, const DeepSampleVector &deepPixel, DeepSampleVector &pixels)
void CombineOverlappingSamples (const ChannelMap &channels, const DeepPixel &deepPixel, DeepOutPixel &pixels)
void CompositeSamples (const DeepPixel &samples, const ChannelSet &chans, Row &row, int x, float *Zpix, float *Zfrontpix)
 composite the samples together. Samples can be a DeepPixel or a DeepSampleVector.
void CompositeSamples (const DeepSampleVector &samples, const ChannelSet &chans, Row &row, int x, float *Zpix, float *Zfrontpix)
void CompositeSamples (const DeepPixel &samples, const ChannelSet &chans, Row &row, int x, float *Zpix, float *Zfrontpix, float *Zbackpix)
 composite the samples together. Samples can be a DeepPixel or a DeepSampleVector.
void CompositeSamples (const DeepSampleVector &samples, const ChannelSet &chans, Row &row, int x, float *Zpix, float *Zfrontpix, float *Zbackpix)
bool DetectOverlappingSamples (const DeepSampleVector &t)
 check whether any samples overlap. Samples can be a DeepPixel or a DeepSampleVector.
bool DetectOverlappingSamples (const DeepPixel &t)
bool RenameTempToFinal (const char *lpTempName, const char *lpFinalName, Op *lpOp)
int getFilenameList (const char *dir, FileHandle::ListType type, std::vector< FileHandle > *list)
void registerFilenameValidateCallback (FilenameValidateCallback callback)
void unregisterFilenameValidateCallback (FilenameValidateCallback callback)
template<class T , class V >
bool IsEqualFloat (T val1, T val2)
 Accepts float or double.
bool IsEqual (float val1, float val2)
bool IsEqual (double val1, double val2)
bool IsNonZero (float val1)
bool IsNonZero (double val1)
const AttribContextGetGeoInfoAttribContext (const GeoInfo *info, const char *attribName, AttribType attribType)
GeoSelection & GetGeometrySelection ()
void glColor (unsigned)
void glColor4 (unsigned)
void glColor4fvLUT (const float *)
void gl_text (const char *str)
void gl_text (const char *str, int n)
void gl_text (const char *str, float x, float y, float z=0)
void gl_text (const char *str, int n, float x, float y, float z=0)
void gl_text (const char *str, int x, int y, int z=0)
void gl_text (const char *str, int n, int x, int y, int z=0)
void gl_text (const char *str, double x, double y, double z=0)
void gl_text (const char *str, int n, double x, double y, double z=0)
void gl_enable_line_smoothing (float width)
void gl_disable_line_smoothing ()
void gl_circlef (float x, float y, float z, float diam, int plane, bool filled=false, float normal=1.0f)
void gl_circlefAsTris (float x, float y, float z, float diam, float lineWidth, int plane, bool filled=false, float normal=1.0f)
void gl_cylinderf (float x, float y, float z, float width, float diam1, float diam2, int plane, bool capped=true, bool filled=false)
void gl_conef (float x, float y, float z, float length, float diam, int plane)
void gl_sphere (float radius=0.5)
void gl_planef (float x, float y, float z, float width, float height, int plane)
void gl_gridf (float x, float y, float z, int numW, int numH, int plane)
void gl_quadi (int x, int y, int r, int t)
void gl_rectangle (float x, float y, float r, float t)
void gl_rectangle (int x, int y, int r, int t)
void gl_bracket (float x, float y, float r, float t, float sx, float sy)
void gl_crossf (float x, float y, float z, float size, int plane)
void gl_crossi (int x, int y, int z, int size, int plane)
void gl_axis ()
void gl_axis_label ()
void gl_boxf (float x, float y, float n, float r, float t, float f, bool filled=false)
void gl_cubef (float x, float y, float z, float width)
void gl_bezierf (float x, float y, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3, float scale=1)
void gl_drawTextTopLeftOrthogonal (const std::string &text, DD::Image::ViewerContext *ctx, bool redColour=true)
const char * gl_errorstring (int errorcode)
int glGetErrors (const char *message=0)
bool GLProject (float x, float y, float z, const DD::Image::Matrix4 &m, const DD::Image::Box &vp, float *winx, float *winy, float *winz)
bool GLUnproject (float wx, float wy, float wz, const DD::Image::Matrix4 &m, const DD::Image::Box &vp, float *objx, float *objy, float *objz)
DD::Image::Box GLProjectCube (const DD::Image::Box3 &cube, const DD::Image::Matrix4 &m, const DD::Image::Box &vp)
void GLZOffsetProjection (float offsetAmount)
void cacheglBegin (unsigned int mode)
void cacheglEnd ()
void cacheglVertex2f (float x, float y)
void cacheglVertex2fv (const float *v)
void cacheglVertex2d (double x, double y)
void cacheglVertex3f (float x, float y, float z)
void cacheglVertex3fv (const float *c)
void cacheglNormal3f (float nx, float ny, float nz)
void cacheglColor3f (float r, float g, float b)
void cacheglColor4fv (const float *c)
void cacheglColor4ub (unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a)
void cacheglLineWidth (float width)
void cacheglLineStipple (int factor, short pattern)
void cacheglPushAttrib (unsigned int mask)
void cacheglPopAttrib ()
void cacheglPushMatrix ()
void cacheglPopMatrix ()
void cacheglMatrixMode (unsigned int mode)
void cacheglLoadIdentity ()
void cacheglEnable (unsigned int cap)
void cacheglDisable (unsigned int cap)
void cacheglHint (unsigned int target, unsigned int mode)
void cacheglLoadName (unsigned int name)
void cacheglLoadMatrixf (const float *m)
void cacheglStoreColor (float *c)
void cacheglRestoreColor (float *c)
void cacheglPointSize (float size)
void cacheglTranslatef (float tx, float ty, float tz)
void cacheglScaled (double sx, double sy, double sz)
void cacheglAlphaFunc (unsigned int func, float ref)
void cacheglBlendFunc (unsigned int sfactor, unsigned int dfactor)
void cacheglDepthMask (bool flag)
void cacheglClear (unsigned long mask)
void cacheglDepthFunc (unsigned int func)
void cacheglFlush ()
void cacheglPolygonMode (unsigned int face, unsigned int mode)
void cacheglColor4f (float r, float g, float b, float a)
void cacheglTexCoord2f (float s, float t)
void cacheglVertex2i (int x, int y)
void cacheglScalef (float sx, float sy, float sz)
void cacheglRectf (float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2)
void cacheglOrtho (double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar)
void cacheglRotatef (float angle, float x, float y, float z)
void cacheglRotated (double angle, double x, double y, double z)
void cacheuglColor (unsigned int color)
void cacheuglText (const char *str, float x, float y, float z=0.0f)
void cacheuglZOffsetProjection (float offsetAmount)
void cacheuglBezierf (float x, float y, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3, float scale=1.0f)
void cacheuglProjectionMatrix ()
template<class T >
U64 getHashValue (const T s)
 mFnCreateInstanceSTLAllocator (STLHeapAllocator, HeapAllocator)
 Create STL allocator class using macro.
bool RGBtoHSV (float r, float g, float b, float &h, float &s, float &v)
void HSVtoRGB (float h, float s, float v, float &r, float &g, float &b)
bool RGBtoHSL (float r, float g, float b, float &H, float &S, float &L)
void HSLtoRGB (float H, float S, float L, float &r, float &g, float &b)
void HSVtoHSL (float h, float s, float v, float &H, float &S, float &L)
void HSLtoHSV (float H, float S, float L, float &h, float &s, float &v)
int strcmp (const NameString &s, const char *v)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const Knob::cstring &c)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const Knob::Indent *)
std::string escape (const char *s)
void Tooltip (Knob_Callback f, const char *)
void Tooltip (Knob_Callback f, const std::string &text)
void SetFlags (Knob_Callback f, Knob::FlagMask n)
void ClearFlags (Knob_Callback f, Knob::FlagMask n)
void SetRange (Knob_Callback f, double minimum, double maximum)
KnobObsolete_knob (Knob_Callback f, const char *linkto, NAME name, const char *script)
KnobObsolete_knob (Knob_Callback f, NAME name, const char *script)
KnobOp_knob (Knob_Callback f, Op *op, NAME name)
KnobString_knob (Knob_Callback f, const char **p, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobPassword_knob (Knob_Callback f, const char **p, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobString_knob (Knob_Callback f, std::string *p, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobString_knob (Knob_Callback f, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobFile_knob (Knob_Callback f, const char **p, NAME n, LABEL l=0, FileKnob_Type type=Normal_File)
KnobRead_File_knob (ReadFileKnobOwner *ptr, Knob_Callback f, const char **p, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobRead_File_knob (ReadFileKnobOwner *ptr, Knob_Callback f, std::string *p, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobCached_File_knob (Knob_Callback f, const char **p, NAME n, LABEL l=0, FileKnob_Type type=Normal_File)
KnobWrite_File_knob (Knob_Callback f, const char **p, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobWrite_File_knob (Knob_Callback f, std::string *p, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobProxyless_Read_File_knob (ReadFileKnobOwner *ptr, Knob_Callback f, const char **p, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobInt_knob (Knob_Callback f, int *p, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobEnumeration_knob (Knob_Callback f, int *p, ENUM_LABELS e, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobCascadingEnumeration_knob (Knob_Callback f, int *p, ENUM_LABELS e, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobSceneView_knob (Knob_Callback f, int *p, ENUM_LABELS e, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobOneView_knob (Knob_Callback f, int *p, NAME n, LABEL l=0, const char *defcaption=0)
KnobViewPair_knob (Knob_Callback f, std::pair< int, int > *p, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobMetaData_knob (Knob_Callback f, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobMultiView_knob (Knob_Callback f, std::set< int > *p, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobViewView_knob (Knob_Callback f, std::map< int, int > *p, NAME n, std::pair< std::string, std::string > *headings, LABEL l=0)
KnobBitmask_knob (Knob_Callback f, unsigned int *p, ENUM_LABELS e, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobDynamic_Bitmask_knob (Knob_Callback f, unsigned int *p, std::map< int, std::string > *e, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobBool_knob (Knob_Callback f, bool *p, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobFloat_knob (Knob_Callback f, double *p, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobFloat_knob (Knob_Callback f, float *p, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobFrame_knob (Knob_Callback f, float *p, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobDeep_knob (Knob_Callback f, float *p, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobMultiFloat_knob (Knob_Callback f, double *p, int dim, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobMultiFloat_knob (Knob_Callback f, float *p, int dim, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobMultiInt_knob (Knob_Callback f, int *p, int dim, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobPixelAspect_knob (Knob_Callback f, double *p, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobArray_knob (Knob_Callback f, ConvolveArray *p, int width, int height, NAME n, LABEL l=0, bool defaultData=false)
KnobChannelSet_knob (Knob_Callback f, ChannelSet *p, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobInput_ChannelSet_knob (Knob_Callback f, ChannelSet *p, int input, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobInputOnly_ChannelSet_knob (Knob_Callback f, ChannelSet *p, int input, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobChannel_knob (Knob_Callback f, Channel *p, int count, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobInput_Channel_knob (Knob_Callback f, Channel *p, int count, int input, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobInputOnly_Channel_knob (Knob_Callback f, Channel *p, int count, int input, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobXY_knob (Knob_Callback f, double *p, NAME n, LABEL l, Knob *parent=0)
KnobXY_knob (Knob_Callback f, double *p, NAME n, Knob *parent=0)
KnobXY_knob (Knob_Callback f, float *p, NAME n, LABEL l, Knob *parent=0)
KnobXY_knob (Knob_Callback f, float *p, NAME n, Knob *parent=0)
KnobXYZ_knob (Knob_Callback f, float *p, NAME n, LABEL l=0, Knob *parent=0)
KnobUV_knob (Knob_Callback f, double *p, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobUV_knob (Knob_Callback f, float *p, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobCP_knob (Knob_Callback f, float *p, int dim, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobWH_knob (Knob_Callback f, double *p, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobWH_knob (Knob_Callback f, float *p, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobBBox_knob (Knob_Callback f, double *p, NAME n, LABEL l=0, Knob *parent=0)
KnobBBox_knob (Knob_Callback f, float *p, NAME n, LABEL l=0, Knob *parent=0)
KnobFormat_knob (Knob_Callback f, FormatPair *p, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobColor_knob (Knob_Callback f, float *p, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobColor_knob (Knob_Callback f, double *p, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobAColor_knob (Knob_Callback f, float *p, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobAColor_knob (Knob_Callback f, double *p, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobEyedropper_knob (Knob_Callback f, float *p, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobRange_knob (Knob_Callback f, double *p, int np, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobRange_knob (Knob_Callback f, float *p, int np, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
void FrameRange_knob (Knob_Callback f, FrameRange p, const std::string &n, LABEL l=0)
KnobTransform2d_knob (Knob_Callback f, Matrix4 *p, NAME n, int type=0)
KnobTransform2d_knob (Knob_Callback f, Matrix4 *p, NAME n, LABEL l, int type=0)
KnobLookupCurves_knob (Knob_Callback f, LookupCurves *p, DD::Image::LookupCurvesType type, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobLookupCurves_knob (Knob_Callback f, LookupCurves *p, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobAxis_knob (Knob_Callback f, Matrix4 *p, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobPositionVector_knob (Knob_Callback f, float *p, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobBox3_knob (Knob_Callback f, float *p, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobHistogram_knob (Knob_Callback f, Histogram_Data *p, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobKeyer_knob (Knob_Callback f, double *p, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobColorChip_knob (Knob_Callback f, unsigned *p, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobTab_knob (Knob_Callback f, LABEL label)
KnobMultiArray_knob (Knob_Callback f, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobBeginGroup (Knob_Callback f, NAME name, LABEL label=0)
KnobBeginClosedGroup (Knob_Callback f, NAME name, LABEL label=0)
KnobEndGroup (Knob_Callback f)
KnobBeginToolbar (Knob_Callback f, NAME name, LABEL label=0, int position=Knob::TOOLBAR_TOP)
KnobEndToolbar (Knob_Callback f)
KnobBeginTabGroup (Knob_Callback f, NAME name, LABEL label=0)
KnobEndTabGroup (Knob_Callback f)
KnobBeginExoGroup (Knob_Callback f, NAME name, LABEL label=0)
KnobEndExoGroup (Knob_Callback f)
KnobText_knob (Knob_Callback f, LABEL text)
KnobText_knob (Knob_Callback f, LABEL label, LABEL text)
KnobNamed_Text_knob (Knob_Callback f, LABEL name, LABEL text)
KnobNewline (Knob_Callback f, LABEL label=" ")
KnobDivider (Knob_Callback f, LABEL label=0)
KnobSpacer (Knob_Callback f, int spaceInPixels)
KnobVSpacer (Knob_Callback f, int spaceInPixels)
KnobHelp_knob (Knob_Callback f, LABEL text)
KnobHelp_knob (Knob_Callback f, LABEL label, LABEL text)
KnobButton (Knob_Callback f, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobScript_knob (Knob_Callback f, NAME command, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobPyScript_knob (Knob_Callback f, NAME command, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobGPUEngine_knob (Knob_Callback f, const char **command, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobCancelExecution_knob (Knob_Callback f, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobMenu_knob (Knob_Callback f, const char *menuName, NAME name, LABEL label=NULL)
KnobPython_knob (Knob_Callback f, NAME command, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobPulldown_knob (Knob_Callback f, ENUM_LABELS e, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobPyPulldown_knob (Knob_Callback f, ENUM_LABELS e, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobMultiline_String_knob (Knob_Callback f, const char **p, NAME n, LABEL l=0, int lines=5)
KnobRangeStuff (Knob_Callback f, Knob *knob, const IRange &r)
KnobInt_knob (Knob_Callback f, int *p, const IRange &r, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobDouble_knob (Knob_Callback f, double *p, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobDouble_knob (Knob_Callback f, double *p, const IRange &r, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobFloat_knob (Knob_Callback f, double *p, const IRange &r, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobFloat_knob (Knob_Callback f, float *p, const IRange &r, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobChannelMask_knob (Knob_Callback f, ChannelSet *p, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobInput_ChannelMask_knob (Knob_Callback f, ChannelSet *p, int input, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobInputOnly_ChannelMask_knob (Knob_Callback f, ChannelSet *p, int input, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobWH_knob (Knob_Callback f, double *p, const IRange &r, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobScale_knob (Knob_Callback f, double *p, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobScale_knob (Knob_Callback f, double *p, const IRange &r, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobColor_knob (Knob_Callback f, float *p, const IRange &r, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobAColor_knob (Knob_Callback f, float *p, const IRange &r, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobList_knob (Knob_Callback f, std::vector< std::vector< std::string > > *p, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobTable_knob (Knob_Callback f, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobRange_knob (Knob_Callback f, double *p, int np, int ixp, NAME n, LABEL l=0, double min=0.0, double max=1.0)
KnobTab_knob (Knob_Callback f, int level, LABEL label)
KnobLink_knob (Knob_Callback f, const char *linkto, NAME name, LABEL label=0)
KnobMultiline_Eval_String_knob (Knob_Callback f, const char **p, NAME n, LABEL l=0, int lines=5)
KnobEval_String_knob (Knob_Callback f, const char **p, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobTextEditor_knob (Knob_Callback f, const char **p, NAME n, LABEL l=0, int lines=5)
KnobToolbox_knob (Knob_Callback f, int *p, bool expanded, ENUM_LABELS e, NAME n, LABEL l=0, bool changeOnClick=false)
KnobGeoSelect_knob (DD::Image::Knob_Callback f, const char *name)
KnobControlPointCollection_knob (Knob_Callback f, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
KnobMetaKeyFrame_knob (Knob_Callback f, NAME n, LABEL l=0, const DD::Image::MetaKeyFrameOptions &options=DD::Image::MetaKeyFrameOptions())
KnobTransformJack_knob (Knob_Callback f, NAME n)
KnobRipple_knob (Knob_Callback f, NAME n, LABEL l=0)
std::vector< double > Matrix4ToVector (const Matrix4 &matrix)
Matrix4 VectorToMatrix4 (const std::vector< double > &matrix)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const Memory::bytes &c)
double noise (double x)
double noise (double x, double y)
double noise (double x, double y, double z)
double fBm (double x, double y, double z, int octaves, double lacunarity, double gain)
double turbulence (double x, double y, double z, int octaves, double lacunarity, double gain)
double p_random (int x)
double p_random (int x, int y)
double p_random (int x, int y, int z)
double p_random (double x)
double p_random (double x, double y)
double p_random (double x, double y, double z)
int plugin_count ()
const char * plugin_name ()
const char * plugin_name (int n)
const char * plugin_find (const char *name, const char *const *extensions=0)
const char * plugin_load (const char *name, const char *altname=NULL)
 load a plugin with the basename 'name' (or 'altname' if specified and nothing by name can be found)
void * plugin_load (const char *name, void *(*test)(const char *), const char *arg, const char *symbol=0)
const char * plugin_load_all (const char *name)
const char * plugin_path (int n)
void plugin_addpath (const char *)
void plugin_appendpath (const char *)
const char * plugin_error ()
void plugin_error (const char *)
void * plugin_binary (const char *name, const char *symbol=0)
const char *const * plugin_default_extensions ()
const std::vector< const char * > & plugin_path_list (int n)
void setPluginHashCheck (bool lEnabled)
const std::vector< const char * > & getPluginPath ()
 Returns the entire plugin path as a vector.
void GetScreenToWorldRay (ViewerContext *ctx, int screenX, int screenY, Ray &ray)
size_t DataTypeSizeInBytes (DataTypeEnum dataType)
ParticlesMakeRenderParticles (Point::RenderMode renderMode, unsigned points, unsigned start, bool haveNormals, float particleSize)
float GetRenderParticlesPointSize (const Primitive *prim)
 mFnCreateGlobalSTLAllocator (STLAllocator, DefaultAllocator::getInstance())
void SleepMS (int ms)
void sleepFor (double seconds)
void setThreadGUIMode (bool guiMode)
 Threading needs to know whether the GUI is active for priority settings.
int utf8bytes (unsigned ucs)
unsigned utf8decode (const char *, const char *end, int *len)
int utf8encode (unsigned, char *)
const char * utf8fwd (const char *, const char *start, const char *end)
const char * utf8back (const char *, const char *start, const char *end)
unsigned utf8towc (const char *, unsigned, wchar_t *, unsigned)
unsigned utf8tomb (const char *, unsigned, char *, unsigned)
unsigned utf8toa (const char *, unsigned, char *, unsigned)
unsigned utf8fromwc (char *, unsigned, const wchar_t *, unsigned)
unsigned utf8frommb (char *, unsigned, const char *, unsigned)
unsigned utf8froma (char *, unsigned, const char *, unsigned)
int utf8locale ()
int utf8test (const char *, unsigned)
std::ostream & VersionStreamPut (std::ostream &s, const DD::Image::Version &v)
 put to a stream. Doesn't persist the date yet
std::istream & VersionStreamGet (std::istream &s, DD::Image::Version &v)
 get from a stream. The thing should be in the regex format above. Doesn't persist the date yet
bool VersionLessThan (const Version &a, const Version &b)
bool VersionCompare (const Version &a, const Version &b)
bool style_needs_wireframe (int x)
template<class T , class Out >
void CombineOverlappingSamplesT (const ChannelMap &channels, const T &deepPixel, Out &pixels)
bool validateFilenameAgainstCallbacks (const std::string &filename)
GeoSelection & DefaultGetGeometrySelection ()
void initCachedGLFunctionsTable ()
void internalglBegin ()
void internalglEnd ()
void internalglVertex2f ()
void internalglVertex2fv ()
void internalglVertex3f ()
void internalglVertex3fv ()
void internalglNormal3f ()
void internalglColor3f ()
void internalglColor4fv ()
void internalglColor4ub ()
void internalglLineWidth ()
void internalglLineStipple ()
void internalglPushAttrib ()
void internalglPopAttrib ()
void internalglPushMatrix ()
void internalglPopMatrix ()
void internalglMatrixMode ()
void internalglLoadIdentity ()
void internalglEnable ()
void internalglDisable ()
void internalglHint ()
void internalglLoadName ()
void internalglLoadMatrix ()
void internalStoreColor ()
void internalRestoreColor ()
void internalPointSize ()
void internalglTranslatef ()
void internalglScaled ()
void internalglAlphaFunc ()
void internalglBlendFunc ()
void internalglDepthMask ()
void internalglClear ()
void internalglDepthFunc ()
void internalglFlush ()
void internalglPolygonMode ()
void internalglColor4f ()
void internalglTexCoord2f ()
void internalglVertex2i ()
void internalglOrtho ()
void internalglVertex2d ()
void internalglScalef ()
void internalglRotatef ()
void internalglRotated ()
void internalRectf ()
void internaluglColor ()
void internaluglText ()
bool(*) scriptExec (const char *, bool)
bool(*) scriptEval (const char *)
bool(*) scriptSingle (const char *)
void(*) showScriptErrorPopup ()
std::string reformatTime (const std::string &timestamp)
bool DefaultGetBoolPreference (const char *name)
unsigned int DefaultGetUIntPreference (const char *name)
int DefaultGetIntPreference (const char *name)
float DefaultGetFloatPreference (const char *name)
double DefaultGetDoublePreference (const char *name)
bool(*) GetBoolPreference (const char *name)
unsigned int(*) GetUIntPreference (const char *name)
int(*) GetIntPreference (const char *name)
float(*) GetFloatPreference (const char *name)
double(*) GetDoublePreference (const char *name)
int(*) root_fps ()
float(*) root_real_fps ()
std::vector< Op * > GetAllConnectedOps (Op *lpRoot)
 Returns a vector of all ops connected to the given one (including the original).
std::string GetOpText (const Op *lpOp, ShowMessagesOption lShowMsgs=eSMO_ShowMessages)
 Returns text describing the op, or an appropriate valid string if null.
std::string GetOpTreeText (const OpTree *lpTree)
 Returns text describing the op tree, or an appropriate valid string if null.
 mFnAssertStatic (sizeof(ParticleSystem::Source)==sizeof(Particle::DiskSource))
 mFnAssertStatic (sizeof(Node *)==sizeof(long long))
 mFnAssertStatic (sizeof(int)==sizeof(ParticleBehaviour::FalloffType))
 mDefineAccessors (Vector3, _initialPosition, particleInitialPosition) mDefineAccessors(Vector3
particlePosition mDefineAccessors (Vector3, _lastPosition, particleLastPosition) mDefineAccessors(Vector3
particlePosition particleVelocity mDefineAccessors (Vector3, _size, particleSize) mDefineAccessors(Vector4
particleVelocity particleColor 
mDefineAccessors (Quaternion, _orientation, particleOrientation) mDefineAccessors(Vector3
particleVelocity particleColor
mDefineAccessors (float, _rotationAngle, particleRotationAngle) mDefineAccessors(float
particleVelocity particleColor
mDefineAccessors (float, _mass, particleMass) mDefineAccessors(float
particleVelocity particleColor
mDefineAccessors (float, _expirationChance, particleExpirationChance) mDefineAccessors(double
particleVelocity particleColor
particleLife particleT 
mDefineAccessors (double, _startTime, particleStartTime) mDefineAccessors(int
particleVelocity particleColor
particleLife particleT
mDefineAccessors (ParticleChannelSet, _channels, particleChannels) mDefineAccessors(unsigned
particleVelocity particleColor
particleLife particleT
particleId particlePathMask 
mDefineAccessors (bool, _active, particleActive) mDefineAccessors(Op *
particleVelocity particleColor
particleLife particleT
particleId particlePathMask
mDefineAccessors (ParticleSystem::Source, _source, particleSource) mDefineAccessors(float
particleVelocity particleColor
particleLife particleT
particleId particlePathMask
mDefineAccessors (int, _representationFirstFrame, particleRepresentationFirstFrame) mDefineAccessors(int
particleVelocity particleColor
particleLife particleT
particleId particlePathMask
mDefineAccessors (FrameAdvance, _frameAdvance, particleFrameAdvance) mDefineAccessors(float
particleVelocity particleColor
particleLife particleT
particleId particlePathMask
mDefineAccessors (ParticleSystem::BounceInfo, _bounceInfo, particleBounceInfo) int ParticleSystem
const char * plugin_is_loaded (const char *name)
bool(*) plugin_interpret_tcl (const char *name)
bool(*) plugin_interpret_py (const char *name)
float MyClamp (float in)
bool test_small_block_allocator ()
void PolygonTriangulate (const Primitive *poly, const int face, const PointList *pointList, std::vector< unsigned > &triangles)
const ViewerContext *(*) activeViewerContext ()
void(*) setSelectionMode3D (SelectionMode3D)
void(*) setSelection3D (const GeoSelection &)
void(*) viewThroughCamera (const CameraOp *, CameraLockMode)
bool(*) execPythonKnob (const char *, Knob *)
bool(*) validateFilename (const char *, Node *)
Adds an op and its connected input ops to the specified trees

void AddOpToTrees (Op *lpOp, const std::vector< OpTree * > &lrTrees)
void AddOpToTree (Op *lpOp, OpTree *lpTree)
Removes an op and its connected input ops from the specified trees

void RemoveOpFromTrees (Op *lpOp, const std::vector< OpTree * > &lrTrees)
void RemoveOpFromTree (Op *lpOp, OpTree *lpTree)


const Version gVersion
const VersiongApplicationVersion
double gScriptVersion
bool(* scriptExec )(const char *, bool)
bool(* scriptEval )(const char *)
bool(* scriptSingle )(const char *)
void(* showScriptErrorPopup )()
const char *const group_names []
const char *const render_modes []
const char *const render_modes_source []
const size_t kInterestImplReserveSize
const char INVISIBLE []
const char *const plane_orientation_modes []
const char *const subdivision_modes []
const char * kViewerBGColor
const char * kViewerFGColor
const char * kViewerBGColor3D
const char * kViewerFGColor3D
const char * kViewerSelColor3D
const char * kViewerWorldCoordinateSystem
const char * kViewerHandleSize
const char * kViewerHandlePickSize
const char * kViewerHandleSize3D
const char * kViewerHandlePickSize3D
bool(* GetBoolPreference )(const char *name)
unsigned int(* GetUIntPreference )(const char *name)
int(* GetIntPreference )(const char *name)
float(* GetFloatPreference )(const char *name)
double(* GetDoublePreference )(const char *name)
int(* root_fps )()
float(* root_real_fps )()
OpManager gOpManager
 Global singleton-style manager object - not a true singleton due to compiler and module issues.
bool plugin_verbose
bool plugin_safe_mode
bool(* plugin_interpret_tcl )(const char *name)
bool(* plugin_interpret_py )(const char *name)
const char * plugin_ext
 ! The standard extension used for plugins on this platform (e.g. ".so" or ".dll")
const char *const display3d_names []
const char *const display3d_names_source []
const ViewerContext *(* activeViewerContext )()
void(* setSelectionMode3D )(SelectionMode3D newMode)
void(* setSelection3D )(const DD::Image::GeoSelection &newSelection)
void(* viewThroughCamera )(const CameraOp *camOp, CameraLockMode lockMode)
bool _createdAllocators
Lock _AllocatorLock
bool(* isColourSamplingFromCache )(const Hash &hash)
Callbacks * gCallbacks
Channel(* pGetChannel )(const char *, bool)
Channel(* pFindChannel )(const char *)
const char *(* pGetName )(Channel)
const char *(* pGetLayerName )(Channel)
unsigned(* pColourIndex )(Channel, const char *layer)
Channel(* pBrother )(Channel, unsigned)
int(* getFilenameListFunc )(const char *dir, FileHandle::ListType type, std::vector< FileHandle > *list)
GeoSelection &(* get_geometry_selection )()
void(* gl_text_cb )(const char *, int)
const unsigned int kCacheGlVertex3f
const unsigned int kCacheGlBegin
const unsigned int kCacheGlEnd
const unsigned int kCacheGlVertex2f
const unsigned int kCacheGlVertex2fv
const unsigned int kCacheGlColor3f
const unsigned int kCacheGlColor4fv
const unsigned int kCacheGlColor4ub
const unsigned int kCacheGlLineWidth
const unsigned int kCacheGlLineStipple
const unsigned int kCacheGlPushAttrib
const unsigned int kCacheGlPopAttrib
const unsigned int kCacheGlPushMatrix
const unsigned int kCacheGlEnable
const unsigned int kCacheGlDisable
const unsigned int kCacheGlHint
const unsigned int kCacheGlLoadName
const unsigned int kCacheGlLoadMatrix
const unsigned int kCacheGlPopMatrix
const unsigned int kCacheGlMatrixMode
const unsigned int kCacheGlLoadIdentity
const unsigned int kCacheGlPointSize
const unsigned int kCacheGlNormal3f
const unsigned int kCacheGlTranslate3f
const unsigned int kCacheGlScaled
const unsigned int kCacheGlAlphaFunc
const unsigned int kCacheGlBlendFunc
const unsigned int kCacheGlDepthMask
const unsigned int kCacheGlClear
const unsigned int kCacheGlDepthFunc
const unsigned int kCacheGlFlush
const unsigned int kCacheUglColor
const unsigned int kCacheUglStoreColor
const unsigned int kCacheUglRestoreColor
const unsigned int kCacheUglText
const unsigned int kCacheGlPolygonMode
const unsigned int kCacheGlColor4f
const unsigned int kCacheGlTextCoord2f
const unsigned int kCacheGlVertex2i
const unsigned int kCacheGlOrtho
const unsigned int kCacheGlVertex2d
const unsigned int kCacheGlScalef
const unsigned int kCacheGlRectf
const unsigned int kCacheGlVertex3fv
const unsigned int kCacheGlRotatef
const unsigned int kCacheGlRotated
const unsigned int kCacheEnd
const unsigned int kCacheFunctions
const unsigned int kInitCacheSize
const float kCacheGrowDelta
const unsigned int kInvalidPass
void(* cacheTable [kCacheFunctions])()
Iop *(* iop_default_input )(const OutputContext &)
bool(* iop_set_texturemap )(Iop *, ViewerContext *, bool)
void(* Description_callback )(Description *, void(*f)(Description *), Description::NodeBuilder nodeBuilder)
const OutputContext &(* node_uiContext )(Node *)
const Format &(* node_input_format )(Node *)
void(* knob_make_handle )(Knob *knob, Knob::HandleContext command, ViewerContext *ctx, Knob::Handle *cb, Knob::HandleBatch *cbBatched, int index, const DD::Image::Vector3 &pos, ViewerContext::Cursor cursor)
void(* knob_begin_handle )(Knob *knob, Knob::HandleContext command, ViewerContext *ctx, Knob::Handle *cb, Knob::HandleBatch *cbBatched, int index, const DD::Image::Vector3 &pos, ViewerContext::Cursor cursor)
void(* knob_end_handle )(ViewerContext *ctx)
int(* node_replace_knobs )(Node *, Knob *afterthis, int n, void(*f)(void *, Knob_Callback), void *, const char *fileExt)
bool(* knob_is_selected )(const Knob *, ViewerContext *, Knob::Handle *, Knob::HandleBatch *, int)
bool(* knob_clear_selected )(Knob *, ViewerContext *)
bool(* knob_toggle_selected )(Knob *, ViewerContext *, Knob::Handle *, Knob::HandleBatch *, int)
bool(* knob_is_focused )(Knob *, ViewerContext *, Knob::Handle *, Knob::HandleBatch *, int)
int(* knob_selection_size )(Knob *, ViewerContext *)
void(* script_list_create )(const char *, int *, const char ***)
void(* script_list_free )(char *)
Knob *(* node_knob )(Node *, const char *)
Knob *(* node_knob_index )(Node *, int)
Op *(* knob_op )(const Knob *)
bool(* node_disabled )(Node *)
bool(* node_is_unlicensed )(Node *)
void(* node_set_unlicensed )(Node *)
bool(* node_panel_visible )(Node *)
bool(* node_selected )(Node *)
std::string(* node_class )(Node *)
unsigned(* node_gl_color )(Node *)
bool(* knob_to_double )(Knob *, const char *, double &)
void(* knob_new_undo )(Knob *, const void *, const std::string &)
void(* knob_extra_undo )(Knob *)
bool(* knob_doing_undo_redo )()
void(* knob_changed )(Knob *)
void(* knob_enabled )(Knob *)
void(* knob_disabled )(Knob *)
void(* knob_hidden )(Knob *)
void(* knob_shown )(Knob *)
void(* knob_relabelled )(Knob *)
void(* knob_tooltip_changed )(Knob *)
void(* knob_undo )(Knob *)
void(* knob_redo )(Knob *)
void(* knob_redraw )(Knob *)
void(* knob_undoless )(Knob *, bool undoless)
void(* knob_renamed )(Knob *)
void(* knob_deleting )(Knob *)
bool(* execPythonKnob )(const char *, Knob *)
bool(* validateFilename )(const char *, Node *)
void(* node_asapUpdate )(Node *, const Box *, int)
std::string(* getFullyQualifiedName )(const Knob *, int idx)
Op *(* node_get_firstop )(const Node *node)
int(* op_node_inputs )(const Op *)
Op *(* op_node_input )(const Op *, int, Op::GenerateType, const DD::Image::OutputContext *outputContext)
void(* op_update_handles )(const Op *)
Hash(* knob_curve_hash )(const Op *op)=0
bool(* knob_op_current )(const Op *op)=0
void(* op_begin_handle )(Op *op, Op::HandleType command, ViewerContext *ctx, Op::EventCallback *cb, int index, float x, float y, float z, ViewerContext::Cursor cursor)
void(* op_end_handle )(ViewerContext *ctx)
DD::Image::NodeI *(* convertNodeToInterface )(Node *)
bool(* node_script_command )(Node *, const char *, bool py, bool eval)
bool(* node_script_expand )(Node *, const char *, int)
const char *(* node_script_result )()
const char *(* node_script_result_py )()
void(* node_script_unlock )()
int(* op_message_vf )(char, const char *, va_list)
void(* op_add_timeout )(float t, TimeoutHandler, void *)
void(* op_repeat_timeout )(float t, TimeoutHandler, void *)
bool(* op_has_timeout )(TimeoutHandler, void *)
void(* op_remove_timeout )(TimeoutHandler, void *)
bool(* op_pushed )(const Op *)
void(* op_add_input_handle )(const Op *, int, ViewerContext *)
Op::HandlesMode(* op_any_input_handle )(const Op *, ViewerContext *)
Op *(* op_get )(const Op *, const Op::Description *)
void(* op_setKnobsToContext )(Op *, const OutputContext &)=0
void(* op_gotoContext )(Op *, const OutputContext &, bool)=0
double(* evaluate )(const Animation *, double t)
bool gTimingEnabled
OpTreeManager gOpTreeManager
 Global singleton-style manager object - not a true singleton due to compiler and module issues.
particlePosition _velocity
particlePosition particleVelocity _color
particleVelocity particleColor 
particleVelocity particleColor
particleVelocity particleColor
particleVelocity particleColor
particleVelocity particleColor
particleLife particleT 
particleVelocity particleColor
particleLife particleT
particleVelocity particleColor
particleLife particleT
particleId particlePathMask 
particleVelocity particleColor
particleLife particleT
particleId particlePathMask
particleVelocity particleColor
particleLife particleT
particleId particlePathMask
particleVelocity particleColor
particleLife particleT
particleId particlePathMask
bool plugin_unapproved
const char * ddimage_program_name
const char * first_in_plugin_path
const int kAveragePointsPerCell
const unsigned int kMaxGridSize
const int kAveragePrimsPerCell
const float kCollisionTolerance
Foundry::Type::AtomicCount32 gNextRayID
bool(* ShapeKnob_keys )(ShapeKnob *, int, float)
bool(* ShapeKnob_handle )(ShapeKnob *, int, double)
Knob *(* ShapeKnob_constructor )(Knob_Closure *, ShapeKnob *, const char *, const char *)
float(* ShapeKnob_time )(const ShapeKnob *, int)
float(* ShapeKnob_shape )(const ShapeKnob *, double)
bool gShowTransformPreview
void(* doInitCache )()
DD::Image::ViewerEvent(* context_menu )(ViewerContext *, Menu *)
void(* menu_add )(Menu *, const char *, int shortcut, int event)
void(* menu_stuff )(Menu *, int command, int event)
void(* menu_set_data )(Menu *, int event, MenuItemData *data)
const MenuItemData *(* menu_get_data )(Menu *, int event)

Detailed Description

All functions and classes that are used for image processing by Nuke Plugins are in this namespace. Some utility and cross-platform compatibility functions are not in this namespace.

Typedef Documentation

typedef bool(* DD::Image::FilenameValidateCallback)(const std::string &filename)

Example FilenameValidateCallback implementation: static bool testMov(const std::string& filename) { assume that the rest of the file handling will catch this if (filename.length() == 0) return true;

convert to lower first std::string temp = filename; for ( size_t i = 0; i < temp.length(); i++ ) { temp[i] = tolower(temp[i]); }

do the string compare return (temp.find(".mov") != std::string::npos); }

typedef unsigned DD::Image::GeometryMask

Geometry part mask. Each bit represents a logical geometric component.

This is for back compatibility only

Enumeration Type Documentation

Attribute data type enumerations.

INVALID_ATTRIB  Data type not set.
VECTOR2_ATTRIB  Vector2(2 floats).
VECTOR3_ATTRIB  Vector3(3 floats).
VECTOR4_ATTRIB  Vector4(4 floats).
NORMAL_ATTRIB  Normal vector - Vector3(3 floats).
STD_STRING_ATTRIB  std::string. Variable size
MATRIX3_ATTRIB  Matrix3 (9 floats).
MATRIX4_ATTRIB  Matrix4 (16 floats).

Channel ID numbers. These are used to index arrays of pixel data, such as in the DD::Image::Row object.

A plugin can use these pre-defined ones. Nuke will also create new ones that are outside this set. DD::Image::getName() will return a string name of these.

A plugin can create channels by using DD::Image::getChannel(). DD::Image::findChannel() looks up channels by name but without creating them.

See also the class DD::Image::ChannelSet.

Chan_U  used mostly for 2d ops, 1/distance (so, 0 = infinitely far away)
Chan_DeepBack  used mostly for deep ops, distance to front of sample (0=at camera, inf=infinitely far away)
Chan_Mask_PlanarTrack  used mostly for deep ops, distance to front of sample (0=at camera, inf=infinitely far away)

Bitmasks of various combinations of the predefined Channel numbers. These values can be used in most places a ChannelSet is expected. They will be cast to ChannelSet or used directly by the code.

Mask_All  Special value that makes the ChannelSet contain all possible channels.

Mask_Px  Point x.
Mask_Py  Point y.
Mask_Pz  Point z.
Mask_Pw  Point w.
Mask_UVx  UV x.
Mask_UVy  UV y.
Mask_UVz  UV z.
Mask_UVw  UV w.
Mask_Nx  Normal x.
Mask_Ny  Normal y.
Mask_Nz  Normal z.
Mask_PLx  Local-space point x.
Mask_PLy  Local-space point y.
Mask_PLz  Local-space point z.
Mask_PWx  World-space point x.
Mask_PWy  World-space point y.
Mask_PWz  World-space point z.
Mask_MBx  Motion-blur x.
Mask_MBy  Motion-blur y.
Mask_MBz  Motion-blur z.
Mask_VELx  Point velocity vector x.
Mask_VELy  Point velocity vector y.
Mask_VELz  Point velocity vector z.

Geometry part groups.

anonymous enum

Geometry part mask flags.

Mask_Primitives  Primitive list.
Mask_Vertices  Vertex group.
Mask_Points  Point list.
Mask_Object  The Object.
Mask_Matrix  Local->World Transform Matrix.
Mask_Attributes  Attribute list.

Value for render_mode.

enum Display3DMode [related, inherited]

Value for GeoOp::display3d() and ViewerContext::display3d()

Type for the lookup curves editor. Mostly affects background and framing. On the hue types the first and last keyframes will be synchronised.

anonymous enum

Transform-space enumerations for shaders. These numbers are used by the MatrixArray class to index the in/out space parameters.

LOCAL_SPACE  Point in locally defined space.
WORLD_SPACE  Object transform applied.
EYE_SPACE  Inverse camera transform applied(camera becomes 0,0,0).
CLIP_SPACE  Camera projection applied, homogeneous-space.
SCREEN_SPACE  Homogeneous-space scaled to pixel coordinates.

eFrameAdvanceStep  do not advance frame
eFrameAdvanceRandom  advance a frame each frame

Scene motion vector types.

eDisableMotionVector  the motion vector is disable
eClassicMotionVector  classic and old way to do motion vector
eVelocityMotionVector  store velocity in motion vector channel
eDistanceMotionVector  store distance in motion vector channel

The types of drawing handle that Nuke recognises. Geometry handles are always drawn, regardless of the selection mode; all other types are only drawn when the Nuke viewer is in the appropriate selection mode. The default mode is node selection, which corresponds to the original Nuke behaviour.

This looks like a bitmask, but isn't one yet. It may become one in the future...

enum ViewerConnected [related, inherited]

Values for ViewerContext::connected()

NOT_CONNECTED  There is no connection.
CONNECTED  There is a connection from here to viewer input.
SHOW_OBJECT  Connected, draw an object.
SHOW_PUSHED_OBJECT  Connected, draw object if node is pushed().

enum ViewerMode [related, inherited]

Value for ViewerContext::viewer_mode()

VIEWER_2D  orthographic 2D
VIEWER_PERSP  perspective 3D
VIEWER_RSIDE  ortho 3D down -x axis
VIEWER_LSIDE  ortho 3D down +x axis
VIEWER_TOP  ortho 3D down -y axis
VIEWER_BOTTOM  ortho 3D down +y axis
VIEWER_FRONT  ortho 3D down -z axis
VIEWER_BACK  ortho 3D down +z axis

enum ViewerEvent [related, inherited]

Value for ViewerContext::event().

NO_EVENT  only call menu(), otherwise ignore
DRAW_OPAQUE  solid objects/texture maps
DRAW_TRANSPARENT  transparent (below alpha threshold) 3D pass
DRAW_STIPPLED  draw things hidden behind solid objects
DRAW_SHADOW  shadows under lines in the 2D pass
DRAW_LINES  lines in 3D, and the entire 2D pass
MOVE  draw_handles() is being called to find tooltip
PUSH  user just pushed the mouse down, hit detection
DRAG  user is dragging mouse, region selection hit detection
RELEASE  user released the mouse
KEY  user hit a key
KEYUP  user let go of key
DROP  user dropped some data in a drag'n'drop operation
DROP_CHECK  user is dragging data over a handle
ENTER_VIEWER  the mouse has entered the viewer
EXIT_VIEWER  the mouse has exited the viewer
CURSOR  hit-detecting for a handle cursor
HOVER_ENTER  the hover was entered
HOVER_MOVE  user is hovering
HOVER_LEAVE  user has left hovering
FIRST_MENU  recommended start of Menu events

enum CameraLockMode [related, inherited]

Value for camera lock mode

The selection modes for the 3d viewer. The default is eSelect3DNode, in which an entire node will be selected if you click on any part of it in the 3d viewer (the old Nuke behaviour). eSelect3DVertex will select individual vertices;

anonymous enum [related, inherited]

Value for ViewerContext::what_to_draw(). This is a bunch of checkmarks on the viewer. The viewer will implement some of these (such as transparency or lighting) by initializing the OpenGL state, but it may still be useful to check if they are off.

SHOW_POINT_NORMALS  draw point normals
SHOW_VERTEX_NUM  draw vertex normals
SHOW_VERTEX_NORMALS  draw vertex normals
SHOW_PRIMITIVE_NUM  draw primitive number
SHOW_PRIMITIVE_NORMAL  draw primitive normal
SHOW_BBOX  draw bounding box around things
SHOW_TRANSPARENCY  transparency checkmark from viewer
SHOW_LIGHTING  lighting checkmark from viewer

anonymous enum [related, inherited]

Values for ViewerContext::key() and ViewerContext::is_down(). Same values as Qt. Use lowercase 'x' or the unshifted symbol for the printing character keys.

anonymous enum [related, inherited]

Values for ViewerContext::state(). On the Macintosh, the Command key gives CTRL and the Ctrl key gives META.

anonymous enum [related, inherited]

Values for ViewerContext::pointer_type(). Valid for pen types when used with a tablet

Frustum visibility result.

eNotVisible  the primitive is completely outside the view frustum
eFullVisible  the primitive is completely inside the view frustum
ePartialVisible  part of the primitive is inside the view frustum

Function Documentation

void DD::Image::SetValueProvider ( Knob_Callback  f,
ArrayKnobI::ValueProvider *  valueProvider 

set the valueProvider on the most recently made Knob. if f.makeKnobs() is not true, or the that knob is not an ArrayKnobI, is a no-op. For calling from knobs(Knob_Callback) like calls to SetFlags()

References SetValueProvider().

Referenced by SetValueProvider().

void DD::Image::incr ( Channel &  c  )  [inline]

Adds one to the Channel and returns it.

Referenced by DD::Image::Row::offset().

std::ostream & DD::Image::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
Channel  channel 

This prints getName(channel), but prints the number if the name is null.

References getName().

Channel DD::Image::getChannel ( const char *  name,
bool  sort = true 

Find or create a channel with this name. Plugins can call this to get the number for any channels they want to output.

For instance if you output something called "shadow" for each pixel, you may want to call this with "shadow" as an argument in order to get what channel to write to. All calls to get "shadow" will return the same number. If you output an xyz triplet called "position" you may want to call this with "position.x", "position.y", and "position.z".

Text before the last period is used to create or find the layer. If there is no period, it makes a layer called "other" (this may change in future versions). If sort is true, then the channel is insertion-sorted into the layer so that r,g,b,a are first and then the rest of the channels are in alphabetical order. If sort is false then the channel is appended to the end of the layer. (this sorting was needed because the exr library produces the channels in a random order due to the use of a hash table).

Referenced by DD::Image::Iop::channel().

Channel DD::Image::findChannel ( const char *  name  ) 

Find a channel with this name. Plugins can call this to get the number for any channels they want to output.

const char * DD::Image::getName ( Channel  channel  ) 

Returns a string name to print for the channel, or NULL if it cannot figure it out. This is a full "layer.chan" name.

Referenced by DD::Image::Iop::channel_name(), operator<<(), and DD::Image::Memory::register_allocator().

const char * DD::Image::getLayerName ( Channel  channel  ) 

Returns the name of the layer this channel belongs to, or NULL if it can't find a layer.

unsigned DD::Image::colourIndex ( Channel  channel,
const char *  layer = 0 

Returns 0 if this channel is "red", 1 if it is "green", 2 if it is "blue", and 3 for all other possibilities.

Referenced by DD::Image::DrawIop::pixel_engine().

Channel DD::Image::brother ( Channel  channel,
unsigned  index 

Return a channel such that colourIndex(n) returns the given index, and it belongs to the same layer as channel. This is used to find the related colours. You can also use this to find all the channels in a layer by incrementing the index until this returns Chan_Black.

Returns Chan_Black if no such channel exists.

Also see DD::Image::ChannelSet::addBrothers().

const Version& DD::Image::version (  )  [inline]

Returns a structure that you can query to get the DDImage version in various forms, such as text or numbers.

Referenced by DD::Image::GeoOp::synchronize_cache().

const Version& DD::Image::applicationVersion (  )  [inline]

Returns a structure that you can query to get the Nuke version in various forms. This does not work if DDImage is not being used by Nuke.

double DD::Image::scriptVersion (  )  [inline]

This is a version of Nuke that was used to write the currently loading script, encoded as M.mr where M is the major number and m is the minor, and r is a revision. If a script is not being currently loaded this is set to applicationVersion().majorMinorReleaseDouble() which is the number that will be saved when a script is written. This can be used to preset back-compatibility knobs in an Op.

void DD::Image::CombineOverlappingSamples ( const ChannelMap &  channels,
const DeepPixel &  deepPixel,
DeepSampleVector &  pixels 

combines overlapping samples from within /deepPixel/ into a number of non-overlapping samples, output in /pixels/ will omit any samples after a sample with alpha 1.

bool DD::Image::RenameTempToFinal ( const char *  lpTempName,
const char *  lpFinalName,
Op *  lpOp 

Renames a temporary file to its final name. On failure, it sets an appropriate error message on the supplied op.

True iff the rename succeeded. If false, an error message will be set.

References DD::Image::Op::critical().

Referenced by DD::Image::DeepWriter::closeFile().

int DD::Image::getFilenameList ( const char *  dir,
FileHandle::ListType  type,
std::vector< FileHandle > *  list 

Attempts to fetch a list of files and/or sequences from the given directory

dir the directory to attempt to access
type the type of file list to be

void DD::Image::registerFilenameValidateCallback ( FilenameValidateCallback  callback  ) 

Registers a validation file callback. This function will get called any time a filename knob changes on Write nodes. If the callback returns false, the node will be set to error mode, and not execute.

callback the validation callback, which should return false if the filename is invalid in some way

void DD::Image::unregisterFilenameValidateCallback ( FilenameValidateCallback  callback  ) 

Unregisters a validation file callback that was previously sent to registerFilenameValidateCallback

callback the validation callback

const AttribContext* DD::Image::GetGeoInfoAttribContext ( const GeoInfo *  info,
const char *  attribName,
AttribType  attribType 
) [inline]

void DD::Image::glColor ( unsigned  c  ) 

Set the current OpenGL color to a color specified by the bytes of the unsigned value. The highest byte is red, the next green, then blue, then alpha. For instance 0xff00ff00 is purple (red+blue). This is the same form the Nuke and fltk use to identify GUI colors. Currently the alpha value is ignored.

Referenced by DD::Image::GeoInfo::draw(), DD::Image::Transform::draw_handle(), DD::Image::LightOp::draw_handle(), DD::Image::ComplexLightOp::draw_handle(), DD::Image::CameraOp::draw_handle(), DD::Image::AxisOp::draw_handle(), gl_axis(), and gl_axis_label().

void DD::Image::gl_text ( const char *  str  ) 

void DD::Image::gl_text ( const char *  str,
int  n 

Draw the first n bytes of the string, appending them to the previous string or last call to glRasterPos.

void DD::Image::gl_text ( const char *  str,
float  x,
float  y,
float  z = 0 

Draw the null-terminated string, at position x,y,z. The font is controlled by the current glListBase(), Nuke will have preset this and it is probably best to leave it alone.

References gl_text().

void DD::Image::gl_text ( const char *  str,
int  n,
float  x,
float  y,
float  z = 0 

Draw the first n bytes of the string at position x,y,z

void DD::Image::gl_text ( const char *  str,
int  x,
int  y,
int  z = 0 

Draw the null-terminated string, at position x,y,z. The font is controlled by the current glListBase(), Nuke will have preset this and it is probably best to leave it alone.

References gl_text().

void DD::Image::gl_text ( const char *  str,
int  n,
int  x,
int  y,
int  z = 0 

Draw the first n bytes of the string at position x,y,z

void DD::Image::gl_circlef ( float  x,
float  y,
float  z,
float  diam,
int  plane,
bool  filled = false,
float  normal = 1.0f 

gl_circle: Draw a circle or disc. Uses a precalculated cosine table of 51 entries encompassing 360degs. x, y, z = position of center of circle diam = diameter of circle plane = which plane to draw on: XY, YZ, XZ - Provided for convenience filled = whether to make them polygons

Referenced by gl_cylinderf(), and gl_sphere().

void DD::Image::gl_circlefAsTris ( float  x,
float  y,
float  z,
float  diam,
float  lineWidth,
int  plane,
bool  filled = false,
float  normal = 1.0f 

gl_circlefAsTris: Draw a circle or disc using a tristrip. Uses a precalculated cosine table of 51 entries encompassing 360degs. x, y, z = position of center of circle diam = diameter of circle lineWidth = width of the circle border plane = which plane to draw on: XY, YZ, XZ - Provided for convenience filled = whether to make them polygons

void DD::Image::gl_cylinderf ( float  x,
float  y,
float  z,
float  width,
float  diam1,
float  diam2,
int  plane,
bool  capped = true,
bool  filled = false 

gl_cylinder: Draw two connected discs forming a cylinder. Uses a precalculated cosine table of 51 entries encompassing 360degs. x, y, z = position of center of cylinder diam1 = diameter of endcap 1 diam2 = diameter of endcap 2 plane = which plane to draw in: XY, YZ, XZ - Provided for convenience filled = whether to make them polygons

References gl_circlef().

Referenced by DD::Image::CameraOp::draw_handle().

void DD::Image::gl_conef ( float  x,
float  y,
float  z,
float  length,
float  diam,
int  plane 

gl_cone: Draw a open or closed cone. Uses a precalculated cosine table of 51 entries encompassing 360degs. x, y, z = position of tip length = length of cone diam = diameter of cone plane = which plane to draw on: XY, YZ, XZ - Provided for convenience

Referenced by gl_axis().

void DD::Image::gl_sphere ( float  radius = 0.5  ) 

Draw a wireframe sphere around 0,0,0

References gl_circlef().

Referenced by DD::Image::LightOp::draw_handle(), and DD::Image::ComplexLightOp::draw_handle().

void DD::Image::gl_planef ( float  x,
float  y,
float  z,
float  width,
float  height,
int  plane 

Draw a flat plane in any of the three basic planes

void DD::Image::gl_axis (  ) 

Draw a 3-D T with each beam 1 unit long

References gl_conef(), and glColor().

void DD::Image::gl_axis_label (  ) 

Draw labels at the ends of the T drawn by gl_axis()

References gl_text(), and glColor().

void DD::Image::gl_bezierf ( float  x,
float  y,
float  x1,
float  y1,
float  x2,
float  y2,
float  x3,
float  y3,
float  scale = 1 

Call glVertex2f with points on a 2-D bezier curve. x,y are the initial point, which is not drawn (this is done so several curves join together, you should draw the point yourself for the first curve in the sequence. The curve goes to x3,y3. x1,y1 and x2,y2 are the bezier handles.

Enough points are drawn so that the error of the curve is less than one pixel anywhere and the straight edges should not be visible. To to this it needs to know how big one unit is in pixels, this can be passed as scale.

This should not be used for curves that are way bigger than the viewport. The algorithim would normally divide the line into millions of pieces and waste a huge amount of time drawing the clipped pieces. This version does a maximum of 100 segments, so the machine does not lock up, but the result is then inaccurate.

void DD::Image::gl_drawTextTopLeftOrthogonal ( const std::string &  text,
DD::Image::ViewerContext ctx,
bool  redColour = true 

draws text in the top left of the ViewerWindow tied to the ViewerContext. By default draws it in red text, if you want another colour, set redColour to false and set the colour before calling this then pop the attribute after calling this.

References gl_text(), DD::Image::Box::h(), DD::Image::Box::t(), DD::Image::ViewerContext::viewport(), DD::Image::ViewerContext::visibleViewportArea(), DD::Image::Box::w(), and DD::Image::Box::x().

const char * DD::Image::gl_errorstring ( int  errorcode  ) 

Print GL errors - reasonably emulates gluErrorString

Referenced by glGetErrors().

int DD::Image::glGetErrors ( const char *  message = 0  ) 

Clear accumulated OpenGL errors. If FN_DEBUG is on, it prints them to stderr, prefixed with message. Returns number of errors found.

References gl_errorstring().

bool DD::Image::GLProject ( float  x,
float  y,
float  z,
const Matrix4 m,
const Box vp,
float *  winx,
float *  winy,
float *  winz 

Given a point x,y,z in world coordinates, project it into screen coordinates. The projection matrix and viewport dimensions are passed in as the parameters m and vp respectively.

I copied this from Viewer.cpp (where it's called gl_project).

References DD::Image::Box::h(), DD::Image::Box::w(), DD::Image::Vector4::w, DD::Image::Vector4::x, DD::Image::Box::x(), DD::Image::Vector4::y, DD::Image::Box::y(), and DD::Image::Vector4::z.

std::string DD::Image::escape ( const char *  w  ) 

as operator<<(ostream&), but returns a string, and doesn't do any of the quotation mark stuff, which should be supplied by the caller if needed

References DD::Image::Knob::cstring::needQuotes().

void DD::Image::Tooltip ( Knob_Callback  f,
const char *  text 

void DD::Image::Tooltip ( Knob_Callback  f,
const std::string &  text 

In an Op::knobs() function, this sets the tooltip of the previous knob.

void DD::Image::SetFlags ( Knob_Callback  f,
Knob::FlagMask  n 

In an Op::knobs() function, this turns on some flags on the previous knob. The initial setting of the flags is done by the knob-creating function, depending on the type of knob and the arguments to that function, but you can modify it with this. Warning: not all flag combinations are supported!

Values that work for any knob:

  • Knob::DISABLED Set by disable(), cleared by enable().
  • Knob::NO_ANIMATION Prevent the value from being animated. This removes any anymation or view buttons, and it stops tcl expressions from being evaluated in string knobs, and may make it ignore attempts to set expressions or key frames (nyi).
  • Knob::DO_NOT_WRITE Don't ever save this knob to a script (including copy & paste!)
  • Knob::INVISIBLE The knob does not appear in the panels. No widgets are created. This is not the same as hide(), and show() will not undo it!
  • Knob::RESIZABLE The knob can stretch in the panel so that it fills up all the remaining space in the line. Defaults to true for most of the complex knobs, but off for buttons, checkmarks, and pulldown lists.
  • Knob::STARTLINE This knob starts a new row in the panel. The default is true unless a zero-length (not NULL) string is passed as the label. Currently the default is false for checkmarks and buttons but this may change in future versions.
  • Knob::ENDLINE This knob will end a row, acts exactly like STARTLINE was set on the next knob. Set true for divider lines.
  • Knob::NO_RERENDER This knob does not contribute to the hash value for the op. This should be used on knobs that have no effect on the op's output.
  • Knob::NO_HANDLES Don't draw anything in the viewer, this is useful if the Op draws it's own indicators.
  • Knob::HANDLES_ANYWAY makes the handles appear in the viewer when the panel is open even if a different tab is selected.
  • Knob::HIDDEN Set by hide(), cleared by show().
  • Knob::NO_UNDO Don't undo/redo any changes to this knob. May be replaced with "output knob" in the future.
  • Knob::NO_KNOB_CHANGED: Don't bother calling Op::knob_changed() with this knob. This is turned on automatically if the knob_changed() returns false.
  • Knob::KNOB_CHANGED_ALWAYS will call node()->knob_changed() every time the value of the knob changes. Normally it is only called if the user changes the value with the panel open. This allows you to track all changes to the value. Be careful as knob_changed() will be called without storing the new values into your structure.
  • Knob::ALWAYS_SAVE save the knob to a script even if not_default() returns false. Deprecated, instead override not_default() and make it return true!
  • Knob::NODE_KNOB is used by Nuke internally for controls on the DAG appearance such as xpos and ypos.
  • Knob::MODIFIES_GEOMETRY should be set for any knob that modifies geometry, either by affecting the internal geometry directly or by changing its transform

Values that work for knobs that store numbers:

  • Knob::MAGNITUDE If there are several numbers, this enables a button to only show a single number, and all are set equal to this number. Default is true for WH_knob() and Color_knob().
  • Knob::SLIDER Turns on the slider. Currently this only works if the size is 1 or MAGNITUDE is enabled and it is set to single numbers. Defaults to on for most non-integer numerical controls.
  • Knob::LOG_SLIDER Tick marks on the slider (if enabled with SLIDER) are spaced logarithmically. This is turned on for WH_knob() and Color_knob(), and if the range has both ends greater than zero. If you turn this on and the range passes through zero, the scale is actually the cube root of the number, not the logarithim.
  • Knob::STORE_INTEGER Only integer values should be displayed or stored.
  • Knob::FORCE_RANGE Clamps the value to the range when storing.
  • Knob::ANGLE Turn on a little widget depicting this number as an angle.
  • Knob::NO_PROXYSCALE disables proxy scaling for XY or WH knobs. Useful if you just want two numbers called "x" and "y" that are not really a position. You probably also want to do NO_HANDLES.

Values that work for Enumeration_knob():

  • Knob::SAVE_MENU writes the contents of the menu to the saved script. Useful if your plugin modifies the list of items.

Values that work for BeginGroup():

Values that work for ChanneSet_knob() and Channel_knob():

Values that work for Format_knob():

  • Knob::PROXY_DEFAULT makes the default value be the root.proxy_format rather than the root.format.

Referenced by DD::Image::DrawIop::input_knobs(), DD::Image::ShutterControls::knobs(), DD::Image::NukeWrapper::knobs(), DD::Image::FrameRangeControls::knobs(), and DD::Image::DrawIop::output_knobs().

void DD::Image::ClearFlags ( Knob_Callback  f,
Knob::FlagMask  n 

In an Op::knobs() function, this turns off some flags on the previous knob. The initial setting of the flags is done by the knob-creating function, depending on the type of knob and the arguments to that function, but you can modify it with this. See DD::Image::SetFlags for a list of flags.

void DD::Image::SetRange ( Knob_Callback  f,
double  minimum,
double  maximum 

In an Op::knobs() function, this sets the numeric range on the previous knob. The range if you don't do this is determined by the knob but in almost all cases it is 0-1.

Referenced by Deep_knob().

Knob* DD::Image::Obsolete_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
const char *  linkto,
NAME  name,
const char *  script 
) [inline]

Obsolete_Knob is used to throw away the values saved in scripts for knobs that are no longer in use. This knob will not be listed in lists of knobs or saved to files. But if you know it's name, scripting language or loading files can still set the knob or query it's value.

linkto, if not null, is the name of a knob to link to. Attempts to set or get information from the knob will instead act on this linked knob. If this is null only from_script() will work, all other calls will produce errors. This is very similar to Link_knob().

script, if this is not null, is a tcl script that is called instead of calling from_script() on the linked-to knob. This script is executed in the context of the node, and the text attempting to be stored into the knob is put in $value.

If both are null then the knob is ignored, attempts to set it are thrown away without any error.

Be careful with the argument order. It is set up to match the Link_knob() arguments and there is some back-compatibility problems.

Referenced by DD::Image::DrawIop::input_knobs(), DD::Image::Transform::knobs(), DD::Image::ShutterControls::knobs(), DD::Image::NukeWrapper::knobs(), and DD::Image::DrawIop::output_knobs().

Knob* DD::Image::Obsolete_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
NAME  name,
const char *  script 
) [inline]

Back-compatibility of Obsolete_knob(), equivalent to passing null for the linketo knob.

Knob * DD::Image::Op_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
Op op,
NAME  name 

Produce the knob named name for op. This can be used to insert knobs from a child Op into your control panel. This is done by calling knobs() on the child with a special callback that looks for the name and if found it calls f with it.

References DD::Image::Op::knobs().

Knob* DD::Image::String_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
const char **  p,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

Store a string that is edited by the user. Nuke will manage the memory used by the string, do not free it in your destructor.

Knob* DD::Image::Password_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
const char **  p,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

Create a Password input field

Knob* DD::Image::String_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
std::string *  p,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

Store a string that is edited by the user. Uses an STL string so no worries about memory ownership.

Knob* DD::Image::File_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
const char **  p,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0,
FileKnob_Type  type = Normal_File 
) [inline]

Same as String_knob() but Nuke adds a file chooser, and the string is passed through the filename_fix scripting function before being stored.

Knob* DD::Image::Read_File_knob ( ReadFileKnobOwner *  ptr,
Knob_Callback  f,
const char **  p,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

Special knob for use by the ReadFileKnobOwners. Ops must implement that interface to include this knob.

Knob* DD::Image::Read_File_knob ( ReadFileKnobOwner *  ptr,
Knob_Callback  f,
std::string *  p,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

Special knob for use by the ReadFileKnobOwners. Ops must implement that interface to include this knob.

Knob* DD::Image::Cached_File_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
const char **  p,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0,
FileKnob_Type  type = Normal_File 
) [inline]

It allows for local file caching to be enabled on the node

Knob* DD::Image::Write_File_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
const char **  p,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

Special knob for use by the Write. This will present the user with two strings for full-size and proxy, and will store the string for the current setting. This may be usable by ops other than Write.

Knob* DD::Image::Write_File_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
std::string *  p,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

Special knob for use by the Write. This will present the user with two strings for full-size and proxy, and will store the string for the current setting. This may be usable by ops other than Write.

Knob* DD::Image::Proxyless_Read_File_knob ( ReadFileKnobOwner *  ptr,
Knob_Callback  f,
const char **  p,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

Special knob for use by the Read Op only. It stores several other values in other fields of Read. Do not use except for the Read Op.

Knob* DD::Image::Int_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
int *  p,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

Controls a single integer value.

Referenced by DD::Image::Executable::frameRangeKnobs(), and DD::Image::FileOp::Reload_Button().

Knob* DD::Image::Enumeration_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
int *  p,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

Controls an integer enumeration. The array of labels e will produce a pop-up list the user can choose from. The index into this list is stored. The first item will store a zero, etc. You can assume that only legal values are stored.

Referenced by DD::Image::DrawIop::input_knobs(), DD::Image::ShutterControls::knobs(), DD::Image::FrameRangeControls::knobs(), DD::Image::Filter::knobs(), and DD::Image::DrawIop::output_knobs().

Knob* DD::Image::Bitmask_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
unsigned int *  p,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

Produces a set of labelled checkmarks. Each checkmark will set one bit in the output integer. The first one sets 1, the next 2, the next one 4, etc.

Knob* DD::Image::Bool_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
bool *  p,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

Knob* DD::Image::Float_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
double *  p,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

Knob* DD::Image::Float_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
float *  p,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

Controls a single number stored as a float

Knob* DD::Image::Frame_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
float *  p,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

Controls a single frame number stored as a float

DD::Image::Knob * DD::Image::Deep_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
float *  p,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 

Controls a single number stored as a float, representing a Deep value

References SetRange().

Knob* DD::Image::MultiFloat_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
double *  p,
int  dim,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

Controls dim doubles in an array

Knob* DD::Image::MultiFloat_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
float *  p,
int  dim,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

Controls dim floats in an array

Knob* DD::Image::MultiInt_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
int *  p,
int  dim,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

Controls dim integers in an array

Knob* DD::Image::PixelAspect_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
double *  p,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

Controls a single float value, which is a pixel aspect ratio.

Knob* DD::Image::Array_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
ConvolveArray *  p,
int  width,
int  height,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0,
bool  defaultData = false 
) [inline]

Sets a matrix as used by the Convolve operator. Currently the user interface is limited to fixed-size arrays but the tcl script can change the array size.

Knob* DD::Image::ChannelSet_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
ChannelSet *  p,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

Store a ChannelSet. The UI looks almost identical to Channel_knob, but the user can select many more channels, including "all".

Referenced by DD::Image::DrawIop::input_knobs().

Knob* DD::Image::Input_ChannelSet_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
ChannelSet *  p,
int  input,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

Same as ChannelSet_knob, but the UI menu puts all channels not returned by Op::node_input(input) into a sub menu called "Other Layers"

Knob* DD::Image::InputOnly_ChannelSet_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
ChannelSet *  p,
int  input,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

Same as ChannelSet_knob, but the UI menu only shows channels returned by Op::node_input(input).

Knob* DD::Image::Channel_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
Channel *  p,
int  count,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

Store count channel numbers for your operator to write to. The user selects it from a popup list that has all the layers, a "new" item that lets them define a new layer, and "none" which stores zero into all the numbers (attemts to write to the zero channel will write to a junk buffer that is thrown away. If a layer with more than one channel is selected the user gets checkmarks to turn the individual layers off (storing zero instead of the channel number).

Knob* DD::Image::Input_Channel_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
Channel *  p,
int  count,
int  input,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

Same as Channel_knob but the popup menu lacks the "new" option. Also only layers that exist in the input Iop (and RGB, RGBA and Alpha) are listed in the top level UI menu. All other channels are listed in the "other" submenu (and if this input is not connected to an Iop then all layers are listed). This is used to store channel numbers that your operator will read from.

Referenced by DD::Image::DrawIop::input_knobs(), DD::Image::NukeWrapper::knobs(), and DD::Image::IllumShader::knobs().

Knob* DD::Image::InputOnly_Channel_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
Channel *  p,
int  count,
int  input,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

Same as Input_Channel_knob but the popup menu only shows layers that exist in the input Iop. If this input is not connected to an Iop then all layers are listed. This is used to store channel numbers that your operator will read from.

Knob* DD::Image::XY_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
double *  p,
NAME  n,
Knob *  parent = 0 
) [inline]

Stores an x and y position. Draws a square dot in the viewer that the user can drag around.

The parent is an optional XY_knob() return value. The stored values are then relative to the point stored by that knob, and this draws a vector from this point to the parent point, and moving the parent moves this one with it.

Referenced by DD::Image::DrawIop::output_knobs().

Knob* DD::Image::XYZ_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
float *  p,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0,
Knob *  parent = 0 
) [inline]

Stores an xyz position and draws a square dot on the 3D viewer that the user can drag around.

The parent is an optional XYZ_knob() return value. The stored values are then relative to the point stored by that knob, and this draws a vector from this point to the parent point, and moving the parent moves this one with it.

Knob* DD::Image::UV_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
double *  p,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

Makes two numbers called 'u' and 'v'.

Knob* DD::Image::CP_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
float *  p,
int  dim,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

It's used to store a collection of control points

Knob* DD::Image::WH_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
double *  p,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

Stores a width and height. The user can change the slider to two input fields so they can make the width and height different. When stored the horizontal value (the first one) is divided by the incoming format's pixel aspect ratio, so if the user sees equal values the result is square in the viewer. The sizes are also scaled to account for the difference between the full size and proxy formats.

Knob* DD::Image::BBox_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
double *  p,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0,
Knob *  parent = 0 
) [inline]

Stores four numbers representing the x, y, right, and top of a rectangle selected by the user. The values are scaled by the current proxy settings. Draws this rectangle on the viewer that the user can manipulate.

The parent is an optional XY_knob() return value. The stored values are then relative to the point stored by that knob, and moving the XY_knob will move the box with it.

Knob* DD::Image::Format_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
FormatPair *  p,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

User chooses a format, which is stored in p.full_size_format. Also the current proxy scaling is used to produce another format that is stored in p.format.

Normally you should use p.format for any calculations. However since the bottom and top values are rounded to the nearest integer, you may want to use outputContext().to_proxy() on the full_size_format values to get exact vertical positions.

The FormatPair structure also contains space for making the p.format if necessary.

Knob* DD::Image::Color_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
float *  p,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

Stores 3 floating-point numbers that represent a rgb color selected by the user.

Knob* DD::Image::AColor_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
float *  p,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

Stores 4 floating-point numbers that represent a rgb color and an alpha value selected by the user.

Referenced by DD::Image::DrawIop::output_knobs().

Knob* DD::Image::Eyedropper_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
float *  p,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

This knob provides an interface to sample an average color from a viewer. It also provides the position and size of the sampled area

Knob* DD::Image::Range_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
double *  p,
int  np,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

Store np numbers, but show a single slider with multiple moving slider handles. Values will always be in sorted because the user cannnot move the sliders through each other.

Knob* DD::Image::Transform2d_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
Matrix4 *  p,
NAME  n,
int  type = 0 
) [inline]

This knob stores into a Matrix4 a 2-D transformation (although a Matrix4 is 4x4, this will only set 6 a00,a01,a03,a10,a11,a13 to values other than the identity). The user is presented with a "transform jack" in the viewer.

This creates named child knobs. If the name of the knob ends with "_" then these names are instead appended to this overall name, which allows more than one of these to be used in a node.

type modifies how the transform knob works. Known types are:

TRANSFORM (0) = Used by Transform operator. Initializes to the identity and initializes the center to put itself in the middle of the image. The stored matrix will transform pixel positions.

TO_PROXY = Same as TRANSFORM but when it calculates the matrix when Nuke is in proxy mode, it also stores the conversion from full-size to proxy format. This can be used by a knob like the Bezier that wants to store a set of x/y positions specified by the user.

POSITIONER = Used to place objects, such as Text, where location 0,0 is of some importance to the user. Hides the "center" control from the user (though the user can still move it with ctrl+drag) The passed matrix is used to initialize the transform. Currently only scale and translate is deduced from it.


T2D_GAUGE adds a little angular handle that outputs a value between 0 and 1 in bottom right corner of the matrix. Be sure to reset this value to 1 before using the matrix! Example use is transparency in the 'wipe' UI of the viewer.

Knob* DD::Image::LookupCurves_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
LookupCurves *  p,
DD::Image::LookupCurvesType  type,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

A set of lookup curves is stored and the user is presented with an editor in which they can manipulate them. See the LookupCurves class for more information.

Knob* DD::Image::LookupCurves_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
LookupCurves *  p,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

A set of lookup curves is stored and the user is presented with an editor in which they can manipulate them. See the LookupCurves class for more information.

Knob* DD::Image::Axis_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
Matrix4 *  p,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

This knob stores into a Matrix4 a 3-D transformation. A 3-D transform jack is presented to the user in the 3D viewer.

This creates named child knobs. If the name of the knob ends with "_" then these names are instead appended to this overall name, which allows more than one of these to be used in a node.

Knob* DD::Image::PositionVector_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
float *  p,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

A knob which represents a vector as an arrow joining two X,Y,Z positions.

The parameter p is a pointer to a pair of x, y, z points (6 floats) which are used to set the default start and end position of the arrow.

Knob* DD::Image::Box3_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
float *  p,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

Stores 2 x,y,z points(6 floats) describing a 3D volume.

Knob* DD::Image::Histogram_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
Histogram_Data *  p,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

A histogram knob displays a histogram and lets the user choose 5 mapping parameters

Knob* DD::Image::Keyer_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
double *  p,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]


Knob* DD::Image::ColorChip_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
unsigned *  p,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

Stores an unsigned value representing a color for use in coloring in the GUI. The stored bytes are rrggbb00. If you want the floating point equivalents you can use from_sRGB() on these.

Knob* DD::Image::Tab_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
LABEL  label 
) [inline]

Starts a new tab on the control panel and resets the BeginGroup() hierarchy level to zero.

Referenced by DD::Image::DrawIop::output_knobs().

Knob* DD::Image::BeginGroup ( Knob_Callback  f,
NAME  name,
LABEL  label = 0 
) [inline]

Starts a new hierarchy level. This produces a line with an open/close icon on the left, which causes all knobs between this and the matching EndGroup() to show/hide.

The name can be used to look this up so you can call Knob::open() and Knob::close() on it from a knob_changed() method.

Knob* DD::Image::BeginClosedGroup ( Knob_Callback  f,
NAME  name,
LABEL  label = 0 
) [inline]

Same as BeginGroup() except the group is closed by default. This has to be passed to the constructor (rather than set afterwards by SetFlags so that the default can be remembered and scripts written with the settings that way.

Knob* DD::Image::EndGroup ( Knob_Callback  f  )  [inline]

Ends a hierarchy level.

Knob* DD::Image::BeginToolbar ( Knob_Callback  f,
NAME  name,
LABEL  label = 0,
int  position = Knob::TOOLBAR_TOP 
) [inline]

Starts a new viewer toolbar. This produces a toolbar which appears along a edge of each viewer. Use EndToolbar to finish the toolbar.

Knob* DD::Image::EndToolbar ( Knob_Callback  f  )  [inline]

Ends a toolbar.

Knob* DD::Image::BeginTabGroup ( Knob_Callback  f,
NAME  name,
LABEL  label = 0 
) [inline]

Starts a new tabbed group. Use EndTabGroup to finish the group and TabKnob to add new tabs to the group.

Knob* DD::Image::EndTabGroup ( Knob_Callback  f  )  [inline]

Ends a tabbed group.

Knob* DD::Image::BeginExoGroup ( Knob_Callback  f,
NAME  name,
LABEL  label = 0 
) [inline]

Starts a new group outside of any tabs Use EndExogroup to finish the group

Knob* DD::Image::EndExoGroup ( Knob_Callback  f  )  [inline]

Ends a extratabular group.

Knob* DD::Image::Text_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
LABEL  text 
) [inline]

Displays some text. This can be placed between any knobs if you do ClearFlags(f,Knob::STARTLINE) on the next knob.

Knob* DD::Image::Text_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
LABEL  label,
LABEL  text 
) [inline]

Deprecated, do not use. Same as Newline(f,label) followed by Text_knob(f,text).

Knob* DD::Image::Named_Text_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
LABEL  name,
LABEL  text 
) [inline]

Same as Text_knob() but the knob has a name. This is necessary if you want to find the knob again in order to hide/show it.

Knob* DD::Image::Newline ( Knob_Callback  f,
LABEL  label = " " 
) [inline]

Start a new line in the panel. The label, if provided, is put on the left.

Referenced by DD::Image::DrawIop::input_knobs(), and DD::Image::NukeWrapper::knobs().

Knob* DD::Image::Divider ( Knob_Callback  f,
LABEL  label = 0 
) [inline]

Horizontal divider line. The label, if provided, is put to the left of it.

Referenced by DD::Image::DrawIop::input_knobs(), and DD::Image::SourceGeo::knobs().

Knob* DD::Image::Spacer ( Knob_Callback  f,
int  spaceInPixels 
) [inline]

Horizontal gap between knobs. Be sure to ClearFlags(f,Knob::STARTLINE) on the next knob.

Knob* DD::Image::VSpacer ( Knob_Callback  f,
int  spaceInPixels 
) [inline]

Vertical gap between knobs.

Knob* DD::Image::Help_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
LABEL  text 
) [inline]

Displays a questionmark button, when the user clicks it a popup window appears displaying a block of text.

Knob* DD::Image::Help_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
LABEL  label,
LABEL  text 
) [inline]

You can put other symbols on the questionmark button with this.

Knob* DD::Image::Button ( Knob_Callback  f,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

Produces a button that when the user presses it it will call the Op::knob_changed() method.

Knob* DD::Image::Script_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
NAME  command,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

Produces a button that when the user presses it it will execute in Nuke scripting language the passed command, with this knob as "context" so that relative names work. Also does knob_callback().

Referenced by DD::Image::FrameRangeControls::knobs(), and DD::Image::FileOp::Reload_Button().

Knob* DD::Image::PyScript_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
NAME  command,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

Produces a button that when the user presses it it will execute in Nuke Python the passed command, with this knob as "context" so that relative names work. Also does knob_callback().

Knob* DD::Image::CancelExecution_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

Produces a button that when the user presses it it will cancel and abort the current Op tree. It effectively simulates pressing "Cancel" in the progress dialog.

Knob* DD::Image::Python_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
NAME  command,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

Produces a custom Python knob. This is a knob which will execute Python code to produce its UI.

Knob* DD::Image::Pulldown_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

Produces a pulldown menu with multiple items that will execute in Nuke scripting language the passed command, with this knob as "context" so that relative names work.

Knob* DD::Image::PyPulldown_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

Produces a pulldown menu with multiple items that will execute in Nuke scripting language the passed command, with this knob as "context" so that relative names work.

Knob* DD::Image::Multiline_String_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
const char **  p,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0,
int  lines = 5 
) [inline]

Multi-line text editor.

Referenced by Eval_String_knob().

Knob* DD::Image::Eval_String_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
const char **  p,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0 
) [inline]

Creates a new String knob that may contain an expression.

References Multiline_String_knob().

Knob* DD::Image::Toolbox_knob ( Knob_Callback  f,
int *  p,
bool  expanded,
NAME  n,
LABEL  l = 0,
bool  changeOnClick = false 
) [inline]

Controls an integer enumeration. The array of labels e will produce a pop-up list the user can choose from. The index into this list is stored. The first item will store a zero, etc. You can assume that only legal values are stored.

std::vector<double> DD::Image::Matrix4ToVector ( const Matrix4 &  matrix  )  [inline]

convert a DD::Image::Matrix4 to a std::vector<double> transposes from column-major to row-major

Matrix4 DD::Image::VectorToMatrix4 ( const std::vector< double > &  matrix  )  [inline]

convert a std::vector<double> to a DD::Image::Matrix4 transposes from row-major to column-major

double DD::Image::noise ( double  arg  ) 

Same as noise(arg,0,0) but faster

Referenced by fBm(), and turbulence().

double DD::Image::noise ( double  arg0,
double  arg1 

Same as noise(arg0,arg1,0) but faster

double DD::Image::noise ( double  x,
double  y,
double  z 

3D Perlin noise function.

Unlike some shader libraries, this produces a signed range centered on zero. The absolute maximum range is from -1.0 to 1.0. Doing (noise(x,y,z)+1)/2 will return values that are used by some other libraries. This produces zero at all integers, so you should rotate the coordinates somewhat (add a fraction of y and z to x, etc) if you want to use this for random number generation.

This uses a compiled random table and thus will produce exactly the same results on all platforms for the same xyz values.

Losely based on principles described by Perlin http://www.mrl.nyu.edu/~perlin/doc/oscar.html coherent noise function over 1, 2 or 3 dimensions (copyright Ken Perlin)

Modified by information in Perlin's paper at Siggraph 2002 on "Improving Noise"

double DD::Image::fBm ( double  x,
double  y,
double  z,
int  octaves,
double  lacunarity,
double  gain 

Fractional Brownian Motion. This is the sum of octaves calls to noise(). For each of them the input point is multiplied by pow(lacunarity,i) and the result is multiplied by pow(gain,i). For normal use lacunarity should be greater than 1 and gain should be less than 1.

References noise().

double DD::Image::turbulence ( double  x,
double  y,
double  z,
int  octaves,
double  lacunarity,
double  gain 

This is the same as fBm() except the absolute value of the noise() function is used.

References noise().

double DD::Image::p_random ( int  x  ) 

Return a repeatable pseudo random-number in the range 0-1. The same value is returned each time this is called with a given x.

This is a function that I randomly made up. I hope that this will give a decent random number with the help of the main table. (I know, cryptographers will call me naive. Matthias) The most important part is that this function will return the same value on any OS and processor.

Referenced by DD::Image::RenderScene::inputContext(), and p_random().

double DD::Image::p_random ( int  x,
int  y 

Return a repeatable pseudo-random in the range 0-1 for each different combination of x and y.

double DD::Image::p_random ( int  x,
int  y,
int  z 

Return a repeatable pseudo-random in the range 0-1 for each different combination of x and y and z.

double DD::Image::p_random ( double  x  ) 

1D pseudo random number space. Same as the integer version at integers, does smooth interpolation between the values between the integers.

Note that due to the smooth interpolation the returned values may go outside the 0-1 range. The actual range is -.25 to 1.25.

References p_random().

double DD::Image::p_random ( double  x,
double  y 

2D pseudo random number space. Same as the integer version at integers, does smooth interpolation between the values between the integers.

References p_random().

double DD::Image::p_random ( double  x,
double  y,
double  z 

3D pseudo random number space. Same as the integer version at integers, does smooth interpolation between the values between the integers.

References p_random().

int DD::Image::plugin_count (  ) 

Return how many plugins have been loaded. This is incremented by every successful plugin_find().

const char * DD::Image::plugin_name (  ) 

Return the name of the plugin being currently loaded. This is set when reading binary or tcl plugins. A blank string is returned if no such plugin is currently being loaded. The directory of this name will affect the locations searched by plugin_find().

Referenced by plugin_find(), and plugin_load().

const char * DD::Image::plugin_name ( int  n  ) 

Return the filename of the Nth plugin that was found.

const char * DD::Image::plugin_find ( const char *  name,
const char *const *  extensions = 0 

Find and return the filename of a plugin. If the file is found, the full filename is copied to permanent storage and that permanent copy is returned. If the file is not found zero is returned.

If name contains any slashes, then it is expanded relative to the directory that is in plugin_name(), and that single filename (with any possible extensions) is checked. Note that only forward slashes work.

Otherwise every single directory in getPluginPath() is looked into.

extensions is an optional null-terminated list of filename extensions to try. These should start with a period. Each of them is added to the filename in each directory and the first match is returned. This is *only* done if name does not contain a period after the last slash. If you need to know which one was used, look at the end of the returned string (I don't return the index in order to force calling code to check extensions that are supplied in the plugin name).

The extension ".osx.bundle" is handled specially, if it is matched a whole lot more data is tacked on in order to produce the actual name of the shared object file that the plugin really is in.

References getPluginPath(), plugin_name(), DD::Image::FileSet::reload(), and strlcpy().

Referenced by plugin_load().

const char * DD::Image::plugin_load ( const char *  name,
const char *  altname = NULL 

load a plugin with the basename 'name' (or 'altname' if specified and nothing by name can be found)

Try to load a shared-object or tcl plugin.

plugin_find() is done with the passed name. This means that if the name does not have any slashes in it, it is looked for in every directory in getPluginPath(). If it does have a slash in it, it is tried in one location, relative the the location of the current plugin if it does not start with slash.

If there is no period in the name after the last slash, then it tries the following extensions:

  • ".$plugin_ext" (".so", ".dylib", ".dll" etc depending on platform). This is a compiled plugin. These extensions allow plugins compiled for different platforms to coexist in the same directory.
  • ".tcl" and ".gizmo". Extensions for interpreted nuke scripts

If the plugin is found, it is loaded. If the resulting filename ends in ".tcl" or ".gizmo" then plugin_interpret() is called. Otherwise plugin_binary() is called. The filename found is returned. If the plugin fails to load due to some error you can retrieve the error message with plugin_error().

If no matching filename is found, null is returned. plugin_error() is set to an appropriate error message.

References plugin_find(), and snprintf().

Referenced by DD::Image::Writer::Description::find(), DD::Image::GeoWriter::Description::find(), DD::Image::Reader::Description::find(), DD::Image::DeepWriter::Description::find(), DD::Image::Op::find_description(), and plugin_load().

void * DD::Image::plugin_load ( const char *  name,
void *(*)(const char *)  test,
const char *  arg,
const char *  symbol = 0 

Load a plugin and make sure it defines some object (such as a script command). The function test(arg) should search for the desired object. arg is typically the name of the object.

This calls test(arg) first and if it returns non-zero that is returned.

It then tries plugin_load(name). If that fails null is returned.

If the plugin does load, test(arg) is called again. If it returns non-zero it returns that value. This will happen if some constructor exectued by loading the plugin added the new object to the correct tables.

If test(arg) fails after loading the plugin, plugin_error() is set to a message with the filename of the plugin saying the plugin did not define symbol. If symbol is null then name is used.

Thus when this returns, either a pointer to the desired object is returned, or null is returned and a useful error message is in plugin_error().

References plugin_load(), plugin_name(), and snprintf().

const char * DD::Image::plugin_load_all ( const char *  name  ) 

Load the plugin from every directory in getPluginPath(). This may load several plugins, only the name of the last one is returned. The directories in getPluginPath() are tried in backwards order, so that "earlier" plugins may override later ones.

This is used by Nuke to load the init.py and menu.py plugins.

The name of the last plugin found is returned, or NULL if no plugin was found.

The last error produced by any of the plugins is reported by plugin_error(). However if no matching plugin was found this is not considered an error.

References getPluginPath(), and strlcpy().

const char * DD::Image::plugin_path ( int  n  ) 

Old iterator for accessing items in getPluginPath(). Returns NULL if n is greater or equal to the size().

References getPluginPath().

Referenced by DD::Image::FileOp::file_types().

void DD::Image::plugin_addpath ( const char *  name  ) 

Add a directory to getPluginPath(). Nothing is done if the directory is already in the path (this is done with simple strcmp so an exact match is needed). name is copied to our own storage.

Normally the new directory is added to the start of the path, ie the most recently added directory is searched first.

However if we are currently inside a plugin_load_all() call the directory is inserted before the directory we are currently reading from. In addition if the filename does not start with a slash (or letter, colon, slash on NT) then it is appended to the current directory. This allows an init.tcl file to "plugin_addpath ./subdir" and make subdir be searched without knowing the current directory name. If there is an init.tcl in the subdirectory it will be sourced as well.

References strlcpy().

Referenced by plugin_appendpath().

void DD::Image::plugin_appendpath ( const char *  name  ) 

Add a directory to the end of getPluginPath(), if not already in it. See plugin_addpath().

References plugin_addpath().

const char * DD::Image::plugin_error (  ) 

Return any error reported by the last call to plugin_load(), or return NULL if none. The returned value points at a static buffer that is overwritten on each call.

Referenced by DD::Image::Write::execute(), DD::Image::Op::find_description(), DD::Image::WriteGeo::set_file_type_from_filename(), and DD::Image::Write::set_file_type_from_filename().

void DD::Image::plugin_error ( const char *  s  ) 

Set an error message for the current plugin.

References strlcpy().

void * DD::Image::plugin_binary ( const char *  name,
const char *  symbol = 0 

plugin_load() calls this for a binary plugin. You can call it yourself to load dynamic objects in a portable way.

This returns zero and sets plugin_error() if there is any problem loading the file as a plugin.

If symbol is non-zero, it locates that symbol in the plugin and returns a pointer to it. If the symbol is not found this returns zero and sets plugin_error().

If symbol is zero, this just returns a non-zero value if the plugin successfully loads. Stuff in the init portions of the object will be executed, this is how all DDImage plugins initialize themselves.

References DD::Image::HashFile::generateHashForFile(), DD::Image::HashFile::kErr_OK, plugin_verbose, and snprintf().

const std::vector< const char * > & DD::Image::plugin_path_list ( int  n  ) 

Return the list of files in entry n in getPluginPath(). n must be less than the size of the path.

References getPluginPath(), and DD::Image::FileSet::list().

Referenced by DD::Image::FileOp::file_types().

const std::vector< const char * > & DD::Image::getPluginPath (  ) 

Returns the entire plugin path as a vector.

Returns a vector of the directories Nuke will look in to get the plugins. This is initially $HOME/.nuke, $NUKE_PATH, and directory(NukeExecutableName)/plugins.

Referenced by plugin_find(), plugin_load_all(), plugin_path(), and plugin_path_list().

void DD::Image::SleepMS ( int  ms  ) 

Make this thread sleep for the given number of milliseconds (1/1000 of a second).

If you pass 0 or negative then it will sleep for the very shortest period of time (doing sched_yield() on Linux and SwitchToThread() on Windows).

Referenced by sleepFor().

void DD::Image::sleepFor ( double  seconds  )  [inline]

Make this thread sleep for the given number of seconds. This is done by rounding to the nearest millisecond and calling SleepMS().

References SleepMS().

int DD::Image::utf8bytes ( unsigned  ucs  ) 

Returns number of bytes that utf8encode() will use to encode the character ucs.

unsigned DD::Image::utf8decode ( const char *  p,
const char *  end,
int *  len 

Decode a single UTF-8 encoded character starting at p. The resulting Unicode value (in the range 0-0x10ffff) is returned, and len is set the the number of bytes in the UTF-8 encoding (adding len to p will point at the next character).

If p points at an illegal UTF-8 encoding, including one that would go past end, or where a code is uses more bytes than necessary, then *(unsigned char*)p is translated as though it is in the Microsoft CP1252 character set and len is set to 1. Treating errors this way allows this to decode almost any ISO-8859-1 or CP1252 text that has been mistakenly placed where UTF-8 is expected, and has proven very useful.

If you want errors to be converted to error characters (as the standards recommend), adding a test to see if the length is unexpectedly 1 will work:

        if (*p & 0x80) { // what should be a multibyte encoding
          code = utf8decode(p,end,&len);
          if (len<2) code = 0xFFFD; // Turn errors into REPLACEMENT CHARACTER
        } else { // handle the 1-byte utf8 encoding:
          code = *p;
          len = 1;

Direct testing for the 1-byte case (as shown above) will also speed up the scanning of strings where the majority of characters are ASCII.

Referenced by utf8back(), utf8fwd(), utf8test(), utf8toa(), and utf8towc().

int DD::Image::utf8encode ( unsigned  ucs,
char *  buf 

Write the UTF-8 encoding of ucs into buf and return the number of bytes written. Up to 4 bytes may be written. If you know that ucs is less than 0x10000 then at most 3 bytes will be written. If you wish to speed this up, remember that anything less than 0x80 is written as a single byte.

If ucs is greater than 0x10ffff this is an illegal character according to RFC 3629. These are converted as though they are 0xFFFD (REPLACEMENT CHARACTER).

RFC 3629 also says many other values for ucs are illegal (in the range 0xd800 to 0xdfff, or ending with 0xfffe or 0xffff). However I encode these as though they are legal, so that utf8encode/utf8decode will be the identity for all codes between 0 and 0x10ffff.

const char * DD::Image::utf8fwd ( const char *  p,
const char *  start,
const char *  end 

Move p forward until it points to the start of a UTF-8 character. If it already points at the start of one then it is returned unchanged. Any UTF-8 errors are treated as though each byte of the error is an individual character.

start is the start of the string and is used to limit the backwards search for the start of a utf8 character.

end is the end of the string and is assumed to be a break between characters. It is assumed to be greater than p.

This function is for moving a pointer that was jumped to the middle of a string, such as when doing a binary search for a position. You should use either this or utf8back() depending on which direction your algorithm can handle the pointer moving. Do not use this to scan strings, use utf8decode() instead.

References utf8decode().

const char * DD::Image::utf8back ( const char *  p,
const char *  start,
const char *  end 

Move p backward until it points to the start of a UTF-8 character. If it already points at the start of one then it is returned unchanged. Any UTF-8 errors are treated as though each byte of the error is an individual character.

start is the start of the string and is used to limit the backwards search for the start of a UTF-8 character.

end is the end of the string and is assumed to be a break between characters. It is assumed to be greater than p.

If you wish to decrement a UTF-8 pointer, pass p-1 to this.

References utf8decode().

unsigned DD::Image::utf8towc ( const char *  src,
unsigned  srclen,
wchar_t *  dst,
unsigned  dstlen 

Convert a UTF-8 sequence into an array of wchar_t. These are used by some system calls, especially on Windows.

src points at the UTF-8, and srclen is the number of bytes to convert.

dst points at an array to write, and dstlen is the number of locations in this array. At most dstlen-1 words will be written there, plus a 0 terminating word. Thus this function will never overwrite the buffer and will always return a zero-terminated string. If dstlen is zero then dst can be null and no data is written, but the length is returned.

The return value is the number of words that would be written to dst if it were long enough, not counting the terminating zero. If the return value is greater or equal to dstlen it indicates truncation, you can then allocate a new array of size return+1 and call this again.

Errors in the UTF-8 are converted as though each byte in the erroneous string is in the Microsoft CP1252 encoding. This allows ISO-8859-1 text mistakenly identified as UTF-8 to be printed correctly.

Notice that sizeof(wchar_t) is 2 on Windows and is 4 on Linux and most other systems. Where wchar_t is 16 bits, Unicode characters in the range 0x10000 to 0x10ffff are converted to "surrogate pairs" which take two words each (this is called UTF-16 encoding). If wchar_t is 32 bits this rather nasty problem is avoided.

References utf8decode().

Referenced by utf8tomb().

unsigned DD::Image::utf8tomb ( const char *  src,
unsigned  srclen,
char *  dst,
unsigned  dstlen 

Convert the UTF-8 used by FLTK to the locale-specific encoding used for filenames (and sometimes used for data in files). Unfortunatley due to stupid design you will have to do this as needed for filenames. This is a bug on both Unix and Windows.

Up to dstlen bytes are written to dst, including a null terminator. The return value is the number of bytes that would be written, not counting the null terminator. If greater or equal to dstlen then if you malloc a new array of size n+1 you will have the space needed for the entire string. If dstlen is zero then nothing is written and this call just measures the storage space needed.

If utf8locale() returns true then this does not change the data. It is copied and truncated as necessary to the destination buffer and srclen is always returned.

References utf8locale(), and utf8towc().

unsigned DD::Image::utf8toa ( const char *  src,
unsigned  srclen,
char *  dst,
unsigned  dstlen 

Convert a UTF-8 sequence into an array of 1-byte characters.

If the UTF-8 decodes to a character greater than 0xff then it is replaced with '?'.

Errors in the UTF-8 are converted as individual bytes, same as utf8decode() does. This allows ISO-8859-1 text mistakenly identified as UTF-8 to be printed correctly (and possibly CP1512 on Windows).

src points at the UTF-8, and srclen is the number of bytes to convert.

Up to dstlen bytes are written to dst, including a null terminator. The return value is the number of bytes that would be written, not counting the null terminator. If greater or equal to dstlen then if you malloc a new array of size n+1 you will have the space needed for the entire string. If dstlen is zero then nothing is written and this call just measures the storage space needed.

References utf8decode().

unsigned DD::Image::utf8fromwc ( char *  dst,
unsigned  dstlen,
const wchar_t *  src,
unsigned  srclen 

Turn "wide characters" as returned by some system calls (especially on Windows) into UTF-8.

Up to dstlen bytes are written to dst, including a null terminator. The return value is the number of bytes that would be written, not counting the null terminator. If greater or equal to dstlen then if you malloc a new array of size n+1 you will have the space needed for the entire string. If dstlen is zero then nothing is written and this call just measures the storage space needed.

srclen is the number of words in src to convert. On Windows this is not necessairly the number of characters, due to there possibly being "surrogate pairs" in the UTF-16 encoding used. On Unix wchar_t is 32 bits and each location is a character.

On Unix if a src word is greater than 0x10ffff then this is an illegal character according to RFC 3629. These are converted as though they are 0xFFFD (REPLACEMENT CHARACTER). Characters in the range 0xd800 to 0xdfff, or ending with 0xfffe or 0xffff are also illegal according to RFC 3629. However I encode these as though they are legal, so that utf8towc will return the original data.

On Windows "surrogate pairs" are converted to a single character and UTF-8 encoded (as 4 bytes). Mismatched halves of surrogate pairs are converted as though they are individual characters.

Referenced by utf8frommb().

unsigned DD::Image::utf8frommb ( char *  dst,
unsigned  dstlen,
const char *  src,
unsigned  srclen 

Convert a filename from the locale-specific multibyte encoding used by Windows to UTF-8 as used by FLTK.

Up to dstlen bytes are written to dst, including a null terminator. The return value is the number of bytes that would be written, not counting the null terminator. If greater or equal to dstlen then if you malloc a new array of size n+1 you will have the space needed for the entire string. If dstlen is zero then nothing is written and this call just measures the storage space needed.

On Unix or on Windows when a UTF-8 locale is in effect, this does not change the data. It is copied and truncated as necessary to the destination buffer and srclen is always returned. You may also want to check if utf8test() returns non-zero, so that the filesystem can store filenames in UTF-8 encoding regardless of the locale.

References utf8fromwc(), and utf8locale().

unsigned DD::Image::utf8froma ( char *  dst,
unsigned  dstlen,
const char *  src,
unsigned  srclen 

Convert an ISO-8859-1 (ie normal c-string) byte stream to UTF-8.

It is possible this should convert Microsoft's CP1252 to UTF-8 instead. This would translate the codes in the range 0x80-0x9f to different characters. Currently it does not do this.

Up to dstlen bytes are written to dst, including a null terminator. The return value is the number of bytes that would be written, not counting the null terminator. If greater or equal to dstlen then if you malloc a new array of size n+1 you will have the space needed for the entire string. If dstlen is zero then nothing is written and this call just measures the storage space needed.

srclen is the number of bytes in src to convert.

If the return value equals srclen then this indicates that no conversion is necessary, as only ASCII characters are in the string.

int DD::Image::utf8locale ( void   ) 

Return true if the "locale" seems to indicate that UTF-8 encoding is used. If true the utf8tomb and utf8frommb don't do anything useful.

It is highly recommended that you change your system so this does return true. On Windows this is done by setting the "codepage" to CP_UTF8. On Unix this is done by setting $LC_CTYPE to a string containing the letters "utf" or "UTF" in it, or by deleting all $LC* and $LANG environment variables. In the future it is likely that all non-Asian Unix systems will return true, due to the compatibility of UTF-8 with ISO-8859-1.

Referenced by utf8frommb(), and utf8tomb().

int DD::Image::utf8test ( const char *  src,
unsigned  srclen 

Examines the first srclen bytes in src and return a verdict on whether it is UTF-8 or not.

  • Returns 0 if there is any illegal UTF-8 sequences, using the same rules as utf8decode(). Note that some UCS values considered illegal by RFC 3629, such as 0xffff, are considered legal by this.
  • Returns 1 if there are only single-byte characters (ie no bytes have the high bit set). This is legal UTF-8, but also indicates plain ASCII. It also returns 1 if srclen is zero.
  • Returns 2 if there are only characters less than 0x800.
  • Returns 3 if there are only characters less than 0x10000.
  • Returns 4 if there are characters in the 0x10000 to 0x10ffff range.

Because there are many illegal sequences in UTF-8, it is almost impossible for a string in another encoding to be confused with UTF-8. This is very useful for transitioning Unix to UTF-8 filenames, you can simply test each filename with this to decide if it is UTF-8 or in the locale encoding. My hope is that if this is done we will be able to cleanly transition to a locale-less encoding.

References utf8decode().

bool DD::Image::style_needs_wireframe ( int  x  )  [inline]

Variable Documentation

const char *const DD::Image::group_names

const char *const DD::Image::render_modes

Name text array for render_mode enumeration knob

const char *const DD::Image::render_modes_source

Same as render_modes, except missing the "unchanged" entry

In Op::knobs() use this to label knobs you don't want the user to see. This is the string "INVISIBLE" but the pointer is recognized and it causes Knob::hidden() to return true.

Referenced by DD::Image::Knob::Knob(), DD::Image::NukeWrapper::knobs(), and DD::Image::FileOp::Reload_Button().

int(* DD::Image::root_fps)() (  ) 

Return the current global setting for frames per second rounded to an int. This is deprecated in favour of root_real_fps which will return an unrounded value.

Referenced by DD::Image::Read::append().

float(* DD::Image::root_real_fps)() (  ) 

Return the current global setting for frames per second.

If this is set to true then it prints messages to stdout when it loads plugins.

Referenced by plugin_binary().

If this is set to true then it skips loading plugins (and menus) from ~/.nuke and NUKE_PATH. It also skips loading any Ofx plugins

const char *const DD::Image::display3d_names

Name text array for ViewerContext::display3d() enumeration knob

Same as display3d_names, except missing the "unchanged" entry

©2009 The Foundry Visionmongers, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.