DD::Image::Convolve Class Reference

Inherits DD::Image::Iop.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void _validate (bool)
void _request (int x, int y, int r, int t, ChannelMask, int count)
void engine (int y, int x, int r, ChannelMask, Row &)
 Convolve (Node *node)
int width () const
int height () const
float * array () const
const float * operator[] (int n) const
void array (int h, int w, const float *v)
bool normalize () const
void normalize (bool b)
virtual void knobs (Knob_Callback)
const char * Class () const
const char * node_help () const

Static Public Attributes

static const Description d

Detailed Description

Convolves (filters) the input with a matrix vector of weights. The matrix is placed so it's middle pixel is at 0,0 (If the matrix is not odd in size this will also shift the output up or left by 1/2 pixel).

For the Nuke UI, this goes through the matrix "upside down". This is so the matrix the user types into the UI is in the same orientation as the pixels it affects.

Member Function Documentation

const char * Convolve::Class (  )  const [virtual]

Command name is "Matrix" rather than "Convolve"

Implements DD::Image::Op.

References DD::Image::Op::Description::name.

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