DD::Image::DeepSampleVector Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

size_t getSampleCount () const
const float & getOrderedSample (int depthIdx, DD::Image::Channel channel) const
 get sample, in order (farthest is first)
const float & getUnorderedSample (int depthIdx, DD::Image::Channel channel) const
 get sample, in no particular order
size_t size () const
const DeepSampleoperator[] (int idx) const
 get sample, in no particular order
DeepSampleoperator[] (int idx)
 get sample, in no particular order
void resize (size_t newSize, const ChannelMap &channelMap)
 resize the vector and allocate new elements
void push_back (const DeepSample &deepSample)
 append a sample

Detailed Description

Helper class to wrap a number of DeepSample objects, and presenting an interface that resembles a DeepPixel, for the convenience of templated algorithms.

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