DD::Image::Guard Class Reference

Inherits DD::Image::BaseLockGuard.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Guard (Lock &m)
 Guard (Lock *m)
 ~Guard ()

Detailed Description

This wrapper class locks a lock in it's constructor, and unlocks it upon destruction. This is convienent if your function has many exit points or you are using exceptions, creating a Guard as a local variable will cause the compiler to insert the unlock call everywhere it is needed.

    int proc() {
      static Lock thelock;
      Guard guard(thelock);
      if (dont_need_to_do_it()) return;
      // lock is always unlocked even if this statement is not reached:
      return whatever;

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

DD::Image::Guard::Guard ( Lock m  )  [inline]

The constructor calls m.lock()

DD::Image::Guard::Guard ( Lock m  )  [inline]

You can also construct it with a pointer to a lock.

DD::Image::Guard::~Guard (  )  [inline]

Calls unlock() on the lock passed to the constructor.

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