DD::Image::ImagePlane Class Reference

Inherits DD::Image::ImagePlaneDescriptor.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ImagePlane (const DD::Image::Box &bounds, bool packed, DD::Image::ChannelSet mask, int nComps)
 Construct based upon bounds, packedness, mask and number of compenents.
 ImagePlane (const ImagePlaneDescriptor &ipd)
 Construct based upon a descriptor.
 ImagePlane (const DD::Image::Box &bounds)
 Construct based upon BBox.
float * writable ()
const float * readable () const
void copyIntersectionFrom (const ImagePlane &other)
int chanNo (Channel z) const
const float & at (int x, int y, int z) const
 Get a reference to the data at (x, y) with the channel number /z/.
float & writableAt (int x, int y, int z)
 Get a reference to the data at (x, y) with the channel number /z/.
ImageTilePtr writableAt (int y, int z)
ImageTileReadOnlyPtr readableAt (int y, int z) const
int colStride () const
int rowStride () const
int chanStride () const
size_t usage () const
void clear ()

Protected Member Functions

RefCountedFloatBuffer buffer (int x, int y) const

Detailed Description

Class that represents an ImagePlane. ImagePlanes can be of any size, have any set of channels.

The data is a reference-counted float buffer consisting of contiguous pixel data for the defined bounding box and channels.

This is a relatively low-level class intended for code that interfaces with external code and has to operate in a particular. More complex mechanisms can be built upon this.

Member Function Documentation

float* DD::Image::ImagePlane::writable (  )  [inline]

Allocate data if needed and return a non-const pointer to it. The pointer is to element (x, y, z), where x = bounds().x(), y = bounds().y() and z is the lowest Channel in channels()

References DD::Image::RefCountedFloatBuffer::allocate().

Referenced by DD::Image::Iop::doFetchPlane().

const float* DD::Image::ImagePlane::readable (  )  const [inline]

Return a non-const pointer to the data. The pointer is to element (x, y, z), where x = bounds().x(), y = bounds().y() and z is the lowest Channel in channels()

void DD::Image::ImagePlane::copyIntersectionFrom ( const ImagePlane other  ) 

Copy the intersection in channels and bbox from the other plane to this one in the most efficient way possible. Note that this may involve a pointer copy rather than a memory copy if the intersection is a subset of the other plane (or identical to it).

Allocates memory if needed, is (and preferred) valid to call it without having called writable().

References DD::Image::ImagePlaneDescriptor::_bounds, _data, DD::Image::ImagePlaneDescriptor::_mask, DD::Image::ImagePlaneDescriptor::_nComps, DD::Image::ImagePlaneDescriptor::_packed, buffer(), DD::Image::Box::r(), DD::Image::ChannelSet::size(), DD::Image::Box::t(), DD::Image::Box::x(), and DD::Image::Box::y().

int DD::Image::ImagePlane::chanNo ( Channel  z  )  const [inline]

Find out the index within this plane for the given Channel. E.g. a Mask_RGBA plane will have Chan_Red = 0, Chan_Green = 1, Chan_Blue = 2, Chan_Alpha = 3, but a Mask_Green | Mask_Alpha plane will have Chan_Green = 0 and Chan_Alpha = 1.

Returns -1 if the channel is not present. This is the value that is passed as the last parameter of at() and would be multiplied by the chanStride().

int DD::Image::ImagePlane::colStride (  )  const [inline]

Get the stride between columns. Is the number of channels for packed planes. For unpacked planes is 1.

int DD::Image::ImagePlane::rowStride (  )  const [inline]

Return the stride between rows. Is the number of channels times the width for packed planes. For unpacked planes is the width.

int DD::Image::ImagePlane::chanStride (  )  const [inline]

Return the stride between channels. Is 1 for packed planes. For unpacked planes is the width times the height.

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