DD::Image::LinkableI Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual std::vector
< LinkableKnobInfo
getLinkableKnobs (int type) const =0
virtual bool canCreateNewLinkableKnob (int type) const =0
virtual LinkableKnobInfo createNewLinkableKnob (int type)=0

Detailed Description

This is a node that may be linked to from a place that directly wants to link to another node, i.e. from the Animation Menu for an XY_Knob or the Roto context menu.

Member Function Documentation

virtual std::vector<LinkableKnobInfo> DD::Image::LinkableI::getLinkableKnobs ( int  type  )  const [pure virtual]

Query the object for the knobs that can be linkable with the given type. This type should be one of those as defined in Knobs.h, e.g. XY_KNOB, ARRAY_KNOB, etc.

virtual bool DD::Image::LinkableI::canCreateNewLinkableKnob ( int  type  )  const [pure virtual]

In some cases, the LinkableI object may be asked if it can create a knob that can be linked to. For example, in the Tracker, you may want to create a new track. The type parameter is the same as used in getLinkableKnobs(int type), e.g. XY_KNOB, ARRAY_KNOB, etc.

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