DD::Image::RefCountedPtr< T > Class Template Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 RefCountedPtr ()
 RefCountedPtr (T *obj)
 RefCountedPtr (const RefCountedPtr< T > &other)
 ~RefCountedPtr ()
void operator= (const RefCountedPtr< T > &other)
T & operator* ()
const T & operator* () const
T * operator-> ()
const T * operator-> () const
int refcount () const
 operator bool () const
void allocate ()
template<class P1 >
void allocate (const P1 &p1)
template<class P1 , class P2 >
void allocate (const P1 &p1, const P2 &p2)
template<class P1 , class P2 , class P3 >
void allocate (const P1 &p1, const P2 &p2, const P3 &p3)
void clear ()

Static Public Member Functions

template<class U >
static RefCountedPtr< T > downCast (RefCountedPtr< U > other)

Detailed Description

template<class T>
class DD::Image::RefCountedPtr< T >

Template for a reference counted ptr. Template argument T should be a subclass of RefCountedObject, or provide a similar interface.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class T >
DD::Image::RefCountedPtr< T >::RefCountedPtr (  )  [inline]

Create a NULL pointer.

template<class T >
DD::Image::RefCountedPtr< T >::RefCountedPtr ( T *  obj  )  [inline, explicit]

Create a new RefCountedPtr around an existing object, and increment its reference count.

template<class T >
DD::Image::RefCountedPtr< T >::RefCountedPtr ( const RefCountedPtr< T > &  other  )  [inline]

Copy an existing RefCountedPtr and increment the reference

template<class T >
DD::Image::RefCountedPtr< T >::~RefCountedPtr (  )  [inline]

Destroy the RefCountedPtr and if needed delete the underlying object

Member Function Documentation

template<class T >
void DD::Image::RefCountedPtr< T >::operator= ( const RefCountedPtr< T > &  other  )  [inline]

Copy an existing RefCountedPtr, incrementing and decrementing references as appropriate.

template<class T >
T& DD::Image::RefCountedPtr< T >::operator* (  )  [inline]

Get the underlying object

template<class T >
const T& DD::Image::RefCountedPtr< T >::operator* (  )  const [inline]

Get the underlying object

template<class T >
T* DD::Image::RefCountedPtr< T >::operator-> (  )  [inline]

Get the underlying object

template<class T >
const T* DD::Image::RefCountedPtr< T >::operator-> (  )  const [inline]

Get the underlying object

template<class T >
int DD::Image::RefCountedPtr< T >::refcount (  )  const [inline]

Return the reference count of the underlying object

template<class T >
template<class U >
static RefCountedPtr<T> DD::Image::RefCountedPtr< T >::downCast ( RefCountedPtr< U >  other  )  [inline, static]

Use dynamic_cast to downcast to another, more specific, RefCountedPtr type

template<class T >
DD::Image::RefCountedPtr< T >::operator bool (  )  const [inline]

Test whether the pointer is pointing at an object right now. True if it is.

template<class T >
void DD::Image::RefCountedPtr< T >::allocate (  )  [inline]

Allocate a new object and make this pointer be a reference to it.

Referenced by DD::Image::GeometryList::add_primitive().

template<class T >
template<class P1 >
void DD::Image::RefCountedPtr< T >::allocate ( const P1 &  p1  )  [inline]

Allocate a new object and make this pointer be a reference to it.

template<class T >
template<class P1 , class P2 >
void DD::Image::RefCountedPtr< T >::allocate ( const P1 &  p1,
const P2 &  p2 
) [inline]

Allocate a new object and make this pointer be a reference to it.

template<class T >
template<class P1 , class P2 , class P3 >
void DD::Image::RefCountedPtr< T >::allocate ( const P1 &  p1,
const P2 &  p2,
const P3 &  p3 
) [inline]

Allocate a new object and make this pointer be a reference to it.

template<class T >
void DD::Image::RefCountedPtr< T >::clear (  )  [inline]

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