DD::Image::RegularGrid Class Reference

Inherits DD::Image::BasicGrid.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

GridCell & cell (unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int z)
GridCell & cell (unsigned int index)
void rebuild (const std::vector< DrawableGeo > &objects, bool buildPoints)
virtual bool getCandidateGridCells (ViewerContext *ctx, const Box &selection, std::list< unsigned int > &candidates)
bool testRayIntersection (ViewerContext *ctx, Ray &ray, PrimitiveTestCache &primTested, std::vector< bool > &tested, CollisionResult *collisionInfo=NULL)
bool testRayIntersection (ViewerContext *ctx, Ray &ray, PrimitiveTestCache &primTested, CollisionResult *collisionInfo=NULL)
bool screenToWorldRayTest (ViewerContext *ctx, unsigned int screenX, unsigned int screenY, PrimitiveTestCache &primTested, CollisionResult *collisionInfo)
virtual bool processCell (ViewerContext *ctx, unsigned int cellIndex, const Ray &ray, std::vector< bool > &tested, PrimitiveTestCache &primTested)
virtual Vector4 cellColor (unsigned int index) const
void draw_wireframe (ViewerContext *vtx) const

Static Public Member Functions

static void getScreenToWorldRay (ViewerContext *ctx, unsigned int screenX, unsigned int screenY, Ray &ray)

Detailed Description

A Regular grid is used to perform ray intersection with an array of DrawableGeo. Multiple threads can query for ray intersection, all the ray test intersection methods are thread safe. Please note that the rebuild method is not thread safe and must be called before any ray intersection test.

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