DD::Image::TransformGeo Class Reference

Operator that transforms geometric points. More...

Inherits DD::Image::GeoOp.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 TransformGeo (Node *)
int minimum_inputs () const
int maximum_inputs () const
Opdefault_input (int input) const
bool test_input (int input, Op *) const
const char * input_label (int input, char *) const
AxisOpaxis_input () const
Oplookat_input () const
const Matrix4matrix () const
const Matrix4concat_matrix () const
virtual void matrix (const Matrix4 &m)
GeoOpconcat_input () const
void knobs (Knob_Callback)
const char * Class () const
const char * node_help () const

Static Public Attributes

static const Description description

Protected Member Functions

void _validate (bool for_real)
void get_geometry_hash ()
void geometry_engine (Scene &, GeometryList &out)
void build_handles (ViewerContext *)

Protected Attributes

Matrix4 matrix_
 Object matrix - parent * local.
Matrix4 concat_matrix_
 Concatented input matrix * matrix_.
Matrix4 lookat_matrix_
 Matrix for rotating to look at the look input.
 Op this one concatenates its matrix with.

Detailed Description

Operator that transforms geometric points.

Member Function Documentation

Op * TransformGeo::default_input ( int  input  )  const [virtual]

Return a null geo for input0 and NULL for any other.

Reimplemented from DD::Image::GeoOp.

bool TransformGeo::test_input ( int  input,
Op op 
) const [virtual]

Only GeoOp allowed on zero, only AxisOp allowed on 1

Reimplemented from DD::Image::GeoOp.

void TransformGeo::_validate ( bool  for_real  )  [protected, virtual]

Validate our parent axis first, if any, then apply our local transform to that.

Reimplemented from DD::Image::GeoOp.

References concat_input(), concat_input_, concat_matrix(), concat_matrix_, DD::Image::AxisOp::matrix(), matrix_, DD::Image::Op::parent(), DD::Image::GeoOp::update_geometry_hashes(), and DD::Image::Op::validate().

void TransformGeo::get_geometry_hash (  )  [protected, virtual]

Hash the matrix so that any change causes the points to be invalid.

Reimplemented from DD::Image::GeoOp.

References DD::Image::Matrix4::append(), DD::Image::GeoOp::geo_hash, lookat_matrix_, and matrix_.

void TransformGeo::geometry_engine ( Scene scene,
GeometryList out 
) [protected, virtual]

Apply the concat matrix to all the GeoInfos.

Reimplemented from DD::Image::GeoOp.

References concat_input_, concat_matrix_, DD::Image::GeoOp::get_geometry(), and DD::Image::GeometryList::size().

void TransformGeo::build_handles ( ViewerContext ctx  )  [protected, virtual]

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