DD::Image::rTriangle Class Reference

Inherits DD::Image::rPrimitive.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

const char * Class ()
 rTriangle (const GeoInfo *info, const Primitive *p)
 rTriangle (const rTriangle &)
rPrimitiveduplicate () const
bool add_to_render (Scene *, PrimitiveContext *)
bool add_to_displacement_render (Scene *, PrimitiveContext *)
bool intersect (float x, float y) const
bool intersect (float x, float y, float *dist) const
bool intersect_dist_squared (float x, float y, float *dist_squared) const
bool intersect_scanline (float y, int &X, int &R, VArray &out, VArray &du, VArray &dv) const
float trace (Scene *)
float distance (float x, float y) const
float distance_squared (float x, float y) const
void subdivide (std::vector< rPrimitive * > &primitives, SubdivisionContext *stx)
rPrimitiveType getPrimitiveType () const

Public Attributes

VArray v [3]
 in SCREEN coordiantes, w_normalized!!!
float Ax
float Ay
float Bx
float By
float Nz
 For figuring out derivatives.

Detailed Description

Renderable triangle class, created once a projection into screen space is known. The Triangle primitive class creates one of these, and add_to_render() may then change this to 0,1, or 2 renderable triangles (depending on clipping). Other primitives such as grid will create quite a few more of these.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

rTriangle::rTriangle ( const GeoInfo info,
const Primitive p 


Referenced by add_to_render().

rTriangle::rTriangle ( const rTriangle b  ) 

Copy constuctor.

Member Function Documentation

bool rTriangle::add_to_render ( Scene scene,
PrimitiveContext ptx 
) [virtual]

Transform this triangle into homogeneous clipping space. Add any sub-triangles to the rendering scene. There's no need to further break a triangle down unless it intersects one of the frustum planes. Lastly we apply the homogeneous division by W which applies perspective to the points and places them into NDC space(Normalized Device Coordinates). This must be done AFTER clipping to guarantee that W is always > 0.

Clip the triangle against the frustum(W) near plane. There's two possibilities: a) One vertex is outside the plane. The triangle needs one additional edge defining the plane intersection line. To keep it a triangle we interpolate both vertices to the plane, and create one additional triangle primitive:

| 1 | 1 | /\ | /\ |/ \ 0 |/ \ | \ | A \ /| \ ---> 1 |\ \ /X| \ | \ \ /XX| \ | \ \ /XXX| \ | B \ \ 0 ----|--------- 2 0 |--------- 2 | |

b) Two vertices are outside the plane, so the outside edge is simply interpolated to the plane:

1 | | /\ | | /XX\ | | /XXXX\| | /XXXXXX| ---> | /XXXXXXX|\ 1 |\ /XXXXXXXX| \ | \ /XXXXXXXXX| \ | \ 0 ----------|--- 2 0 |--- 2 | |

Implements DD::Image::rPrimitive.

References add(), DD::Image::Scene::camera, DD::Image::eVelocityMotionVector, DD::Image::Scene::lens_func, DD::Image::Scene::max_tessellation(), DD::Image::VArray::MB(), DD::Image::Scene::mb_scene(), DD::Image::PrimitiveContext::mb_transforms(), DD::Image::Scene::mb_type(), DD::Image::VArray::P(), DD::Image::VArray::PL(), DD::Image::CameraOp::projection_is_linear(), DD::Image::Scene::projection_mode(), rTriangle(), DD::Image::Scene::time(), DD::Image::PrimitiveContext::transforms(), v, DD::Image::VArray::VEL(), DD::Image::VArray::w(), and DD::Image::Box3::w().

bool rTriangle::add_to_displacement_render ( Scene scene,
PrimitiveContext ptx 
) [virtual]

Transform this triangle into homogeneous clipping space. And add to the displacement map list in scene

Reimplemented from DD::Image::rPrimitive.

References DD::Image::Iop::displacement_bound(), DD::Image::PrimitiveContext::geoinfo(), DD::Image::Scene::lens_func, and DD::Image::GeoInfo::material.

bool rTriangle::intersect ( float  x,
float  y 
) const [virtual]

Intersect the screen-space projected triangle with an XY point, returning true if successful.

Implements DD::Image::rPrimitive.

References v, DD::Image::VArray::w(), DD::Image::VArray::x(), and DD::Image::VArray::y().

Referenced by distance().

bool rTriangle::intersect ( float  x,
float  y,
float *  dist 
) const [virtual]

Intersect the screen-space projected triangle with an XY point. Return true it was successful, and assigns the distance to the nearest edge.

Implements DD::Image::rPrimitive.

References DD::Image::Box3::inside(), and intersect_dist_squared().

bool rTriangle::intersect_dist_squared ( float  x,
float  y,
float *  dist_squared 
) const [virtual]

Intersect the screen-space projected triangle with an XY point. Return true it was successful, and assigns the square of the distance to the nearest edge.

Implements DD::Image::rPrimitive.

References DD::Image::Box3::inside(), MIN(), DD::Image::VArray::P(), and v.

Referenced by distance_squared(), and intersect().

bool rTriangle::intersect_scanline ( float  y,
int &  X,
int &  R,
VArray out,
VArray du,
VArray dv 
) const [virtual]

Intersect the triangle with a scanline. Return whether it was successful, and set X and R to the left and rightmost pixels affected, and set out to the value at 0,y (ie pixel 0 of the scanline, even if outside the triangle), and set du/dv to the screen-space derivatives, such that out+x*du is the value at any pixel in the scanline.

Implements DD::Image::rPrimitive.

References DD::Image::VArray::channels, fast_floor(), Nz, DD::Image::VArray::P(), DD::Image::VArray::UV(), v, DD::Image::Vector4::w, DD::Image::VArray::w(), DD::Image::VArray::x(), and DD::Image::VArray::y().

float rTriangle::trace ( Scene scene  )  [virtual]

Not implemented yet.

Implements DD::Image::rPrimitive.

float rTriangle::distance ( float  x,
float  y 
) const [virtual]

Distance to the nearest edge the object in screen-space. Returns 0 or negative if inside the object.

Implements DD::Image::rPrimitive.

References intersect().

float rTriangle::distance_squared ( float  x,
float  y 
) const [virtual]

Square of the distance to the nearest edge the object in screen-space. Returns 0 or negative if inside the object.

Implements DD::Image::rPrimitive.

References intersect_dist_squared().

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