无法从ParticleBlinkScript节点访问几何,因此可以在translate, rotate和scale ParticleBlinkScript节点的旋钮可访问translate , rotate和scale来自的值Cylinder几何节点。的radius也可以使用表达式链接。
小费: 避免物体只是该示例的一种使用方式,通过使用不同的流场函数可以实现许多不同的效果。
float3 fieldAt( float3 pos ) { return pos; // A field which just points away from the origin } void process() { float3 p = p_position(); float3 v = p_velocity(); float3 field = fieldAt( p ); field.normalize(); p_velocity() = field*v.length(); } |
kernel ParticleCylinderFlowKernel : ImageComputationKernel<ePixelWise> { Image<eReadWrite> p_position; Image<eReadWrite> p_velocity; Image<eReadWrite> p_orientation; param: float3 _origin; // Origin of the cylinder float3 _axis; // Axis of the cylinder float _radius; // Radius of the cylinder float3 _flow; // Direction of flow float _strength; // The strength of the interaction with the flow float _falloff; // The speed at which the force falls off with distance from the surface local: float3 _normalizedAxis; void define() { defineParam(_origin, "pa_origin", float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); defineParam(_axis, "pa_axis", float3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)); defineParam(_flow, "pa_flow", float3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f)); defineParam(_radius, "pa_radius", 1.0f); defineParam(_strength, "pa_strength", 1.0f); defineParam(_falloff, "pa_falloff", 1.0f); } void init() { _normalizedAxis = normalize(_axis); } float3 mix(float3 a, float3 b, float t ) { return a+t*(b-a); } void process() { float3 p = p_position()-_origin; float l = length(p); if ( l != 0.0f ) { float3 axis = _axis/l; p -= _origin+_normalizedAxis*dot(p, _normalizedAxis); float r = length(p); float3 normal = p; float3 d = cross(normal, _flow); float3 tangent = cross(d, normal); float fall; if ( r >= _radius ) fall = exp(-_ falloff *(r-_radius)); else 下降= 1.0f; float3 force = tangent*_strength; force = mix( _flow, force, fall ); l = length(force); if ( l != 0.0f ) { 力=力/ l; 浮动速度=长度(p_velocity()); p_velocity()=速度*力; p_orientation()= float4(0.0,force.x,force.y,force.z); } } } }; |
小费: 有很多方法可以使用此内核进行实验,请尝试使用流体模拟来生成用于模拟烟雾的流场。
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