USG Python API
- class usg.Attribute
An attribute.
- block() None
Unsets any authored value on the attribute.
- clear() None
Unsets any authored value on the attribute.
- clearAllTimeSamples() None
Removes all time samples from the attribute, leaving the default value unaffected.
- clearAtTime(arg0: float) None
Removes a specific time sample, ignoring default value.
- clearDefault() None
Removes the default value, leaving time samples unaffected.
- get(time: float = nan) object
Return the value of this attribute as an int, float, vector, Token, AssetPath…
- getAllowedTokens() usg::Array<usg::Token>
Returns an array of the allowed Tokens for this Attribute.
- getAuthoredMetadataFieldNames() list
Returns the field names of the authored attribute metadata.
- getBaseName() str
Return the base name of this attribute.
- getCustomData() dict
Returns a dictionary containing the attribute’s custom data.
- getDocumentation() str
Return the documentation string for this attribute.
- getField(arg0: usg::Token) usg::Value
Return a field of the attribute.
- getInterpolation() usg::Token
Return the interpolation of the attribute.
- getMetadataFieldNames() list
Returns the field names of the attribute metadata.
- getName() str
Return the name of this attribute.
- getNumDataElements() int
Returns the number of data elements for each value. For example, 3 for a Vector3 or 16 for a Matrix4.
- getPath() usg::Path
Return the path of this attribute.
- getTimeSamples() std::vector<double, std::allocator<double> >
Return the list of authored time samples for this attribute.
- getType() usg::Value::Type
Return the type of this attribute.
- getTypeName() str
Return the type of this attribute as a string.
- getUsgValue(time: float = nan) usg::Value
Return the underlying usg::Value of this attribute.
- hasAllowedTokens() bool
Returns true if this Attribute has a set of allowed Tokens.
- hasAuthoredValue() bool
Returns true if the attribute has any authored values, either a default or time samples. Returns false if the attribute has been blocked.
- hasFallbackValue() bool
Returns true if the attribute has a fallback value provided by a schema.
- hasValue() bool
Returns true if the attribute has any authored values, either a default or time samples, or if there’s a fallback value provided by a schema. Returns false if the attribute has been blocked and there is no fallback value.
- isAuthored() bool
Return whether there are any authored opinions for this property in any layer that contributes to this stage.
- isBlocked() bool
Is the attribute currently blocked? Same as calling !hasAuthoredValue().
- isValid() bool
Return whether this attribute is valid or not.
- set(value: object, time: float = nan) None
Set the value of this attribute with an int, float, vector, Token, AssetPath…
- setField(arg0: usg::Token, arg1: usg::Value) bool
Set a field of the attribute.
- setInterpolation(arg0: usg::Token) None
Set the interpolation of the attribute.
- class usg.Layer
The wrapper class for a reference to a USD layer.
- clearOwner() None
Clears the layer’s owner.
- property colorConfiguration
Property for the color configuration metadata.
- property colorManagementSystem
Property for the color management system metadata.
- property comment
Property for the comment metadata.
- static create(identifier: str, file_args: usg._usg.KeyValueMapSorted = KeyValueMapSorted{}) usg._usg.Layer
Creates a new layer with the given identifier.
- static createAnonymous(identifier: str, file_args: usg._usg.KeyValueMapSorted = KeyValueMapSorted{}) usg._usg.Layer
Creates a new layer with the given identifier.
- property defaultPrim
Property for the default prim metadata.
- definePrim(path: usg::Path, typeName: usg::Token) usg::Prim
Define an abstract prim in this layer. The ‘typeName’ is the prim’s schema name like ‘Mesh’, ‘Scope’, ‘Xform’, etc.
If a prim already exists at ‘path’ it is returned unchanged.
- property documentation
Property for the documentation metadata.
- property endTimeCode
Property for the end time code metadata.
- exportToFile(filepath: str, comment: str, fileFormatArgs: usg._usg.KeyValueMapSorted) bool
Exports the flattened layer to a file.
- exportToString() object
Return the flattened layer as a string.
- static findOrOpen(identifier: str, file_args: usg._usg.KeyValueMapSorted = KeyValueMapSorted{}) usg._usg.Layer
Searches for a layer with the given identifier in the layer cache, opening it if it’s not already.
- property framePrecision
Property for the frame precision metadata.
- property framesPerSecond
Property for the frames per second metadata.
- getIdentifier() str
- static getLoadedLayers() usg._usg.LayerRefSet
Returns all loaded layers.
- getPrimAtPath(arg0: usg::Path) usg::Prim
Returns true if the layer is anonymous (in-memory).
- getSubLayers() std::vector<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > >
Returns the sub layers of this layer.
- getUsdLayer() object
Returns the underlying USD py::object of the usg::Layer
- isAnonymous() bool
Returns true if the layer is anonymous (in-memory).
- isValid() bool
Return true if the layer is valid (has a valid object binding).
- property metersPerUnit
Property for the meters per unit metadata.
- overridePrim(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
overridePrim(self: usg._usg.Layer, path: usg::Path) -> usg::Prim
Same as definePrim() but the created prim will have an ‘over’ specifier with no Type.
overridePrim(self: usg._usg.Layer, path: usg::Path, typeName: usg::Token) -> usg::Prim
Same as definePrim() but the created prim will have an ‘over’ specifier.
overridePrim(self: usg._usg.Layer, src_prim: usg::Prim) -> usg::Prim
Similar to definePrim() but the created Prim will have an ‘over’ specifier and the schema class is taken from the provided source Prim.
- property owner
Property for the owner metadata.
- reload() None
Reloads the layer.
- save(force: bool = False) bool
Saves the layer.
- property sessionOwner
Property for the session owner metadata.
- setOwner(owner: str) None
Sets the layer’s owner.
- property startTimeCode
Property for the start time code metadata.
- property timeCodesPerSecond
Property for the time codes per second metadata.
- transferContent(layer: usg._usg.Layer) None
Transfers the content of the layer into this layer.
- property upAxis
Property for the up axis metadata.
- class usg.Path
A path value used to locate objects in layers or scenegraphs.
- static IsValidPathString(arg0: str) tuple
Static method to return whether the given string path would be valid and an error message if not.
- __init__(text: str) None
Create a path from the given string.
Create an empty path if the given string does not represent a valid path.
- appendChild(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
appendChild(self: usg._usg.Path, suffix: usg::Token) -> usg._usg.Path
Create a path by appending an element to this path.
This path must be a prim path, the AbsoluteRootPath or the ReflexiveRelativePath. If it is not, or the child is not a valid prim name return an empty path.
appendChild(self: usg._usg.Path, suffix: str) -> usg._usg.Path
Create a path by appending an element to this path.
This path must be a prim path, the AbsoluteRootPath or the ReflexiveRelativePath. If it is not, or the child is not a valid prim name return an empty path.
- appendPath(path: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.Path
Create a path by appending a given relative path to this path.
This path must be a prim path or the ReflexiveRelativePath. If it is not, return an empty path.
- appendProperty(property: usg::Token) usg._usg.Path
Create a path by appending a property to this path.
This path must be a prim path or the ReflexiveRelativePath. If it is not, return an empty path.
- clear() None
Clear the path so that it is empty.
- empty() bool
Return True if this is an empty path or False otherwise.
- isValidPath() tuple
Return whether this path is valid and an error message if not.
- makeAbsolutePath(anchor: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.Path
Return the absolute form of this path using another path as the relative basis.
If this path is already an absolute path, return a copy.
- makeRelativePath(anchor: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.Path
Return the relative form of this path using another path as the relative basis.
- name() str
Return the name of the prim, property or relational attribute identified by the path.
- parent() usg._usg.Path
Return the path that identifies this path’s namespace parent.
- class usg.Prim
The wrapper class for a reference to a USD prim.
- addAppliedSchema(arg0: usg::Token, arg1: usg._usg.ListPosition) bool
Adds an applied API schema.
- createCustomAttr(name: usg::Token, type: usg::Value::Type, is_time_varying: usg::TimeVariability) usg::Attribute
Create a attach a custom attribute to this prim. If the named GeomAttr object already exists return it at its current value.
If this Prim has just been defined on a GeomLayer then the new attribute will be defined on that GeomLayer.
If this Prim is being edited then the attribute will be created on the editable GeomStage and saved to the GeomStage’s current edit target GeomLayer.
- defineInLayer(path: usg::Path, typeName: usg::Token) usg._usg.Prim
Add this prim to a given layer.
- getAttr(name: str) object
Return named attribute if it exists on the prim. Otherwise return None.
- getAttributeNames() list
Returns the list of attribute names.
- getAttributes() list
Returns the list of attributes.
- getAuthoredMetadataFieldNames() list
Returns the field names of the authored prim metadata.
- getChildren(activeOnly: bool = True, includeClasses: bool = False, includeOverrides: bool = True) list
Returns a list of child prims.
- getCustomData() dict
Returns a dictionary containing the prim’s custom data.
- getKind() usg::Token
Return the kind of this prim.
- getMetadata(arg0: str) object
Return metadata value for prim for a given key.
- getMetadataFieldNames() list
Returns the field names of the prim metadata.
- getName() str
Return the name of this prim.
- getPath() usg::Path
Get geometry path (location) of this prim.
- getRelationship(name: str) object
Return named relationship if it exists on the prim. Otherwise return None.
- getRelationshipNames() list
Returns the list of relationship names.
- getRelationships() list
Returns the list of relationships.
- getTypeName() usg::Token
Get the type of this prim as a string.
- getVariantSelection(arg0: str) str
Return the variant selection for a given variant set name.
- getVariantSets() std::vector<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > >
Get variant sets from prim as a StringArray.
- getVariants(arg0: str) std::vector<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > >
Get variants for a given variant set name as a StringArray.
- isActive() bool
Return true if this prim is active.
- isLoaded() bool
Return true if this prim is active, and either it is loadable and it is loaded, or its nearest loadable ancestor is loaded, or it has no loadable ancestor; false otherwise.
- isValid() bool
Return whether this prim is valid or not.
- removeAppliedSchema(arg0: usg::Token) bool
Removes an applied API schema from any list ops it is present in.
- removeProperty(arg0: usg::Token) None
Removes a property if this prim is an SDF representation.
- class usg.Relationship
The wrapper class for a reference to a Relationship.
- getAuthoredMetadataFieldNames() list
Returns the field names of the authored relationship metadata.
- getBaseName() str
Return the base name of this Relationship.
- getCustomData() dict
Returns a dictionary containing the relationship’s custom data.
- getField(arg0: usg::Token) usg::Value
Returns the metadata field given the field name.
- getMetadataFieldNames() list
Returns the field names of the relationship metadata.
- getName() str
Return the name of this Relationship.
- getPath() usg::Path
Full path including the Prim parent.
- getTarget() usg::Path
Retrieve the first target path.
- getTargets() usg::Array<usg::Path>
Retrieves the relationship’s target paths.
- isAuthored() bool
Return whether this Relationship is authored or not.
- isValid() bool
Return whether this Relationship is valid or not.
- setField(arg0: usg::Token, arg1: usg::Value) bool
Sets the metadata field given the field name and its new value.
- setTarget(arg0: usg::Path) None
Sets the relationship’s target path to a single path.
- setTargets(arg0: usg::Array<usg::Path>) None
Sets the relationship’s target paths.
- class usg.Stage
The wrapper class for a reference to a stage.
- static create(sessionLayer: usg::Layer, loadAll: bool = True) usg._usg.Stage
Creates a new Stage from the session layer.
- static createMasked(sessionLayer: usg::Layer, maskPaths: usg::Array<usg::Path>) usg._usg.Stage
Creates a new Stage from the session layer.
- exportToString() object
Return the flattened stage as a string.
- flatten(addComment: bool = True) usg::Layer
Return an anonymous layer containing the flattened stage.
- flattenLayerStack() usg::Layer
Returns the flattened stage as a single anonymous layer. Unlike ‘flatten’, this preserves variants and some composition arcs.
- getLayerStack() std::vector<std::shared_ptr<usg::Layer>, std::allocator<std::shared_ptr<usg::Layer> > >
Returns the layer stack.
- getPrimAtPath(path: str) object
Return prim at given path from that stage. Otherwise return None.
- getPrimPathsByTypeName(typeName: usg::Token, traverseModelHierarchy: bool = True) usg::Array<usg::Path>
Returns a list of prim paths which match the given type.
- getRootLayer() usg::Layer
Return this stage’s root layer.
- getUsdStage() object
Returns the underlying USD py::object of the usg::Stage
- isValid() bool
Return true if the stage is valid (has a valid binding to a USD stage).
- class usg.StageNotifications
Stage notifications
- __init__(arg0: usg._usg.Stage) None
- clearChanged() None
- isChanged() bool
- class usg.Value
An object which can hold many types of value.
- AssetPath = <Type.AssetPath: 6>
- AssetPathArray = <Type.AssetPathArray: 7>
- Bool = <Type.Bool: 9>
- BoolArray = <Type.BoolArray: 10>
- Channel = <Type.Channel: 65>
- ChannelArray = <Type.ChannelArray: 66>
- Color = <Type.Color: 67>
- Color3d = <Type.Color3d: 73>
- Color3dArray = <Type.Color3dArray: 74>
- Color3f = <Type.Color3f: 71>
- Color3fArray = <Type.Color3fArray: 72>
- Color3h = <Type.Color3h: 69>
- Color3hArray = <Type.Color3hArray: 70>
- Color4d = <Type.Color4d: 79>
- Color4dArray = <Type.Color4dArray: 80>
- Color4f = <Type.Color4f: 77>
- Color4fArray = <Type.Color4fArray: 78>
- Color4h = <Type.Color4h: 75>
- Color4hArray = <Type.Color4hArray: 76>
- ColorArray = <Type.ColorArray: 68>
- class DataType
- HALF_DATA = <DataType.HALF_DATA: 8>
- INT16_DATA = <DataType.INT16_DATA: 5>
- INT32_DATA = <DataType.INT32_DATA: 6>
- INT64_DATA = <DataType.INT64_DATA: 7>
- INT8_DATA = <DataType.INT8_DATA: 4>
- __init__(value: int) None
- property name
- property value
- Double = <Type.Double: 25>
- Double2 = <Type.Double2: 35>
- Double2Array = <Type.Double2Array: 36>
- Double3 = <Type.Double3: 43>
- Double3Array = <Type.Double3Array: 44>
- Double4 = <Type.Double4: 51>
- Double4Array = <Type.Double4Array: 52>
- DoubleArray = <Type.DoubleArray: 26>
- Float = <Type.Float: 23>
- Float2 = <Type.Float2: 33>
- Float2Array = <Type.Float2Array: 34>
- Float3 = <Type.Float3: 41>
- Float3Array = <Type.Float3Array: 42>
- Float4 = <Type.Float4: 49>
- Float4Array = <Type.Float4Array: 50>
- FloatArray = <Type.FloatArray: 24>
- Frame4d = <Type.Frame4d: 119>
- Frame4dArray = <Type.Frame4dArray: 120>
- HALF_DATA = <DataType.HALF_DATA: 8>
- Half = <Type.Half: 21>
- Half2 = <Type.Half2: 31>
- Half2Array = <Type.Half2Array: 32>
- Half3 = <Type.Half3: 39>
- Half3Array = <Type.Half3Array: 40>
- Half4 = <Type.Half4: 47>
- Half4Array = <Type.Half4Array: 48>
- HalfArray = <Type.HalfArray: 22>
- INT16_DATA = <DataType.INT16_DATA: 5>
- INT32_DATA = <DataType.INT32_DATA: 6>
- INT64_DATA = <DataType.INT64_DATA: 7>
- INT8_DATA = <DataType.INT8_DATA: 4>
- Int = <Type.Int: 11>
- Int2 = <Type.Int2: 29>
- Int2Array = <Type.Int2Array: 30>
- Int3 = <Type.Int3: 37>
- Int3Array = <Type.Int3Array: 38>
- Int4 = <Type.Int4: 45>
- Int4Array = <Type.Int4Array: 46>
- Int64 = <Type.Int64: 13>
- Int64Array = <Type.Int64Array: 14>
- IntArray = <Type.IntArray: 12>
- InvalidType = <Type.InvalidType: 127>
- Matrix = <Type.Matrix: 117>
- Matrix2d = <Type.Matrix2d: 53>
- Matrix2dArray = <Type.Matrix2dArray: 54>
- Matrix3d = <Type.Matrix3d: 55>
- Matrix3dArray = <Type.Matrix3dArray: 56>
- Matrix4d = <Type.Matrix4d: 57>
- Matrix4dArray = <Type.Matrix4dArray: 58>
- MatrixArray = <Type.MatrixArray: 118>
- Normal = <Type.Normal: 81>
- Normal3d = <Type.Normal3d: 87>
- Normal3dArray = <Type.Normal3dArray: 88>
- Normal3f = <Type.Normal3f: 85>
- Normal3fArray = <Type.Normal3fArray: 86>
- Normal3h = <Type.Normal3h: 83>
- Normal3hArray = <Type.Normal3hArray: 84>
- NormalArray = <Type.NormalArray: 82>
- PathExpr = <Type.PathExpr: 8>
- Point = <Type.Point: 89>
- Point3d = <Type.Point3d: 95>
- Point3dArray = <Type.Point3dArray: 96>
- Point3f = <Type.Point3f: 93>
- Point3fArray = <Type.Point3fArray: 94>
- Point3h = <Type.Point3h: 91>
- Point3hArray = <Type.Point3hArray: 92>
- PointArray = <Type.PointArray: 90>
- Quatd = <Type.Quatd: 63>
- QuatdArray = <Type.QuatdArray: 64>
- Quatf = <Type.Quatf: 61>
- QuatfArray = <Type.QuatfArray: 62>
- Quath = <Type.Quath: 59>
- QuathArray = <Type.QuathArray: 60>
- String = <Type.String: 0>
- StringArray = <Type.StringArray: 1>
- Struct = <Type.Struct: 121>
- StructArray = <Type.StructArray: 122>
- Terminal = <Type.Terminal: 123>
- TerminalArray = <Type.TerminalArray: 124>
- TexCoord2d = <Type.TexCoord2d: 109>
- TexCoord2dArray = <Type.TexCoord2dArray: 110>
- TexCoord2f = <Type.TexCoord2f: 107>
- TexCoord2fArray = <Type.TexCoord2fArray: 108>
- TexCoord2h = <Type.TexCoord2h: 105>
- TexCoord2hArray = <Type.TexCoord2hArray: 106>
- TexCoord3d = <Type.TexCoord3d: 115>
- TexCoord3dArray = <Type.TexCoord3dArray: 116>
- TexCoord3f = <Type.TexCoord3f: 113>
- TexCoord3fArray = <Type.TexCoord3fArray: 114>
- TexCoord3h = <Type.TexCoord3h: 111>
- TexCoord3hArray = <Type.TexCoord3hArray: 112>
- TimeCode = <Type.TimeCode: 27>
- TimeCodeArray = <Type.TimeCodeArray: 28>
- Token = <Type.Token: 2>
- TokenArray = <Type.TokenArray: 3>
- class Type
- AssetPath = <Type.AssetPath: 6>
- AssetPathArray = <Type.AssetPathArray: 7>
- Bool = <Type.Bool: 9>
- BoolArray = <Type.BoolArray: 10>
- Channel = <Type.Channel: 65>
- ChannelArray = <Type.ChannelArray: 66>
- Color = <Type.Color: 67>
- Color3d = <Type.Color3d: 73>
- Color3dArray = <Type.Color3dArray: 74>
- Color3f = <Type.Color3f: 71>
- Color3fArray = <Type.Color3fArray: 72>
- Color3h = <Type.Color3h: 69>
- Color3hArray = <Type.Color3hArray: 70>
- Color4d = <Type.Color4d: 79>
- Color4dArray = <Type.Color4dArray: 80>
- Color4f = <Type.Color4f: 77>
- Color4fArray = <Type.Color4fArray: 78>
- Color4h = <Type.Color4h: 75>
- Color4hArray = <Type.Color4hArray: 76>
- ColorArray = <Type.ColorArray: 68>
- Double = <Type.Double: 25>
- Double2 = <Type.Double2: 35>
- Double2Array = <Type.Double2Array: 36>
- Double3 = <Type.Double3: 43>
- Double3Array = <Type.Double3Array: 44>
- Double4 = <Type.Double4: 51>
- Double4Array = <Type.Double4Array: 52>
- DoubleArray = <Type.DoubleArray: 26>
- Float = <Type.Float: 23>
- Float2 = <Type.Float2: 33>
- Float2Array = <Type.Float2Array: 34>
- Float3 = <Type.Float3: 41>
- Float3Array = <Type.Float3Array: 42>
- Float4 = <Type.Float4: 49>
- Float4Array = <Type.Float4Array: 50>
- FloatArray = <Type.FloatArray: 24>
- Frame4d = <Type.Frame4d: 119>
- Frame4dArray = <Type.Frame4dArray: 120>
- Half = <Type.Half: 21>
- Half2 = <Type.Half2: 31>
- Half2Array = <Type.Half2Array: 32>
- Half3 = <Type.Half3: 39>
- Half3Array = <Type.Half3Array: 40>
- Half4 = <Type.Half4: 47>
- Half4Array = <Type.Half4Array: 48>
- HalfArray = <Type.HalfArray: 22>
- Int = <Type.Int: 11>
- Int2 = <Type.Int2: 29>
- Int2Array = <Type.Int2Array: 30>
- Int3 = <Type.Int3: 37>
- Int3Array = <Type.Int3Array: 38>
- Int4 = <Type.Int4: 45>
- Int4Array = <Type.Int4Array: 46>
- Int64 = <Type.Int64: 13>
- Int64Array = <Type.Int64Array: 14>
- IntArray = <Type.IntArray: 12>
- InvalidType = <Type.InvalidType: 127>
- Matrix = <Type.Matrix: 117>
- Matrix2d = <Type.Matrix2d: 53>
- Matrix2dArray = <Type.Matrix2dArray: 54>
- Matrix3d = <Type.Matrix3d: 55>
- Matrix3dArray = <Type.Matrix3dArray: 56>
- Matrix4d = <Type.Matrix4d: 57>
- Matrix4dArray = <Type.Matrix4dArray: 58>
- MatrixArray = <Type.MatrixArray: 118>
- Normal = <Type.Normal: 81>
- Normal3d = <Type.Normal3d: 87>
- Normal3dArray = <Type.Normal3dArray: 88>
- Normal3f = <Type.Normal3f: 85>
- Normal3fArray = <Type.Normal3fArray: 86>
- Normal3h = <Type.Normal3h: 83>
- Normal3hArray = <Type.Normal3hArray: 84>
- NormalArray = <Type.NormalArray: 82>
- PathExpr = <Type.PathExpr: 8>
- Point = <Type.Point: 89>
- Point3d = <Type.Point3d: 95>
- Point3dArray = <Type.Point3dArray: 96>
- Point3f = <Type.Point3f: 93>
- Point3fArray = <Type.Point3fArray: 94>
- Point3h = <Type.Point3h: 91>
- Point3hArray = <Type.Point3hArray: 92>
- PointArray = <Type.PointArray: 90>
- Quatd = <Type.Quatd: 63>
- QuatdArray = <Type.QuatdArray: 64>
- Quatf = <Type.Quatf: 61>
- QuatfArray = <Type.QuatfArray: 62>
- Quath = <Type.Quath: 59>
- QuathArray = <Type.QuathArray: 60>
- String = <Type.String: 0>
- StringArray = <Type.StringArray: 1>
- Struct = <Type.Struct: 121>
- StructArray = <Type.StructArray: 122>
- Terminal = <Type.Terminal: 123>
- TerminalArray = <Type.TerminalArray: 124>
- TexCoord2d = <Type.TexCoord2d: 109>
- TexCoord2dArray = <Type.TexCoord2dArray: 110>
- TexCoord2f = <Type.TexCoord2f: 107>
- TexCoord2fArray = <Type.TexCoord2fArray: 108>
- TexCoord2h = <Type.TexCoord2h: 105>
- TexCoord2hArray = <Type.TexCoord2hArray: 106>
- TexCoord3d = <Type.TexCoord3d: 115>
- TexCoord3dArray = <Type.TexCoord3dArray: 116>
- TexCoord3f = <Type.TexCoord3f: 113>
- TexCoord3fArray = <Type.TexCoord3fArray: 114>
- TexCoord3h = <Type.TexCoord3h: 111>
- TexCoord3hArray = <Type.TexCoord3hArray: 112>
- TimeCode = <Type.TimeCode: 27>
- TimeCodeArray = <Type.TimeCodeArray: 28>
- Token = <Type.Token: 2>
- TokenArray = <Type.TokenArray: 3>
- UChar = <Type.UChar: 15>
- UCharArray = <Type.UCharArray: 16>
- UInt = <Type.UInt: 17>
- UInt64 = <Type.UInt64: 19>
- UInt64Array = <Type.UInt64Array: 20>
- UIntArray = <Type.UIntArray: 18>
- Vector = <Type.Vector: 97>
- Vector3d = <Type.Vector3d: 103>
- Vector3dArray = <Type.Vector3dArray: 104>
- Vector3f = <Type.Vector3f: 101>
- Vector3fArray = <Type.Vector3fArray: 102>
- Vector3h = <Type.Vector3h: 99>
- Vector3hArray = <Type.Vector3hArray: 100>
- VectorArray = <Type.VectorArray: 98>
- Vstruct = <Type.Vstruct: 125>
- VstructArray = <Type.VstructArray: 126>
- __init__(value: int) None
- baseDataType() usg._usg.Value.DataType
- baseType() usg._usg.Value.Type
- name()
__str__(*args, **kwargs) Overloaded function.
__str__(self: usg._usg.Value.Type) -> str
__str__(self: handle) -> str
- property value
- UChar = <Type.UChar: 15>
- UCharArray = <Type.UCharArray: 16>
- UInt = <Type.UInt: 17>
- UInt64 = <Type.UInt64: 19>
- UInt64Array = <Type.UInt64Array: 20>
- UIntArray = <Type.UIntArray: 18>
- Vector = <Type.Vector: 97>
- Vector3d = <Type.Vector3d: 103>
- Vector3dArray = <Type.Vector3dArray: 104>
- Vector3f = <Type.Vector3f: 101>
- Vector3fArray = <Type.Vector3fArray: 102>
- Vector3h = <Type.Vector3h: 99>
- Vector3hArray = <Type.Vector3hArray: 100>
- VectorArray = <Type.VectorArray: 98>
- Vstruct = <Type.Vstruct: 125>
- VstructArray = <Type.VstructArray: 126>
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: object, type: usg::Value::Type) -> None
Create a Value of the Value type specified by the type argument with given data. This method only supports the Types which are implicitly cast, all other types should use the default single argument constructor. The Types this method supports are: UChar, Bool, Int, Int64, UInt, UInt64, Float, Double. Will return an invalid value if the cast failed or the type is not supported.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: str) -> None
Create a Value of type String with given data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: usg._usg.Token) -> None
Create a Value of type Token with given input data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, arg0: usg._usg.AssetPath) -> None
Create a Value of type AssetPath with given input data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, arg0: usg._usg.PathExpr) -> None
Create a Value of type PathExpr with given input data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, arg0: usg._usg.Path) -> None
Create a Value of type Path with given input data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: std::vector<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > >) -> None
Create a Value of type StringArray with given input data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: usg::Array<usg::Token>) -> None
Create a Value of type TokenArray with given input data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: bool) -> None
Create a Value of type Bool with given input data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: int) -> None
Create a Value of type Int with given input data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: usg::Array<int>) -> None
Create a Value of type IntArray with given input data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: usg::Array<long>) -> None
Create a Value of type Int64Array with given input data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: usg::Array<unsigned int>) -> None
Create a Value of type UIntArray with given input data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: usg::Array<unsigned long>) -> None
Create a Value of type UInt64Array with given input data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: fdk::half) -> None
Create a Value of type half with given input data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: float) -> None
Create a Value of type Double with given input data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: usg::Array<float>) -> None
Create a Value of type FloatArray with given input data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: usg::Array<double>) -> None
Create a Value of type DoubleArray with given input data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: fdk::Vec2<fdk::half>) -> None
Create a Value of type Half2 with given input data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: fdk::Vec2<float>) -> None
Create a Value of type Float2 with given input data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: fdk::Vec2<double>) -> None
Create a Value of type Double2 with given input data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: fdk::Vec2<int>) -> None
Create a Value of type Int2 with given data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: fdk::Vec3<fdk::half>) -> None
Create a Value of type Half3 with given input data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: fdk::Vec3<float>) -> None
Create a Value of type Float3 with given input data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: fdk::Vec3<double>) -> None
Create a Value of type Double3 with given input data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: fdk::Vec3<int>) -> None
Create a Value of type Int3 with given data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: fdk::Vec4<fdk::half>) -> None
Create a Value of type Half4 with given input data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: fdk::Vec4<float>) -> None
Create a Value of type Float4 with given input data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: fdk::Vec4<double>) -> None
Create a Value of type Double4 with given input data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: fdk::Vec4<int>) -> None
Create a Value of type Int4 with given data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: fdk::Quat<fdk::half>) -> None
Create a Value of type Quath with given data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: fdk::Quat<float>) -> None
Create a Value of type Quatf with given input data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: fdk::Quat<double>) -> None
Create a Value of type Quatd with given input data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: fdk::Mat4<double>) -> None
Create a Value of type Matrix4d with given input data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: usg::Array<fdk::Vec2<fdk::half> >) -> None
Create a Value of type Half2Array with given input data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: usg::Array<fdk::Vec2<float> >) -> None
Create a Value of type Float2Array with given input data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: usg::Array<fdk::Vec2<double> >) -> None
Create a Value of type Double2Array with given input data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: usg::Array<fdk::Vec2<int> >) -> None
Create a Value of type Int2Array with given data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: usg::Array<fdk::Vec3<fdk::half> >) -> None
Create a Value of type Half3Array with given input data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: usg::Array<fdk::Vec3<float> >) -> None
Create a Value of type Float3Array with given input data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: usg::Array<fdk::Vec3<double> >) -> None
Create a Value of type Double3Array with given input data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: usg::Array<fdk::Vec3<int> >) -> None
Create a Value of type Int3Array with given data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: usg::Array<fdk::Vec4<fdk::half> >) -> None
Create a Value of type Half4Array with given input data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: usg::Array<fdk::Vec4<float> >) -> None
Create a Value of type Float4Array with given input data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: usg::Array<fdk::Vec4<double> >) -> None
Create a Value of type Double4Array with given input data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: usg::Array<fdk::Vec4<int> >) -> None
Create a Value of type Int4Array with given data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: usg::Array<fdk::Quat<fdk::half> >) -> None
Create a Value of type QuathArray with given data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: usg::Array<fdk::Quat<float> >) -> None
Create a Value of type QuatfArray with given input data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: usg::Array<fdk::Quat<double> >) -> None
Create a Value of type QuatdArray with given input data.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Value, data: usg::Array<fdk::Mat4<double> >) -> None
Create a Value of type Matrix4dArray with given input data.
- get() object
Return value of Value as a python type.
- getBaseDataType() usg::Value::DataType
Return the base data type for this Value.
- getNumDataElements() int
Return the number of data elements for the Type. For example, 3 for a Vector3 or 16 for a Matrix4. 0 is returned if Value is not valid.
- getSize() int
Return the number of values in the Value. 0 is returned if Value not valid. 1 is returned if Value is not an array type, otherwise array size is returned.
- getType() usg::Value::Type
Return a usg.Value.Type of the type name stored in the value.
- isArray() bool
Return true if Value is valid and an array.
- isValid() bool
Return true if Value is valid.
Utility functions
- usg.utils.GetConcreteSchemaTypeNames() usg._usg.StringArray
Returns a usg.StringArray of the all the registered Concrete Schema. Will load any associated plugin to discover the total set available in the current USD session.
- usg.utils.GetAPISchemaTypeNames() usg._usg.StringArray
Returns a usg.StringArray of the all the registered API Schema types. Will load any associated plugin to discover the total set available in the current USD session.
- usg.utils.GetSchemaTfTypeNames() usg._usg.StringArray
Returns a usg.StringArray of the all the registered Schema types. Will load any associated plugin to discover the total set available in the current USD session.
- usg.utils.GetDefaultAttributesForType(arg0: usg._usg.Token) usg._usg.AttributeArray
Returns a list of usg.Attributes defined for the a provided name of a Concrete Type
- usg.utils.GetDefaultAttributesForAPISchema(arg0: usg._usg.Token) usg._usg.AttributeArray
Returns a list of usg.Attributes defined for the a provided name of an APISchema
- usg.utils.GetDefaultRelationshipsForType(arg0: usg._usg.Token) usg._usg.RelationshipArray
Returns a list of usg.Relationships defined for the a provided name of a Concrete Type
- usg.utils.GetDefaultRelationshipsForAPISchema(arg0: usg._usg.Token) usg._usg.RelationshipArray
Returns a list of usg.Relationships defined for the a provided name of an APISchema
Other Prims
- class usg.BasisCurvesPrim
- __init__(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) None
- createBasisAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createTypeAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createWrapAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- defineInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.BasisCurvesPrim
- getBasis(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Token
- getBasisAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getInStage(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.BasisCurvesPrim
- getType(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Token
- getTypeAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getWrap(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Token
- getWrapAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- overrideInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) usg._usg.BasisCurvesPrim
- setBasis(value: usg._usg.Token, time: float = nan) None
- setType(value: usg._usg.Token, time: float = nan) None
- setWrap(value: usg._usg.Token, time: float = nan) None
- class usg.BoundablePrim
- __init__(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) None
- createExtentAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- getExtent(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Vec3fArray
- getExtentAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getInStage(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.BoundablePrim
- overrideInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) usg._usg.BoundablePrim
- setExtent(value: usg._usg.Vec3fArray, time: float = nan) None
- class usg.CameraPrim
- __init__(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) None
- createClippingPlanesAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createClippingRangeAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createCloseAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createExposureAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createFStopAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createFocalLengthAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createFocusDistanceAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createHorizontalApertureAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createHorizontalApertureOffsetAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createOpenAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createProjectionAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createStereoRoleAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createVerticalApertureAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createVerticalApertureOffsetAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- defineInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.CameraPrim
- getClippingPlanes(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Vec4fArray
- getClippingPlanesAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getClippingRange(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Vec2f
- getClippingRangeAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getClose(time: float = nan) float
- getCloseAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getExposure(time: float = nan) float
- getExposureAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getFStop(time: float = nan) float
- getFStopAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getFocalLength(time: float = nan) float
- getFocalLengthAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getFocusDistance(time: float = nan) float
- getFocusDistanceAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getHorizontalAperture(time: float = nan) float
- getHorizontalApertureAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getHorizontalApertureOffset(time: float = nan) float
- getHorizontalApertureOffsetAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getInStage(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.CameraPrim
- getOpen(time: float = nan) float
- getOpenAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getProjection(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Token
- getProjectionAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getStereoRole(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Token
- getStereoRoleAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getVerticalAperture(time: float = nan) float
- getVerticalApertureAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getVerticalApertureOffset(time: float = nan) float
- getVerticalApertureOffsetAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- overrideInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) usg._usg.CameraPrim
- setClippingPlanes(value: usg._usg.Vec4fArray, time: float = nan) None
- setClippingRange(value: usg._usg.Vec2f, time: float = nan) None
- setClose(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setExposure(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setFStop(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setFocalLength(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setFocusDistance(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setHorizontalAperture(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setHorizontalApertureOffset(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setOpen(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setProjection(value: usg._usg.Token, time: float = nan) None
- setStereoRole(value: usg._usg.Token, time: float = nan) None
- setVerticalAperture(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setVerticalApertureOffset(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- class usg.CapsulePrim
- __init__(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) None
- createAxisAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createHeightAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createRadiusAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- defineInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.CapsulePrim
- getAxis(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Token
- getAxisAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getHeight(time: float = nan) float
- getHeightAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getInStage(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.CapsulePrim
- getRadius(time: float = nan) float
- getRadiusAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- overrideInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) usg._usg.CapsulePrim
- setAxis(value: usg._usg.Token, time: float = nan) None
- setHeight(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setRadius(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- class usg.ConePrim
- __init__(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) None
- createAxisAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createHeightAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createRadiusAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- defineInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.ConePrim
- getAxis(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Token
- getAxisAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getHeight(time: float = nan) float
- getHeightAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getInStage(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.ConePrim
- getRadius(time: float = nan) float
- getRadiusAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- overrideInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) usg._usg.ConePrim
- setAxis(value: usg._usg.Token, time: float = nan) None
- setHeight(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setRadius(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- class usg.CubePrim
- __init__(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) None
- createSizeAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- defineInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.CubePrim
- getInStage(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.CubePrim
- getSize(time: float = nan) float
- getSizeAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- overrideInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) usg._usg.CubePrim
- setSize(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- class usg.CurvesPrim
- __init__(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) None
- createCurveVertexCountsAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createWidthsAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- getCurveVertexCounts(time: float = nan) usg._usg.IntArray
- getCurveVertexCountsAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getInStage(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.CurvesPrim
- getWidths(time: float = nan) usg._usg.FloatArray
- getWidthsAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- overrideInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) usg._usg.CurvesPrim
- setCurveVertexCounts(value: usg._usg.IntArray, time: float = nan) None
- setWidths(value: usg._usg.FloatArray, time: float = nan) None
- class usg.CylinderPrim
- __init__(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) None
- createAxisAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createHeightAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createRadiusAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- defineInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.CylinderPrim
- getAxis(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Token
- getAxisAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getHeight(time: float = nan) float
- getHeightAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getInStage(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.CylinderPrim
- getRadius(time: float = nan) float
- getRadiusAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- overrideInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) usg._usg.CylinderPrim
- setAxis(value: usg._usg.Token, time: float = nan) None
- setHeight(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setRadius(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- class usg.GeomSubsetPrim
- __init__(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) None
- createElementTypeAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createFamilyNameAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createIndicesAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- defineInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.GeomSubsetPrim
- getElementType(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Token
- getElementTypeAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getFamilyName(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Token
- getFamilyNameAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getInStage(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.GeomSubsetPrim
- getIndices(time: float = nan) usg._usg.IntArray
- getIndicesAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- overrideInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) usg._usg.GeomSubsetPrim
- setElementType(value: usg._usg.Token, time: float = nan) None
- setFamilyName(value: usg._usg.Token, time: float = nan) None
- setIndices(value: usg._usg.IntArray, time: float = nan) None
- class usg.GprimPrim
- __init__(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) None
- createDisplayColorAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createDisplayOpacityAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createDoubleSidedAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createOrientationAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- getDisplayColor(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Vec3fArray
- getDisplayColorAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getDisplayOpacity(time: float = nan) usg._usg.FloatArray
- getDisplayOpacityAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getDoubleSided(time: float = nan) bool
- getDoubleSidedAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getInStage(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.GprimPrim
- getOrientation(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Token
- getOrientationAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- overrideInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) usg._usg.GprimPrim
- setDisplayColor(value: usg._usg.Vec3fArray, time: float = nan) None
- setDisplayOpacity(value: usg._usg.FloatArray, time: float = nan) None
- setDoubleSided(value: bool, time: float = nan) None
- setOrientation(value: usg._usg.Token, time: float = nan) None
- class usg.HermiteCurvesPrim
- __init__(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) None
- createTangentsAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- defineInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.HermiteCurvesPrim
- getInStage(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.HermiteCurvesPrim
- getTangents(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Vec3fArray
- getTangentsAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- overrideInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) usg._usg.HermiteCurvesPrim
- setTangents(value: usg._usg.Vec3fArray, time: float = nan) None
- class usg.ImageablePrim
- __init__(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) None
- createProxyPrimRel() usg._usg.Relationship
- createPurposeAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createVisibilityAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- getInStage(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.ImageablePrim
- getProxyPrimRel() usg._usg.Relationship
- getPurpose(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Token
- getPurposeAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getVisibility(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Token
- getVisibilityAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- overrideInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) usg._usg.ImageablePrim
- setPurpose(value: usg._usg.Token, time: float = nan) None
- setVisibility(value: usg._usg.Token, time: float = nan) None
- class usg.MeshPrim
- __init__(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) None
- createCornerIndicesAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createCornerSharpnessesAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createCreaseIndicesAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createCreaseLengthsAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createCreaseSharpnessesAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createFaceVaryingLinearInterpolationAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createFaceVertexCountsAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createFaceVertexIndicesAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createHoleIndicesAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createInterpolateBoundaryAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createSubdivisionSchemeAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createTriangleSubdivisionRuleAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- defineInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.MeshPrim
- getCornerIndices(time: float = nan) usg._usg.IntArray
- getCornerIndicesAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getCornerSharpnesses(time: float = nan) usg._usg.FloatArray
- getCornerSharpnessesAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getCreaseIndices(time: float = nan) usg._usg.IntArray
- getCreaseIndicesAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getCreaseLengths(time: float = nan) usg._usg.IntArray
- getCreaseLengthsAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getCreaseSharpnesses(time: float = nan) usg._usg.FloatArray
- getCreaseSharpnessesAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getFaceVaryingLinearInterpolation(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Token
- getFaceVaryingLinearInterpolationAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getFaceVertexCounts(time: float = nan) usg._usg.IntArray
- getFaceVertexCountsAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getFaceVertexIndices(time: float = nan) usg._usg.IntArray
- getFaceVertexIndicesAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getHoleIndices(time: float = nan) usg._usg.IntArray
- getHoleIndicesAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getInStage(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.MeshPrim
- getInterpolateBoundary(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Token
- getInterpolateBoundaryAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getSubdivisionScheme(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Token
- getSubdivisionSchemeAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getTriangleSubdivisionRule(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Token
- getTriangleSubdivisionRuleAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- overrideInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) usg._usg.MeshPrim
- setCornerIndices(value: usg._usg.IntArray, time: float = nan) None
- setCornerSharpnesses(value: usg._usg.FloatArray, time: float = nan) None
- setCreaseIndices(value: usg._usg.IntArray, time: float = nan) None
- setCreaseLengths(value: usg._usg.IntArray, time: float = nan) None
- setCreaseSharpnesses(value: usg._usg.FloatArray, time: float = nan) None
- setFaceVaryingLinearInterpolation(value: usg._usg.Token, time: float = nan) None
- setFaceVertexCounts(value: usg._usg.IntArray, time: float = nan) None
- setFaceVertexIndices(value: usg._usg.IntArray, time: float = nan) None
- setHoleIndices(value: usg._usg.IntArray, time: float = nan) None
- setInterpolateBoundary(value: usg._usg.Token, time: float = nan) None
- setSubdivisionScheme(value: usg._usg.Token, time: float = nan) None
- setTriangleSubdivisionRule(value: usg._usg.Token, time: float = nan) None
- class usg.NurbsCurvesPrim
- __init__(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) None
- createKnotsAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createOrderAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createRangesAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- defineInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.NurbsCurvesPrim
- getInStage(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.NurbsCurvesPrim
- getKnots(time: float = nan) usg._usg.DoubleArray
- getKnotsAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getOrder(time: float = nan) usg._usg.IntArray
- getOrderAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getRanges(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Vec2dArray
- getRangesAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- overrideInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) usg._usg.NurbsCurvesPrim
- setKnots(value: usg._usg.DoubleArray, time: float = nan) None
- setOrder(value: usg._usg.IntArray, time: float = nan) None
- setRanges(value: usg._usg.Vec2dArray, time: float = nan) None
- class usg.NurbsPatchPrim
- __init__(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) None
- createCountsAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createKnotsAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createOrdersAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createPointWeightsAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createPointsAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createRangesAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createUFormAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createUKnotsAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createUOrderAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createURangeAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createUVertexCountAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createVFormAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createVKnotsAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createVOrderAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createVRangeAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createVVertexCountAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createVertexCountsAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- defineInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.NurbsPatchPrim
- getCounts(time: float = nan) usg._usg.IntArray
- getCountsAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getInStage(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.NurbsPatchPrim
- getKnots(time: float = nan) usg._usg.DoubleArray
- getKnotsAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getOrders(time: float = nan) usg._usg.IntArray
- getOrdersAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getPointWeights(time: float = nan) usg._usg.DoubleArray
- getPointWeightsAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getPoints(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Vec3dArray
- getPointsAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getRanges(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Vec2dArray
- getRangesAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getUForm(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Token
- getUFormAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getUKnots(time: float = nan) usg._usg.DoubleArray
- getUKnotsAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getUOrder(time: float = nan) int
- getUOrderAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getURange(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Vec2d
- getURangeAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getUVertexCount(time: float = nan) int
- getUVertexCountAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getVForm(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Token
- getVFormAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getVKnots(time: float = nan) usg._usg.DoubleArray
- getVKnotsAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getVOrder(time: float = nan) int
- getVOrderAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getVRange(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Vec2d
- getVRangeAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getVVertexCount(time: float = nan) int
- getVVertexCountAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getVertexCounts(time: float = nan) usg._usg.IntArray
- getVertexCountsAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- overrideInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) usg._usg.NurbsPatchPrim
- setCounts(value: usg._usg.IntArray, time: float = nan) None
- setKnots(value: usg._usg.DoubleArray, time: float = nan) None
- setOrders(value: usg._usg.IntArray, time: float = nan) None
- setPointWeights(value: usg._usg.DoubleArray, time: float = nan) None
- setPoints(value: usg._usg.Vec3dArray, time: float = nan) None
- setRanges(value: usg._usg.Vec2dArray, time: float = nan) None
- setUForm(value: usg._usg.Token, time: float = nan) None
- setUKnots(value: usg._usg.DoubleArray, time: float = nan) None
- setUOrder(value: int, time: float = nan) None
- setURange(value: usg._usg.Vec2d, time: float = nan) None
- setUVertexCount(value: int, time: float = nan) None
- setVForm(value: usg._usg.Token, time: float = nan) None
- setVKnots(value: usg._usg.DoubleArray, time: float = nan) None
- setVOrder(value: int, time: float = nan) None
- setVRange(value: usg._usg.Vec2d, time: float = nan) None
- setVVertexCount(value: int, time: float = nan) None
- setVertexCounts(value: usg._usg.IntArray, time: float = nan) None
- class usg.PointBasedPrim
- __init__(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) None
- createAccelerationsAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createNormalsAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createPointsAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createVelocitiesAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- getAccelerations(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Vec3fArray
- getAccelerationsAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getInStage(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.PointBasedPrim
- getNormals(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Vec3fArray
- getNormalsAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getPoints(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Vec3fArray
- getPointsAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getVelocities(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Vec3fArray
- getVelocitiesAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- overrideInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) usg._usg.PointBasedPrim
- setAccelerations(value: usg._usg.Vec3fArray, time: float = nan) None
- setNormals(value: usg._usg.Vec3fArray, time: float = nan) None
- setPoints(value: usg._usg.Vec3fArray, time: float = nan) None
- setVelocities(value: usg._usg.Vec3fArray, time: float = nan) None
- class usg.PointInstancerPrim
- __init__(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) None
- createAccelerationsAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createAngularVelocitiesAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createIdsAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createInvisibleIdsAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createOrientationsAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createPositionsAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createProtoIndicesAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createPrototypesRel() usg._usg.Relationship
- createScalesAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createVelocitiesAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- defineInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.PointInstancerPrim
- getAccelerations(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Vec3fArray
- getAccelerationsAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getAngularVelocities(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Vec3fArray
- getAngularVelocitiesAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getIds(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Int64Array
- getIdsAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getInStage(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.PointInstancerPrim
- getInvisibleIds(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Int64Array
- getInvisibleIdsAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getOrientations(time: float = nan) usg._usg.QuathArray
- getOrientationsAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getPositions(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Vec3fArray
- getPositionsAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getProtoIndices(time: float = nan) usg._usg.IntArray
- getProtoIndicesAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getPrototypesRel() usg._usg.Relationship
- getScales(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Vec3fArray
- getScalesAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getVelocities(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Vec3fArray
- getVelocitiesAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- overrideInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) usg._usg.PointInstancerPrim
- setAccelerations(value: usg._usg.Vec3fArray, time: float = nan) None
- setAngularVelocities(value: usg._usg.Vec3fArray, time: float = nan) None
- setIds(value: usg._usg.Int64Array, time: float = nan) None
- setInvisibleIds(value: usg._usg.Int64Array, time: float = nan) None
- setOrientations(value: usg._usg.QuathArray, time: float = nan) None
- setPositions(value: usg._usg.Vec3fArray, time: float = nan) None
- setProtoIndices(value: usg._usg.IntArray, time: float = nan) None
- setScales(value: usg._usg.Vec3fArray, time: float = nan) None
- setVelocities(value: usg._usg.Vec3fArray, time: float = nan) None
- class usg.PointsPrim
- __init__(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) None
- createIdsAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createWidthsAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- defineInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.PointsPrim
- getIds(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Int64Array
- getIdsAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getInStage(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.PointsPrim
- getWidths(time: float = nan) usg._usg.FloatArray
- getWidthsAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- overrideInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) usg._usg.PointsPrim
- setIds(value: usg._usg.Int64Array, time: float = nan) None
- setWidths(value: usg._usg.FloatArray, time: float = nan) None
- class usg.ScopePrim
- __init__(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) None
- defineInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.ScopePrim
- getInStage(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.ScopePrim
- overrideInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) usg._usg.ScopePrim
- class usg.SpherePrim
- __init__(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) None
- createRadiusAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- defineInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.SpherePrim
- getInStage(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.SpherePrim
- getRadius(time: float = nan) float
- getRadiusAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- overrideInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) usg._usg.SpherePrim
- setRadius(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- class usg.XformablePrim
- __init__(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) None
- createXformOpOrderAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- getInStage(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.XformablePrim
- static getLocalMatrixAtPrim(prim: usg._usg.Prim, time: float = nan) usg._usg.Mat4d
- getXformOpOrder(time: float = nan) usg._usg.TokenArray
- getXformOpOrderAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- isValid() bool
- overrideInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) usg._usg.XformablePrim
- setXformOpOrder(value: usg._usg.TokenArray, time: float = nan) None
- class usg.XformPrim
- __init__(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) None
- defineInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.XformPrim
- getInStage(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.XformPrim
- overrideInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) usg._usg.XformPrim
Lux Prims
Classes dealing with lights
- class usg.lux.BoundableLightBasePrim
- __init__(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) None
- getInStage(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.lux.BoundableLightBasePrim
- overrideInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) usg._usg.lux.BoundableLightBasePrim
- class usg.lux.CylinderLightPrim
- __init__(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) None
- createColorAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createColorTemperatureAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createDiffuseAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createEnableColorTemperatureAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createExposureAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createFiltersRel() usg._usg.Relationship
- createIntensityAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createLengthAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createNormalizeAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createProxyPrimRel() usg._usg.Relationship
- createPurposeAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createRadiusAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createShaderIdAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createSpecularAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createTreatAsLineAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createVisibilityAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createXformOpOrderAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- defineInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.lux.CylinderLightPrim
- getColor(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Vec3f
- getColorAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getColorTemperature(time: float = nan) float
- getColorTemperatureAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getDiffuse(time: float = nan) float
- getDiffuseAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getEnableColorTemperature(time: float = nan) bool
- getEnableColorTemperatureAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getExposure(time: float = nan) float
- getExposureAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getFiltersRel() usg._usg.Relationship
- getInStage(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.lux.CylinderLightPrim
- getIntensity(time: float = nan) float
- getIntensityAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getLength(time: float = nan) float
- getLengthAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getNormalize(time: float = nan) bool
- getNormalizeAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getProxyPrimRel() usg._usg.Relationship
- getPurpose(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Token
- getPurposeAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getRadius(time: float = nan) float
- getRadiusAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getShaderId(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Token
- getShaderIdAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getSpecular(time: float = nan) float
- getSpecularAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getTreatAsLine(time: float = nan) bool
- getTreatAsLineAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getVisibility(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Token
- getVisibilityAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getXformOpOrder(time: float = nan) usg._usg.TokenArray
- getXformOpOrderAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- overrideInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) usg._usg.lux.CylinderLightPrim
- setColor(value: usg._usg.Vec3f, time: float = nan) None
- setColorTemperature(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setDiffuse(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setEnableColorTemperature(value: bool, time: float = nan) None
- setExposure(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setIntensity(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setLength(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setNormalize(value: bool, time: float = nan) None
- setPurpose(value: usg._usg.Token, time: float = nan) None
- setRadius(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setShaderId(value: usg._usg.Token, time: float = nan) None
- setSpecular(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setTreatAsLine(value: bool, time: float = nan) None
- setVisibility(value: usg._usg.Token, time: float = nan) None
- setXformOpOrder(value: usg._usg.TokenArray, time: float = nan) None
- class usg.lux.DiskLightPrim
- __init__(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) None
- createColorAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createColorTemperatureAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createDiffuseAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createEnableColorTemperatureAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createExposureAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createFiltersRel() usg._usg.Relationship
- createIntensityAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createNormalizeAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createProxyPrimRel() usg._usg.Relationship
- createPurposeAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createRadiusAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createShaderIdAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createSpecularAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createVisibilityAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createXformOpOrderAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- defineInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.lux.DiskLightPrim
- getColor(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Vec3f
- getColorAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getColorTemperature(time: float = nan) float
- getColorTemperatureAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getDiffuse(time: float = nan) float
- getDiffuseAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getEnableColorTemperature(time: float = nan) bool
- getEnableColorTemperatureAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getExposure(time: float = nan) float
- getExposureAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getFiltersRel() usg._usg.Relationship
- getInStage(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.lux.DiskLightPrim
- getIntensity(time: float = nan) float
- getIntensityAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getNormalize(time: float = nan) bool
- getNormalizeAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getProxyPrimRel() usg._usg.Relationship
- getPurpose(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Token
- getPurposeAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getRadius(time: float = nan) float
- getRadiusAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getShaderId(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Token
- getShaderIdAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getSpecular(time: float = nan) float
- getSpecularAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getVisibility(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Token
- getVisibilityAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getXformOpOrder(time: float = nan) usg._usg.TokenArray
- getXformOpOrderAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- overrideInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) usg._usg.lux.DiskLightPrim
- setColor(value: usg._usg.Vec3f, time: float = nan) None
- setColorTemperature(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setDiffuse(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setEnableColorTemperature(value: bool, time: float = nan) None
- setExposure(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setIntensity(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setNormalize(value: bool, time: float = nan) None
- setPurpose(value: usg._usg.Token, time: float = nan) None
- setRadius(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setShaderId(value: usg._usg.Token, time: float = nan) None
- setSpecular(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setVisibility(value: usg._usg.Token, time: float = nan) None
- setXformOpOrder(value: usg._usg.TokenArray, time: float = nan) None
- class usg.lux.DistantLightPrim
- __init__(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) None
- createAngleAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createColorAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createColorTemperatureAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createDiffuseAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createEnableColorTemperatureAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createExposureAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createFiltersRel() usg._usg.Relationship
- createIntensityAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createNormalizeAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createProxyPrimRel() usg._usg.Relationship
- createPurposeAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createShaderIdAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createSpecularAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createVisibilityAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createXformOpOrderAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- defineInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.lux.DistantLightPrim
- getAngle(time: float = nan) float
- getAngleAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getColor(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Vec3f
- getColorAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getColorTemperature(time: float = nan) float
- getColorTemperatureAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getDiffuse(time: float = nan) float
- getDiffuseAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getEnableColorTemperature(time: float = nan) bool
- getEnableColorTemperatureAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getExposure(time: float = nan) float
- getExposureAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getFiltersRel() usg._usg.Relationship
- getInStage(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.lux.DistantLightPrim
- getIntensity(time: float = nan) float
- getIntensityAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getNormalize(time: float = nan) bool
- getNormalizeAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getProxyPrimRel() usg._usg.Relationship
- getPurpose(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Token
- getPurposeAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getShaderId(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Token
- getShaderIdAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getSpecular(time: float = nan) float
- getSpecularAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getVisibility(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Token
- getVisibilityAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getXformOpOrder(time: float = nan) usg._usg.TokenArray
- getXformOpOrderAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- overrideInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) usg._usg.lux.DistantLightPrim
- setAngle(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setColor(value: usg._usg.Vec3f, time: float = nan) None
- setColorTemperature(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setDiffuse(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setEnableColorTemperature(value: bool, time: float = nan) None
- setExposure(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setIntensity(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setNormalize(value: bool, time: float = nan) None
- setPurpose(value: usg._usg.Token, time: float = nan) None
- setShaderId(value: usg._usg.Token, time: float = nan) None
- setSpecular(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setVisibility(value: usg._usg.Token, time: float = nan) None
- setXformOpOrder(value: usg._usg.TokenArray, time: float = nan) None
- class usg.lux.DomeLightPrim
- __init__(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) None
- createColorAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createColorTemperatureAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createDiffuseAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createEnableColorTemperatureAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createExposureAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createFiltersRel() usg._usg.Relationship
- createGuideRadiusAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createIntensityAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createNormalizeAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createPortalsRel() usg._usg.Relationship
- createProxyPrimRel() usg._usg.Relationship
- createPurposeAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createShaderIdAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createSpecularAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createTextureFileAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createTextureFormatAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createVisibilityAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createXformOpOrderAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- defineInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.lux.DomeLightPrim
- getColor(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Vec3f
- getColorAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getColorTemperature(time: float = nan) float
- getColorTemperatureAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getDiffuse(time: float = nan) float
- getDiffuseAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getEnableColorTemperature(time: float = nan) bool
- getEnableColorTemperatureAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getExposure(time: float = nan) float
- getExposureAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getFiltersRel() usg._usg.Relationship
- getGuideRadius(time: float = nan) float
- getGuideRadiusAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getInStage(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.lux.DomeLightPrim
- getIntensity(time: float = nan) float
- getIntensityAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getNormalize(time: float = nan) bool
- getNormalizeAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getPortalsRel() usg._usg.Relationship
- getProxyPrimRel() usg._usg.Relationship
- getPurpose(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Token
- getPurposeAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getShaderId(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Token
- getShaderIdAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getSpecular(time: float = nan) float
- getSpecularAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getTextureFile(time: float = nan) usg._usg.AssetPath
- getTextureFileAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getTextureFormat(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Token
- getTextureFormatAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getVisibility(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Token
- getVisibilityAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getXformOpOrder(time: float = nan) usg._usg.TokenArray
- getXformOpOrderAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- overrideInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) usg._usg.lux.DomeLightPrim
- setColor(value: usg._usg.Vec3f, time: float = nan) None
- setColorTemperature(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setDiffuse(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setEnableColorTemperature(value: bool, time: float = nan) None
- setExposure(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setGuideRadius(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setIntensity(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setNormalize(value: bool, time: float = nan) None
- setPurpose(value: usg._usg.Token, time: float = nan) None
- setShaderId(value: usg._usg.Token, time: float = nan) None
- setSpecular(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setTextureFile(value: usg._usg.AssetPath, time: float = nan) None
- setTextureFormat(value: usg._usg.Token, time: float = nan) None
- setVisibility(value: usg._usg.Token, time: float = nan) None
- setXformOpOrder(value: usg._usg.TokenArray, time: float = nan) None
- class usg.lux.NonboundableLightBasePrim
- __init__(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) None
- getInStage(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.lux.NonboundableLightBasePrim
- overrideInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) usg._usg.lux.NonboundableLightBasePrim
- class usg.lux.RectLightPrim
- __init__(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) None
- createColorAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createColorTemperatureAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createDiffuseAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createEnableColorTemperatureAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createExposureAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createFiltersRel() usg._usg.Relationship
- createHeightAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createIntensityAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createNormalizeAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createProxyPrimRel() usg._usg.Relationship
- createPurposeAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createShaderIdAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createSpecularAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createTextureFileAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createVisibilityAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createWidthAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createXformOpOrderAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- defineInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.lux.RectLightPrim
- getColor(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Vec3f
- getColorAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getColorTemperature(time: float = nan) float
- getColorTemperatureAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getDiffuse(time: float = nan) float
- getDiffuseAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getEnableColorTemperature(time: float = nan) bool
- getEnableColorTemperatureAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getExposure(time: float = nan) float
- getExposureAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getFiltersRel() usg._usg.Relationship
- getHeight(time: float = nan) float
- getHeightAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getInStage(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.lux.RectLightPrim
- getIntensity(time: float = nan) float
- getIntensityAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getNormalize(time: float = nan) bool
- getNormalizeAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getProxyPrimRel() usg._usg.Relationship
- getPurpose(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Token
- getPurposeAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getShaderId(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Token
- getShaderIdAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getSpecular(time: float = nan) float
- getSpecularAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getTextureFile(time: float = nan) usg._usg.AssetPath
- getTextureFileAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getVisibility(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Token
- getVisibilityAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getWidth(time: float = nan) float
- getWidthAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getXformOpOrder(time: float = nan) usg._usg.TokenArray
- getXformOpOrderAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- overrideInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) usg._usg.lux.RectLightPrim
- setColor(value: usg._usg.Vec3f, time: float = nan) None
- setColorTemperature(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setDiffuse(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setEnableColorTemperature(value: bool, time: float = nan) None
- setExposure(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setHeight(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setIntensity(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setNormalize(value: bool, time: float = nan) None
- setPurpose(value: usg._usg.Token, time: float = nan) None
- setShaderId(value: usg._usg.Token, time: float = nan) None
- setSpecular(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setTextureFile(value: usg._usg.AssetPath, time: float = nan) None
- setVisibility(value: usg._usg.Token, time: float = nan) None
- setWidth(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setXformOpOrder(value: usg._usg.TokenArray, time: float = nan) None
- class usg.lux.SphereLightPrim
- __init__(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) None
- createColorAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createColorTemperatureAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createDiffuseAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createEnableColorTemperatureAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createExposureAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createFiltersRel() usg._usg.Relationship
- createIntensityAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createNormalizeAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createProxyPrimRel() usg._usg.Relationship
- createPurposeAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createRadiusAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createShaderIdAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createSpecularAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createTreatAsPointAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createVisibilityAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createXformOpOrderAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- defineInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.lux.SphereLightPrim
- getColor(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Vec3f
- getColorAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getColorTemperature(time: float = nan) float
- getColorTemperatureAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getDiffuse(time: float = nan) float
- getDiffuseAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getEnableColorTemperature(time: float = nan) bool
- getEnableColorTemperatureAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getExposure(time: float = nan) float
- getExposureAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getFiltersRel() usg._usg.Relationship
- getInStage(arg0: usg._usg.Path) usg._usg.lux.SphereLightPrim
- getIntensity(time: float = nan) float
- getIntensityAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getNormalize(time: float = nan) bool
- getNormalizeAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getProxyPrimRel() usg._usg.Relationship
- getPurpose(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Token
- getPurposeAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getRadius(time: float = nan) float
- getRadiusAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getShaderId(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Token
- getShaderIdAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getSpecular(time: float = nan) float
- getSpecularAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getTreatAsPoint(time: float = nan) bool
- getTreatAsPointAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getVisibility(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Token
- getVisibilityAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getXformOpOrder(time: float = nan) usg._usg.TokenArray
- getXformOpOrderAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- overrideInLayer(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) usg._usg.lux.SphereLightPrim
- setColor(value: usg._usg.Vec3f, time: float = nan) None
- setColorTemperature(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setDiffuse(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setEnableColorTemperature(value: bool, time: float = nan) None
- setExposure(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setIntensity(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setNormalize(value: bool, time: float = nan) None
- setPurpose(value: usg._usg.Token, time: float = nan) None
- setRadius(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setShaderId(value: usg._usg.Token, time: float = nan) None
- setSpecular(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setTreatAsPoint(value: bool, time: float = nan) None
- setVisibility(value: usg._usg.Token, time: float = nan) None
- setXformOpOrder(value: usg._usg.TokenArray, time: float = nan) None
- class usg.CollectionAPI
- __init__(arg0: usg._usg.Prim, arg1: usg._usg.Token) None
- apply() None
- computeIncludedPaths() usg._usg.PathArray
- createExcludesRel() usg._usg.Relationship
- createExpansionRuleAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createIncludeRootAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createIncludesRel() usg._usg.Relationship
- static getAll(prim: usg._usg.Prim) list
- static getAllNames(prim: usg._usg.Prim) list
- getExcludes() usg._usg.PathArray
- getExcludesRel() usg._usg.Relationship
- getExpansionRule(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Token
- getExpansionRuleAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getIncludeRoot(time: float = nan) bool
- getIncludeRootAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getIncludes() usg._usg.PathArray
- getIncludesRel() usg._usg.Relationship
- getName() usg._usg.Token
- isInExpressionMode() bool
- isInRelationshipsMode() bool
- setExpansionRule(value: usg._usg.Token, time: float = nan) None
- setIncludeRoot(value: bool, time: float = nan) None
- class usg.GeomModelAPI
- __init__(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) None
- apply() None
- createApplyDrawModeAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createCardGeometryAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createCardTextureXNegAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createCardTextureXPosAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createCardTextureYNegAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createCardTextureYPosAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createCardTextureZNegAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createCardTextureZPosAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createDrawModeAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createDrawModeColorAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- getApplyDrawMode(time: float = nan) bool
- getApplyDrawModeAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getCardGeometry(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Token
- getCardGeometryAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getCardTextureXNeg(time: float = nan) usg._usg.AssetPath
- getCardTextureXNegAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getCardTextureXPos(time: float = nan) usg._usg.AssetPath
- getCardTextureXPosAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getCardTextureYNeg(time: float = nan) usg._usg.AssetPath
- getCardTextureYNegAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getCardTextureYPos(time: float = nan) usg._usg.AssetPath
- getCardTextureYPosAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getCardTextureZNeg(time: float = nan) usg._usg.AssetPath
- getCardTextureZNegAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getCardTextureZPos(time: float = nan) usg._usg.AssetPath
- getCardTextureZPosAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getDrawMode(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Token
- getDrawModeAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getDrawModeColor(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Vec3f
- getDrawModeColorAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- setApplyDrawMode(value: bool, time: float = nan) None
- setCardGeometry(value: usg._usg.Token, time: float = nan) None
- setCardTextureXNeg(value: usg._usg.AssetPath, time: float = nan) None
- setCardTextureXPos(value: usg._usg.AssetPath, time: float = nan) None
- setCardTextureYNeg(value: usg._usg.AssetPath, time: float = nan) None
- setCardTextureYPos(value: usg._usg.AssetPath, time: float = nan) None
- setCardTextureZNeg(value: usg._usg.AssetPath, time: float = nan) None
- setCardTextureZPos(value: usg._usg.AssetPath, time: float = nan) None
- setDrawMode(value: usg._usg.Token, time: float = nan) None
- setDrawModeColor(value: usg._usg.Vec3f, time: float = nan) None
- class usg.MotionAPI
- __init__(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) None
- apply() None
- createBlurScaleAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createNonlinearSampleCountAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createVelocityScaleAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- getBlurScale(time: float = nan) float
- getBlurScaleAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getNonlinearSampleCount(time: float = nan) int
- getNonlinearSampleCountAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getVelocityScale(time: float = nan) float
- getVelocityScaleAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- setBlurScale(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- setNonlinearSampleCount(value: int, time: float = nan) None
- setVelocityScale(value: float, time: float = nan) None
- class usg.PrimvarsAPI
- __init__(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) None
- apply() None
- class usg.VisibilityAPI
- __init__(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) None
- apply() None
- createGuideVisibilityAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createProxyVisibilityAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- createRenderVisibilityAttr(arg0: usg._usg.Value) usg._usg.Attribute
- getGuideVisibility(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Token
- getGuideVisibilityAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getProxyVisibility(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Token
- getProxyVisibilityAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- getRenderVisibility(time: float = nan) usg._usg.Token
- getRenderVisibilityAttr() usg._usg.Attribute
- setGuideVisibility(value: usg._usg.Token, time: float = nan) None
- setProxyVisibility(value: usg._usg.Token, time: float = nan) None
- setRenderVisibility(value: usg._usg.Token, time: float = nan) None
- class usg.XformCommonAPI
- __init__(arg0: usg._usg.Prim) None
- apply() None
- class usg.Half
- __init__(arg0: float) None
Initialize from floating point number.
- class usg.Mat4d
A 4x4 transformation matrix. You multiply a Vec4 by one of these to go from a transformed space to normal space.
The data is stored packed together in OpenGL order, which is transposed from the way used in most modern graphics literature. This affects how the element method works. You can directly access the entries with the aRC members, where R is the row and C is the column.
For instance matrix.a03 is the top-right corner of the matrix in most literature. It is multiplied by the W of a vector to produce part of the X of the output vector, and can be considered the X translation of the matrix.
However matrix.a03 is matrix.element(12)
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Mat4d, arg0: float, arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float, arg4: float, arg5: float, arg6: float, arg7: float, arg8: float, arg9: float, arg10: float, arg11: float, arg12: float, arg13: float, arg14: float, arg15: float) -> None
Initialize with a00=a, a01=b, a02=c, etc. ie the arguments are given as rows.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Mat4d, arg0: float) -> None
Initialize to identity matrix with a constant in the diagonal.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Mat4d, other: usg._usg.Mat4d, transpose: bool = False) -> None
- addDiagonal(arg0: float) None
Add a constant to all the diagonal elements.
- applyXform(xformOrder: usg._usg.XformOrder, rotateOrder: usg._usg.RotateOrder, translation: usg._usg.Vec3d, rotations: usg._usg.Vec3d, scaling: usg._usg.Vec3d, skewing: usg._usg.Vec3d, pivotOriginTranslate: usg._usg.Vec3d, pivotOriginRotate: usg._usg.Vec3d) None
Apply a single-step SRT transform.
Rotations are assumed to be in degrees and are internally converted to radians. Skew always follows rotation.
- clear() None
Set all components to 0.
- element(i: int) float
Return the value of the ith matrix element.
The elements are arranged in OpenGL order, that is by column and then row: a00, a10, a20, a30, a01, a11, etc.
- extractAndRemoveScalingAndShear() object
Return a tuple of the scale and shear of this matrix and them from it.
- extractSHRT(arg0: usg._usg.RotateOrder) object
Return a tuple of the scale, shear, rotation and translation of the matrix or None if the extraction isn’t succesful.
- extractScalingAndShear() object
Return a tuple of the scale and shear of this matrix.
- getDeterminant() float
- static getIdentity() usg._usg.Mat4d
Return an identity matrix.
- getRotations(rotateOrder: usg._usg.RotateOrder) usg._usg.Vec3d
Return the rotation angles (in radians) from the matrix.
The matrix is assumed to have no shear, non-uniform scaling is handled.
- getScale() usg._usg.Vec3d
Return the scaling of the matrix.
- getScaleAxis() usg._usg.Vec3d
Return the scale of the matrix.
- getTranslation() usg._usg.Vec3d
Return the translations of the matrix.
- interpolate(m0: usg._usg.Mat4d, m1: usg._usg.Mat4d, t: float) None
Linear interpolate two matrices at offset ‘t’ which is between 0.0 and 1.0. This only interpolates position and rotation, and rotation is only valid within a certain range since it’s a linear interpolation of the xyz axes!
- inverse() tuple
Return a tuple containing the determinant and inverse of this matrix.
If the determinant is non-zero then the matrix is not invertible and the returned matrix will contain garbage.
- invert() usg._usg.Mat4d
Invert this matrix in place if it is invertible.
If the determinant is non-zero then the matrix is not invertible and the contents of this matrix will contain garbage.
- isIdentity() bool
- isNotIdentity() bool
- normalTransform(n: usg._usg.Vec3d) usg._usg.Vec3d
Transform a normal. This is the same as matrix.transpose().transform(n)
- rotateAboutVector(angle: float, v: usg._usg.Vec3d) None
Rotate the transformation by an angle (in radians) about the vector v.
- rotateInOrder(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
rotateInOrder(self: usg._usg.Mat4d, order: usg._usg.RotateOrder, x: float, y: float, z: float) -> None
Apply rotations in about each axis (in radians) in a given order.
rotateInOrder(self: usg._usg.Mat4d, order: usg._usg.RotateOrder, v: usg._usg.Vec3d) -> None
Apply rotations in about each axis (in radians) in a given order.
- rotateX(angle: float) None
Rotate the transformation by an angle (in radians) about the X axis.
- rotateY(angle: float) None
Rotate the transformation by an angle (in radians) about the Y axis.
- rotateZ(angle: float) None
Rotate the transformation by an angle (in radians) about the Z axis.
- scale(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
scale(self: usg._usg.Mat4d, d: float) -> None
Scale the transform by the uniform scale d.
scale(self: usg._usg.Mat4d, x: float, y: float, z: float) -> None
Scale columns 0,1,2 by x,y,z.
scale(self: usg._usg.Mat4d, v: usg._usg.Vec3d) -> None
Scale columns 0,1,2 by the components of v.
- setToIdentity() None
Set this matrix to the identity matrix.
- setToProjection(lens: float, minz: float, maxz: float, persp: bool) None
Replace the contents with a camera projection. The camera is sitting at 0,0,0 and pointing along the Z axis, and the ratio of its focal length to the width of the film is lens.
The area that will appear on the film is transformed to be in a square with X and Y ranging from -1 to 1. The plane Z=minz is transformed to be at Z=-1 and the plane Z=maxz is transformed to Z=1.
- setToRotation(angle: float, v: usg._usg.Vec3d) usg._usg.Mat4d
Set the contents to a rotation by the angle (in radians) about v.
- setToRotationOnly() None
Modify the transformation matrix to represent the rotation component only.
- setToRotationX(arg0: float) usg._usg.Mat4d
Set the contents to a rotation by the given angle (in radians) about the x-axis.
- setToRotationY(arg0: float) usg._usg.Mat4d
Set the contents to a rotation by the given angle (in radians) about the y-axis.
- setToRotationZ(arg0: float) usg._usg.Mat4d
Set the contents to a rotation by the given angle (in radians) about the z-axis.
- setToRotations(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
setToRotations(self: usg._usg.Mat4d, order: usg._usg.RotateOrder, x: float, y: float, z: float) -> usg._usg.Mat4d
Set the contents to a rotationby angles x, y, z (in radians) in the given order.
setToRotations(self: usg._usg.Mat4d, order: usg._usg.RotateOrder, r: usg._usg.Vec3d) -> usg._usg.Mat4d
Set the contents to a rotation (in radians) by each component of the vector in the given order.
- setToScale(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
setToScale(self: usg._usg.Mat4d, d: float) -> usg._usg.Mat4d
Set the contents to a uniform scale by d.
setToScale(self: usg._usg.Mat4d, x: float, y: float, z: float) -> usg._usg.Mat4d
Set the contents to a scale by specifying the scale in each direction.
setToScale(self: usg._usg.Mat4d, s: usg._usg.Vec3d) -> usg._usg.Mat4d
Set the contents to a scale by specifying the scale in each direction of a vector.
- setToScaleAndRotationOnly() None
Modify the transformation matrix to represent the scale and rotation component only.
- setToScaleOnly() None
Modify the transformation matrix to represent the scalecomponent only.
- setToTranslation(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
setToTranslation(self: usg._usg.Mat4d, x: float, y: float, z: float) -> usg._usg.Mat4d
Set the contents to a translation by x, y, z.
setToTranslation(self: usg._usg.Mat4d, t: usg._usg.Vec3d) -> usg._usg.Mat4d
Set the contents to a translation by each component of the vector.
- setToTranslationOnly() None
Modify the transformation matrix to represent the translation component only.
- setToXform(xformOrder: usg._usg.XformOrder, rotateOrder: usg._usg.RotateOrder, translation: usg._usg.Vec3d, rotations: usg._usg.Vec3d, scaling: usg._usg.Vec3d, skewing: usg._usg.Vec3d, pivotOriginTranslate: usg._usg.Vec3d, pivotOriginRotate: usg._usg.Vec3d) None
Set this matrix to a single-step SRT transform.
Rotations are assumed to be in degrees and are internally converted to radians. Skew always follows rotation.
- skew(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
skew(self: usg._usg.Mat4d, a: float) -> None
Skew the transformation by a (X positions have a*Y added to them).
skew(self: usg._usg.Mat4d, v: usg._usg.Vec3d) -> None
Skew the transformation in each direction by the components of v.
- skewXY(x: float, y: float) None
Skew in the X direction by x and then in the Y direction by y.
- skewYX(x: float, y: float) None
Skew in the Y direction by y and then in the X direction by x.
- transform(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
transform(self: usg._usg.Mat4d, v: usg._usg.Vec4d) -> usg._usg.Vec4d
Return the 4-vector which is the result of transforming v by this matrix.
transform(self: usg._usg.Mat4d, v: usg._usg.Vec3d) -> usg._usg.Vec3d
Return the 3-vector which is the result of transforming v by this matrix.
- translate(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
translate(self: usg._usg.Mat4d, x: float, y: float, z: float) -> None
Translate the transformation by an x,y,z offset.
translate(self: usg._usg.Mat4d, v: usg._usg.Vec3d) -> None
Translate the transformation by the vector v.
- transpose() None
Transpose this matrix.
- vecTransform(v: usg._usg.Vec3d) usg._usg.Vec3d
Return the 4-vector which is the result of transforming v by this matrix with no translation applied.
- vectorToRotations(dir_vec: usg._usg.Vec3d, align_axis: usg._usg.AxisDirection, do_rx: bool, do_ry: bool, do_rz: bool) tuple
Return a tuple where the first element is a vector containing angles (in radians) which align_axis should be rotated about each axis so that it aligns with dir_vec. The second element is the rotation order to apply them in to best avoid gimbal lock.
- class usg.Quath
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Quath, s: usg._usg.Half) -> None
Construct with a scalar part s and zero vector part.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Quath, s: usg._usg.Half, x: usg._usg.Half, y: usg._usg.Half, z: usg._usg.Half) -> None
__init__(self: usg._usg.Quath, s: usg._usg.Half, v: usg._usg.Vec3h) -> None
Construct with scalar part s and vector part v.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Quath, arg0: usg._usg.Mat4d) -> None
Construct to represent the rotation of the given transformation matrix.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Quath, arg0: usg._usg.Vec3h, arg1: usg._usg.Vec3h) -> None
Construct to represent the rotation from one vector to another.
- static addIdentity() usg._usg.Quath
Return the additive identity.
- addInverse() usg._usg.Quath
Return additive inverse of this quaternion.
- conjugate() usg._usg.Quath
- static fromAngleAxis(angle: usg._usg.Half, v: usg._usg.Vec3h) usg._usg.Quath
Return a quaternion representing a rotation by angle (in radians) about v.
- length() usg._usg.Half
- lengthSquared() usg._usg.Half
- static multIdentity() usg._usg.Quath
Return the multiplicative identity.
- multInverse() usg._usg.Quath
Return multiplicative inverse of this quaternion.
- normalize() None
- normalized() usg._usg.Quath
- rotationMatrix() usg._usg.Mat4d
Return the transformation matrix that will represent the the Euler angle rotations that this quaternion embodies. Note - this method only affects the rotation part of the matrix. NOTE: The quaternion must be normalized before using this function.
- property s
- set(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
set(self: usg._usg.Quath, s: usg._usg.Half, x: usg._usg.Half, y: usg._usg.Half, z: usg._usg.Half) -> None
set(self: usg._usg.Quath, s: usg._usg.Half, v: usg._usg.Vec3h) -> None
- setFromAngleAxis(angle: usg._usg.Half, v: usg._usg.Vec3h) None
Set this to represent a rotation by an angle (in radians) about v.
- slerp(end_quaternion: usg._usg.Quath, t: usg._usg.Half) usg._usg.Quath
Spherical linear interpolation.
This method interpolates smoothly between two quaternions. The value t should be a number between 0.0 and 1.0. When t = 0.0, this is returned. When t = 1.0, end_quat is returned.
Because of the way quaternions work, you can’t just linearly interpolate between two of them. You must interpolate along the surface of a sphere. This method returns a quaternion that is between the current quaternion and the end_quat. The value of t (which should be between 0 and 1) determines the amount of interpolation.
- property v
- class usg.Quatf
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Quatf, s: float) -> None
Construct with a scalar part s and zero vector part.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Quatf, s: float, x: float, y: float, z: float) -> None
__init__(self: usg._usg.Quatf, s: float, v: usg._usg.Vec3f) -> None
Construct with scalar part s and vector part v.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Quatf, arg0: usg._usg.Mat4d) -> None
Construct to represent the rotation of the given transformation matrix.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Quatf, arg0: usg._usg.Vec3f, arg1: usg._usg.Vec3f) -> None
Construct to represent the rotation from one vector to another.
- static addIdentity() usg._usg.Quatf
Return the additive identity.
- addInverse() usg._usg.Quatf
Return additive inverse of this quaternion.
- conjugate() usg._usg.Quatf
- static fromAngleAxis(angle: float, v: usg._usg.Vec3f) usg._usg.Quatf
Return a quaternion representing a rotation by angle (in radians) about v.
- length() float
- lengthSquared() float
- static multIdentity() usg._usg.Quatf
Return the multiplicative identity.
- multInverse() usg._usg.Quatf
Return multiplicative inverse of this quaternion.
- normalize() None
- normalized() usg._usg.Quatf
- rotationMatrix() usg._usg.Mat4d
Return the transformation matrix that will represent the the Euler angle rotations that this quaternion embodies. Note - this method only affects the rotation part of the matrix. NOTE: The quaternion must be normalized before using this function.
- property s
- set(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
set(self: usg._usg.Quatf, s: float, x: float, y: float, z: float) -> None
set(self: usg._usg.Quatf, s: float, v: usg._usg.Vec3f) -> None
- setFromAngleAxis(angle: float, v: usg._usg.Vec3f) None
Set this to represent a rotation by an angle (in radians) about v.
- slerp(end_quaternion: usg._usg.Quatf, t: float) usg._usg.Quatf
Spherical linear interpolation.
This method interpolates smoothly between two quaternions. The value t should be a number between 0.0 and 1.0. When t = 0.0, this is returned. When t = 1.0, end_quat is returned.
Because of the way quaternions work, you can’t just linearly interpolate between two of them. You must interpolate along the surface of a sphere. This method returns a quaternion that is between the current quaternion and the end_quat. The value of t (which should be between 0 and 1) determines the amount of interpolation.
- property v
- class usg.Quatd
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Quatd, s: float) -> None
Construct with a scalar part s and zero vector part.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Quatd, s: float, x: float, y: float, z: float) -> None
__init__(self: usg._usg.Quatd, s: float, v: usg._usg.Vec3d) -> None
Construct with scalar part s and vector part v.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Quatd, arg0: usg._usg.Mat4d) -> None
Construct to represent the rotation of the given transformation matrix.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Quatd, arg0: usg._usg.Vec3d, arg1: usg._usg.Vec3d) -> None
Construct to represent the rotation from one vector to another.
- static addIdentity() usg._usg.Quatd
Return the additive identity.
- addInverse() usg._usg.Quatd
Return additive inverse of this quaternion.
- conjugate() usg._usg.Quatd
- static fromAngleAxis(angle: float, v: usg._usg.Vec3d) usg._usg.Quatd
Return a quaternion representing a rotation by angle (in radians) about v.
- length() float
- lengthSquared() float
- static multIdentity() usg._usg.Quatd
Return the multiplicative identity.
- multInverse() usg._usg.Quatd
Return multiplicative inverse of this quaternion.
- normalize() None
- normalized() usg._usg.Quatd
- rotationMatrix() usg._usg.Mat4d
Return the transformation matrix that will represent the the Euler angle rotations that this quaternion embodies. Note - this method only affects the rotation part of the matrix. NOTE: The quaternion must be normalized before using this function.
- property s
- set(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
set(self: usg._usg.Quatd, s: float, x: float, y: float, z: float) -> None
set(self: usg._usg.Quatd, s: float, v: usg._usg.Vec3d) -> None
- setFromAngleAxis(angle: float, v: usg._usg.Vec3d) None
Set this to represent a rotation by an angle (in radians) about v.
- slerp(end_quaternion: usg._usg.Quatd, t: float) usg._usg.Quatd
Spherical linear interpolation.
This method interpolates smoothly between two quaternions. The value t should be a number between 0.0 and 1.0. When t = 0.0, this is returned. When t = 1.0, end_quat is returned.
Because of the way quaternions work, you can’t just linearly interpolate between two of them. You must interpolate along the surface of a sphere. This method returns a quaternion that is between the current quaternion and the end_quat. The value of t (which should be between 0 and 1) determines the amount of interpolation.
- property v
- class usg.Vec2i
A 2D vector.
- XAxis = <Vec2i [1, 0]>
- YAxis = <Vec2i [0, 1]>
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Vec2i, v: int) -> None
Construct a vector with all components equal to v.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Vec2i, x: int, y: int) -> None
Construct a vector with the given x and y components.
- clear() None
Set all values to 0.
- cross(v: usg._usg.Vec2i) int
Return the cross product of this and v.
For 2D vectors, this returns the z component of the cross product as if they were vectors in 3D space, in the x-y plane.
- distanceBetween(v: usg._usg.Vec2i) int
Return the distance between this and v.
This is the same as (this - v).length().
- distanceSquared(v: usg._usg.Vec2i) int
Return the square of the distance between this and v.
- dot(v: usg._usg.Vec2i) int
Return the dot product of this and v.
- greaterThanZero() bool
Return true if all components are greater than zero.
- interpolateTo(v: usg._usg.Vec2i, t: float) usg._usg.Vec2i
Return the linear-interpolation between this and v at time t, where t=0..1.
- isZero() bool
Return True if all components are zero.
- largestAxis() int
Return the absolute value of the largest element.
- length() int
Return the length (magnitude) of the vector.
- lengthSquared() int
Return the squared length of the vector.
- maximum(arg0: usg._usg.Vec2i) usg._usg.Vec2i
Return a new vector where each component is the largest of the two.
- maximumComponent() int
Return the largest component of this vector.
- minimum(arg0: usg._usg.Vec2i) usg._usg.Vec2i
Return a new vector where each component is the smallest of the two.
- minimumComponent() int
Return the smallest component of this vector.
- normalize() int
Normalize this vector and return the original length.
This has the result that this vector’s length will be 1.
- normalized() usg._usg.Vec2i
Return the normalized unit vector from this vector.
- notZero() bool
Return True if any component is not zero.
- roundIfNearlyOne(threshold: int = 0) None
Round each element to one if it is within the threshold.
- roundIfNearlyZero(threshold: int = 0) None
Round each element to zero if it is within the threshold.
- set(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
set(self: usg._usg.Vec2i, arg0: int, arg1: int) -> None
Set the x and y components.
set(self: usg._usg.Vec2i, n: int) -> None
Set all values to n.
- property x
The x component of the vector.
- property y
The y component of the vector.
- class usg.Vec2h
A 2D vector.
- XAxis = <Vec2h [1, 0]>
- YAxis = <Vec2h [0, 1]>
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Vec2h, v: usg._usg.Half) -> None
Construct a vector with all components equal to v.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Vec2h, x: usg._usg.Half, y: usg._usg.Half) -> None
Construct a vector with the given x and y components.
- clear() None
Set all values to 0.
- cross(v: usg._usg.Vec2h) usg._usg.Half
Return the cross product of this and v.
For 2D vectors, this returns the z component of the cross product as if they were vectors in 3D space, in the x-y plane.
- distanceBetween(v: usg._usg.Vec2h) usg._usg.Half
Return the distance between this and v.
This is the same as (this - v).length().
- distanceSquared(v: usg._usg.Vec2h) usg._usg.Half
Return the square of the distance between this and v.
- dot(v: usg._usg.Vec2h) usg._usg.Half
Return the dot product of this and v.
- greaterThanZero() bool
Return true if all components are greater than zero.
- interpolateTo(v: usg._usg.Vec2h, t: float) usg._usg.Vec2h
Return the linear-interpolation between this and v at time t, where t=0..1.
- isZero() bool
Return True if all components are zero.
- largestAxis() usg._usg.Half
Return the absolute value of the largest element.
- length() usg._usg.Half
Return the length (magnitude) of the vector.
- lengthSquared() usg._usg.Half
Return the squared length of the vector.
- maximum(arg0: usg._usg.Vec2h) usg._usg.Vec2h
Return a new vector where each component is the largest of the two.
- maximumComponent() usg._usg.Half
Return the largest component of this vector.
- minimum(arg0: usg._usg.Vec2h) usg._usg.Vec2h
Return a new vector where each component is the smallest of the two.
- minimumComponent() usg._usg.Half
Return the smallest component of this vector.
- normalize() usg._usg.Half
Normalize this vector and return the original length.
This has the result that this vector’s length will be 1.
- normalized() usg._usg.Vec2h
Return the normalized unit vector from this vector.
- notZero() bool
Return True if any component is not zero.
- roundIfNearlyOne(threshold: usg._usg.Half = 0.000977) None
Round each element to one if it is within the threshold.
- roundIfNearlyZero(threshold: usg._usg.Half = 0.000977) None
Round each element to zero if it is within the threshold.
- set(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
set(self: usg._usg.Vec2h, arg0: usg._usg.Half, arg1: usg._usg.Half) -> None
Set the x and y components.
set(self: usg._usg.Vec2h, n: usg._usg.Half) -> None
Set all values to n.
- property x
The x component of the vector.
- property y
The y component of the vector.
- class usg.Vec2f
A 2D vector.
- XAxis = <Vec2f [1, 0]>
- YAxis = <Vec2f [0, 1]>
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Vec2f, v: float) -> None
Construct a vector with all components equal to v.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Vec2f, x: float, y: float) -> None
Construct a vector with the given x and y components.
- clear() None
Set all values to 0.
- cross(v: usg._usg.Vec2f) float
Return the cross product of this and v.
For 2D vectors, this returns the z component of the cross product as if they were vectors in 3D space, in the x-y plane.
- distanceBetween(v: usg._usg.Vec2f) float
Return the distance between this and v.
This is the same as (this - v).length().
- distanceSquared(v: usg._usg.Vec2f) float
Return the square of the distance between this and v.
- dot(v: usg._usg.Vec2f) float
Return the dot product of this and v.
- greaterThanZero() bool
Return true if all components are greater than zero.
- interpolateTo(v: usg._usg.Vec2f, t: float) usg._usg.Vec2f
Return the linear-interpolation between this and v at time t, where t=0..1.
- isZero() bool
Return True if all components are zero.
- largestAxis() float
Return the absolute value of the largest element.
- length() float
Return the length (magnitude) of the vector.
- lengthSquared() float
Return the squared length of the vector.
- maximum(arg0: usg._usg.Vec2f) usg._usg.Vec2f
Return a new vector where each component is the largest of the two.
- maximumComponent() float
Return the largest component of this vector.
- minimum(arg0: usg._usg.Vec2f) usg._usg.Vec2f
Return a new vector where each component is the smallest of the two.
- minimumComponent() float
Return the smallest component of this vector.
- normalize() float
Normalize this vector and return the original length.
This has the result that this vector’s length will be 1.
- normalized() usg._usg.Vec2f
Return the normalized unit vector from this vector.
- notZero() bool
Return True if any component is not zero.
- roundIfNearlyOne(threshold: float = 1.1920928955078125e-07) None
Round each element to one if it is within the threshold.
- roundIfNearlyZero(threshold: float = 1.1920928955078125e-07) None
Round each element to zero if it is within the threshold.
- set(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
set(self: usg._usg.Vec2f, arg0: float, arg1: float) -> None
Set the x and y components.
set(self: usg._usg.Vec2f, n: float) -> None
Set all values to n.
- property x
The x component of the vector.
- property y
The y component of the vector.
- class usg.Vec2d
A 2D vector.
- XAxis = <Vec2d [1, 0]>
- YAxis = <Vec2d [0, 1]>
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Vec2d, v: float) -> None
Construct a vector with all components equal to v.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Vec2d, x: float, y: float) -> None
Construct a vector with the given x and y components.
- clear() None
Set all values to 0.
- cross(v: usg._usg.Vec2d) float
Return the cross product of this and v.
For 2D vectors, this returns the z component of the cross product as if they were vectors in 3D space, in the x-y plane.
- distanceBetween(v: usg._usg.Vec2d) float
Return the distance between this and v.
This is the same as (this - v).length().
- distanceSquared(v: usg._usg.Vec2d) float
Return the square of the distance between this and v.
- dot(v: usg._usg.Vec2d) float
Return the dot product of this and v.
- greaterThanZero() bool
Return true if all components are greater than zero.
- interpolateTo(v: usg._usg.Vec2d, t: float) usg._usg.Vec2d
Return the linear-interpolation between this and v at time t, where t=0..1.
- isZero() bool
Return True if all components are zero.
- largestAxis() float
Return the absolute value of the largest element.
- length() float
Return the length (magnitude) of the vector.
- lengthSquared() float
Return the squared length of the vector.
- maximum(arg0: usg._usg.Vec2d) usg._usg.Vec2d
Return a new vector where each component is the largest of the two.
- maximumComponent() float
Return the largest component of this vector.
- minimum(arg0: usg._usg.Vec2d) usg._usg.Vec2d
Return a new vector where each component is the smallest of the two.
- minimumComponent() float
Return the smallest component of this vector.
- normalize() float
Normalize this vector and return the original length.
This has the result that this vector’s length will be 1.
- normalized() usg._usg.Vec2d
Return the normalized unit vector from this vector.
- notZero() bool
Return True if any component is not zero.
- roundIfNearlyOne(threshold: float = 2.220446049250313e-16) None
Round each element to one if it is within the threshold.
- roundIfNearlyZero(threshold: float = 2.220446049250313e-16) None
Round each element to zero if it is within the threshold.
- set(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
set(self: usg._usg.Vec2d, arg0: float, arg1: float) -> None
Set the x and y components.
set(self: usg._usg.Vec2d, n: float) -> None
Set all values to n.
- property x
The x component of the vector.
- property y
The y component of the vector.
- class usg.Vec3i
A 3D vector.
- XAxis = <Vec3i [1, 0, 0]>
- YAxis = <Vec3i [0, 1, 0]>
- ZAxis = <Vec3i [0, 0, 1]>
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Vec3i, v: int) -> None
Construct a vector with all components equal to v.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Vec3i, x: int, y: int, z: int = 0) -> None
Construct a vector with the given x, y and z components.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Vec3i, xy: usg._usg.Vec2i, z: int = 0) -> None
Construct a 3D vector from a 2D vector which specifies the x and y components.
- asDegrees() usg._usg.Vec3i
Return a vector with each component converted form radians to degrees.
- asRadians() usg._usg.Vec3i
Return a vector with each component converted form degrees to radians.
- clear() None
Set all values to 0.
- cross(v: usg._usg.Vec3i) usg._usg.Vec3i
Return the cross product of this and v.
For 2D vectors, this returns the z component of the cross product as if they were vectors in 3D space, in the x-y plane.
- distanceBetween(v: usg._usg.Vec3i) int
Return the distance between this and v.
This is the same as (this - v).length().
- distanceFromPlane(a: int, b: int, c: int, d: int) int
Return the scalar distance between this vector and the plane ABCD.
- distanceSquared(v: usg._usg.Vec3i) int
Return the square of the distance between this and v.
- dot(v: usg._usg.Vec3i) int
Return the dot product of this and v.
- faceForward(normal: usg._usg.Vec3i) None
Negate this vector if it points in the opposite direction of the normal.
- greaterThanZero() bool
Return true if all components are greater than zero.
- interpolateTo(v: usg._usg.Vec3i, t: float) usg._usg.Vec3i
Return the linear-interpolation between this and v at time t, where t=0..1.
- isZero() bool
Return True if all components are zero.
- largestAxis() int
Return the absolute value of the largest element.
- length() int
Return the length (magnitude) of the vector.
- lengthSquared() int
Return the squared length of the vector.
- maximum(arg0: usg._usg.Vec3i) usg._usg.Vec3i
Return a new vector where each component is the largest of the two.
- maximumComponent() int
Return the largest component of this vector.
- minimum(arg0: usg._usg.Vec3i) usg._usg.Vec3i
Return a new vector where each component is the smallest of the two.
- minimumComponent() int
Return the smallest component of this vector.
- normalize() int
Normalize this vector and return the original length.
This has the result that this vector’s length will be 1.
- normalized() usg._usg.Vec3i
Return the normalized unit vector from this vector.
- notZero() bool
Return True if any component is not zero.
- orientAroundNormal(normal: usg._usg.Vec3i, auto_flip: bool = True) None
Orient vector relative to a normal’s frame.
The +z axis of this vector is rotated to line up with the normal. If normal.z is negative then the up orientation of the resulting vector is flipped to avoid the degenerate case where normal.z gets near -1.0 and there’s no rotation solution.
- reflect(normal: usg._usg.Vec3i) usg._usg.Vec3i
Return a vector of this one reflected around the normal vector.
- rotateAroundAxis(angle: int, axis: usg._usg.Vec3i) None
Rotate a vector by an angle around a center axis vector.
- roundIfNearlyOne(threshold: int = 0) None
Round each element to one if it is within the threshold.
- roundIfNearlyZero(threshold: int = 0) None
Round each element to zero if it is within the threshold.
- set(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
set(self: usg._usg.Vec3i, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int) -> None
Set the x, y and z components of the vector.
set(self: usg._usg.Vec3i, n: int) -> None
Set all values to n.
- toDegrees() None
Convert each component from radians to degrees.
- toRadians() None
Convert each component from degress to radians.
- property x
The x component of the vector.
- xy() usg._usg.Vec2i
Return a 2D vector containing the x and y components.
- property y
The y component of the vector.
- property z
The z component of the vector.
- class usg.Vec3h
A 3D vector.
- XAxis = <Vec3h [1, 0, 0]>
- YAxis = <Vec3h [0, 1, 0]>
- ZAxis = <Vec3h [0, 0, 1]>
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Vec3h, v: usg._usg.Half) -> None
Construct a vector with all components equal to v.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Vec3h, x: usg._usg.Half, y: usg._usg.Half, z: usg._usg.Half = 0.000000) -> None
Construct a vector with the given x, y and z components.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Vec3h, xy: usg._usg.Vec2h, z: usg._usg.Half = 0.000000) -> None
Construct a 3D vector from a 2D vector which specifies the x and y components.
- asDegrees() usg._usg.Vec3h
Return a vector with each component converted form radians to degrees.
- asRadians() usg._usg.Vec3h
Return a vector with each component converted form degrees to radians.
- clear() None
Set all values to 0.
- cross(v: usg._usg.Vec3h) usg._usg.Vec3h
Return the cross product of this and v.
For 2D vectors, this returns the z component of the cross product as if they were vectors in 3D space, in the x-y plane.
- distanceBetween(v: usg._usg.Vec3h) usg._usg.Half
Return the distance between this and v.
This is the same as (this - v).length().
- distanceFromPlane(a: usg._usg.Half, b: usg._usg.Half, c: usg._usg.Half, d: usg._usg.Half) usg._usg.Half
Return the scalar distance between this vector and the plane ABCD.
- distanceSquared(v: usg._usg.Vec3h) usg._usg.Half
Return the square of the distance between this and v.
- dot(v: usg._usg.Vec3h) usg._usg.Half
Return the dot product of this and v.
- faceForward(normal: usg._usg.Vec3h) None
Negate this vector if it points in the opposite direction of the normal.
- greaterThanZero() bool
Return true if all components are greater than zero.
- interpolateTo(v: usg._usg.Vec3h, t: float) usg._usg.Vec3h
Return the linear-interpolation between this and v at time t, where t=0..1.
- isZero() bool
Return True if all components are zero.
- largestAxis() usg._usg.Half
Return the absolute value of the largest element.
- length() usg._usg.Half
Return the length (magnitude) of the vector.
- lengthSquared() usg._usg.Half
Return the squared length of the vector.
- maximum(arg0: usg._usg.Vec3h) usg._usg.Vec3h
Return a new vector where each component is the largest of the two.
- maximumComponent() usg._usg.Half
Return the largest component of this vector.
- minimum(arg0: usg._usg.Vec3h) usg._usg.Vec3h
Return a new vector where each component is the smallest of the two.
- minimumComponent() usg._usg.Half
Return the smallest component of this vector.
- normalize() usg._usg.Half
Normalize this vector and return the original length.
This has the result that this vector’s length will be 1.
- normalized() usg._usg.Vec3h
Return the normalized unit vector from this vector.
- notZero() bool
Return True if any component is not zero.
- orientAroundNormal(normal: usg._usg.Vec3h, auto_flip: bool = True) None
Orient vector relative to a normal’s frame.
The +z axis of this vector is rotated to line up with the normal. If normal.z is negative then the up orientation of the resulting vector is flipped to avoid the degenerate case where normal.z gets near -1.0 and there’s no rotation solution.
- reflect(normal: usg._usg.Vec3h) usg._usg.Vec3h
Return a vector of this one reflected around the normal vector.
- rotateAroundAxis(angle: usg._usg.Half, axis: usg._usg.Vec3h) None
Rotate a vector by an angle around a center axis vector.
- roundIfNearlyOne(threshold: usg._usg.Half = 0.000977) None
Round each element to one if it is within the threshold.
- roundIfNearlyZero(threshold: usg._usg.Half = 0.000977) None
Round each element to zero if it is within the threshold.
- set(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
set(self: usg._usg.Vec3h, arg0: usg._usg.Half, arg1: usg._usg.Half, arg2: usg._usg.Half) -> None
Set the x, y and z components of the vector.
set(self: usg._usg.Vec3h, n: usg._usg.Half) -> None
Set all values to n.
- toDegrees() None
Convert each component from radians to degrees.
- toRadians() None
Convert each component from degress to radians.
- property x
The x component of the vector.
- xy() usg._usg.Vec2h
Return a 2D vector containing the x and y components.
- property y
The y component of the vector.
- property z
The z component of the vector.
- class usg.Vec3f
A 3D vector.
- XAxis = <Vec3f [1, 0, 0]>
- YAxis = <Vec3f [0, 1, 0]>
- ZAxis = <Vec3f [0, 0, 1]>
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Vec3f, v: float) -> None
Construct a vector with all components equal to v.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Vec3f, x: float, y: float, z: float = 0.0) -> None
Construct a vector with the given x, y and z components.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Vec3f, xy: usg._usg.Vec2f, z: float = 0.0) -> None
Construct a 3D vector from a 2D vector which specifies the x and y components.
- asDegrees() usg._usg.Vec3f
Return a vector with each component converted form radians to degrees.
- asRadians() usg._usg.Vec3f
Return a vector with each component converted form degrees to radians.
- clear() None
Set all values to 0.
- cross(v: usg._usg.Vec3f) usg._usg.Vec3f
Return the cross product of this and v.
For 2D vectors, this returns the z component of the cross product as if they were vectors in 3D space, in the x-y plane.
- distanceBetween(v: usg._usg.Vec3f) float
Return the distance between this and v.
This is the same as (this - v).length().
- distanceFromPlane(a: float, b: float, c: float, d: float) float
Return the scalar distance between this vector and the plane ABCD.
- distanceSquared(v: usg._usg.Vec3f) float
Return the square of the distance between this and v.
- dot(v: usg._usg.Vec3f) float
Return the dot product of this and v.
- faceForward(normal: usg._usg.Vec3f) None
Negate this vector if it points in the opposite direction of the normal.
- greaterThanZero() bool
Return true if all components are greater than zero.
- interpolateTo(v: usg._usg.Vec3f, t: float) usg._usg.Vec3f
Return the linear-interpolation between this and v at time t, where t=0..1.
- isZero() bool
Return True if all components are zero.
- largestAxis() float
Return the absolute value of the largest element.
- length() float
Return the length (magnitude) of the vector.
- lengthSquared() float
Return the squared length of the vector.
- maximum(arg0: usg._usg.Vec3f) usg._usg.Vec3f
Return a new vector where each component is the largest of the two.
- maximumComponent() float
Return the largest component of this vector.
- minimum(arg0: usg._usg.Vec3f) usg._usg.Vec3f
Return a new vector where each component is the smallest of the two.
- minimumComponent() float
Return the smallest component of this vector.
- normalize() float
Normalize this vector and return the original length.
This has the result that this vector’s length will be 1.
- normalized() usg._usg.Vec3f
Return the normalized unit vector from this vector.
- notZero() bool
Return True if any component is not zero.
- orientAroundNormal(normal: usg._usg.Vec3f, auto_flip: bool = True) None
Orient vector relative to a normal’s frame.
The +z axis of this vector is rotated to line up with the normal. If normal.z is negative then the up orientation of the resulting vector is flipped to avoid the degenerate case where normal.z gets near -1.0 and there’s no rotation solution.
- reflect(normal: usg._usg.Vec3f) usg._usg.Vec3f
Return a vector of this one reflected around the normal vector.
- rotateAroundAxis(angle: float, axis: usg._usg.Vec3f) None
Rotate a vector by an angle around a center axis vector.
- roundIfNearlyOne(threshold: float = 1.1920928955078125e-07) None
Round each element to one if it is within the threshold.
- roundIfNearlyZero(threshold: float = 1.1920928955078125e-07) None
Round each element to zero if it is within the threshold.
- set(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
set(self: usg._usg.Vec3f, arg0: float, arg1: float, arg2: float) -> None
Set the x, y and z components of the vector.
set(self: usg._usg.Vec3f, n: float) -> None
Set all values to n.
- toDegrees() None
Convert each component from radians to degrees.
- toRadians() None
Convert each component from degress to radians.
- property x
The x component of the vector.
- xy() usg._usg.Vec2f
Return a 2D vector containing the x and y components.
- property y
The y component of the vector.
- property z
The z component of the vector.
- class usg.Vec3d
A 3D vector.
- XAxis = <Vec3d [1, 0, 0]>
- YAxis = <Vec3d [0, 1, 0]>
- ZAxis = <Vec3d [0, 0, 1]>
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Vec3d, v: float) -> None
Construct a vector with all components equal to v.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Vec3d, x: float, y: float, z: float = 0.0) -> None
Construct a vector with the given x, y and z components.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Vec3d, xy: usg._usg.Vec2d, z: float = 0.0) -> None
Construct a 3D vector from a 2D vector which specifies the x and y components.
- asDegrees() usg._usg.Vec3d
Return a vector with each component converted form radians to degrees.
- asRadians() usg._usg.Vec3d
Return a vector with each component converted form degrees to radians.
- clear() None
Set all values to 0.
- cross(v: usg._usg.Vec3d) usg._usg.Vec3d
Return the cross product of this and v.
For 2D vectors, this returns the z component of the cross product as if they were vectors in 3D space, in the x-y plane.
- distanceBetween(v: usg._usg.Vec3d) float
Return the distance between this and v.
This is the same as (this - v).length().
- distanceFromPlane(a: float, b: float, c: float, d: float) float
Return the scalar distance between this vector and the plane ABCD.
- distanceSquared(v: usg._usg.Vec3d) float
Return the square of the distance between this and v.
- dot(v: usg._usg.Vec3d) float
Return the dot product of this and v.
- faceForward(normal: usg._usg.Vec3d) None
Negate this vector if it points in the opposite direction of the normal.
- greaterThanZero() bool
Return true if all components are greater than zero.
- interpolateTo(v: usg._usg.Vec3d, t: float) usg._usg.Vec3d
Return the linear-interpolation between this and v at time t, where t=0..1.
- isZero() bool
Return True if all components are zero.
- largestAxis() float
Return the absolute value of the largest element.
- length() float
Return the length (magnitude) of the vector.
- lengthSquared() float
Return the squared length of the vector.
- maximum(arg0: usg._usg.Vec3d) usg._usg.Vec3d
Return a new vector where each component is the largest of the two.
- maximumComponent() float
Return the largest component of this vector.
- minimum(arg0: usg._usg.Vec3d) usg._usg.Vec3d
Return a new vector where each component is the smallest of the two.
- minimumComponent() float
Return the smallest component of this vector.
- normalize() float
Normalize this vector and return the original length.
This has the result that this vector’s length will be 1.
- normalized() usg._usg.Vec3d
Return the normalized unit vector from this vector.
- notZero() bool
Return True if any component is not zero.
- orientAroundNormal(normal: usg._usg.Vec3d, auto_flip: bool = True) None
Orient vector relative to a normal’s frame.
The +z axis of this vector is rotated to line up with the normal. If normal.z is negative then the up orientation of the resulting vector is flipped to avoid the degenerate case where normal.z gets near -1.0 and there’s no rotation solution.
- reflect(normal: usg._usg.Vec3d) usg._usg.Vec3d
Return a vector of this one reflected around the normal vector.
- rotateAroundAxis(angle: float, axis: usg._usg.Vec3d) None
Rotate a vector by an angle around a center axis vector.
- roundIfNearlyOne(threshold: float = 2.220446049250313e-16) None
Round each element to one if it is within the threshold.
- roundIfNearlyZero(threshold: float = 2.220446049250313e-16) None
Round each element to zero if it is within the threshold.
- set(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
set(self: usg._usg.Vec3d, arg0: float, arg1: float, arg2: float) -> None
Set the x, y and z components of the vector.
set(self: usg._usg.Vec3d, n: float) -> None
Set all values to n.
- toDegrees() None
Convert each component from radians to degrees.
- toRadians() None
Convert each component from degress to radians.
- property x
The x component of the vector.
- xy() usg._usg.Vec2d
Return a 2D vector containing the x and y components.
- property y
The y component of the vector.
- property z
The z component of the vector.
- class usg.Vec4i
A 4D vector.
- WAxis = <Vec4i [0, 0, 0, 1]>
- XAxis = <Vec4i [1, 0, 0, 0]>
- YAxis = <Vec4i [0, 1, 0, 0]>
- ZAxis = <Vec4i [0, 0, 1, 0]>
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Vec4i, v: int) -> None
Construct a vector with all components equal to v.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Vec4i, x: int, y: int, z: int = 0, w: int = 1) -> None
Construct a vector with the given x, y, z and w components.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Vec4i, xy: usg._usg.Vec2i, z: int = 0, w: int = 1) -> None
Construct a 4D vector from a 2D vector which specifies the x and y components.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Vec4i, xyz: usg._usg.Vec3i, w: int = 1) -> None
Construct a 4D vector from a 3D vector which specifies the x, y and z components.
- clear() None
Set all values to 0.
- interpolateTo(v: usg._usg.Vec4i, t: float) usg._usg.Vec4i
Return the linear-interpolation between this and v at time t, where t=0..1.
- largestAxis() int
Return the absolute value of the largest element.
- maximum(arg0: usg._usg.Vec4i) usg._usg.Vec4i
Return a new vector where each component is the largest of the two.
- maximumComponent() int
Return the largest component of this vector.
- minimum(arg0: usg._usg.Vec4i) usg._usg.Vec4i
Return a new vector where each component is the smallest of the two.
- minimumComponent() int
Return the smallest component of this vector.
- set(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
set(self: usg._usg.Vec4i, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int, arg3: int) -> None
Set the x, y, z and w components.
set(self: usg._usg.Vec4i, v: usg._usg.Vec3i, w: int = 1) -> None
Set the x, y and z components to those in the vector v.
set(self: usg._usg.Vec4i, n: int) -> None
Set all values to n.
- property w
The w component of the vector.
- wNormalize() usg._usg.Vec4i
Divide x, y and z by w.
- wNormalized() usg._usg.Vec3i
Return the result of dividing x, y and z by w.
- property x
The x component of the vector.
- xy() usg._usg.Vec2i
- xyz() usg._usg.Vec3i
- property y
The y component of the vector.
- property z
The z component of the vector.
- class usg.Vec4h
A 4D vector.
- WAxis = <Vec4h [0, 0, 0, 1]>
- XAxis = <Vec4h [1, 0, 0, 0]>
- YAxis = <Vec4h [0, 1, 0, 0]>
- ZAxis = <Vec4h [0, 0, 1, 0]>
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Vec4h, v: usg._usg.Half) -> None
Construct a vector with all components equal to v.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Vec4h, x: usg._usg.Half, y: usg._usg.Half, z: usg._usg.Half = 0.000000, w: usg._usg.Half = 1.000000) -> None
Construct a vector with the given x, y, z and w components.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Vec4h, xy: usg._usg.Vec2h, z: usg._usg.Half = 0.000000, w: usg._usg.Half = 1.000000) -> None
Construct a 4D vector from a 2D vector which specifies the x and y components.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Vec4h, xyz: usg._usg.Vec3h, w: usg._usg.Half = 1.000000) -> None
Construct a 4D vector from a 3D vector which specifies the x, y and z components.
- clear() None
Set all values to 0.
- interpolateTo(v: usg._usg.Vec4h, t: float) usg._usg.Vec4h
Return the linear-interpolation between this and v at time t, where t=0..1.
- largestAxis() usg._usg.Half
Return the absolute value of the largest element.
- maximum(arg0: usg._usg.Vec4h) usg._usg.Vec4h
Return a new vector where each component is the largest of the two.
- maximumComponent() usg._usg.Half
Return the largest component of this vector.
- minimum(arg0: usg._usg.Vec4h) usg._usg.Vec4h
Return a new vector where each component is the smallest of the two.
- minimumComponent() usg._usg.Half
Return the smallest component of this vector.
- set(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
set(self: usg._usg.Vec4h, arg0: usg._usg.Half, arg1: usg._usg.Half, arg2: usg._usg.Half, arg3: usg._usg.Half) -> None
Set the x, y, z and w components.
set(self: usg._usg.Vec4h, v: usg._usg.Vec3h, w: usg._usg.Half = 1.000000) -> None
Set the x, y and z components to those in the vector v.
set(self: usg._usg.Vec4h, n: usg._usg.Half) -> None
Set all values to n.
- property w
The w component of the vector.
- wNormalize() usg._usg.Vec4h
Divide x, y and z by w.
- wNormalized() usg._usg.Vec3h
Return the result of dividing x, y and z by w.
- property x
The x component of the vector.
- xy() usg._usg.Vec2h
- xyz() usg._usg.Vec3h
- property y
The y component of the vector.
- property z
The z component of the vector.
- class usg.Vec4f
A 4D vector.
- WAxis = <Vec4f [0, 0, 0, 1]>
- XAxis = <Vec4f [1, 0, 0, 0]>
- YAxis = <Vec4f [0, 1, 0, 0]>
- ZAxis = <Vec4f [0, 0, 1, 0]>
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Vec4f, v: float) -> None
Construct a vector with all components equal to v.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Vec4f, x: float, y: float, z: float = 0.0, w: float = 1.0) -> None
Construct a vector with the given x, y, z and w components.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Vec4f, xy: usg._usg.Vec2f, z: float = 0.0, w: float = 1.0) -> None
Construct a 4D vector from a 2D vector which specifies the x and y components.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Vec4f, xyz: usg._usg.Vec3f, w: float = 1.0) -> None
Construct a 4D vector from a 3D vector which specifies the x, y and z components.
- clear() None
Set all values to 0.
- interpolateTo(v: usg._usg.Vec4f, t: float) usg._usg.Vec4f
Return the linear-interpolation between this and v at time t, where t=0..1.
- largestAxis() float
Return the absolute value of the largest element.
- maximum(arg0: usg._usg.Vec4f) usg._usg.Vec4f
Return a new vector where each component is the largest of the two.
- maximumComponent() float
Return the largest component of this vector.
- minimum(arg0: usg._usg.Vec4f) usg._usg.Vec4f
Return a new vector where each component is the smallest of the two.
- minimumComponent() float
Return the smallest component of this vector.
- set(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
set(self: usg._usg.Vec4f, arg0: float, arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float) -> None
Set the x, y, z and w components.
set(self: usg._usg.Vec4f, v: usg._usg.Vec3f, w: float = 1.0) -> None
Set the x, y and z components to those in the vector v.
set(self: usg._usg.Vec4f, n: float) -> None
Set all values to n.
- property w
The w component of the vector.
- wNormalize() usg._usg.Vec4f
Divide x, y and z by w.
- wNormalized() usg._usg.Vec3f
Return the result of dividing x, y and z by w.
- property x
The x component of the vector.
- xy() usg._usg.Vec2f
- xyz() usg._usg.Vec3f
- property y
The y component of the vector.
- property z
The z component of the vector.
- class usg.Vec4d
A 4D vector.
- WAxis = <Vec4d [0, 0, 0, 1]>
- XAxis = <Vec4d [1, 0, 0, 0]>
- YAxis = <Vec4d [0, 1, 0, 0]>
- ZAxis = <Vec4d [0, 0, 1, 0]>
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Vec4d, v: float) -> None
Construct a vector with all components equal to v.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Vec4d, x: float, y: float, z: float = 0.0, w: float = 1.0) -> None
Construct a vector with the given x, y, z and w components.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Vec4d, xy: usg._usg.Vec2d, z: float = 0.0, w: float = 1.0) -> None
Construct a 4D vector from a 2D vector which specifies the x and y components.
__init__(self: usg._usg.Vec4d, xyz: usg._usg.Vec3d, w: float = 1.0) -> None
Construct a 4D vector from a 3D vector which specifies the x, y and z components.
- clear() None
Set all values to 0.
- interpolateTo(v: usg._usg.Vec4d, t: float) usg._usg.Vec4d
Return the linear-interpolation between this and v at time t, where t=0..1.
- largestAxis() float
Return the absolute value of the largest element.
- maximum(arg0: usg._usg.Vec4d) usg._usg.Vec4d
Return a new vector where each component is the largest of the two.
- maximumComponent() float
Return the largest component of this vector.
- minimum(arg0: usg._usg.Vec4d) usg._usg.Vec4d
Return a new vector where each component is the smallest of the two.
- minimumComponent() float
Return the smallest component of this vector.
- set(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
set(self: usg._usg.Vec4d, arg0: float, arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float) -> None
Set the x, y, z and w components.
set(self: usg._usg.Vec4d, v: usg._usg.Vec3d, w: float = 1.0) -> None
Set the x, y and z components to those in the vector v.
set(self: usg._usg.Vec4d, n: float) -> None
Set all values to n.
- property w
The w component of the vector.
- wNormalize() usg._usg.Vec4d
Divide x, y and z by w.
- wNormalized() usg._usg.Vec3d
Return the result of dividing x, y and z by w.
- property x
The x component of the vector.
- xy() usg._usg.Vec2d
- xyz() usg._usg.Vec3d
- property y
The y component of the vector.
- property z
The z component of the vector.