Palettes Toolbar

The Palettes toolbar allows quick access to your Mari palettes.

Palettes Toolbar Controls


What it does


Click the Pin Palette mode button to activate the Pin Palette mode. This icon shows it is activated.

Click the Float Palette mode button to activate the Float mode. This icon shows it is activated.


Click the Hide button to display the Palettes toolbar with its icons only.

Click the Show button to display the Palettes toolbar with its icons and palette names.



Each object in a Mari project has its own set of channels. The Channels palette displays:

A list of channels in the project.

Buttons to add, duplicate, convert, or remove channels.

Options for creating quick channels.

Channel attribute information.

See Channels Palette for more information.



The Colors palette lets you view and change colors. The controls on this palette all work together - as you change the color through one control, the other controls update to show your change.

See Colors Palette for more information.


History View

The History View palette displays a list of actions performed in the current session. Click an action to step back to that version of the project.

See History View Palette for more information.


Image Manager

The Image Manager lets you store and work with images in your project, including using them for brushes and painting through them onto your model. For organization purposes, you can also add custom tabs to the palette by clicking the add tab button.

See Image Manager Palette for more information.



The Layers palette lets you view, create and edit layers. You can also add the following to individual layers, or layer groups: masks, adjustments, procedurals, and shader layers.

See Layers Palette for more information.



The Lights palette displays the lights in your project, and allows you to:

Customize the lights.

Turn each light on or off.

Move the lights around.

Reposition a light to the current camera position.

Render shadows for individual lights.

See Lights Palette for more information.


Modo Render

The Modo Render palette allows you to render a final image of your scene in Modo with your Mari channels mapped to a Modo shader, bake into Mari channels, preview render and bake, and save out the Mari scene as an .lxo file.

See Modo Render Palette for more information.

Node Graph

The Node Graph palette doesn't have any controls as such, rather it's a dedicated area designed to hold nodes.

See Node Graph Palette for more information.

Node Properties

The Node Properties palette doesn't have any controls as such, rather it's a dedicated area designed to hold the controls associated with nodes in the Node Graph.

See Node Properties Palette for more information.


The Objects palette displays the current objects in the project, and allows you to:

Show and hide the objects.

Add and remove objects and child objects from the project.

Lock and unlock the objects.

Select the object to edit.

Add versions to existing objects.

Add locators to objects.

See Objects Palette for more information.


The Painting palette displays information and controls for managing painting features.

See Painting Palette for more information.


The Patches palette displays a selectable list of patches in the project, with icons and buttons to toggle whether they are visible, or whether they are locked. You can group patches into sets.

See Patches Palette for more information.


The Projectors palette displays the projectors in your project, and allows you to:

Create, load, save, and delete projectors.

Use a projector to take a snapshot of the current view.

Use a projector to project an edited snapshot back onto the model's surface.

See Projectors Palette for more information.


Python Console

The Python Console palette is divided into three sections:

A Script Path entry box that loads Python scripts from a defined location.

An input pane that is used to enter and execute Python statements in the lower half of the palette.

An output pane that displays statements and their outputs in the upper half of the palette.

See Python Console Palette for more information.


Selection Groups

The Selection Groups palette lets you switch between saved selection groups. You can also create new selection groups, lock and unlock groups, and show or hide groups.

See Selection Groups Palette for more information.


The Shaders palette displays the lighting shaders and allows you to toggle between the shader setup for the current channel, layer stack, layer, and paint target, as well as custom-made shaders.

See Shaders Palette for more information.


The Shelf palette stores sets of brushes and colors. These include:

Menu shelf - items that you can select from the F9 pie selection control menu.

Personal shelf (with customized items) - selected items you use regularly.

Basic Brushes shelf - a set of predefined basic brushes.

Hard Surface Brushes shelf - a set of predefined hard surface brushes.

Organic Brushes shelf - a set of predefined organic brushes.

Brad's New Brushes - a set of predefined brushes.

Project - shelf items for just the current project.

See Shelf Palette for more information.


The Snapshots palette displays:

A list of snapshots for the entire project or currently selected channel.

Buttons to take, revert, or delete channel snapshots.

Information about snapshots, such as name, when they were created and by what artist.

See Snapshots Palette for more information.

Texture Sets

The Texture Sets palette manages texture sets or images (for example Megascans assets) that you can use for painting. You can browse and import texture sets to the Image Manager palette to work with images in your project.

See Texture Sets Palette for more information.

Tool Properties

The Tool Properties palette displays information about the selected tool.

See Tool Properties Palette for more information.