Add Complex Details to Your Model with Decal Workflows

Decals are a quick and easy way to apply textures such as graffiti, logos and displacement onto your mesh without impacting your texture maps, or needing to adjust the geometry the decal is being placed on. This allows you to create highly detailed models without needing to increase your poly count, as well as create fully procedural images that can be applied, swapped out and removed from your asset whenever.

Planar decals allow you to project a flat, square mesh plane containing your decal textures onto an asset so that the images are layered on top of your object instead of stored in your shader. This allows you to move, scale, and rotate your decals as if they were a 3D object whenever you need to, without having to worry about how the decal is impacting your model or any additional materials.

How to Create Decals

Decals are created using flat, square planes and then applying a material containing your decal's textures to that plane.

Projecting Planar Decals on to a Mesh

Project a flat, square mesh plane containing your decal textures onto an asset.

Add Seams to Models With Seam Decals

Seam Decals allow you to use two pieces of intersecting geometry or a curve to create a seam along a mesh.