Using Polygon Component Tools

Some of Modo's tools are specific to the various component types: vertices, edges, and polygons. For example, there are three component beveling tools, and each has its own settings. The Edge Bevel tool has a rounding option, but the Polygon Bevel tool does not. Some tools are interactive tools, but others are one-shot commands that produce a specific result. You may use some regularly and others only rarely; however, all could be considered indispensable. For information on using a specific tool, click any link below to see its topic.


Solid Sketch Icon


Converts triangle pairs to quadrangles by deleting edges to share triangle pairs.

Solid Sketch Icon Triangulate Converts polygons to triangles.

Solid Sketch Icon

Polygon Bevel

Performs a shift and inset on the selected polygons.

Vertex Tool Icon


Adds dimension to flat geometry.

Solid Sketch Icon


Subdivides any selected polygon with more than 3 vertices so that it consists only of triangle polygons.

Solid Sketch Icon


Makes all polygons face the same direction.

Solid Sketch Icon

Flip Polygon

Inverts the normal of surface polygons.

Solid Sketch Icon

Polygon Extrude

Repositions the selected polygon in space based on the tool's three handles.

Solid Sketch Icon

Set Polygon Type

Converts polygon type to Face, Subdivision and Catmull Clark.

Patch Tool Icon


Takes selected polygons and adds a vertex to the center of the polygon.

Solid Sketch Icon


Draws an edge between two selected vertices of a polygon.

Solid Sketch Icon


Combines selected polygons into a single polygon of n-number of sides.

Text Tool Icon

Smooth Shift

Smooths out sharp edges in polygonal geometry based on a smoothing angle.

Solid Sketch Icon


Subdivides selected polygons to create new geometry within the original selection.

Solid Sketch Icon

Spin Quads

Changes where your edges are attached within the geometry.

Solid Sketch Icon


Removes the selected element without destroying the integrity of the geometry.

Solid Sketch Icon


Extrudes selected polygons along their individual normal axes.

Solid Sketch Icon

Polygon Reduce

Iteratively removes edges from the mesh, while trying to maintain as much of the original contouring as possible.

Solid Sketch Icon

Convert to Quadrangles

Converts a series of vertices from an N-gon into a row of regular four sided (quadrangle) polygons.

Solid Sketch Icon


Deletes selected polygons.

Solid Sketch Icon


Reverses the direction of selected polygons.

Solid Sketch Icon PolyScale Offset Scales a selected polygon on a mesh item.
Solid Sketch Icon PolyScale Offset Detach Scales a selected polygon on a mesh item and detaches it.
Solid Sketch Icon Flatten Ngons Flattens Ngons in a model that are not planar.
Solid Sketch Icon Triple Fan Splits a selected polygon on a selected vertex point.
Solid Sketch Icon Flip It Flips a selected polygon on a specified axis.

Solid Sketch Icon


Merges two polygons into a single polygon when you have two polygons that are in exactly the same space, and the polygons share the same vertices.