Using Vertex Component Tools

Some of Modo's tools are specific to the various component types: vertices, edges, and polygons. For example, there are three component beveling tools, and each has its own settings. The Edge Bevel tool has a rounding option, but the Polygon Bevel tool does not. Some tools are interactive tools, but others are one-shot commands that produce a specific result. You may use some regularly and others only rarely; however, all could be considered indispensable. For information on using a specific tool, click any link below to see its topic.


Cube Icon

Vertex Bevel

Vertex Bevel replaces each selected vertex with 3 vertices, which are moved away from the original position.

Capsule Icon

Create Vertex

You can create vertices one at a time by specifying their location in 3D space.

Solid Sketch Icon


Welds the selected vertices to the last vertex selected and then moves them all to the position of the last selected vertex.

Solid Sketch Icon


Takes a single vertex and creates multiple vertices in the same location based on the number of polygons that share the point.

Sphere Icon

Vertex Extrude

Shifts the selected vertex along its normal (away from its original position) and creates three additional vertices and edges around the original vertex.

Solid Sketch Icon

Set Position

Repositions an existing vertex (or many) to a specific position by typing new coordinates.

Solid Sketch Icon


Deletes the selected vertices, edges, or polygons from the 3D model view.

Solid Sketch Icon


Measures the distance between vertices in the currently-selected geometry to see if any fall within a specific distance threshold to one another.

Cone Icon

Vertex Merge Tool

Adjusts a distance threshold value by dragging in the 3D viewport or by using a mini-slider.

Solid Sketch Icon


Align a selection of vertices into a straight row.

Solid Sketch Icon


Removes the selected element without destroying the integrity of the geometry.