Nuke binary plugins 15.0.6
No Matches
DD::Image::ParticleOp Class Referenceabstract

#include <ParticleOp.h>

Inheritance diagram for DD::Image::ParticleOp:
DD::Image::ParticleRender DD::Image::GeoOp DD::Image::Op DD::Image::ParticleBehaviour

Public Types

enum  OpType { eMove , eBounce , eSpawn , eOther }
 Types of particle ops. These are used when reordering the particle graph.
- Public Types inherited from DD::Image::Op
enum  HandlesMode { eNoHandles , eHandlesUncooked , eHandlesCooked , eHandlesMax }
enum  PrevalidateResult { eFinished , eCancelled , eAbandoned }
 This is a tribool return value. Do not extend.
enum  HandleType {
  eNone , eMouseLeftClick , eMouseRightClick , eMouseMove ,
  eMouseDrag , eMouseRelease , eSelectionChanged , eSelectionChangeFinished ,
  eHandleDragTranslate , eHandleDragRotate , eHandleDragScale , eHandleDragPivot ,
enum  ViewableModes { eViewableMode2D , eViewableMode3D , eViewableMode3D_2DReference }
enum  GenerateType {
enum  NodeContext { eNodeGraph , eTimeline , eOpGraph }
enum  StatusFlags { StatusNone , StatusModal , StatusUseCallback }
enum  PopUpScheme {
  ePU_Never , ePU_Done , ePU_Once , ePU_Default ,
 Pop-up schemes determine when pop-up messages are displayed for op errors. More...
enum  VersionComponents { eMajor , eMinor , ePoint , eRevision }
 Enum to help get the desired version component from the VersionInfo tuple.
typedef std::pair< int, DD::Image::Op * > Output
 Combination of input number and pointer to Op.
typedef std::set< OutputOutputSet
 Set of all outputs from this Op.
typedef std::map< Hash, std::vector< unsigned int > > ItemSelectionList
typedef bool() EventCallback(Op *op, EventContext eventCtx)
using VersionInfo = std::tuple< int, int, int, int >
 Contains version components with each index defined by the VersionComponents enum.

Public Member Functions

 ParticleOp (Node *node)
virtual bool applyBehaviour (const ParticleContext &context, ParticleSystem *ps)=0
unsigned node_color () const override
const char * node_shape () const override
void appendSimulationCurve (DD::Image::Hash &hash) const
virtual bool doApplyBehaviour (const ParticleContext &context, ParticleSystem &ps, unsigned pathMask)=0
int minimum_inputs () const override
int maximum_inputs () const override
Opdefault_input (int input) const override
bool test_input (int input, Op *op) const override
void add_input_handle (int i, ViewerContext *ctx) override
virtual OpType getOpType ()
ParticleOpparticleOp () override
 Cast to a ParticleOp. This is much cheaper and safer than using dynamic_cast.
const ParticleOpparticleOp () const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from DD::Image::ParticleRender
int minimum_inputs () const override
int maximum_inputs () const override
bool test_input (int input, Op *op) const override
const char * input_label (int input, char *buffer) const override
Opdefault_input (int n) const override
const char * node_shape () const override
void append (Hash &hash) override
void get_geometry_hash () override
void geometry_engine (Scene &scene, GeometryList &out) override
PrevalidateResult doPreValidate (ViewerContext *ctx, PreValidateContext *) override
ParticleSystemgetParticleSystem (float &prevTime, float &outTime, bool canCancel=false, Op::PrevalidateResult *result=nullptr)
- Public Member Functions inherited from DD::Image::GeoOp
 ~GeoOp () override
Scenescene () const
void build_scene (Scene &scene)
void get_geometry (Scene &, GeometryList &out)
void setupScene ()
bool evaluate_transform (int obj, GeometryList &out, bool transform_normals=true)
int minimum_inputs () const override
int maximum_inputs () const override
Opdefault_input (int input) const override
bool test_input (int input, Op *op) const override
GeoOpinput (int n) const
GeoOpinput0 () const
GeoOpinput1 () const
const char * node_shape () const override
unsigned node_color () const override
void knobs (Knob_Callback) override
void shadow_knobs (Knob_Callback f)
void knobs (Knob_Callback, bool sourcegeo, bool geoselectSaves=false)
int knob_changed (Knob *k) override
virtual void print_info (std::ostream &o)
unsigned objects () const
unsigned vertices (int obj) const
std::vector< GeoInfo::Cache > & getCacheList ()
HandlesMode doAnyHandles (ViewerContext *) override
void build_matrix_handles (ViewerContext *ctx, const Matrix4 *localMatrix=nullptr)
void build_handles (ViewerContext *ctx) override
virtual void select_geometry (ViewerContext *, GeometryList &scene_objects)
void assign_drawlists (int obj, GeoInfo &info)
Display3DMode display3d () const
RenderMode render_mode () const
bool selectable () const
virtual bool selection3DChanged (ViewerContext *ctx)
virtual bool selection3DCleared ()
virtual bool selection3DMouseDown (ViewerContext *ctx)
virtual bool selection3DMouseUp (ViewerContext *ctx)
virtual bool selection3DMouseDrag (ViewerContext *ctx)
const Hashhash (int i) const
const GeometryMaskrebuild_mask () const
bool rebuild (const GeometryMask &m=GeometryMask(Mask_All_Geometry)) const
void set_rebuild (const GeometryMask &m)
void clear_rebuild (const GeometryMask &m)
const GeneralInfogeneralInfo () const override
GeoOpgeoOp () override
 Cast to a GeoOp. This is much cheaper and safer than using dynamic_cast.
const GeoOpgeoOp () const override
OpHints opHints () const override
 Return hints to control when and how this op will be evaluated by the top-down system.
- Public Member Functions inherited from DD::Image::Op
PrevalidateResult preValidate (ViewerContext *ctx=nullptr, PreValidateContext *=nullptr)
OprootOp () const
bool preValidateAborted (int treeStartingVersion, PrevalidateResult &result) const
const OutputSetgetOutputs () const
 return all the outputs of this node
virtual void setInputsValid (bool nowValid)
 set whether the input ops are valid (are for the right context)
bool inputsValid () const
 return whether the input ops are valid (are for the right context)
virtual bool can_clone () const
 returns whether or not an op can be cloned in the dag
bool haveHash () const
 return true if the hash() value is meaningful and globally unique
bool varyingOutputHash () const
void setVaryingOutputHash (bool varyingHashes)
 Set the varyingOutputHash indicator to a specific state.
void enableVaryingOutputHash ()
 Enable the varyingOutputHash indicator.
virtual Hash editState () const
virtual void setEditState (const Hash &h)
virtual std::vector< DD::Image::OutputContextgetPrevVersionsWanted () const
virtual const MetaData::Bundle_fetchMetaData (const char *keyname)
const MetaData::BundlefetchMetaData (const char *keyname)
Node * node () const
DD::Image::NodeI * getNode () const
void node (Node *v)
const char * nodeName () const
 Return NodeI::name() which is the Node's local name with no parent path.
std::string nodeFullPath (char separator='.') const
Hash nodeTopologyHash () const
OpfirstOp () const
void firstOp (Op *v)
Opparent () const
void parent (Op *lpOp)
virtual void detach ()
 node has been deleted in DAG
virtual void attach ()
 node has been created in DAG
virtual void pre_write_knobs ()
void knobStorePrep (const OutputContext &storeContext)
virtual void knobs (Knob_Callback)
void knobStorePost (const OutputContext &storeContext, Hash &hash)
int replace_knobs (Knob *afterthis, int n, void(*f)(void *, Knob_Callback), void *, const char *fileExt=nullptr)
int add_knobs (void(*f)(void *, Knob_Callback), void *, Knob_Callback)
void set_unlicensed ()
Knobknob (const char *name) const
Knobknob (int) const
bool pushed () const
bool panel_visible () const
bool node_disabled () const
bool node_selected () const
unsigned node_gl_color () const
void * field (const char *name)
void * field (const char *name, int &type)
void * set_field (const char *name, const void *source, int size)
void * get_field (const char *name, void *dest, int size)
void beginHandle (HandleType command, ViewerContext *ctx, EventCallback *cb, int index, float x=0, float y=0, float z=0, ViewerContext::Cursor cursor=ViewerContext::kNoCursor)
void endHandle (ViewerContext *ctx)
virtual int knob_changed (Knob *)
virtual int knob_change_finished (Knob *knob, bool changedByUser=true)
void addTime (OpTimer::Category category, long long microsecondsCPU, long long microsecondsWall, bool isTopLevel=true)
void getPerformanceInfo (OpTimer::Category category, OpTimer::PerformanceInfo &info) const
 return the amount of CPU time taken by this op
virtual bool inputs_clockwise () const
 whether unconnected inputs on the DAG should be arranged clockwise or anticlockwise (default)
virtual std::vector< int > input_order () const
virtual int inputArrows (int nodeInputs) const
bool script_command (const char *command, bool py=true, bool eval=true) const
bool script_expand (const char *str) const
HandlesMode anyHandles (ViewerContext *ctx)
virtual void build_handles (ViewerContext *)
void add_draw_handle (ViewerContext *)
virtual void draw_handle (ViewerContext *)
virtual void add_input_handle (int input, ViewerContext *)
void add_op_handle (ViewerContext *ctx)
void add_knob_handle (Knob *, ViewerContext *)
virtual int getViewableModes () const
virtual int optional_input () const
virtual int minimum_inputs () const
virtual int maximum_inputs () const
virtual bool test_input (int, Op *) const
int inputs () const
int node_inputs () const
Opnode_input (int, GenerateType=OUTPUT_OP) const
Opnode_input (int, GenerateType, const DD::Image::OutputContext *outputContext) const
Opinput_op (int n=0) const
virtual void inputs (int n)
Opinput (int) const
int inputNumber (int input, int offset) const
Opinput (int input, int offset) const
Opinput0 () const
 return the primary input
Opinput1 () const
 return the second input, if it exists
const std::vector< Op * > & getInputs () const
const std::vector< Op * > & getChildren () const
virtual void set_input (int i, Op *op, int input, int offset)
void set_input0 (Op *op)
void set_input (int i, Op *op)
void set_input (int i, Op &op)
void set_input (int input, int offset, Op *op)
const OutputContextoutputContext () const
virtual void setOutputContext (const OutputContext &c)
virtual void append (Hash &)
virtual float uses_input (int) const
virtual void build_splits ()
virtual int split_input (int) const
virtual const OutputContextinputContext (int n, int offset, OutputContext &) const
virtual const OutputContextinputUIContext (int n, OutputContext &) const
virtual Opdefault_input (int) const
const Hashhash () const
virtual bool frameTransformImplemented () const
virtual bool frameTransformDownstream (const OutputContext &context, unsigned int input, float inFrame, float &outFrame) const
virtual bool frameTransformUpstream (const OutputContext &context, unsigned int input, float outFrame, float &inFrame) const
virtual DopeItemFlags::Mask getDopeItemFlags () const
virtual bool shouldHideInDopeSheet (Knob *knob) const
virtual DD::Image::KnobgetDopeItemKnob () const
virtual ViewSet viewsProduced () const
virtual ViewSet viewsWantOn (int i) const
virtual ViewSet splitForViews () const
bool requested () const
void setRequested ()
void forgetRequestShallow ()
void forget_request ()
void forget_request (std::set< Op * > &forgotten)
virtual const char * node_shape () const
DD::Image::Hash curveHash () const
bool opCurrent () const
virtual unsigned node_color () const
virtual const char * node_help () const =0
virtual const char * input_label (int, char *) const
virtual std::string input_longlabel (int) const
void node_redraw ()
void print_name (std::ostream &o) const
NodeContext nodeContext () const
std::string node_name () const
 Returns the same string as printed by print_name(ostream).
void invalidateSameHash ()
bool invalidate ()
bool invalidate (const Hash &hash)
bool update (const Box *=nullptr)
void asapUpdate ()
void asapUpdate (const Box &box, int direction=0)
void validate (bool for_real=true)
virtual void force_validate (bool for_real=true)
void update_handles () const
bool valid () const
 Returns true if it has been validated - including if there was an error.
bool real_valid () const
 Returns true if it has been real-validated - including if there was an error.
bool inErrorState () const
bool inInvalidState () const
bool opened () const
void open ()
void unopen ()
bool running () const
void running (bool v)
bool not_closed () const
void close ()
void callCloseAfter (double seconds)
void copyState (Op *input)
bool cached () const
void cached (bool b)
virtual bool inUse () const
virtual Executableexecutable ()
void setKnobsToContext (const OutputContext &, bool force=false)
void gotoContext (const OutputContext &, bool update)
void progressFraction (double fraction, StatusFlags flags=StatusNone)
void progressFraction (int a, int b, StatusFlags flags=StatusNone)
void progressMessage (const char *fmt,...)
void progressModalMessage (const char *fmt,...)
void progressDismiss ()
int slowness () const
void slowness (int newval)
virtual bool firstEngineRendersWholeRequest () const
virtual bool updateUI (const OutputContext &context)
const Formatinput_format () const
const OutputContextuiContext () const
void error (const char *fmt,...)
void warning (const char *fmt,...)
void critical (const char *fmt,...)
void debug (const char *fmt,...)
void abort () const
 Abort all trees the op is in.
bool aborted () const
 True if one of the trees the op is in was aborted; ops should check this while processing and return quickly when true.
void cancel () const
 Cancel all trees the op is in. Make sure you also call abort() to stop processing.
bool cancelled () const
 True if one of the trees the op is in was cancelled (by user interaction)
bool addToTree (OpTree *lpTree)
 Returns true if the op was added to the tree, or false if its reference count increased.
bool removeFromTree (OpTree *lpTree)
 Returns false if the op was removed from the tree, or true if its reference count decreased.
bool isInTree (OpTree *lpTree) const
 Checks if an op is in a particular tree, for debugging purposes.
bool isInAnyTree () const
 Checks if an op is in any tree at all.
OpTreeHandlergetTreeHandler () const
 Returns the treeHandler for a given Op.
bool hasError () const
bool opOrChildHasError () const
const OpgetErroredOp () const
void setPopUpScheme (PopUpScheme lScheme)
PopUpScheme getPopUpScheme () const
bool arePopUpsEnabled ()
 Returns whether a pop-up should be enabled for the next message, modifying internal data when necessary.
OpMessageHandlergetMsgHandler ()
const OpMessageHandlergetMsgHandler () const
std::string getDebugInfo () const
 Returns a string of debug information about the op. For internal use.
std::string getDetailedDebugInfo () const
bool tryValidate (bool for_real=true)
virtual Iopiop ()
 Cast to an Iop. This is much cheaper and safer than using dynamic_cast.
virtual const Iopiop () const
virtual GeoOpgeoOp ()
 Cast to a GeoOp. This is much cheaper and safer than using dynamic_cast.
virtual const GeoOpgeoOp () const
virtual GeomOpgeomOp ()
 Cast to a GeomOp. This is much cheaper and safer than using dynamic_cast.
virtual const GeomOpgeomOp () const
virtual ParticleOpparticleOp ()
 Cast to a ParticleOp. This is much cheaper and safer than using dynamic_cast.
virtual const ParticleOpparticleOp () const
virtual DeepOnlyOpdeepOnlyOp ()
 Cast to a DeepOnlyOp. This is much cheaper and safer than using dynamic_cast.
virtual const DeepOnlyOpdeepOnlyOp () const
virtual AxisOpaxisOp ()
 Cast to an AxisOp. This is much cheaper and safer than using dynamic_cast.
virtual const AxisOpaxisOp () const
virtual CameraOpcameraOp ()
 Cast to an CameraOp. This is much cheaper and safer than using dynamic_cast.
virtual const CameraOpcameraOp () const
virtual LightOplightOp ()
 Cast to an LightOp. This is much cheaper and safer than using dynamic_cast.
virtual const LightOplightOp () const
virtual std::string getLibraryName () const
 Return a label and version string to display library version info for the Node.
virtual VersionInfo getLibraryVersion () const
virtual OpHints opHints () const
 Return hints to control when and how this op will be evaluated by the top-down system.
virtual const char * Class () const =0
const std::string libraryDisplayName () const
virtual const char * displayName () const
virtual std::string docsPath () const
virtual bool onAction (const ViewerContext *c, const DD::Image::Flags f, void *d)
Opget (const Description *description)

Static Public Member Functions

static void ParticleChannels_knob (Knob_Callback f, ParticleChannelSet *ptr, const char *name, const char *label=nullptr)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from DD::Image::GeoOp
static void transform_points (PointList *out, const PointList *in, const Matrix4 &)
static void transform_points (PointList *out, const PointList *in, int start, int end, const Matrix4 &)
static void clear_drawlist_trashbin ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from DD::Image::Op
static int treeVersion ()
static bool nukeBusy ()
 is nuke processing something on a parallel thread?
static Opcreate (Node *node, const char *name, Op *p_op)
static Opcreate (const char *name, Op *p_op)
static void resetTimers ()
 reset all the performance timers
static void setTimingEnabled (bool enabled)
 turn performance timing on or off
static bool isTimingEnabled ()
 return whether performance timing is on or not
static const char * script_result (bool py=false)
static void script_unlock ()
static OpretrieveOp (const char *node_path, GenerateType generate_op_type, const OutputContext *generate_op_context=nullptr)
static OpretrieveOp (const char *node_path, const Hash &op_hash, int tree_version)
static void all_forget_request ()
static void new_request_pass ()
static double callPendingClose (double seconds)
static void clearPendingClose ()
static Operror_op ()
static const char * error_message ()
static void clearAbortAndError ()
 To be removed.
static void SetDefaultPopUpEnable (bool lEnable)
 This is used by Nuke to indicate when ops using the default pop-up scheme should show pop-ups. Not recommended for customisation.
static std::string getVersionInfoStr (const VersionInfo &versionInfo)
 Helper function to convert a VersionInfo tuple into a string.
static const Descriptionfind_description (const char *name, const Op *op_)
static int message_f (char t, const char *,...)
static int message_vf (char t, const char *, va_list)
static void add_timeout (float t, TimeoutHandler, void *v=nullptr)
static void repeat_timeout (float t, TimeoutHandler, void *=nullptr)
static bool has_timeout (TimeoutHandler, void *=nullptr)
static void remove_timeout (TimeoutHandler, void *=nullptr)

Protected Member Functions

virtual void appendSimulationInput (int nodeInput, DD::Image::Hash &hash) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from DD::Image::ParticleRender
 ParticleRender (Node *node)
ParticleHolder * particleHolder ()
ParticleOpparticleRenderOp ()
 If this is a ParticleOp, returns this, otherwise returns input(0) cast to a ParticleOp. Returns nullptr if neither are ParticleOps.
bool isLicensed () const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from DD::Image::GeoOp
 GeoOp (Node *)
 Base class constructor.
void _validate (bool for_real) override
virtual void updateGeneralInfo ()
void display3d (Display3DMode v)
void selectable (bool v)
void render_mode (RenderMode v)
void backface_culling (int v)
void update_geometry_hashes ()
virtual void get_geometry_hash ()
void delete_cache ()
void synchronize_cache (GeometryList &out)
void delete_allocations (GeoInfo::Cache &cache)
virtual void geometry_engine (Scene &, GeometryList &out)
void add_draw_geometry (ViewerContext *)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from DD::Image::Op
 Op (Node *node)
 The constructor is protected so only subclasses can create the base class.
virtual void _knobStorePrep (const OutputContext &storeContext)
 The subclass-specific portion of knobStorePrep(). See that method for more info.
virtual void _knobStorePost (const OutputContext &storeContext, Hash &hash)
 The subclass-specific portion of knobStorePost(). See that method for more info.
virtual void _invalidate ()
virtual void _validate (bool for_real)
virtual void _open ()
virtual void _close ()
Opcreate (Node *node, const char *name)
Opcreate (const char *name)
HandlesMode anyInputHandles (ViewerContext *)
 return if any of the inputs (recursively) wish to draw handles
HandlesMode anyKnobHandles (ViewerContext *)
 return if any of the knobs on this node wish to draw handles
void build_input_handles (ViewerContext *)
void build_knob_handles (ViewerContext *)
void disallowNoTrees ()
 Call this to tell the op that it should always have op trees for normal behaviour (for internal use)
virtual HandlesMode doAnyHandles (ViewerContext *ctx)
virtual PrevalidateResult doPreValidate (ViewerContext *ctx=nullptr, PreValidateContext *=nullptr)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from DD::Image::Op
const MetaData::BundlemetaCache
Hash metaCacheHash
- Static Public Attributes inherited from DD::Image::Op
static unsigned current_request_pass
static void(* node_redraw_cb )(const Op *)
static void(* print_name_cb )(std::ostream &, const Op *)
static void(* status_callback )(const Op *, float, float, const char *, StatusFlags)
static const int kInvalidVersion
static const VersionInfo kUnsetVersion
- Protected Attributes inherited from DD::Image::ParticleRender
ParticleHolder * _particleHolder
- Protected Attributes inherited from DD::Image::GeoOp
Hash geo_hash [Group_Last]
 Points to scene if it is turned on.
GeneralInfo info_
std::vector< GeoInfo::Cachecache_list
 Geometry cache structures.
Hash cache_hash [Group_Last]
 Cache out-of-dateness hashes.
GeometryMask rebuild_mask_
 What groups need updating.
bool cache_resursive
Hash cache_build_hash
int display3d_
 GUI display setting.
bool selectable_
 GUI selectable checkmark.
int render_mode_
 Render setting.
int backface_culling_
 Backface cull setting.
bool cast_shadow_
bool receive_shadow_
- Protected Attributes inherited from DD::Image::Op
bool _haveHash
 whether the _hash actually has been set by a call to invalidate(Hash) ever.
bool _varyingOutputHash
 whether the hash value will animate over time
Hash _editState
 Op's current edit state, usually the combination of input & knob edit states.
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from DD::Image::GeoOp
static Hash sInitialGeoHash
static Hash sInitialCacheHash

Detailed Description

Particle operator This is the base class for all Ops which work on particle systems. To write your own ParticleOp, override the applyBehaviour method to modify the particle system in place.


Member Function Documentation

◆ node_color()

unsigned DD::Image::ParticleOp::node_color ( ) const

Reimplemented from DD::Image::GeoOp.

◆ node_shape()

const char * DD::Image::ParticleOp::node_shape ( ) const

Reimplemented from DD::Image::GeoOp.

◆ appendSimulationCurve()

void DD::Image::ParticleOp::appendSimulationCurve ( DD::Image::Hash hash) const

◆ appendSimulationInput()

void DD::Image::ParticleOp::appendSimulationInput ( int  nodeInput,
DD::Image::Hash hash 
) const

get the curve-hash for the particle nodeInput. Subclasses can override this to not do anything or to only hash in particular data if the general curve-hash would not affect the simulation state.

References DD::Image::Op::hash(), and DD::Image::Op::input().

Referenced by appendSimulationCurve().

◆ minimum_inputs()

int DD::Image::ParticleOp::minimum_inputs ( ) const

Reimplemented from DD::Image::GeoOp.

◆ maximum_inputs()

int DD::Image::ParticleOp::maximum_inputs ( ) const

Reimplemented from DD::Image::GeoOp.

◆ default_input()

Op * DD::Image::ParticleOp::default_input ( int  input) const

Reimplemented from DD::Image::GeoOp.

◆ test_input()

bool DD::Image::ParticleOp::test_input ( int  input,
Op op 
) const

Reimplemented from DD::Image::GeoOp.

◆ add_input_handle()

void DD::Image::ParticleOp::add_input_handle ( int  i,
ViewerContext ctx 

we should ignore geo inputs for this purpose, as we shouldn't draw them if their panels are not open, and we don't want to suppress drawing them having lowered the state to CONNECTED from SHOW_OBJECT (see GeoOp::build_handles)

Reimplemented from DD::Image::Op.

References DD::Image::Op::add_input_handle(), and DD::Image::Op::input().

◆ particleOp() [1/2]

ParticleOp * DD::Image::ParticleOp::particleOp ( )

Cast to a ParticleOp. This is much cheaper and safer than using dynamic_cast.

Reimplemented from DD::Image::Op.

◆ particleOp() [2/2]

const ParticleOp * DD::Image::ParticleOp::particleOp ( ) const

Reimplemented from DD::Image::Op.

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