Getting and Setting Parameters

The parameters of a node are organized in a tree inside the node. The tree allows better organization of nodes with many parameters, avoids parameter name collisions, and makes it simple to construct more complex re-usable parameter definitions.

The function getParameters() returns the root parameter of a node. The children of that root parameter are the top level entries you see in the Parameters tab. For example, to get the children of the root parameter on a node enter:

>>> node = NodegraphAPI.GetNode("PrimitiveCreate")
>>> for p in node.getParameters().getChildren():
...     print(p)
<Parameter 'name'>
<Parameter 'type'>
<Parameter 'fileName'>
<Parameter 'previewTexture'>
<Parameter 'previewAlpha'>
<Parameter 'enableClippingPlane'>
<Parameter 'reverseClippingDirection'>
<Parameter 'transform'>
<Parameter 'makeInteractive'>
<Parameter 'includeBounds'>
<Parameter 'viewerPickable'>

You can get a complete text dump of all parameters on a node using getXML(). For example, to see the XML structure of all the parameters on a node:

>>> print (node.getParameters().getXML())
<group_parameter name="PrimitiveCreate">
    <string_parameter name="name" value="/root/world/geo/primitive"/>
    <string_parameter name="type" value="sphere"/>
Parameter.getType() str

Returns a string defining the type of this parameter. This string will be one of ‘number’, ‘numberArray’, ‘string’, ‘stringArray’, ‘curve’, ‘group’, ‘opaque’, ‘floatVector’ or ‘scenegraphAttr’.

Parameter.getNode() object

Returns the Node that contains this parameter.

Parameter.getFullName(includeNodeName: bool = True) str

Returns the full string name of this parameter, where the parent hierarchy is separated by dots.

Parameter.getName() str

Returns the string name of this parameter.

Parameter.setName(newName: str) str

Sets the string name of this parameter. If a sibling parameter is already named newName, a numeric index will be added to the end and incremented until a unique name is generated. This unique name will be returned. This method only has an effect on parameters that are children of dynamic groups.

Parameter.getParent() NodegraphAPI.Parameter

Returns the parent parameter of this parameter, or None if this is a top-level parameter.

Parameter.getIndex() int

Returns the index of this parameter within its parent.

Parameter.reparentAtomic(parent: NodegraphAPI.Parameter) str

Atomically reparents this parameter to the given parent. This should be used in place of sequential calls to removeChild() and addChild() to avoid excessive XML regeneration. Returns the new path of the child under the new parent.

Getting Values

To return the value of a parameter, use getParameter().getValue(). For example, to return the value of the name parameter at time 0, enter the following:

>>> node.getParameter('name').getValue(0)
Node3D.getParameter(name: str) Parameter

name (str) – The (dot-delimited full) name of the (nested) parameter to return.


A (nested) parameter by (dot-delimited full) name, or None if this node does not contain a parameter of the given name.

Node3D.getParameters() GroupParameter

The top-level group parameter that contains all of this node’s parameters.

Parameter.getValue(time: float) object

Returns the value of this parameter at the given time. This value may be a string, a float or an FCurve.

Setting Values

Values on a node are set using getParameter().setValue(). As node behavior is set by parameters who’s values can change over time, you must specify a value and a time, when setting a parameter.

For example, to change the type parameter of a PrimitiveCreate node to “teapot”, when time is 10, enter the following:

node.getParameter('type').setValue("teapot", 10)
Parameter.setValue(value: object, time: float, final: bool = True, sendNotifyMessage: bool = True) None

Sets the value of this parameter at the given time. If this is an interactive value, set final to False to avoid sending redundant nodegraph messages.

Parameter.finalizeValue() None

Hardens the value of tihs parameter after it has been interactively modified. This simply calls through the sendSignal_finalize.