Nuke®, NukeX® and Nuke Studio®, alongside Hiero® and HieroPlayer® work together to create more efficient workflows, with cutting-edge toolkits for node-based compositing, editorial and review.
Part of the Nuke Family, Hiero® and HieroPlayer® allows for seamless timeline sharing, reducing the reviewing process and allowing for easier management of complex projects.
Experience a powerful 3D modeling and texturing toolset, and unleash the creative explorer inside of you. Easily develop ideas without the technical hurdles.
Rapidly create high-volume assets in the same industry-standard package used for complex hero assets. Mari is the complete painting package for heroes, backgrounds and everything in between.
The most innovative and forward-thinking software. No scene too large. No endless waiting. Just more time to be creative, and more ROI from studio resources.
Cara VR makes it easy for artists to use Nuke’s full suite of compositing tools on 360° footage for clean-up, set extensions, 3D element insertion and more.
Flix brings order to the chaos of story development, so Creatives can focus on great storytelling, and Production can be confident projects run like clockwork.
Experience the all-powerful stereoscopic imagery plug-in set for Nuke. Producing high-quality stereo VFX has never been easier, with fine-level control and retime stereo views.
Designers can instantly simulate design variations with Colorway, changing patterns, materials and colors to bring their ideas to life.
Our products help tackle complex visualization challenges to meet the demands of your customers and projects. With over 20 years of industry know-how and a focus on speed, quality and user-experience, we save you time so you can spend it bringing incredible ideas to life.
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Mari 상호 작용
탐험 Mari 작업 공간과 사이에 발생한 주요 변경 사항을 살펴보십시오. Mari 3과 Mari 4.
소재 시스템
당신이 알아야 할 모든 것 Mari의 재질 시스템은 표면의 모양을 설명하는 재질 사전 설정을 빠르게 적용하도록 설계되었습니다. Mari.
변형 도구 모음보기
4.1에서 Colorspace 도구 모음이 새로 고쳐지고 View Transform 도구 모음으로 바뀌 었으며 현재보고있는 데이터 유형의 시각적 표시기가 포함되어 있습니다.
Mari 4 기본
의 출시와 함께 Mari 4.5, VFX 아티스트 마이클 와일드 (Michael Wilde)는 Mari 4.5의 4 및 새로운 기능.
텍스처링 게임 자산
단계별로 3D 게임 자산을 텍스처링하는 방법 알아보기 Mari 처음부터 끝까지 전체 가이드 프로젝트를 통해 작업합니다.
키보드 단축키
UI 범주로 분류 된 일반적인 작업에 대한 키보드 단축키에 대한 참조 안내서입니다.