Source code for nukescripts.captureViewer

This module contains classes for performing a capture of the viewer.

# TODO: Move renderdialog.ViewerCaptureDialog, renderdialog.ViewerCaptureDialogThread and renderdialog.showViewerCaptureDialog here as well, but without introducing a circular dependency with
# the renderdialog module.

import string, os
import nuke_internal as nuke

[docs]class CaptureViewer(object): """ This class provides a way of capturing the contents of the viewer to disk. """ def __init__(self, flipbook, frameRange, viewer, selectedViews, defaultWritePath, customWritePath, doFlipbook, doCleanup): self._flipbook = flipbook self._frameRange = nuke.FrameRanges(frameRange.split(',')) self._viewer = viewer self._selectedViews = selectedViews self._defaultWritePath = defaultWritePath self._customWritePath = customWritePath self._doFlipbook = doFlipbook self._doCleanup = doCleanup def _performCleanup(self): """ Remove temporary files created by a previous capture. """ outputContext = nuke.OutputContext() fileKnob = self._viewer['file'] frameList = self._frameRange.toFrameList() for frame in frameList: outputContext.setFrame( frame ) fileName = fileKnob.getEvaluatedValue(outputContext) if os.access(fileName, os.F_OK): os.remove(fileName)
[docs] def __call__(self): """ Start the capture. """ writePath = self._customWritePath or self._defaultWritePath self._viewer['file'].setValue(writePath) # _performCleanup will remove whatever filepath is set in the self._viewer['file'] knob. # So if this changes between runs then the old files wont get cleaned up, probably # a bug. if self._doCleanup: self._performCleanup() try: nuke.executeMultiple((self._viewer,), self._frameRange, self._selectedViews, False) except RuntimeError as msg: if msg.args[0][0:9] == "Cancelled": splitMsg = string.split(msg.args[0]) msg = """ Render did not complete, do you want to show the completed range ? Frame range %s contains %s frames but only %s finished. """ % (self._frameRange, splitMsg[3], splitMsg[1]) self._doFlipbook = nuke.ask(msg) else: nuke.message("Flipbook render failed:\n%s" % (msg.args[0],)) self._doFlipbook = False finally: if not self._customWritePath: self._viewer['file'].setValue(self._defaultWritePath) if self._doFlipbook: playbackPath = nuke.filename(self._viewer) if playbackPath is None or playbackPath == "": raise RuntimeError("Cannot run a flipbook on '%s', expected to find a filename and there was none." % (self._viewer.fullName(),)) options = {} options["lut"] = 'sRGB', self._frameRange, self._selectedViews, options)