Set up the ‘nuke’ module
This initializes Nuke’s internal modules and brings the symbols into this namespace
Returns the group of the DAG window in focus. |
Return an object representing the active Viewer panel. |
Add code to execute after each frame of a background render. The call must be in the form of: def foo(context): pass. |
Add code to execute after any background renders. The call must be in the form of: def foo(context): pass. |
Add code to execute after each frame of a render |
Add code to execute after viewer recording |
Add code to execute after any renders |
Add code to execute after viewer replay |
Add a function to modify the autosave filename before Nuke attempts delete the autosave file. |
Add a function to modify the autosave filename before Nuke saves the current script on an autosave timeout. |
Add a function to modify the autosave restore file before Nuke attempts to restores the autosave file. |
Add code to execute on every node to produce the text to draw on it in the DAG. |
Add code to execute before starting any background renders. The call must be in the form of: def foo(context): pass. |
Add code to execute before each frame of a render |
Add code to execute before viewer recording |
Add code to execute before starting any renders |
Add code to execute before viewer replay |
Add a function to modify default colorspaces before Nuke passes them to Readers or Writers. |
Add a path to the file choosers favorite directory list. |
Add a function to modify filenames before Nuke passes them to the operating system. |
Create a new image format, which will show up on the pull-down menus for image formats. |
Add code to execute when the user changes a knob The knob is availble in nuke.thisKnob() and the node in nuke.thisNode(). |
Adds a list of paths that will be excluded from Node preset search paths. |
Add code to execute when a node is created or undeleted |
Add code to execute when a node is destroyed |
Add code to execute before a script is closed |
Add code to execute when a script is loaded |
Add code to execute before a script is saved |
Add code to execute when user creates a node |
Add code to execute when the progress bar updates during any renders |
Adds the input file extension to the list of extensions that will get displayed as sequences in the file browser. |
:param paths Sequence of paths to exclude. |
Add code to execute on every node when things change. |
Add a function to validate a filename in Write nodes. |
Deprecated. |
Show a warning dialog box. |
List of all nodes in a group. |
Does operations on an animation curve. |
Returns the last frame (or x value) for the currently selected animations. |
Returns a recommended interval between samples of the currently selected animation. |
Returns the starting frame (or x value) for the currently selected animations. |
Returns a list of animatable things the user wants to work on. |
Applies a given preset to the current node. |
Applies a given user preset to the current node. |
Show a Yes/No dialog. |
Show a Yes/No/Cancel dialog. |
Internal function. |
Internal function. |
Internal function. |
Deprecated. |
Move node to the closest grid position. |
Performs autoplace of all nodes in current context group. |
Performs autoplace snap of all nodes in current context group. |
Performs autoplace snap of all selected nodes in current context group. |
Get the total amount of memory currently used by the cache. |
This function can be used to determine whether it is possible to create a node with the specified node class. |
Cancel an in-progress operation. |
Return the center values of a group's display, these values are suitable to be passed to nuke.zoom as the DAG center point. |
Deprecated. |
Shows a dialog box with the given title and prompt text, and a combo box containing the given options. |
Clear the Asset cache. |
Clear the Blink cache for all devices. |
Clear the disk cache of all files. |
Clear currently selected geometry. |
Clear the RAM cache of all files. |
Uncheck every favourite node in tab search menu. |
Set the weight of each node to 0 in tab search menu. |
Create a clone node that behaves identical to the original. |
This makes a clone of all selected nodes, preserving connections between them, and makes only the clones be selected. |
Moves the currently selected nodes to a new group, maintaining their previous connections. |
Moves the currently selected nodes to a new group, maintaining their previous connections. |
Moves the currently selected nodes to a new group, maintaining their previous connections. |
Deprecated. |
Connect a viewer input to a node. |
Creates a new LiveInput and populates the fileand liveGroupknobs according to the filename and LiveGroup name of the parent group |
Creates a node of the specified type and adds it to the DAG. |
Pops up a scene browser dialog box. |
Creates a tool preset based on the currently selected nodes. |
Puts the message into the error console, treating it like an error. |
Finds all assetized File_Knobs in nodes and replaces their entity reference by their respective resolved file path. |
Puts the message into the error console, treating it like a debug message, which only shows up when the verbosity level is high enough. |
Called by libnuke. |
Get the path to Nukes default font. |
Get the default node colour. |
The named node is deleted. |
Deletes a pre-created node preset |
Deletes a pre-created user node preset |
Deprecated. |
List all nodes referred to by the nodes argument. 'what' is an optional integer (see below). |
List all nodes referred to by the nodes argument. 'what' is an optional integer (see below). |
Creates a window showing the result of a python script. |
Creates a duplicate of all selected nodes in the current script context group |
Deprecated. |
Puts the message into the error console, treating it like an error. |
Execute the named Write node over the specified frames. |
Run an instance of Nuke as a monitored sub process. |
Execute the callable 'call' with optional arguments 'args' and named arguments 'kwargs' i n Nuke's main thread and return immediately. |
Execute the callable 'call' with optional arguments 'args' and named arguments 'kwargs' in Nuke's main thread and wait for the result to become available. |
Execute the current script for a specified frame range. |
Returns whether an Executable Node is currently active or not. |
Check for the existence of a named item. |
Moves all nodes from the currently selected group node into its parent group, maintaining node input and output connections, and deletes the group. |
expression(s) -> float |
Parse a Nuke expression. |
Disconnects the selected nodes in the group from the tree, and shifts them to the side. |
Return the filename(s) this node or group is working with. |
Force the plugin to be fully instantiated. |
Forks a new instance of Nuke optionally with the contents of the named file. |
Return or set the current frame number. |
Return the Node n as a string. |
Gets a list of all current user presets |
Pops up a file chooser dialog box. |
Show a color chooser dialog and return the selected color as an int. |
Get a list of all colorspaces listed in an enumeration knob. |
Gets a list of all currently deleted presets |
Retrieves the filename list. |
Pops up a file chooser dialog box. |
Return a list of all available font families and styles |
Pops up a dialog with fields for a frame range and view selection. |
Pops up a dialog box with a text field for an arbitrary string. |
Gets the class name for the currently selected node |
Gets a list of all paths that are excluded from the search for node presets. |
Gets the node preset identifier for the currently selected node |
Returns the first pane that contains the named panel or None if it can't be found. |
Gets a list of knob values for a given preset |
Gets a list of all presets for the currently selected node's class |
Gets the presets menu for the currently selected node. |
Gets the read knob for a node (if it exists). |
Gets a list of all paths that are excluded from the search for node presets. |
Gets a list of knob values for a given preset |
Gets a list of all user presets for the currently selected node's class |
Returns the Nuke key assignments as a string formatted for use in nuke.display(). |
Deprecated. |
Selects all unselected nodes, and deselects all selected ones. |
Returns or sets the entire state of a knob. |
Set a default value for knobs in nodes that belong to the same class. |
Set an override for a tooltip on a knob. |
Returns the Group node of the last clicked group view. |
Lists the layers in a node. |
Create a link node that behaves identically to the original. |
This makes a link node of all selected nodes, preserving connections between them, and makes only the link nodes be selected. |
Load a plugin. |
Load a Python file and return the module object |
Loads the tool preset with the given file name. |
This functionality has been removed, please check the documentation |
Checks if localization is enabled on a given Read_File_Knob. |
Creates a new group containing copies of all the currently selected nodes. |
maxPerformanceInfo -> Get the max performance info for this session. |
Find and return the Menu object with the given name. |
Show an info dialog box. |
Deprecated. |
Find the node at the given full path, if it exists, and return it as a Python object. |
Copy all selected nodes into a file or the clipboard. |
Removes all selected nodes from the DAG. |
Paste nodes from a script file or the clipboard. |
:param force_plugin_load bool True to force loading all plugins on the path before querying node types, defaults to False :return list of all loaded node types |
The numvalue function returns the current value of a knob. |
Check whether Ocula is present. |
Adds the ofx effect name to a list of exclusions that will not get tcl aliases automatically created for them. |
Find all the OFX plugins (by searching all the directories below $OFX_PLUGIN_PATH, or by reading a cache file stored in $NUKE_TEMP_DIR), then add a menu item for each of them to the main menu. |
List of all the directories Nuke searched for OFX plugins in. |
Remove an ofx plugin alias exclusion that was previously added with . |
nodesSelected() -> List |
Return the pan values of a group's display. |
Adds all the paths to the beginning of the Nuke plugin path. |
Add a filepath to the end of the Nuke plugin path. |
This function is the same as load(), but only checks for the existence of a plugin rather than loading it. |
The system-specific locations that Nuke will look in for third-party plugins. |
List all the directories Nuke will search in for plugins. |
Returns a list of every loaded plugin or every plugin available. |
Returns a filename from the recent-files list. |
Perform the most recent redo. |
Register a flipbook application name into Nuke. |
Remove a previously-added callback with the same arguments. |
Remove a previously-added callback with the same arguments. |
Remove a previously-added callback with the same arguments. |
Remove a previously-added callback with the same arguments. |
Remove a previously-added callback with the same arguments. |
Remove a previously-added callback with the same arguments. |
Remove a previously-added callback with the same arguments. |
Remove a previously-added callback with the same arguments. |
Remove a previously-added callback with the same arguments. |
Remove a previously-added callback with the same arguments. |
Remove a previously-added callback with the same arguments. |
Remove a previously-added callback with the same arguments. |
Remove a previously-added callback with the same arguments. |
Remove a previously-added callback with the same arguments. |
Remove a previously-added callback with the same arguments. |
Remove a previously-added callback with the same arguments. |
Remove a directory path from the favorites list. |
Remove a previously-added callback with the same arguments. |
Remove a previously-added callback. |
Remove a previously-added callback with the same arguments. |
Remove a previously-added callback with the same arguments. |
Remove a previously-added callback with the same arguments. |
Remove a previously-added callback with the same arguments. |
Remove a previously-added callback with the same arguments. |
Remove a previously-added callback with the same arguments. |
Remove a previously-added callback with the same arguments. |
Remove a previously-added callback with the same arguments. |
Remove a previously-added callback with the same arguments. |
execute(nameOrNode, start, end, incr, views, continueOnError = False) -> None. |
Rebuild the font cache scanning all available font directories. |
Clears the accumulated time on the performance timers. |
Restores a saved window layout. |
Resume path processing. |
Get the DAG's root node. |
Execute commands with a given node/knob/field as the 'context'. |
Get pixel values from an image. |
Save events in the event graph. |
Saves the fileContent with the given filename. |
Saves a node's current knob values as a user preset. |
Saves the current window layout. |
Clears a Nuke script and resets all the root knobs to user defined knob defaults. |
Close the current script or group. |
Exit Nuke. |
Return the current script's file name |
Start a new script. |
Opens a new script containing the contents of the named file. |
Read nodes from a file. |
Read nodes from a string. |
Saves the current script to the current file name. |
Calls nuke.scriptSave and nuke.scriptClear :param filename: Save to this file name without changing the script name in the project. :param ignoreUnsavedChanges: Optional. If set to True scripSave will be called, ignoring any unsaved changes :return: True when sucessful. False if the user cancels the operation. In this case nuke.scripClear will not be called. |
Saves the current script with the given file name if supplied, or (in GUI mode) asks the user for one using the file chooser. |
Saves the script to a file without modifying the root information or the original script |
Same as scriptReadFile(). |
Select all nodes in the DAG. |
Selects all nodes in the tree of the selected nodes. |
Selects nodes according to a regular expression matching pattern, entered through an input dialog. |
Selects nodes that match a node in the current selection based on matchType criteria. |
Returns the 'node the user is thinking about'. |
Returns a list of all selected nodes in the current group by default. |
Set the currently selected geometry |
Create a node preset for the given node using the supplied knob values |
Sets whether newly created presets should be added in read-only mode. |
Create a node preset for the given node using the supplied knob values |
Opens a window for each named node, as though the user double-clicked on them. |
Show bookmark chooser search box. |
pluginPath() -> string list |
Show the tree view of a group node or opens a node control panel. |
Returns a long string of debugging information about each node and the operators it is currently managing. |
Show the settings of the current group. |
Deprecated. |
Start keeping track of events in the event graph. |
Start keeping track of accumulated time on the performance timers, and display the accumulated time in the DAG. |
Stop keeping track of events in the event graph. |
Stop keeping track of accumulated time on the performance timers, and cease displaying the accumulated time in the DAG. |
Strip out the frame range from a clipname, leaving a file path (still possibly with variables). |
Suspend path processing. |
Close the active dock tab. |
Make the next tab in this dock active. |
Run a tcl command. |
Get the class name of the current node. |
Returns the current context Group node. |
Returns the current context knob if any. |
Return the current context node. |
Returns the active pane. |
Returns the current context Node parent. |
Returns the current context Root node. |
Get the name of the current view. |
Search for a node in the DAG by name and return it as a Python object. |
Toggles between windowed and fullscreen mode. |
Toggles all the viewers on and off. |
Find and return the ToolBar object with the given name. |
Prints the values to a stream, or to stdout by default. |
Perform the most recent undo. |
Unlink all selected link nodes. |
usingOCIO() -> returns true if using OCIO instead of Nuke LUTs. |
The value function returns the current value of a knob. |
List of all the globally existing views. |
Returns true if Nuke should wait for any Python threads to finish before exitting. |
Puts the message into the error console, treating it like a warning. |
Change the zoom and pan of a group's display. |
Does a zoom to fit on the selected nodes in the DAG |
A control point for an animation curve. @var x The horizontal position of the point @var y The vertical position of the point @var lslope The derivative to the left of the point. If interpolation does not have USER_SET_SLOPE then this may not be correct until after evaluate() has been called. @var rslope The derivative to the right of the point. If interpolation does not have USER_SET_SLOPE then this may not be correct until after evaluate() has been called. @var la The left 'bicubic' value. This represents the horizontal position of the left bezier handle end, where 1.0 means 1/3 of the distance to the previous point. If both handles for a span are 1.0 then the horizontal interpolation is linear and thus the vertical interpolation a cubic function. The legal values are 0 to 3. Setting outside of this range will produce undefined results. @var ra The right 'bicubic' value, again the legal range is 0 to 3. @var interpolation Used to calculate all the slopes except for the left slope of the first key and the right slope of the last key. Legal values are: - USER_SET_SLOPE: If this bit is on, the slopes are fixed by the user and interpolation and extrapolation are ignored. - CONSTANT: The value of the curve is equal to the y of the point to the left. - LINEAR: slopes point directly at the next key. - SMOOTH: same as CATMULL_ROM but the slopes are clamped so that the convex-hull property is preserved (meaning no part of the curve extends vertically outside the range of the keys on each side of it). This is the default. - CATMULL_ROM: the slope at key n is set to the slope between the control points n-1 and n+1. This is used by lots of software. - cubic: the slope is calculated to the only cubic interpolation which makes the first and second derivatives continuous. This type of interpolation was very popular in older animation software. A different cubic interpolation is figured out for each set of adjacent points with the CUBIC type. - for the smooth, CATMULL_ROM, and CUBIC interpolations, the first and last key have slopes calculated so that the second derivative is zero at them. @var extrapolation controls how to set the left slope of the first point and the right slope of the last point. Notice that this can be set differently on the first and last points, and is also remembered on all internal points so if end points are deleted old behavior is restored). - constant: the left slope of the first point, and the right slope of the last point, are set to zero. - linear: (and all other values): The left slope of the first point is set equal to it's right slope (calculated by the interpolation). the right slope of the last point is set equal to it's left slope. if there is only one point both slopes are set to zero. @var selected True if the point is selected in the curve editor. |
A knob which holds an array of values. |
A knob which descibes a 3D affine transformation, by combining rotations around each principal axis, scaling, translation, skew and a pivot point. |
A knob which holds a bounding box. |
Begin a group of tabs. |
A knob which holds a boolean value. |
A 2-dimensional rectangle. |
A 3-dimensional box. |
Stores a single value between 0 and some maximum, and manages a set of keywords visible to the user. |
A knob which lets you select a layer and enable or disable individual channels. |
A knob which holds a single unsigned int that describes a user interface colour. |
A knob which holds a color. |
A knob which holds a boolean value representing the disabled state of a node. |
A knob which holds one or more double-precision floating point values. |
Stores a single value between 0 and some maximum, and manages a set of Radio Buttons visible to the user. |
End a group of tabs. |
Stores a single value between 0 and some maximum, and manages a set of keywords visible to the user. |
A string-valued knob which evaluates its value as a TCL expression. |
A knob which holds a filename. |
A knob for choosing a font. |
A format. |
A frame range, with an upper and lower bound and an increment. |
A sequence of FrameRange objects with convenience functions for iterating over all frames in all ranges. |
A knob which holds a font family and style name. |
A knob which allows selection of parts of a 3D object. |
Dictionary-style object holding global Nuke state. |
A knob which holds the Graph Variables created within the scope of this group. |
A hash value for any number of objects. |
An info object stores x, y, w and h values. |
A knob which holds one or more integer values. |
A modifiable control that appears (unless hidden) in the panel for a node. |
Constants for use in parameters which require a knob type. |
A layer is a set of channels. |
A linkable knob description. |
Provide a set of user-editable lookup curves. |
A knob which evaluates it's string value as a TCL expression. |
For internal use only. |
Describes a context in which expressions can be evaluated. |
A knob which holds a password string value. |
Stores a Prim path expression. |
Stores a Prim path. |
A button that executes a Python script. |
A string-valued knob which evaluates its value as a Python expression. |
Stores a single value between 0 and some maximum, and manages a set of Radio Buttons visible to the user. |
A knob which the minimum and maximum for a range of values. |
Displays a list of items as a hierarchy. |
Displays a list of items as a hierarchy. |
A button which executes a TCL script. |
A knob which holds a string value. |
Groups subsequent knobs onto a tab. |
A knob which holds a string value. |
A knob which describes a texture coordinate. |
A knob which holds one or more unsigned integer values. |
A named view. |
A knob which holds width and height values. |
A knob which holds a 3D coordinate. |
A knob which describes a 2D position. |
an excpetion that should be thrown when looking up the colorspace |