# Copyright (c) 2009 The Foundry Visionmongers Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
import nuke_internal as nuke
import os
[docs]def createNodeLocal(node, knobs = "", inpanel = True):
Create a node within the context of the last hit group.
Wrapper method that calls nuke.createNode with the context
of the last hit group. This allows users to click into an open group
view and create nodes. The default last hit group is the DAG window.
Shares the same parameters as nuke.createNode:
:param node: Name of node class to create (e.g. 'Blur').
:type node: str
:param knobs: TCL list of knob name value pairs.
:type knobs: str, optional
:param inpanel: Open the control bin (only applies when the GUI is running), defaults to True.
:type inpanel: bool, optional
:return: The node created.
:rtype: nuke.Node
with nuke.lastHitGroup():
# If nuke.createNode() is called without the optional argument for 'knobs',
# 'knobs' is not initialised or parsed. Some plugins (GeoSphere and
# GeoCylinder), when created with no 'knobs' argument, error if 'knobs' is
# initialised to an empty string. To handle this case, if 'knobs' is the
# default empty string, call nuke.createNode() without initialising it.
if knobs == "":
return nuke.createNode(node, inpanel = inpanel)
return nuke.createNode(node, knobs, inpanel)
[docs]def create_curve():
root = nuke.toNode("root")
curve_name = nuke.getInput("New curve name", "f")
if curve_name is not None:
if not len(curve_name) > 0:
nuke.message("Curve name can't be blank.")
curve_knob = root.knob(curve_name)
if curve_knob is None:
root.addKnob(nuke.Double_Knob(curve_name, curve_name))
nuke.animation("root."+curve_name, "expression", ("",))
[docs]def create_read(defaulttype="Read"):
'''Create a Read node for a file selected from the file browser.
If a node is currently selected in the nodegraph and it has a 'file'
(or failing that a 'proxy') knob, the value (if any) will be used as the default
path for the file browser.'''
# Get the selected node, and the path on it's 'file' knob if it
# has one, or failing that, it's 'proxy' node, if it has that.
sel_node = None
default_dir = None
sel_node = nuke.selectedNode()
if ( sel_node is not None ) and ( sel_node != '' ):
if 'file' in sel_node.knobs():
default_dir = sel_node['file'].value()
if (default_dir == None or default_dir == '') and 'proxy' in sel_node.knobs():
default_dir = sel_node['proxy'].value()
# Revert default_dir to None if it's empty so that the file browser
# will do it's default unset behaviour rather than open on an empty path.
if default_dir == '': default_dir = None
# Raise the file browser and get path(s) for Read node(s).
files = nuke.getClipname( "Read File(s)", default=default_dir, multiple=True )
if files != None:
maxFiles = nuke.numvalue("preferences.maxPanels")
n = len(files)
for f in files:
sceneBrowserRequired = False
stripped = nuke.stripFrameRange(f)
nodeType = defaulttype
if isAudioFilename( stripped ):
nodeType = "AudioRead"
if isSceneBrowserFilename( stripped ):
sceneBrowserRequired = True
if isGeoFilename( stripped ):
nodeType = "ReadGeo2"
if isDeepFilename( stripped ):
nodeType = "DeepRead"
# only specify inpanel for the last n nodes. Old panels are kicked out using
# a deferred delete, so reading large numbers of files can internally build
# large numbers of active widgets before the deferred deletes occur.
useInPanel = True
if (maxFiles != 0 and n > maxFiles):
useInPanel = False
n = n-1
if sceneBrowserRequired:
nuke.createScenefileBrowser( f, "" )
nuke.createNode( nodeType, "file {"+f+"}", inpanel = useInPanel)
except RuntimeError as err:
[docs]def isSceneBrowserFilename(filename):
filenameLower = filename.lower()
_, ext = os.path.splitext( filenameLower )
usd_extensions = ['.usd', '.usda', '.usdz', '.usdc']
abc_extensions = ['.abc']
if ext in usd_extensions + abc_extensions:
return True
return False
[docs]def isGeoFilename(filename):
filenameLower = filename.lower()
_, ext = os.path.splitext( filenameLower )
if ext in ['.fbx', '.obj']:
return True
return False
[docs]def isDeepFilename(filename):
filenameLower = filename.lower()
_, ext = os.path.splitext( filenameLower )
if ext in ['.dtex', '.dshd', '.deepshad']:
return True
return False
[docs]def isAudioFilename(filename):
filenameLower = filename.lower()
_, ext = os.path.splitext( filenameLower )
if ext in ['.wav', '.wave', '.aif', '.aiff']:
return True
return False
[docs]def create_viewsplitjoin():
views = nuke.views()
if len(views) < 2:
nuke.message("Only one view, nothing to split and rejoin.")
sel = nuke.selectedNode()
if sel == None:
nuke.message("You need to select a node to split views from and rejoin.")
nodes = []
for i in views:
n = nuke.createNode("OneView", inpanel=False)
selx = sel.knob("xpos").getValue()
sely = sel.knob("ypos").getValue()
join = nuke.createNode("JoinViews", inpanel=False)
for idx in range(0, len(nodes)):
nodes[idx].setInput(0, sel)
nodes[idx].knob("xpos").setValue(selx + idx * 100 - (len(nodes)-1)*50)
nodes[idx].knob("ypos").setValue(sely + 90)
join.setInput(idx, nodes[idx])