Source code for nukescripts.modelbuilder

"""Functions used by the ModelBuilder node"""

import nuke_internal as nuke
import nukescripts

# Initialisation

[docs]def populateBakeMenu(mb): """Populate the bake menu on a ModelBuilder node.""" entries = [ # Label # Script to execute when the bake button is pressed. ( 'Selected geometry', 'nukescripts.modelbuilder.bakeSceneSelection(nuke.thisNode())' ), ( 'Projection', 'nukescripts.modelbuilder.bakeProjection(nuke.thisNode())' ), ( 'Apply texture', 'nukescripts.modelbuilder.bakeApplyTexture(nuke.thisNode())' ) # Add your own entries here, if desired. ] k = mb['bakeMenu'] k.setValues([ "%s\t%s" % (script, label) for label, script in entries ])
# # Bake functions #
[docs]def bakeSceneSelection(mb): """Create a ModelBuilderGeo node containing a copy of the currently selected geometry.""" if mb.Class() != "ModelBuilder": return # Note that if the "expand/collapse panels to match selection" setting is # true, Nuke will collapse the ModelBuilder panel when createNode is called # below. That seems to have the side effect of making the ModelBuilder think # nothing is selected in its tree knob, which means it'll come back with an # empty string when we execute the serializeScene knob (the cause of bugzilla # bug #32592). So it's important to do the serialisation and save the results # *before* calling createNode. mb['serializeScene'].execute() serializeStr = mb['serializeStr'].getValue() serializeName = mb['serializeName'].getValue() mb['serializeName'].setValue('') mb['serializeStr'].setValue('') geo = nuke.createNode('ModelBuilderGeo','',False) geo.setXYpos( int(mb.xpos() + mb.screenWidth() * 1.5), int(mb.ypos()) ) geo['scene'].fromScript( serializeStr ) geo['label'].setValue( serializeName )
[docs]def bakeProjection(mb): """Create a projection setup for the current frame.""" if mb.Class() != "ModelBuilder": return clearNodeSelection() srcCam = mb.input(1) if not srcCam: return w = mb.screenWidth() h = mb.screenHeight() src = mb.input(0) frame = nuke.frame() if (mb['textureType'].getValue() > 0): frame = mb['textureFrame'].getValue() label = '(frame ' + str(frame) + ')' srcdot = nuke.createNode('Dot','',False) srcdot.setInput(0, src) srchold = nuke.createNode('FrameHold','',False) stamp = nuke.createNode('PostageStamp','',False) project = nuke.createNode('Project3D','',False) apply = nuke.createNode('ApplyMaterial','',False) cam = copyCamera(srcCam) camhold = nuke.clone(srchold,'',False) camdot = nuke.createNode('Dot','',False) project.setInput(1, camdot) srcdot.setXYpos( int(mb.xpos() + w * 3.5), int(mb.ypos()) ) srchold.setXYpos( int(srchold.xpos()), int(srcdot.ypos() + w) ) stamp.setXYpos( int(stamp.xpos()), int(stamp.ypos() + srchold.screenHeight() + h * 2) ) cam.setXYpos( int(srchold.xpos() - w * 1.5), int(srchold.ypos() + srchold.screenHeight() / 2 - cam.screenHeight() / 2) ) camhold.setXYpos( int(cam.xpos() + cam.screenWidth() / 2 - srchold.screenWidth() / 2), int(stamp.ypos() + h) ) project.setXYpos( int(stamp.xpos()), int(stamp.ypos() + stamp.screenHeight() + h * 2) ) camdot.setXYpos( int(camdot.xpos()), int(project.ypos() + project.screenHeight() / 2 - camdot.screenHeight() / 2) ) apply.setXYpos( int(stamp.xpos()), int(apply.ypos() + w) ) srchold.knob('first_frame').setValue( frame ) srcdot.setSelected( True ) srchold.setSelected( True ) stamp.setSelected( True ) project.setSelected( True ) apply.setSelected( True ) cam.setSelected( True ) camhold.setSelected( True ) camdot.setSelected( True ) bd = nukescripts.autoBackdrop() bd['label'].setValue('Frame %d' % frame)
[docs]def bakeApplyTexture(mb): if mb.Class() != "ModelBuilder": return texture = mb.input(3) if not texture: return clearNodeSelection() mb.setSelected(True) amat = nuke.createNode('ApplyMaterial') amat.setInput(1, texture) amat['filter_type'].setValue('name') amat['filter_name_match'].setValue('equals') amat['filter_refresh'].execute()
# # Helpers #
[docs]def clearNodeSelection(): for n in nuke.selectedNodes(): n.setSelected(False)
[docs]def copyCamera(srcCam): while srcCam is not None and srcCam.Class() == 'Dot': srcCam = srcCam.input(0) if srcCam.Class() == 'Camera': newCam = nuke.createNode('Camera') newCam.readKnobs(srcCam.writeKnobs(nuke.TO_SCRIPT)) else: clearNodeSelection() newCam = nuke.clone(srcCam, '', False) newCam.setSelected(True) return newCam
# # Callbacks #
[docs]def modelbuilderCreateCallback(): populateBakeMenu(nuke.thisNode())
assist = nuke.env['assist'] if not assist: nuke.addOnCreate(modelbuilderCreateCallback, nodeClass='ModelBuilder')