Source code for nukescripts.plugin_menu

# Copyright (c) 2009 The Foundry Visionmongers Ltd.  All Rights Reserved.

import os.path
import nuke_internal as nuke

# Warning this relies on nuke replacing matching menu entries so that
# we don't get duplicates:
[docs]def update_plugin_menu(menuname): pluginList = [] if nuke.env['nc']: plugins = nuke.plugins(nuke.ALL | nuke.NODIR | nuke.REGISTERED | nuke.NOREADERWRITER, "*."+nuke.PLUGIN_EXT, "*.ofx.bundle", "*.gizmo", "*.gznc") else: plugins = nuke.plugins(nuke.ALL | nuke.NODIR | nuke.REGISTERED | nuke.NOREADERWRITER, "*."+nuke.PLUGIN_EXT, "*.ofx.bundle", "*.gizmo") for i in plugins: (root, ext) = os.path.splitext(i) (root, ext) = os.path.splitext(root) # Sometimes we get files like ._Glare.gizmo, etc due to Mac OS X # or editors and that returns an empty string for root. if root is None or len(root) == 0: continue if not root[0] == '@': pluginList.append(root) n ="Nodes").addMenu("Other/"+menuname) pluginList.sort() for plugin in pluginList: s = plugin.upper() p = n.addMenu(s[0]) p.addCommand(plugin, "with nuke.lastHitGroup():\n nuke.createNode('"+plugin+"')")