Source code for nukescripts.renderman

import os
import subprocess
import shlex
# filter a RIB file

# The function should take the input RIB filename
# filter it and write the modified version to a file called out_RIB_file
# This function should return true if the RIB file is filtered or throw an exception if unmodified
# args specifies extra arguments field on the prmanRender RIB tab
# the default version tries to call catrib to filter the RIB

[docs]def filterRIB( in_RIB_file, out_RIB_file, argsStr ): catRibPath = os.environ['RMANTREE'] + '/bin/catrib' args = [ catRibPath ] args.extend( shlex.split(argsStr) ) args.append( "-o" ) args.append( out_RIB_file) args.append( in_RIB_file) process = subprocess.Popen( args, shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output = process.communicate() if process.returncode != 0: raise Exception( "Error running RIB filter (" + str(process.returncode) + ")" )