Source code for nukescripts.trackerlinkingdialog

import nuke_internal as nuke

from .panels import PythonPanel

A quick-n-dirty storage of "last values" for knobs that we want to appear
with the value they were assigned the last time the dialog was open during
this GUI session.
_gLastState: dict = {}
_gTrackExpression = ["",""]

def _getLastState( knob, defaultValue=None ):
  """Return the given knob's stored last state value.
  If none exists, defaultValue is returned.
  Values are stored in a dict referenced by knob name, so names must be unique!"""
  global _gLastState
  if in _gLastState:
    return _gLastState[]
    return defaultValue

def _setLastState( knob ):
  """Store the knob's current value as the 'last state' for the next time the dialog is opened.
  Values are stored in a dict referenced by knob name, so names must be unique!"""
  global _gLastState
  _gLastState[] = knob.value()

[docs]class LinkToTrackPanel( PythonPanel ): """This panel offers the user a selection of Tracker nodes in the project and returns an expression referencing either the Tracker's 'translate' knob or computing the average value of the selected track points on the node. """ def __init__( self, groupContext ): PythonPanel.__init__( self, "Link to Tracker", "" ) # Initialising return variable global _gTrackExpression _gTrackExpression = ["",""] # Show a list of trackers in the project. self._trackers = [] with nuke.toNode(groupContext): for n in nuke.allNodes(): if n.linkableKnobs(nuke.KnobType.eXYKnob): self._trackers.append( ) self._tracker = nuke.Enumeration_Knob( "trackers", "tracker node", self._trackers ) self._tracker.setTooltip( "The Tracker node to link to." ) self._tracker.setValue( _getLastState( self._tracker, self._trackers[0] ) ) self.addKnob( self._tracker ) # Choice of linking to the translate on the tracker or to track point positions. self._link_to = nuke.Enumeration_Knob( "link_to", "link to", ["position", "translate", "translate as offset"] ) self._link_to.setValue( _getLastState( self._link_to, 'translate' ) ) self._link_to.setTooltip( "Choose whether to link to the translation computed in the Tracker's Transform tab or to a specific track point position. If multiple track points are chosen they will be averaged." ) self.addKnob( self._link_to ) self._link_to.setFlag( nuke.ENDLINE ) # Creating all of the linkable knobs for all trackers in advance, then # going to hide / show them based on the visibility below. self._all_linkables = {} for tracker in self._trackers: n = nuke.toNode(tracker) self._all_linkables[tracker] = [] l = n.linkableKnobs(nuke.KnobType.eXYKnob) for i in range(len(l)): # Removing any translate links as they are serviced by the "link" enum above. if l[i].knob().name() == "translate": continue if len(l[i].displayName()) > 0: knobname = l[i].displayName() exprname = "tracks." + str(i-1) else: knobname = l[i].knob().name() exprname = knobname point = nuke.Boolean_Knob( exprname, knobname ) point.setTooltip( "Use this track point when linking to 'position'." ) point.setVisible(False) self.addKnob( point ) self._all_linkables[tracker].append(point) # Show the expression that's going to set in case user wants to tweak or # copy it before closing the dialog. self._expressionX = nuke.EvalString_Knob( "expression.x" ) self._expressionX.setTooltip( "This is the expression that will be applied to the x position. You can edit it before closing the dialog but changing settings on this panel will rebuild it, losing your changes." ) self.addKnob( self._expressionX ) self._expressionY = nuke.EvalString_Knob( "expression.y" ) self._expressionY.setTooltip( "This is the expression that will be applied to the y position. You can edit it before closing the dialog but changing settings on this panel will rebuild it, losing your changes." ) self.addKnob( self._expressionY ) # Set up knobs and linkable objects self._updateEverything() def _updateEverything(self): self._updateLinkableKnobInfo() self._updateExpression() def _updateLinkableKnobInfo(self): use_points = ( self._link_to.value() == 'position' ) for tracker in self._trackers: for point in self._all_linkables[tracker]: point.setEnabled( use_points ) point.setVisible(False) firstTrack = 1 self._track_points = [] for point in self._all_linkables[self._tracker.value()]: point.setValue( _getLastState( point, (firstTrack==1) ) ) point.setVisible(True) self._track_points.append(point) firstTrack = 0 def _updatePointsEnabled(self): # Display check boxes for selection of which track points should be linked. # If more than one is selected the expression is set to average them. """Enable the track point bools when linking to position; disable otherwise.""" #use_points = ( self._link_to.value() == 'position' ) #for point in self._track_points: # point.setEnabled( use_points ) def _updateExpression(self): """Update the expression to reflect the current settings.""" if self._link_to.value() == 'translate': self._expressionX.setValue( self._tracker.value() + ".translate.x" ) self._expressionY.setValue( self._tracker.value() + ".translate.y" ) elif self._link_to.value() == 'translate as offset': self._expressionX.setValue( "curve + " + self._tracker.value() + ".translate.x" ) self._expressionY.setValue( "curve + " + self._tracker.value() + ".translate.y" ) else: pointCount = 0 exprX = " + ".join([self._tracker.value() + "." + + ".track_x" for point in self._track_points if point.value()]) exprY = " + ".join([self._tracker.value() + "." + + ".track_y" for point in self._track_points if point.value()]) pointCount = sum( (1 for point in self._track_points if point.value()) ) if pointCount > 1: exprX = "(" + exprX + ")/" + str(pointCount) exprY = "(" + exprY + ")/" + str(pointCount) self._expressionX.setValue( exprX ) self._expressionY.setValue( exprY ) def knobChanged( self, knob ): _setLastState( knob ) # If expression changes, don't try to update and possibly trash it. if knob == self._expressionX or knob == self._expressionY: return self._updateExpression() if knob == self._link_to or knob == self._tracker: global _gLastTracker _gLastTracker = knob.value() self._updateEverything() def addToPane( self ): PythonPanel.addToPane( self, pane=nuke.thisPane() )
[docs]def trackerlinkingdialog(groupContext): d = LinkToTrackPanel(groupContext) if d.showModalDialog() == True: global _gTrackExpression _gTrackExpression = [d._expressionX.value(), d._expressionY.value()] return [d._expressionX.value(), d._expressionY.value()]
[docs]def trackerlinkingdialogexpressionx(): return _gTrackExpression[0]
[docs]def trackerlinkingdialogexpressiony(): return _gTrackExpression[1]