Source code for nukescripts.udim

# Copyright (c) 2012 The Foundry Visionmongers Ltd.  All Rights Reserved.
import os
import re

import nuke_internal as nuke
from PySide6 import (QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets)

[docs]def parseUdimFile(f): """Parsing a filename string in search of the udim number. The function returns the udim number, and None if it is not able to decode the udim value. The udim value is a unique number that defines the tile coordinate. If u,v are the real tile coordinates the equivalent udim number is calculated with the following formula: udim = 1001 + u + 10 * v (Note: u >=0 && u < 10 && udim > 1000 && udim < 2000) Redefine this function if the parsing function is not appropriate with your filename syntax.""" sequences = re.split("[._]+", f) udim = None # find the udim number # it gets the last valid udim number available in the filename for s in sequences: try: udim_value = int(s) except ValueError: # not a number udim_value = 0 if udim_value > 1000 and udim_value < 2000: udim = udim_value if udim == None: return None return udim
[docs]def uv2udim(uv): u,v = uv return 1001 + u + 10 * v
[docs]def checkUdimValue(udim): if udim == None: return True if type(udim) == int: return True if type(udim) != tuple: return False u,v = udim if type(u) == int and type(v) == int: return True return False
[docs]def udimStr(s, label): return s.format(label)
[docs]class UDIMErrorDialog(QtWidgets.QDialog): def __init__(self, parent=None, error_msg="", udim_label="UDIM"): super(UDIMErrorDialog, self).__init__(parent) # Create widgets self.Text = QtWidgets.QTextEdit() self.OkButton = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Ok") hlayout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() spacer = QtWidgets.QSpacerItem(1, 1, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Minimum) hlayout.insertSpacerItem(0, spacer) hlayout.addWidget(self.OkButton) # Create layout and add widgets layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(self.Text) layout.addLayout(hlayout) # Set dialog layout self.setMinimumSize( 600, 400 ) self.setLayout(layout) self.setModal(True) self.setWindowTitle( udimStr("{0} files import error", udim_label)) # Set error message self.Text.setReadOnly(True) self.Text.setText(error_msg) # Add buttons signal self.OkButton.setSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Fixed, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Fixed) self.OkButton.clicked.connect(self.accept)
[docs]class UDIMFile: def __init__(self, udim, uv, filename): self.udim = udim self.uv = uv self.filename = filename self.enabled = True self.conflict = False
[docs]class TableDelegate(QtWidgets.QStyledItemDelegate):
[docs] def initStyleOption(self, option, index): QtWidgets.QStyledItemDelegate.initStyleOption(self, option, index) if index.column() == 1: option.textElideMode = QtCore.Qt.ElideLeft
[docs]class UDIMOptionsDialog(QtWidgets.QDialog): def __init__(self, parent=None, parsing_func=parseUdimFile, udim_label="UDIM"): super(UDIMOptionsDialog, self).__init__(parent) self.setWindowTitle(udim_label + " import") self.UdimMap = [] self.UdimConflict = False self.UdimParsingFunc = parsing_func self.cellChangedConnected = False self.ForceToExit = False self.ErrorMsg = None self.UdimLabel = udim_label # Create widgets self.UdimList = QtWidgets.QTableWidget(0, 3, self) self.AddFilesButton = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Add Files") self.ConflictLabel = QtWidgets.QLabel("") self.Separator = QtWidgets.QFrame() self.ReadModeComboBox = QtWidgets.QComboBox() self.PostageStampCheckBox = QtWidgets.QCheckBox("postage stamp") self.GroupNodesCheckBox = QtWidgets.QCheckBox("group nodes") self.OkButton = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Ok") self.CancelButton = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Cancel") # Setup tooltip self.PostageStampCheckBox.setToolTip( udimStr("Enable the node postage stamp generation for all {0} files.", self.UdimLabel) ) self.GroupNodesCheckBox.setToolTip( udimStr("Place all {0} files in a group.", self.UdimLabel) ) # Create layout and add widgets layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(self.UdimList) layout.addWidget(self.AddFilesButton) layout.addWidget(self.ConflictLabel) layout.addWidget(self.Separator) layout.addWidget(self.ReadModeComboBox) layout.addWidget(self.PostageStampCheckBox) layout.addWidget(self.GroupNodesCheckBox) hlayout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() hlayout.insertSpacerItem(0, QtWidgets.QSpacerItem(1, 1, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Minimum)) hlayout.addWidget(self.OkButton) hlayout.addWidget(self.CancelButton) layout.addLayout(hlayout) # Set dialog layout self.setMinimumSize(800, 400) self.setLayout(layout) self.setModal(True) self.Separator.setFrameShape(QtWidgets.QFrame.HLine) self.Separator.setFrameShadow(QtWidgets.QFrame.Sunken) self.AddFilesButton.setSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Fixed, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Fixed) self.OkButton.setSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Fixed, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Fixed) self.CancelButton.setSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Fixed, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Fixed) self.ReadModeComboBox.setSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Fixed, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Fixed) headerView = self.UdimList.horizontalHeader() headerView.setSectionResizeMode(0, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.Fixed) headerView.setSectionResizeMode(1, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.Stretch) headerView.setSectionResizeMode(2, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) self.UdimList.setItemDelegate(TableDelegate()) self.UdimList.setHorizontalHeaderLabels( [self.UdimLabel, "filename", ""] ) self.UdimList.setEditTriggers(QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView.NoEditTriggers) self.ReadModeComboBox.addItems( ["single read node", "multiple read nodes"] ) # Add buttons signal self.AddFilesButton.clicked.connect(self.importUdimFiles) self.OkButton.clicked.connect(self.accept) self.CancelButton.clicked.connect(self.reject) def updateTableWidget(self): self.UdimMap.sort(key=lambda udmFile: udmFile.udim) # validate all udim entry udimCountMap = {} self.UdimConflict = False # count the number of time a udim tile is been used for u in self.UdimMap: if u.enabled == False: continue if u.udim in udimCountMap: udimCountMap[u.udim] = udimCountMap[u.udim] + 1 self.UdimConflict = True else: udimCountMap[u.udim] = 1 # Disable the OK button in case of conflict self.OkButton.setEnabled(not self.UdimConflict) if self.UdimConflict : palette = QtGui.QPalette() palette.setColor(QtGui.QPalette.WindowText, QtCore.Qt.yellow) self.ConflictLabel.setText(udimStr("Conflict : multiple files with the same {0} number. Disable unnecessary files.", self.UdimLabel)) self.ConflictLabel.setPalette(palette) else: self.ConflictLabel.setText("Conflict : none") self.ConflictLabel.setPalette(QtGui.QPalette()) # Table cell changed if self.cellChangedConnected: self.UdimList.cellChanged.disconnect(self.cellChanged) self.cellChangedConnected = False # recreat the QT table self.UdimList.setRowCount( len(self.UdimMap) ) row = 0 for u in self.UdimMap: if u.uv == None: udim_id = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem( str(u.udim) ) else: u_coord,v_coord = u.uv udim_id = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem( "(%(u)02d,%(v)02d)" % {"u":u_coord, "v":v_coord} ) udim_filename = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem( u.filename ) if u.enabled and u.udim in udimCountMap and udimCountMap[u.udim] > 1: udim_id.setForeground(QtGui.QBrush(QtCore.Qt.yellow)) udim_filename.setForeground(QtGui.QBrush(QtCore.Qt.yellow)) checked = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem("") if u.enabled == True: checked.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Checked) else: checked.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Unchecked) udim_id.setForeground(QtGui.QBrush(QtCore.Qt.darkGray)) udim_filename.setForeground(QtGui.QBrush(QtCore.Qt.darkGray)) self.UdimList.setItem( row, 0, udim_id ) self.UdimList.setItem( row, 1, udim_filename ) self.UdimList.setItem( row, 2, checked ) row = row + 1 # Table cell changed self.UdimList.cellChanged.connect(self.cellChanged) self.cellChangedConnected = True def cellChanged(self, row, column): if column == 2: checked = self.UdimList.item(row, column) if checked.checkState() == QtCore.Qt.Checked: self.UdimMap[row].enabled = True else: self.UdimMap[row].enabled = False # regenerate table self.updateTableWidget() def addUdimFile(self, udim_file): # avoid to add the same file if present for u in self.UdimMap: if u.filename == udim_file.filename: return self.UdimMap.append(udim_file) def importUdimFiles(self): default_dir = None # get all files files = nuke.getClipname( "Read File(s)", default=default_dir, multiple=True ) if files == None: if len(self.UdimMap) == 0: self.ForceToExit = True return warning_msg = "" # save the new files in the internal map for f in files: # the file could be a sequence split it sequences = splitInSequence(f) for s in sequences: if os.path.isfile(s) == False: continue # parse the udim file udim = self.UdimParsingFunc(s) # check the parsing function result if checkUdimValue(udim) == False: self.reject() self.ErrorMsg = udimStr("Error. Wrong type returned by {0} parsing function.",self.UdimLabel ) raise ValueError(self.ErrorMsg) if udim == None: warning_msg = warning_msg + s + "\n" warning = True else: uv = None udim_value = 0 try: udim_value = int(udim) except TypeError: udim_value = uv2udim(udim) uv = udim self.addUdimFile(UDIMFile(udim_value, uv, s)) # show a warning message in case of problems if len(warning_msg) > 0: errorMsg = udimStr( "The following files do not contain a valid {0} number: \n\n" + warning_msg, self.UdimLabel ) udimLabel = self.UdimLabel e = UDIMErrorDialog(error_msg = errorMsg, udim_label = udimLabel) e.exec_() # regenerate table self.updateTableWidget()
[docs]def splitInSequence(f): # a file is a sequence if it is expressed in this way: # filename.####.ext 1-10 # filename_####.ext 1-10 # filename####.ext 1-10 idx = f.find('#') if idx == -1: return [f] # find the sub string that needs to be substituted with the frame number subst = '' for x in range(idx, len(f)): if f[x] != '#': break subst = subst + '#' # split the file name in filename,frange sfile = f.split(' ') # get the frame range try : frame_range = nuke.FrameRange( sfile[1] ) except ValueError: return [f] args = "%(#)0" + str(len(subst)) + "d" sequences = [] for r in frame_range: # replace in filename the pattern #### with the right frame range filename = sfile[0].replace( subst, args % {"#":r} ) sequences.append( filename ) return sequences
[docs]def findNextName(name): i = 1 while nuke.toNode ( name + str(i) ) != None: i += 1 return name + str(i)
[docs]def allign_nodes(nodes, base): # allign an array of node over a node nodeSize = 100 left = right = nodes[0].xpos() top = bottom = nodes[0].ypos() for n in nodes: if n.Class() == "Dot": continue if n.xpos() < left: left = n.xpos() if n.xpos() > right: right = n.xpos() if n.ypos() < top: top = n.ypos() if n.ypos() > bottom: bottom = n.ypos() xpos = base.xpos() ypos = base.ypos() for n in nodes: x = n.xpos() - right y = n.ypos() - bottom n.setXYpos( x + xpos, y + ypos - nodeSize )
[docs]def udim_group(nodes): # collaspe all udim tree nodes in a group for n in nodes: n["selected"].setValue ( True ) group_node = nuke.collapseToGroup(False) group_node.autoplace() return group_node
[docs]def udim_import( udim_parsing_func = parseUdimFile, udim_column_label = "UDIM" ): """ Imports a sequence of UDIM files and creates the node material tree needed. This function simplifies the process of importing textures. It generates a tree of nodes which adjusts the texture coordinates at rendering time for a model containing multiple texture tiles. In general a tile texture coordinate can be expressed with a single value(UDIM) or with a tuple(ST or UV). The udim_import function can decode a UDIM number from a filename. To determine the tile coordinate encoding for a generic filename convention, the udim_import script can use an external parsing function. The redefined parsing function needs to decode a filename string and return the udim or the u,v tile coordinate as an integer or tuple of integers. It should return None if the tile coordinate id can not be determined. @param udim_parsing_func: The parsing function. This parses a filename string and returns a tile id. @param udim_column_label: The name of the column in the dialog box used to show the tile id. @return: None """ # get the UDIM sequence p = UDIMOptionsDialog(parsing_func = udim_parsing_func, udim_label = udim_column_label) try: p.importUdimFiles() except ValueError as e: nuke.message(str(e)) return if p.ForceToExit: return result = p.exec_() if result == False: if p.ErrorMsg != None: nuke.message(p.ErrorMsg) return UdimMap = p.UdimMap postagestamp = p.PostageStampCheckBox.isChecked() makegroup = p.GroupNodesCheckBox.isChecked() makesingleread = (p.ReadModeComboBox.currentIndex() == 0) uvtile = [] nodes = [] read_node_width = 80 dot_node_width = 12 read_node_height = 78 dot_node_height = 12 frame_hold_width = 80 frame_hold_height = 28 other_node_height = 18 if postagestamp == False: read_node_height = 28 h_spacing = 30 v_spacing = 20 udim_file_count = 0 # check all valid udim file for u in UdimMap: # skip disabled udim if u.enabled == False: continue if os.path.isfile(u.filename) == False: u.enabled = False continue udim_file_count += 1 # nothing to do if udim_file_count == 0: return if udim_file_count == 1: makesingleread = False selected_nodes = nuke.selectedNodes() # deselect all nodes, needed for the group creation for n in selected_nodes: n["selected"].setValue ( False ) groupBaseName = None single_read_node = None udim_file_sequence = "" sequence_index = 1 parent_dot_frame_hold = None # create a single read node that keep all udim files if makesingleread: single_read_node = nuke.nodes.Read() parent_dot_frame_hold = single_read_node for u in UdimMap: # skip disabled udim if u.enabled == False: continue # split the tuble udim = u.udim uv = u.uv img = u.filename if groupBaseName == None: groupBaseName = os.path.basename(img) xpos = None ypos = None udim_node = None # compose the sequence of udim files if single_read_node != None: udim_file_sequence += img + "\n" # create the dot that connect the single read to the frame hold node frame_hold_xpos = single_read_node.xpos() + (frame_hold_width + h_spacing) * (sequence_index-1) dot_node = nuke.nodes.Dot( xpos = frame_hold_xpos + (frame_hold_width - dot_node_width) / 2, ypos = single_read_node.ypos() + read_node_height + v_spacing ) dot_node.setInput(0, parent_dot_frame_hold) parent_dot_frame_hold = dot_node # create the frame hold node udim_node = nuke.nodes.FrameHold( xpos = frame_hold_xpos, ypos = dot_node.ypos() + dot_node_height + v_spacing ) udim_node['first_frame'].setValue(sequence_index) udim_node.setInput(0, dot_node) xpos = udim_node.xpos() ypos = udim_node.ypos() + frame_hold_height + v_spacing nodes.append(dot_node) # next udim file inside sequence sequence_index += 1 else: # create the read node udim_node = nuke.nodes.Read() udim_node['file'].setValue( img ) udim_node['postage_stamp'].setValue( postagestamp ) udim_node.autoplace() xpos = udim_node.xpos() ypos = udim_node.ypos() + read_node_height + v_spacing # create the UV Tile node uvtile_node = nuke.nodes.UVTile2(xpos=xpos, ypos=ypos) uvtile_node.setInput(0, udim_node) if uv == None: uvtile_node['udim_enable'].setValue(True) uvtile_node['udim'].setValue(udim) else: u,v = uv uvtile_node['tile_u'].setValue( u ) uvtile_node['tile_v'].setValue( v ) uvtile.append(uvtile_node) nodes.append(udim_node) nodes.append(uvtile_node) if (len(uvtile) == 0): return if single_read_node != None: single_read_node['file'].setValue("[lindex [knob sequence] [expr [frame]-1]]") single_read_node['postage_stamp'].setValue( postagestamp ) single_read_node['sequence'].setValue(udim_file_sequence) single_read_node['last'].setValue(sequence_index-1) single_read_node['origlast'].setValue(sequence_index-1) latest_merge = uvtile[0] if len(uvtile) > 1: xpos = latest_merge.xpos() ypos = latest_merge.ypos() + other_node_height + v_spacing dot_node = nuke.nodes.Dot( xpos=xpos + (read_node_width - dot_node_width) / 2, ypos=ypos + (other_node_height - dot_node_height) / 2) dot_node.setInput(0, latest_merge) nodes.append(dot_node) latest_merge = dot_node for x in range(1, len(uvtile)): xpos = uvtile[x].xpos() ypos = uvtile[x].ypos() + other_node_height + v_spacing mergemat_node = nuke.nodes.MergeMat(xpos=xpos, ypos=ypos) mergemat_node.setInput(0, latest_merge) mergemat_node.setInput(1, uvtile[x]) latest_merge = mergemat_node nodes.append(mergemat_node) # enable the multi texture udim optimization only for the root # node of the udim shading tree if len(uvtile) > 1: xpos = latest_merge.xpos() ypos = latest_merge.ypos() + other_node_height + v_spacing multitexture = nuke.nodes.MultiTexture(xpos=xpos, ypos=ypos) multitexture.setInput(0, latest_merge) latest_merge = multitexture nodes.append(latest_merge) for n in nodes: n["selected"].setValue ( True ) if makegroup == True: latest_merge = udim_group( nodes ) # set the group name split = re.split("[._]+", groupBaseName) name = split[0] latest_merge.setName( findNextName(name) ) nodes = [] nodes.append( latest_merge ) if single_read_node != None: single_read_node["selected"].setValue ( True ) if len(selected_nodes) == 1: if single_read_node != None: nodes.append(single_read_node) allign_nodes( nodes, selected_nodes[0] ) for n in selected_nodes: n["selected"].setValue ( True ) if n.Class() == 'ReadGeo2': n.setInput(0, latest_merge)