Source code for nukescripts.misc

# Copyright (c) 2009 The Foundry Visionmongers Ltd.  All Rights Reserved.

import os
import random
import textwrap

import nuke_internal as nuke

from .edit import cut_paste_file

[docs]def copy_knobs(args): for node in nuke.selectedNodes(recursive=True): thisGroup = node.parent() if( thisGroup is not nuke.root() and ( thisGroup.locked() or thisGroup.subgraphLocked() ) ): raise RuntimeError("Can't paste knob values because " + + " is locked") for node in nuke.selectedNodes(recursive=True): thisGroup = node.parent() selNodes = thisGroup.selectedNodes() groupCopy = nuke.nodes.Group(name = "____tempcopyknobgroup__") with groupCopy: nuke.nodePaste(cut_paste_file()) excludedKnobs = ["name", "xpos", "ypos"] try: for i in groupCopy.nodes(): for j in selNodes: k1 = i.knobs() k2 = j.knobs() intersection = dict([(item, k1[item]) for item in list(k1.keys()) if item not in excludedKnobs and item in k2]) for k in list(intersection.keys()): x1 = i[k] x2 = j[k] x2.fromScript(x1.toScript()) except Exception as e: nuke.delete(groupCopy) raise e nuke.delete(groupCopy)
[docs]def connect_selected_to_viewer(inputIndex): """ Connect the selected node to the given input index of the active viewer. This method has various outcomes determined by order of fallback: 1. Attempt to connect the active viewer within the current DAG window (excludes viewers in a group with a closed group view). If no node is selected, only select the active viewer. 2. If no active viewer is found, connect any viewer in the selected node's parent group. If there are none, create a viewer within the group and connect it. 3. If no node is selected, select any viewer in nuke.lastHitGroup. If there are none, create a viewer within lastHitGroup and select it. :param inputIndex: the input index of the viewer. :type inputIndex: int """ selection = None for node in nuke.selectedNodes(recursive=True): if node.Class() != 'Viewer': selection = node break viewerInActiveGroup = False viewer = nuke.activeViewer() if viewer: def isWithinGroup(group, parentGroup): while group: if group == parentGroup: return True if group.knob("show_group_view") and group.knob("show_group_view").getValue() == False: return False group = group.parent() return False viewerInActiveGroup = isWithinGroup(viewer.node().parent(), nuke.activeGroup()) if viewerInActiveGroup: groupContext = viewer.node().parent() elif selection: groupContext = selection.parent() else: groupContext = nuke.lastHitGroup() with groupContext: nuke.connectViewer(inputIndex, selection)
[docs]def clear_selection_recursive(group = nuke.root()): """Sets all nodes to unselected, including in child groups.""" for n in group.selectedNodes(): n.setSelected(False) groups = [i for i in group.nodes() if i.Class() == 'Group'] for i in groups: clear_selection_recursive(i)
[docs]def goofy_title(): """Returns a random message for use as an untitled script name. Can be assigned to nuke.untitled as a callable. Put a goofy_title.txt somewhere in your NUKE_PATH to customise.""" goofyFile = None for dir in nuke.pluginPath(): fileName = os.path.join(dir, "goofy_title.txt") if os.path.exists(fileName): goofyFile = fileName break if goofyFile is None: return "Missing goofy_title.txt" file = open(goofyFile) lines = file.readlines() file.close() lines = [line.strip() for line in lines] lines = [line for line in lines if len(line) > 0 and line[0] != '#'] if len(lines) < 1: return "Empty goofy_title.txt" return random.choice(lines)
[docs]def declone(node): if node.clones() == 0: return args = node.writeKnobs(nuke.WRITE_ALL | nuke.WRITE_USER_KNOB_DEFS | nuke.WRITE_NON_DEFAULT_ONLY | nuke.TO_SCRIPT) with node.parent(): newnode = nuke.createNode(node.Class(), knobs = args) nuke.inputs(newnode, nuke.inputs(node)) num_inputs = nuke.inputs(node) for i in range(num_inputs): newnode.setInput(i, node.input(i)) node.setInput(0, newnode) nuke.delete(node)
[docs]def showname(): '''Shows the current script path and, if the selected node is a Read or Write node, the filename from it.''' # get the nuke script path # we always need this nukescript = nuke.value("") # look if there is a selected node # if not, output the script only p = nuke.Panel("Current Info", 500) nodes = nuke.selectedNodes(recursive=True) if nodes: selectedNode = nodes[0] if selectedNode.Class() == "Read" or selectedNode.Class() == "Write": a = nuke.value(".first", nuke.value("root.first_frame")) b = nuke.value(".last", nuke.value("root.last_frame")) curfile = selectedNode.knob("file").value()+" "+str(a)+"-"+str(b) p.addSingleLineInput("Filename", curfile) p.addSingleLineInput("Script", nukescript) return p.addSingleLineInput("Script", nukescript)
[docs]def swapAB(n): """Swaps the first two inputs of a node.""" thisGroup = nuke.thisGroup() if thisGroup is not nuke.root() and ( thisGroup.locked() or thisGroup.subgraphLocked() ) : lockedReason = "published" if thisGroup.subgraphLocked() else "locked" raise RuntimeError("Can't swap nodes because " + + " is " + lockedReason) if max(n.inputs(), n.minimumInputs()) > 1: a = n.input(0) n.setInput(0, n.input(1)) n.setInput(1, a)